Who Is HHH's Greatest Rival?

His Ego. He's thought he was the best thing pro wrestling had to offer for over 10 years, when although he's good, he isn't the best and will never be considered the best.

Triple H's battle is internal.

Hes had some great opponents in HBK, Cena, Orton, Rock, Batista, and Austin, but he's never thought anyone was as great as he is. Again he thinks hes the best an no one will ever live up to his greatness

Maybe his ego is pretty huge, but that isn't for you to judge. Triple H (to me and to many others, I'm sure) is the best performer in WWE history. He tops everyone in my opinion, and that's what it all comes down to, just opinion.

But to stay on topic: I think it could be the Rock or maybe HBK. It all comes down to what you enjoyed watching the most.
I'm going to have to go with The Rock. Other than HBK, when you think of Triple H face to face with a guy just wanting to beat his ass, it's not against John Cena or Orton: it's The Rock.

I feel like with those two the rivalry just worked and made sense. They main event of the first ever Smackdown was Triple H vs The Rock for the title. These two have history and it's an underrated feud probably because there are those who think HHH slept his way to the top. He deserves more respect than that, people!!!! :banghead:

But anyway, off of that tangent, HHH vs The Rock. Always good to look back to because no one was ever really disappointed.
I'm going to have to say Batista. He never beat him, he made him, and he put him over 3 times in a row. He might of had bigger feuds with other guys, ones that were more personal, or ones that are even more favored, but this one to me is unique from all of them due to everything Triple H put into it himself to make Batista a champion. It also had a great impact since they are friends in real life, and were members of Evolution.
I would pick SCSA off the original list but after reading the other posts I would also choose HHH & Batista, HHH played such a crucial role in the rise of Batista, I think if HHH wasn't involved it would have never happened or it would have been way too boring for television
I often find myself debating with friends about who certain competitors greatest rivals or nemesis are in their entire career. I believe that some parings just go together like PB and J but others have had so many rivals, that you cant argue against any of them. Here are some of my examples.
Rock and Austin just go together, I don't think we can argue that they are each other biggest rivals. But for others I often wonder, for example
The Undertaker, to me I believe its between, HBK (due to his current classic matches), Mankind (the amazing Hell in a Cell, Boiler Room Brawl, etc), or Kane (who has always been the thorn in his side.
Shawn Michaels, to me its either Triple H, Bret Hart, or The Undertaker, each can argue that they have had amazing matches and heated rivalries.
John Cena is the one that gets the most arguments among my discussions. I always have believed that his biggest rival is Edge. Due to the on and off battles they have had. While the WWE build Orton as his biggest rival.
So I wonder guys like
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio (I believe Eddie Guerrero)
Triple H
John Cena
Bret Hart
Hulk Hogan (Andre the Giant IMO)
Ric Flair (Sting)
The Rock hands down... When those two had matches or cut promos u actually felt as if they hated each other right down to the core.


Like I've always said, Rock/HHH was the 2000 version of Bret/Shawn. They feuded when they were mid carders all the way up to the main event scene until they were the top two in the company.

The only difference might be that Rock/HHH could have been fine with each other backstage, but you would never have known with the mic work they did with each other IN the ring. One of the greatest feuds of all time!
I can't narrow down a specific rival, because he honestly had so many good ones... His matches with HBK, Austin, the Rock... I want to say my favorite Triple H "era" was the break-down of Evolution. He will always be one of the greatest heels in history because of Evolution, and he built such amazing chemistry with those guys. It was only a matter of time, and his matches with Orton, Batista, and eventually Flair were all amazing...

If I had to choose a single rival, it would have to be Shawn Michaels. Greatest of friends, greatest of enemies. There may not be another partnership/rivalry in pro wrestling as good as HHH/HBK.
Hmm interesting question. There could be Mr McMahon, Rock, Jericho, etc. Honestly i cant put a face to mind. Im reading some of these but nothings rising over the other. I would probably stick with Randy Orton. Just cause it got heated and went there. It was personal and violent.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read that The Rock & HHH had some pretty legitimate heat between each other for quite some time. Eventually they buried the hatchet, but I heard HHH was ticked off that The Rock didn't have to pay his dues before he got the IC title like HHH did, and it spilled over into their feuds.

In either case, I would definitely say that HHH's greatest rival is The Rock. HHH is always chasing The Rock and can never quite live up to The Rock's legacy. For as great as HHH thinks he is, he knows he's not as good as The Rock.
Id have to go with Jericho.

I dont really think HHH has a standout rival like most guys do because he has worked big programmes with everyone but his programmes with jericho seem to stick in my mind the most. The 2 always fed off each other well and i always enjoyed their stuff together so id have to go with him.
I gotta go with HBK on this one. When shawn came back in '02, we all thought DX was gonna reunite and then hunter turned on him, put his head through a car window, and ruined his comeback match by hitting him in the back with a sledgehammer. These two fought like hell for 2 years, culminating in the Hell in a Cell match at Bad Blood '04, but the rivalry still wasnt over for another 2 years when they reformed DX. They had easily one of if not the best rivalries of the last decade hands down, and it made triple h a hated son of a bitch.

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