Would WWE take back Jeff Hardy?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Simple question. Do you think WWE will take back Jeff when he's done with TNA or will they distance themselves from him due to the drug scandal??

His arrest in 2009 wasn't covered by the media because he wasn't with WWE, but if WWE ever signed him, they'll be all over it as if it was a new story. I can picture all the "WWE has signed a drug dealer" headlines everywhere. They will probably play his Victory Road "match" as if it was never-before-seen footage.

I could be wrong and the media won't care. But I remember the rumors that WWE stopped pushing MVP because they thought they would have issues with sponsors if they pushed a convicted felon. Jeff served time for the charges as well, even if it was just under 2 weeks.

I think he will definitely get a merchandise deal, and a legend's contract at some point, but I don't know about him coming back to work PPVs.

What do you guys think??
I think Jeff Hardy and WWE are on good terms, but i don't see him coming back to the ring. Perhaps he gets inducted in the HOF as a tag team with his brother one day, but I doubt either Hardy ever wrestle again for WWE...
I doubt the legal trouble would be a factor. He got in some trouble but has seemingly cleaned up his act since. This supposed media coverage business seems like nonsense to me. Orton has had more issues than Hardy in the past and he's been featured prominently for years.

If anything, they may just give him a Jericho/RVD type of deal. I think he'd handle that pretty well.
If they think they can make money off him then sure they'd take him back. If they don't feel he's worth the money then no.

I doubt the conviction will work against him. Booker T is a convicted felon and he's been in the company how many years? And he's in the Hall of Fame.
Pardon my ignorance here but what is the Jeff Hardy drug scandal? RVD got caught doing drugs correct? Randy did too at some point I believe? I don't see the problem but I'm sure there's info I don't know :p
the answer is obvioulsy YES!

Why? because he is a good moneymaker.

b4 he left he was one of the biggest stars in the company. He just made a really stupid mistake, he has cleaned up his act. and with the really tough spot wwe is in right now losing so much money that they have to fire so many people, jeff could bring some of that money back. Plus tna is not doing so great so why would Jeff wanna stay on the sinking ship?

Jeff going back to WWE is good for both sides

So yes WWE would probably take him back with open arms.

Maybe not as a top guy which is probably what people would want to see including me, but i do not think he will be another rvd/y2j....he would probably be higher than ziggler but just a bit lower than the usos type of guy.
as long as hardy can still go in the ring, they will have him back in the wwe. they had countless talent with problems return. if there is money to be made they will totally do what they can to make it happen
Yeah, a limited appearances/part time schedule is the best fit for Hardy, if he returns to WWE, because I have hard time believing in WWE trusting him with another run as a top guy. I'm sure he'll receive a big return pop, the fans will support him again, and I'm a big fan of Jeff, but Jeff is someone with a checkered past, and it's hard to ignore.

They could use him as a chaser for the WWE WHC (maybe a short reign, if Hardy holds it together with no slip ups), and he's a good candidate to help elevate someone like Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, and others. Also, a Hardy VS Bryan is loaded with potential.
A Legends deal for Jeff Hardy is probably the best fit for him.. If he were to sign,I am sure he would receive a massive pop and rightfully so.. Jeff has paid his dues,and basically given up his body for our entertainment..

But Jeff has a checkered past,and that cant be ignored.. Back at VR,there were some of us,that said Jeff should be kicked out of the business all together.. He put Sting's health in severe danger.. That alone could be a huge black mark forever on his resume..

To his credit he has cleaned up his act,seemingly gotten his health back on track,and is slowly taking it day by day.. I could see him getting a short WHC run,setting up future guys like Ambrose,That match would be fun to see,Seth Rollins,and even Daniel Bryan..

If Hardy can go,and on a limited schedule more than Brock and Y2J then i think that would be best for him
I can't imagine why they wouldn't take him back (asides from not being able to afford to at the moment), the better question is would Jeff even want to come back?

I'm a big Jeff fan (obviously), and I know a pretty good deal about his life/career, and I strongly get the impression that he does what brings him enjoyment and that he is not entirely motivated by money. I think he's like a less confrontational CM Punk in that way.

When Jeff's previous WWE deal ended, he was outselling Cena in merch, and at the top of the card battling for the title, and then walked away only to reemerge in TNA about 4 months later for their first attempt at a head-to-head Monday night show. I can practically guarantee at the time he left he was easily making well over a million dollars a year with WWE, if he'd walk from that voluntarily does that sound like he needs them or they need him?

During that time he was on top of the company he was literally living in a trailer, built on land his family has owned his entire life. WWE could offer him a fortune, but if the travel schedule and other circumstances didn't interest him, I don't think he'd bite.

That said, do I think we never see Jeff in WWE again? Not a chance, even it's a legends/HOF/WM appearance etc. He'll be back one day, just to give closure to his time there.
Pardon my ignorance here but what is the Jeff Hardy drug scandal? RVD got caught doing drugs correct? Randy did too at some point I believe? I don't see the problem but I'm sure there's info I don't know :p

Somebody from Florida (a fan I believe) sen Jeff a coffee can of pills and the post office deemed it suspicious. When it was delivered to Jeff the police raided his house and found enough pills without a prescription to say Jeff was a dealer. Anyway Jeff was arrested and went to court and stuff. That's why he can't go overseas with TNA.

If I'm missing part of the story or got the story wrong in any way someone please fill in the missing spots or make corrections.
I can't imagine why they wouldn't take him back (asides from not being able to afford to at the moment), the better question is would Jeff even want to come back?

I'm a big Jeff fan (obviously), and I know a pretty good deal about his life/career, and I strongly get the impression that he does what brings him enjoyment and that he is not entirely motivated by money. I think he's like a less confrontational CM Punk in that way.

When Jeff's previous WWE deal ended, he was outselling Cena in merch, and at the top of the card battling for the title, and then walked away only to reemerge in TNA about 4 months later for their first attempt at a head-to-head Monday night show. I can practically guarantee at the time he left he was easily making well over a million dollars a year with WWE, if he'd walk from that voluntarily does that sound like he needs them or they need him?

During that time he was on top of the company he was literally living in a trailer, built on land his family has owned his entire life. WWE could offer him a fortune, but if the travel schedule and other circumstances didn't interest him, I don't think he'd bite.

That said, do I think we never see Jeff in WWE again? Not a chance, even it's a legends/HOF/WM appearance etc. He'll be back one day, just to give closure to his time there.

This sounds about right to me, I think it will depend on whether Jeff Hardy even wants to return to WWE. I read an interview with him recently where he says he sees a chiropractor multiple times a week, so it sounds to me like he is starting to see the culmulative effects of the batterings he has given his body over the years, and I doubt he'd be that interested in a full-time return to WWE, at least not on a long-term deal.

WWE would almost certainly be interested in Jeff if he becomes available and can pass all the required physical and medical tests. Hardy is still incredibly popular and would get a massive pop if he made a surprise return. He is loved by younger fans as well as older and sells a fuck load of merchandise which is always something WWE is interested in.

If he was to return I'd expect WWE to give him either a part-time deal where he'd only wrestle on TV, or he'd do a schedule like Chris Jericho or Rob Van Dam, returning full time for 3 months or so before taking a break. Jeff has had so many personal issues, being on the road for a long period of time would create temptations that he wouldn't want to deal with. Plus, the guy has alot of outside interests with his band, painting, motorcross etc and isn't a money-driven man like Brock Lesnar, I think he'd be happy with a part-time deal even though it wouldn't make him as much money as if he came back full time.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind though that if he is fit, healthy and motivated then WWE would snap up Jeff Hardy on whatever deal he was comfortable with. There's very few wrestlers available who'd make them more money in a short period of time.
Of course.

Jeff was the second highest merchandise seller in 2009 when he left, he might have even been AHEAD of Cena.

He is valuable as a merch seller, is a relatively big name in Singles competition, can make a belt look good, and can help the tag division if Matt comes with him. He could also help put over a few young guys/tag teams.

A Seth Rollins vs. Jeff Hardy feud would be great. A Bray Wyatt vs. Jeff Hardy feud would be great. In either feud, they could play off of Hardy's drug issues and go in the same direction that the Punk/Hardy 09 feud went.
I think Jeff Hardy and WWE are on good terms....

This is what we really don't know. In many ways, I can see Vince McMahon regarding Jeff the same as Lex Luger; one of the few performers he didn't ask back after WCW folded. McMahon seemed to regard Lex's defection as a true betrayal of trust (showing up on Nitro without bothering to tell WWE he didn't work for them anymore). Lex surely knew that it would mean he was closing the door on WWE forever......and it sure turned out that way, didn't it?

The same might apply to Jeff, presuming he truly did tell them he intended to return to WWE after taking a break.....only to sign with TNA. We read of that being the case, and I can believe it, especially with Jeff's foggy mindset at the time.

Still, as someone else said in this topic, if there's money to be made, Vince McMahon will find a way to make it. Plus, Jeff might not yet be financially able to sustain the quiet retirement he seems to want.

Forget the "Legends" garbage; Jeff is young enough to be a full-time wrestler for a number of years.....and if he's gonna do it, why not go where he can earn the most money in his last years.....a la Rob Van Dam?

If WWE could get Jeff signed to a contract that requires him to keep clean....and perform as directed.....I can see a return.

We can always use another crowd-pleaser.....which Jeff Hardy is.
So this Wednesday we're going to see a special showing of "Jeff Hardy: My Life, My Rules" on the WWE Netwtork. They're showcasing a TNA star. We've seen similar things in the past like Hogan and Sting winning the WWE and US Championship polls at Night of Champions last year.

Jeff signed a 2 year deal w/ TNA back in Feb. 2013. So the deal will be up this coming February. This just feels like one of those times where WWE is reminding the fans and Jeff himself that they're still thinking of him. And with the uncertainty surrounding TNA at the moment, who knows where they will be around February next year.

This just feels like the beginning of WWE putting out feelers and I wouldn't be surprised if we see Jeff making a post Wrestlemania return next year.

I mean it is possible Jeff could return and if he were to return just think about the feuds Jeff Hardy could have? Jeff could feud with the Authority namely the COO Triple H, Rollins, Kane, but also have feuds with superstars like Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Orton, Reigns, Cena, Lesnar, etc.
I could see Jeff return on a part time schedule.
I don't know the guy but it seems like one of the things he dislikes is having to travel so much. He gets burnt out. (That's not a drug pun.)

So yeah part time for a year or two totally.

Full time? Probably not.
I think it's possible, though I suspect his return would be akin to the "part time" deals similar to those of Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam. He'd show up for a 2-4 month stretch, feud with some up & coming guys, be in a couple of high profile match, ultimately put over said up & comers and go on hiatus for another 2-4 months.

As far as Hardy returning to the company full time, again, I think it's possible but I don't expect Hardy would be pushed as one of THE top guys for several reasons. When Hardy left WWE, he was in the midst of the biggest push of his career and his popularity was at an all time high. Walking away despite that suggests that they'd be less likely to trust him or even want to trust him with a top level spot.

There's also Hardy's history of drugs to consider and I think it's great that he seems to have all that under control now. However, I'd be very surprised if management wasn't concerned with Hardy falling off the wagon and use that as a reason not to move him too high up the roster.

Another issue is the fact that Hardy's getting older. He turns 37 years old at the end of the month, so he's no longer someone that WWE would be looking at to help carry the company into the next 5 or 10 years. Plus, when it comes to his in-ring ability and popularity, I think Hardy's ultimately past his prime and has been since leaving WWE. He's certainly in better shape overall now that he's been clean, but I still get the sense that the guy's a bit singed around the edges.
Jeff Hardy could have a similar deal like RVD had when RVD first returned to WWE back in 2013, if they can give Hardy that type of deal then I could definitely see Jeff Hardy returning but still the potential dream feuds he could have, just think about it
This just feels like the beginning of WWE putting out feelers and I wouldn't be surprised if we see Jeff making a post Wrestlemania return next year.

Feels like more than a "beginning" to me. Putting on a show like this sends the signal: "Want to see Jeff Hardy? Catch his act on Spike TV with TNA!"......which seems hardly the message WWE wants to convey, no? My feeling is that discussions might already have occurred.

Sure, Jeff could come back, as long as all parties are assured he can pass the drug tests....and keep passing them as time goes on. But isn't the whole message of the "My life, My rules" theme indicative of the notion that when push comes to shove, he'll do what he wants to do? That's his history, after all.

Even if Jeff likes TNA, his contract is coming up in February....and one would have to think he'll be asked to take a pay cut. If that's not incentive for seeing what WWE has to offer, I don't know what is.
I doubt them showing this is a sign of anything. The Network is far more important then any apprehensions they have about mentioning a wrestler working for a different company.

Jeff will be in the HoF one day and I reckon he will wrestle for the WWE once more. What RVD has done in the last four months is exactly what Jeff can do. Make people happy, put on good matches; put over younger talent and sell merch. There is definitely a role for Jeff if he is clean.
Jeff Hardy, perfect return for Jeff would be as a surprise entrant in the 2015 Royal Rumble Match and Jeff Hardy actually having a decent showing as a surprise entrant only to be eliminated by a big-time heel only for Hardy to return the next night on RAW solidifying his return to the company think about it
I won't look into this much, not yet. Something shows up on network doesn't mean there are buried signals. Sometime ago they put a wrestlemania rewind for Punk. That doesn't mean he is coming back.

If he wants to come back, I am not against it. If he can offer something, why not? By all means. As people here have already alluded to, he might come back on a part time deal. I am alright with that.
Plus if Jeff Hardy were to come back, could he possibly have a run with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? It's possible but with Jeff Hardy back in a WWE ring, his popularity would be off the charts like think 2008-09 when his popularity was through the roof, multiply that when he does come back, his merchandise would be flying off the shelf
WWE is trying to kill Wednesday's Impact by airing the Hardy doc. "We have the footage of when he was at his peak". Then fans hopefully hang around to watch WWE.

If Hardy is off drugs and reliable, he's hugely marketable. Kids and girls love the guy, and he has an exciting wrestling style. Balls on the mic, but that never held him back before.

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