Who do YOU want to see in a Smash Bros game?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Simple question. We have seen a vast number of famous video game characters join in on the action in the immensely popular Smash Bros series. Granted there won't be any editions being released for quite some time with Smash Bros Wii U having just recently been released this past November, but this is always a fun topic of discussion. There's always going to be people saying "why didn't (name) get added into the game!?". If you are one of these people, now's your chance to share your opinions. Or if you just like to brainstorm ideas on who would be fun to play as in future titles, it's your chance for that as well.

Here's the roster of characters who have been playable before....

Bowser Jr
Captain Falcon
Dark Pit
Diddy Kong
Donkey Kong
Dr Mario
Duck Hunt
Ice Climbers
King Dedede
Little Mac
Mega Man
Meta Knight
Mii (Brawler, Swordfighter, Gunner)
Mr Game & Watch
Rosalina & Luma
Roy (Fire Emblem)
Roy (Mario)
Toon Link
Villager (Animal Crossing)
Wii Fit Trainer
Wolf (Star Fox)
Young Link
Zero Suit Samus

So the questions are....

What character would you like to see join this list that has never been in a Smash Bros game before? What would their abilities be like? What about their alternate appearances? Any particular reason why you'd like to see them get added to the series? The only rule is they must be from an established video game franchise.

Some of the names did get left out of Smash Bros for the 3DS and Wii U. Is there anyone from past games you'd like to bring back? Why or why not?

I'll go first. While it would likely NEVER happen, it's what I'd want to see more than any other potential addition. I want to add Cloud from Final Fantasy. He'd have a fighting style that shares similarities to Robin and Shulk. You can switch materias equipped for spells he can cast such as Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Curaga, and so forth. Final Smash? Omnislash. His alternate outfits would see his hair and gear change to various colors such as red, green, yellow, purple, blue, black, and platinum.

Older characters I want back.... the main one I miss is Roy from Fire Emblem. He was by far my best in Melee and while I've found others I like to play as in the new titles, I'd switch back to Roy in a heartbeat if he got added back in.

Now it's your turn. I look forward to your responses.

Discuss! :)
A topic after mine own heart.

First off, I'm going to have to go with Wart, from the Bogosian Nightmare that was Super Mario Bros 2 on NES, seen here;


Wart could have a weight distribution similar to King Dedede, and projectile bubbles could float players away. He would also have a particular vulnerability to Princess Peach's turnips.

If, as Dagger pointed out, Nintendo managed to get the rights to Cloud from Square Enix, I'd recommend Geno & Malo


These two characters are from Square Enix's Nintendo effort Super Mario RPG, an EPIC game that I recommend you find on an emulator if you've never played. Mallow is a magic user with Kirby's physique, and Geno is a spirit from another dimension who's possessed the body of a doll. Failing actual playable characters, Geno or Mallow would make wonderful Assist Trophys

Finally, from two different games that lead to one epic platforming crossover, The Battletoads, and Billy & Jimmy of Double Dragon Fame;


Both groups are martial artists with a proficiency for discarded weapons, opening the doors to new kinds of grittier items, such as pipes, among the familiar blasters and bo-bombs. Either group could be occupy one spot on the roster and switch their skins to vary the character, much like Bowser Jr.

I'd bring back the Ice Climbers, who I was a big fan of in Melee. Plus, with Rosalina & Luma and Duck Hunt, there's the possibility for some wrestling style Tag Team matches! Holla Holla.

If anyone would like to play me on the DS (this is the one game that I have), PM me your friend code, and I'll do the same. :)
The one character I've always wanted to see in Super Smash Bros. is Toad. I guess he is technically playable since one of Peach's moves is whipping him out at people but I wouldn't really count that. He's my favorite Mario character & pretty much the only main character from the franchise besides Waluigi to not be a full blown playable character. Even if his move set was super lame, he is about the same size as both Jigglypuff & Kirby so I think he could actually work rather well.

Besides that I'd just love to see more expansions on franchises already represented in Smash Bros. Like I'm super excited Mewtwo is returning & I would love to see the addition of any other Pokemon characters, especially gen 6 & the new Mega Evolutions. I'd also like to see more characters from Sonic like Tails, Knuckles or maybe even make Shadow a full character instead of just an assist trophy. Heck with it, Protoman, Ms. Pacman, Duck Hunts 2nd cousin twice removed, just throw them all in there.
I got really hyped, and similarly really sad when the fake Rayman DLC shenanigans went down. So I'm gonna say Rayman. I played a few of his games as a kid, and I remember them being fun but not necessarily mind-blowing. I don't have any super nostalgic memories of Ubisoft platformers from my childhood like I do games like SMB3 and Super Mario World.

That being said, the rebooted Rayman: Origins and Rayman: Legends games are among some of the best platformers I've ever had the pleasure to enjoy. I have sunk countless hours into them, especially the first entry on VITA, and I believe they're every bit as good (if not better) than some of the more notable entries in genre history.

As for his kit I'd say standard attacks would all be mid-ranged melee, which sounds impossible for normal characters, but given how Rayman works he can be at a distance and still hit you with his floating limbs.

His up-special would have to be his helicopter glide. Down-special should probably be his ground-pound. As for over-special I guess he could have some sort of charge punch; I'm not really concerned with abilities because Nintendo almost always does a great job of balancing them and making them all fun. I would like to see a Final Smash utilize either the negative art style from Origins loading screens, or some sort of rhythm-based QTE from the Legends music levels.

Thought of this topic immediately when I saw this. This vote came alongside the Mewtwo date announcement, as well as surprise return Lucas.

Yes, I voted Ice Climbers

I'm very excited about Lucas returning. I like Ness a whole lot more as a character, but Lucas is better in Smash Bros.

I would vote for someone new, as much like Lucas or Mewtwo the old characters might come in through DLC anyhow. Imagine if they brought back ALL of the missing characters from previous games as DLC content.

Ice Climbers
Ivysaur (fully playable alone, like Charizard)
Roy (Fire Emblem)
Squirtle (fully playable alone, like Charizard)
Wolf from Star Fox
Young Link

Out of that list the least likely to return I'd say would be Snake or Roy.

As for new characters, Cloud obviously still has my support above anyone else. If I narrow it down to only Nintendo exclusive characters.... How about Toon Zelda? She could share similarities to Zelda in her moveset only moving a lot faster due to the swashbuckling experience she had as Tetra. She'd be a little weaker in damage infliction to balance the increased agility. Outfits could be variations of Wind Waker's Zelda with other colors and a few of her as Tetra with different colors.
Fire Emblem's Roy and Street Fighter's Ryu joined the fight as DLC content. I'm glad to see Roy back as he was my best in Melee and I never got over his absence in Brawl. It will be really fun to see what Ryu will be like in Smash Bros form.

What are your thoughts on this, as well as the other two currently available DLC characters Mewtwo and Lucas?
That's two Roy's in the game just to be confusing but Ryu being in the game is odd. Capcom have really given up on Nintendo yet Nintendo are letting him be in the game. Hopefully it means Street Fighter V will come to Wii U but I doubt it.
I'm having fun as Ryu, though I'm losing many of my online outings. I don't think this would resolve my losses, but I think I'd rather Bison, Dhalsim, Zangief or Blanka.

Ultimately, DLC for Smash has taught me an important lesson. Nintendo is very good at taking my money.

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