Wrestlemania 27 - Undertaker vs Triple H - NO DQ STREAK MATCH

Is Taker vs HHH lacking the expectation & anticipation Taker vs HBK had?

  • True....that makes me wonder as well....

  • Considering they'll have to follow not one but TWO HBK vs Taker matches? Unsurprising.

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Fucks sake, why are people getting their panties in a bunch over Triple H and Undertaker wrestling. The feud has JUST STARTED, fucking let it play out and watch the match at WrestleMania first before we all shit all over it.

What would you guys rather? Husky Harris vs The Undertaker? or some other bullshit match just because we havn't seen them go at it before.

Besides John Cena, Triple and The Undertaker are the two best in the WWE and they'll be two of the best ever. As I said before, the feud just started and I garantee in the next couple of weeks it will really heat up with Triple H probably trying to attack Undertaker on SmackDown and Undertaker coming to RAW to get Triple H. It will be just fine guys, stop bitching about Triple H being a cancer or some shit, he's apparantly trying to make developmental stuff better to have better quality young guys coming in. He's trying to do the right thing.
Fucks sake, why are people getting their panties in a bunch over Triple H and Undertaker wrestling. The feud has JUST STARTED, fucking let it play out and watch the match at WrestleMania first before we all shit all over it.

You should swear more in your posts. Makes people take them much more seriously.

What would you guys rather? Husky Harris vs The Undertaker? or some other bullshit match just because we havn't seen them go at it before.

As opposed to the same, tired, boring junk we're getting? Yes, sign me up for something new.

Besides John Cena, Triple and The Undertaker are the two best in the WWE and they'll be two of the best ever. As I said before, the feud just started and I garantee in the next couple of weeks it will really heat up with Triple H probably trying to attack Undertaker on SmackDown and Undertaker coming to RAW to get Triple H. It will be just fine guys, stop bitching about Triple H being a cancer or some shit, he's apparantly trying to make developmental stuff better to have better quality young guys coming in. He's trying to do the right thing.

If 'trying to do the right thing' involves burying Sheamus and thumbing his 12 lb nose at the fans looking for the culmination of their feud, no thanks.
I've read reports from weeks earlier that the WWE had interest. And again, if they had tried and failed, do you honestly think anyone would tell the world that they failed?

They wouldn't have, this is true. I'm just saying that the idea of him coming was never reported by anyone with any credibility.
This quote from Jim Ross' blog made me think that there were at least discussions on some level:

Sting Back In TNA: "That Sting vs. Undertaker WM27 match that many just knew was going to happen at WM27 looks a little 'iffy.' Seriously, I said many times that I did not think that Sting would likely venture into WWE at this point in his career. All people have 'comfort zones,' including yours truly, that we are reluctant to leave. In hindsight, at least in my view, more often than not and especially for veterans the 'comfort zone' thing isn't a negative."

This means absolutely nothing to me.

I don't. Not even a little bit. I would have preferred they actually do something with the storylines they had going for each guy, rather than dismissing them and the fans who have followed those storylines.

I see what you mean but at the same time, Triple H vs Sheamus Part 2 and Undertaker vs Wade Barrett don't really scream Wrestlemania matches to me either. It's the big show and you have to have big time matches.

Knowing it and doing it are two different things. If you think Taker and HH can come close to the last two matches with HBK than you're a more optimistic man than I am.

I don't think they could either, but they could very well match the quality of say Edge vs Undertaker or Batista vs Undertaker the previous 2 years, both of which were extremely good matches.

You've lost me here.

Since when does HHH make it a point to put young talent over?

Chris Beniot
John Cena
Randy Orton
You mean Sheamus?

Yeah, sure looked like it Monday night...

Yeah, ok. The dude got a 10 month long rub off of putting HHH on the shelf. Was he not suppose to get his retribution when he came back? Furthermore, I don't think this feud is necessarily over.

The sooner this cancer is off my TV, the better.

The retirement stipulation is the only reason I could possibly care about this Wrestlemania Rewind

Well I doubt that's going to happen and when he does start to put these young guys over, I only hope that these blind marks who haven't been paying attention for the past 5 years take notice.

All the same, thanks for the conversation.
Oh goody...another proponent of the "Triple H never puts people over" bullshit. This stuff never ceases to amuse me. By beating the shit out of Sheamus Monday, getting revenge for his injury, a perfectly legit way to end that feud, he buried him? Well, by that logic, then Mark Henry never puts anyone over either, because he beat Sheamus the week before. HHH has put lots of wrestlers over, its just that his haters refuse to acknowledge it. Goldberg, Batista, Cena, Orton, Jeff Hardy, Benoit and Sheamus have all been victorious over the Game. And they weren't top level stars yet when they did it. But Goldberg!!! Goldberg didn't do jack shit in the WWF/E, his WCW run counts for absolutely nothing as far as the WWF/E goes. Shelton Benjamin of all people has cleanly pinned HHH in the middle of the ring, more than once. His Wrestlemania record is a mediocre 6-7, and after this Mania, will drop to 6-8. A guy that doesn't ever put anyone over would have a record of say...19-0 after this year's event. Not naming any names, but when it comes to the grandest stage of them all, and the topic of not putting anyone over, a 6-8 record tells you one thing, and a 19-0 record tells you quite another. When it matters the most, Triple H has LOST more times than he won...yet, he never puts anyone over, apparently. I guess giving Batista and Orton a huge rub in Evolution, and then losing to both of them after Evolution breaks up isn't putting them over either, is it? Benoit won the title against both HHH and HBK (wait, I thought NEITHER of them ever put anyone over???).

Triple H puts people over, and there is an abundance of evidence to back it up. Drop it already.
All you guys mentioning revenge for shawn michaels need to realise HHH made no mention of this at all, so you are just making things up, its not a reason for the feud. Infact this cannor even be classified as a feud. Its just a match. How creative.
The deadman is 18-0 at wrestlemania. That's the reason, and at this point that's really all the reason they need. Kayfabe that kind of dominance is unprecidented. It has gotten to the point where the major highlight of wrestlemania is who will get a shot to "end the streak" and there are only a handful of guys who would be legitimate threat's to the streak (Orton, Cena, HHH).. Orton and Cena are in feuds with young talent, HHH is the one guy left. Some people say Wade Barrett could have feuded with Taker, but if that feud happened would anyone really give Barrett a chance in hell to win? It would generate zero intrest, and as great as guys like The Miz , (and even CM Punk to an extent) have not been around long enough to really draw for the MAIN EVENT of a wrestlemania. You have 2 guys who are either in there first or second wrestlemania match in the main event. You need that proven main event, HHH vs Taker is safe.. If Miz/ Del Rio bomb they can always save the card with HHH vs Taker.

Again though, they have built up the streak so much that it's the only real reason you NEED to have someone feud with taker at mania. Ending the streak kayfabe would be the single biggest accomplishment a superstar could achieve at the moment, even bigger than unifying the titles in my opinon.
Why does anyone generally feud with The Undertaker at WrestleMania? They want to end The Streak, that's why.

As for all the little bits and pieces that fall into place in order to make a feud, its backstory and the match itself have meaning, that's what build up is for. We've had one promo from Triple H on Raw and I'm sure The Undertaker will have one this Friday on SmackDown! to push things along. Over the course of the next several weeks, the feud will become more intense as we move closer to WrestleMania. Any special stipulations that the match may have will be included as part of that build up, the interraction between Triple H & Taker will become more heated and overall interest in seeing the match take place will rise accordingly.

It's a shame that this actually has to be pointed out because it shows just how impatient so many fans today are.
It may also illustrate that many people - myself included - just don't care about this match and find it all to be a very disappointing Plan C idea.

If you don't care about this match that's your problem. The WWE has put together two of their biggest superstars ever to create what will definitely be a huge Wrestlemania moment.

It baffles me why anyone would say they don't care about this feud. First off, it's only been one week since the feud was started with that stare down, you're not supposed to be totally engrossed in it yet. Perhaps you just haven't given the feud the proper time to develop to be interested in it yet. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Furthermore, this is Triple H and Undertaker. They have already had an terrific Wrestlemania match and this one only promises to be better. They are, without a doubt, the two biggest legends left in the WWE today, and to not have these two wrestling titans clash would be nearly criminal on the WWE's part. There is no better opponent for the Undertaker right now than Triple H, and there is no better opponent right now for Triple H than the Undertaker, and that's a fact.

Oh, and on a side note: Triple H did not bury Sheamus on Monday night. In fact, Triple H may have given Sheamus the biggest rub he's gotten since he last held the WWE Championship. Sheamus is obviously being booked as being on a cold streak, and getting beaten down by Triple H (after a low blow, mind you) is going to add to his character's frustration. I suspect we'll see this frustration explode in the near future (as it almost did with Daniel Bryan a week ago) and it will set up a Wrestlemania match for Sheamus. Buried people don't get Wrestlemania matches, and I promise you that we will see Sheamus in a match at Wrestlemania.
If you don't care about this match that's your problem.

Yep. My 'problem'. The 'problem' being that I have no interest in a Wrestlemania 17 Rewind that will be less than a match I saw nearly a decade ago.

The WWE has put together two of their biggest superstars ever to create what will definitely be a huge Wrestlemania moment.

It baffles me why anyone would say they don't care about this feud. First off, it's only been one week since the feud was started with that stare down, you're not supposed to be totally engrossed in it yet. Perhaps you just haven't given the feud the proper time to develop to be interested in it yet. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day.[/quote]

They've put together two of their oldest performers in a rehash of a match played out years ago, for no reason other than they couldn't put together anything better. This is Plan C and I see it for what it is - Plan C.

Furthermore, this is Triple H and Undertaker. They have already had an terrific Wrestlemania match and this one only promises to be better. They are, without a doubt, the two biggest legends left in the WWE today, and to not have these two wrestling titans clash would be nearly criminal on the WWE's part. There is no better opponent for the Undertaker right now than Triple H, and there is no better opponent right now for Triple H than the Undertaker, and that's a fact.

Sorry, but that's your opinion. Nothing more. I'd rather see young talent work with the old talent than to get a repeat of what I've seen plenty of time before.

And if you think that nearly a decade later that this match will be 'better'? You're really in for a disappointment. Not to mention the fact that we've gotten great matches the last two years from 'Taker and HBK, two guys that can actually work. Compare that to this year? Get ready for the letdown.

Oh, and on a side note: Triple H did not bury Sheamus on Monday night. In fact, Triple H may have given Sheamus the biggest rub he's gotten since he last held the WWE Championship. Sheamus is obviously being booked as being on a cold streak, and getting beaten down by Triple H (after a low blow, mind you) is going to add to his character's frustration. I suspect we'll see this frustration explode in the near future (as it almost did with Daniel Bryan a week ago) and it will set up a Wrestlemania match for Sheamus. Buried people don't get Wrestlemania matches, and I promise you that we will see Sheamus in a match at Wrestlemania.

Really? Sure looked like another classic HHH burial to me. And I fully expect Sheamus to get the blame for 'not getting over' after this burial too, just like the rest of the folks that the son-in-law has done it to.

So Sheamus may get 'a match at Wrestlemania'? What? Some throwaway match against Mark Henry or some other also-ran? Great. Make a weak Wrestlemania card worse by shoving a disgraced Sheamus out there in a meaningless match, ignoring the fact that he just got embarrassed and destroyed a few weeks earlier and did nothing about it. Great idea. Maybe you should write for WWE?

Maybe we'll even 'see' US Champ Daniel Bryan there in some meaningless appearance too? Or IC Champ Kofi Kingston thrown in for good measure?

Sounds great, where do I line up with the rest of the sheep to fork over my money?
Seriously, what is everyone expecting here?? Clearly 'Taker's streak hs become a major selling point for these shows over the years. WWE's booking department, needs 'Taker to face someone who is clearly a threat to him. Would it be Barrett? No, because he's been taken out by Cena, and humiliated by Punk. Kane?? Let's not go there.

Hopefully 'Taker's issues will be addressed after 'Mania.

The feud is just fine so far, they still have a month to go. Much like many have, I too have had a problem with Triple H's promo, completely and utterly burying the ENTIRE lockeroom, and people accuse Bret Hart of having an ego. Just because people don't act the same way they did in the mid to late 90's, they're not worthy. Now HHH did make a few good points, and if he has opinions of the other talent, that's fine, he's entitled to them, but going outright and saying none of them are worthy. You know, I have a love/hate complex when it comes to HHH, I truly want to believe that a lot of the burials that occured under his watch were merely conincidence and bad booking. But a part of me knows, that part of it wasn't the case.

I mean, when you bury the lockeroom, you got poor Miz back there, a guy who's been representing the company and the championship like a consumate professional, one of the many things HHH has complained that the boys don't do. And Cena, wether you love him or you hate him, has also done his best to represent the WWE.

But the fact is, this is the best case scenario for either the Deadman or HHH. Because there previous issues just won't sell. The writers couldn't be bothered to try and continue booking Sheamus strongly. And Barrett & Kane are no threats to 'Taker. So why on earth SHOULDN'T these two feud. They understand what the grandest stage of them all means, that's the big selling point, these two are all about carving there legacy in stone, heck that's been HHH's selling point for many years.
As far as I know, this match is not going to be for Triple H's career and that makes the match all that much better in my estimation.

You see, as some people may know already, Triple H is my favourite superstar. He has been for the better part of 12 years and will be for however long as he feels he has left. He is the main reason why I continue to watch the WWE programming and has been a continual source of entertainment since I started watching wrestling.

That is why it was with great sadness that I looked up his match with Taker at WrestleMania. Triple H is not going to win in a match with The Undertaker for his career. Let's face it, if Mr. WrestleMania couldn't beat the Undertaker with two attempts, what chance does Triple H stand in the eyes of the IWC? I am his biggest fan and even I couldn't believe that he would be going over. To me, it just screamed “convenient” if Triple H's career was on the line. It was a way of retiring Triple H and putting Taker over once more. For me, the match only gets better because Triple H now has something to gain from the match. If he wins the match, then he can continue on in his career saying that he was the man who beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania. I know that the same is true a match where his career is on the line but this way, it is not as clear-cut.

With Triple H just doing it for the challenge, I think it is more original. I mean, Shawn Michaels would have had the exact same match with the exact same stipulation last year if it was for Triple H's career at this year's event. It would be like watching a replay of last year's main event and although it was a fabulous match, I don't want Triple H going into the match as a predictable loser.

Funnily enough, I reckon Triple H has more of a chance now that his career is not on the line and it also means that I don't have to worry about losing my favourite wrestler to the same fate as someone else. Win-win!
I hope HBK ends up as Special Guest Referee to make it even more interesting, making people believe that he could screw Taker over and end the undefeated streak, or will he betray his own best friend and help Taker win to keep the streak?

that would make this match more interesting and I think WWE needs to have HBK involved in this match.
HHH VS Taker at Mania has potential to steal the show, and if it does we will see part 2 next year, for the simple fact that HHH career is not on the line and he did say during his last promo that he will die trying to stop the streak. And I really don't see how HBK can be involve in this match. He gave his word to Taker and the fans that he is retired, so if he was the ref and he cheats Taker of the match we may see a riot, and if he kicks HHH by mistake that will open the door for HHH VS HBK at Summer Slam. So HBK losses either way if he is involve in this match and it will take away from his HOF induction. And another thing HHH never said he was doing it for HBK.
As far as I know, this match is not going to be for Triple H's career and that makes the match all that much better in my estimation.

You see, as some people may know already, Triple H is my favourite superstar. He has been for the better part of 12 years and will be for however long as he feels he has left. He is the main reason why I continue to watch the WWE programming and has been a continual source of entertainment since I started watching wrestling.

That is why it was with great sadness that I looked up his match with Taker at WrestleMania. Triple H is not going to win in a match with The Undertaker for his career. Let's face it, if Mr. WrestleMania couldn't beat the Undertaker with two attempts, what chance does Triple H stand in the eyes of the IWC? I am his biggest fan and even I couldn't believe that he would be going over. To me, it just screamed “convenient” if Triple H's career was on the line. It was a way of retiring Triple H and putting Taker over once more. For me, the match only gets better because Triple H now has something to gain from the match. If he wins the match, then he can continue on in his career saying that he was the man who beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania. I know that the same is true a match where his career is on the line but this way, it is not as clear-cut.

With Triple H just doing it for the challenge, I think it is more original. I mean, Shawn Michaels would have had the exact same match with the exact same stipulation last year if it was for Triple H's career at this year's event. It would be like watching a replay of last year's main event and although it was a fabulous match, I don't want Triple H going into the match as a predictable loser.

Funnily enough, I reckon Triple H has more of a chance now that his career is not on the line and it also means that I don't have to worry about losing my favourite wrestler to the same fate as someone else. Win-win!

I think it's the other way around, mate. Look at the victims list:

1. Jimmy Snuka (WM 7)
2. Jake Roberts (WM 8)
3. Giant Gonzales (WM 9)
4. King Kong Bundy (WM 11)
5. Diesel (WM 12)
6. Sid (WM 13)
7. Kane (WM 14 & WM 20)
8. Big Boss Man (WM 15)
9. Triple H (WM 17)
10. Ric Flair (WM 18)
11. Big Show (WM 19)
12. A-Train (WM 19)
13. Randy Orton (WM 21)
14. Mark Henry (WM 22)
15. Batista (WM 23)
16. Edge (WM 24)
17. Shawn Michaels (WM 25 & 26)

Going 19-0 but only defeating 17 men is beyond ridiculous, not to mention out of those 17 names only 12 of them are credible names seeing how Gonzales, Bundy, A-Train, Boss Man, and Henry got added only because Vince had a hard on seeing them. At least with Career vs Streak, the lack of new credibilities which could be gained by defeating new credible faces can be covered cause Taker retired HHH.

I repeat, if Taker goes 19-0 by defeating only 17 men, The Streak would look incredibly moronic. I hope they really do Career vs Streak.
I hope HBK ends up as Special Guest Referee to make it even more interesting, making people believe that he could screw Taker over and end the undefeated streak, or will he betray his own best friend and help Taker win to keep the streak?

that would make this match more interesting and I think WWE needs to have HBK involved in this match.

HBK already said he will stay away from the match:


And rightfully so. Class act right there.

I really don't understand why many fans feel it IS indeed necessary for Shawn Michaels to be involved.

I mean, doesn't anyone realize Shawn Michaels will only serve as an unneeded swerve and creating buzz of a screw-job? Thus making the quality of the match virtually forgotten and overlook? Just look at the three matches that suffered from Michaels' participation as special ref despite all of the matches being a wrestling clinic: Taker vs Bret Hart at Summerslam 1997, Rock vs HHH at Smackdown! 1999, and Rock vs HHH at Judgment Day 2000.

Is Taker vs Bret at Summerslam 1997 remembered as a wrestling classic? No, it is remembered as the match where HBK vowed not to screw anyone but accidentaly screwed The Undertaker thus starting their feud. I can't recall the time where someone in WS actually mentioned how good the wrestling clinic was.

Rock vs HHH at Smackdown! 1999 isn't remembered for the MOTYC quality. It's remembered for HBK screwing Rock despite being ref to help HHH retain the title.

And same with The Iron Man match at JD 2000 where almost everyone basically waited for HBK to screw Rock. The match is perhaps the best match HHH & Rock had together, better than their match at Summerslam 1998. But is the match even remembered as such? No, it is remembered as the match where Undertaker returned as The American Bad *** and HBK screwed Rock thx to bad call before being chased by The Undertaker to the ramp to save his ****. Whenever I see people talking about best Iron Man matches, I can hardly recall this match came up. It's always Bret/HBK or Angle/Lesnar, or even Orton/Cena. And what a shame, because this match is a legendary match yet seemingly forgotten.

I know the plan for involving Shawn Michaels isn't HBK's fault at all, it's WWE's fault. I just hope Mr. Michaels have the decency to refuse participating as special ref or enforcer. Don't mind if he goes as guest announcer or blends in the crowd or even have him in the storyline and support HHH as long as he isn't directly involved in the ring, always respect and love him, BTW.

I find it stupid and ironic if the rematch from 10 years later become the fourth underrated classic because of Mr. Wrestlemania himself and a cheap thrill. I'm not dreaming and joking when I say Taker vs HHH can be an era defining match like Hogan/Warrior, Rock/Austin, or lately Taker/HBK. But in order to do that they will need exactly no swerve at any cost.
Although this will be the best match of the night in the caliber of performers in the ring. Both will put on an epic match. However I see this going in favor to Undertaker and setting up his retirement at Wrestlemania 28 which will be the 20th Wrestlemania Match he will be competeing in and I see that his opponent will be John Cena unfortunately but thats who my pick of who is either going to be the defeated 20th or end the streak itself.
Why do they refer to themself as the last to left, What bout Kane and Big Show those guys were around during the same time they were. Im sure you can fish out someother big names. Besids H already lost to taker and 0 refrnce made to that so far. To many holes in this story.
That's one major problem with this match so far. Storyline has been awful and feels very tacked on. Like as if not much thought was put into it. Kind of like Cena/Miz. Hopefully it turns out to be a good match but in terms of storyline...terrible.
Although this will be the best match of the night in the caliber of performers in the ring. Both will put on an epic match. However I see this going in favor to Undertaker and setting up his retirement at Wrestlemania 28 which will be the 20th Wrestlemania Match he will be competeing in and I see that his opponent will be John Cena unfortunately but thats who my pick of who is either going to be the defeated 20th or end the streak itself.

Seeing how this Wrestlemania 27 has been shaping to be horrible since last year but WWE still refused to book Cena vs Taker (just like they booked HHH vs Taker somehow), I think it's pretty much a given that we will never see Undertaker vs John Cena at any Wrestlemania in this lifetime.

And I don't understand this IWC delusion that The Undertaker will definitely retire after going 20-0. Mark Calaway himself said last year he's not retiring in the near future. Even Jr mentioned Taker is able to go until WM 30.

There will be no retirement whatsoever next year at WM 28 expect for Edge. And I'm dying to see Undertaker vs Jericho at Wrestlemania.
Why do they refer to themself as the last to left, What bout Kane and Big Show those guys were around during the same time they were. Im sure you can fish out someother big names. Besids H already lost to taker and 0 refrnce made to that so far. To many holes in this story.

Kane has been Kane (not his other gimmicks) since 1997, Big Show debuted in 1999, of course HHH & Taker have obviously been staying longer than the two of them, not to mention being the bigger legends and successful stars overall.

And WWE won't mention their encounter at Wrestlemania 17. Just look at both HBK vs Taker at WM 25 & 26, they didn't mention the two's encounter in the 1990's, even Cole pointed their WM 25 encounter only when they were building the WM 26 match.

And yes, so far this storyline seems lame.
I see Taker winning this match, I think it was great how they both came out at their own time, Triple H looking like the 'good' guy as well, The match is normal, and not a no DQ match like their Mania match 10 years ago, I do believe HHH works better under hardcore rules but he can also work a good match in a standard match, I can't wait to see this match and I think it will be a good match.. Now that the Streak has been talked about sooo much in recent years it should put a lot on Taker..

Taker to win though in a 20+ min back and forth battle..
The only thing I'm looking forward to is the retirement stipulation.

When HHH loses, it will be the last boring, formulaic, unathletic, uninspiring, match of his that I will ever have to endure.

That is the only saving grace for me in this 'Wrestlemania Rewind' of an excuse for a match.
Kane has been Kane (not his other gimmicks) since 1997, Big Show debuted in 1999, of course HHH & Taker have obviously been staying longer than the two of them, not to mention being the bigger legends and successful stars overall.

And WWE won't mention their encounter at Wrestlemania 17. Just look at both HBK vs Taker at WM 25 & 26, they didn't mention the two's encounter in the 1990's, even Cole pointed their WM 25 encounter only when they were building the WM 26 match.

And yes, so far this storyline seems lame.

true, but this WM17 encounter gotta show up in the comming weeks, they can act like it never happened.
I feel that the match is kinda thrown together just to put The Undertaker's streak in jeopardy or just to make it seem like it is in jeopardy. And don't forget they fought 10 years ago so how will you expect them to top what they did at WrestleMania 17 or Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker 1&2
The match is thrown together i dont believe that B.S. its been booked since August, when not to long ago all the talks where Barrett vs Taker, and the worst part about all of this 99% of the people in that stadium know how the match is going to end, I hear people say all the time ints not about a winner and a loser its about putting on a great match and thats true but for those great matches like Hogan vs Rock or Taker vs HBK i would say it was 50-50 as to who might win, this Mania match is not the case at all.

I and the whole Georgia Dome would be shocked if HHH won it would most likely be THE most shocking thing in wrestlemania history but its obvious 2 or 3 pedigrees, a couple of tombstones a bunch of close counts and then Taker wins yawwwwwwwwn thank you WWE for atleast giving me The Rock for all the money i spent on Mania tickets because this match sure wont be worth it.

Epic matches are epic because you are wondering who is going to win as I stated HBK vs Taker, Rock vs Hogan, Hogan vs Andre, Bret Hart vs HBK, Austin vs Rock all epic all kept the crowd on their toes as any man in the eyes of the audience could win, as much as people love the streak it is pointless to me to have a match you know the ending to, and I will be pissed off beyond all things possible if they make this the mainevent

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