What song are you currently listening to?

Laughing With by Regina Spektor.


Not usually my style of music, but she hits the nail on the head with so many people's perception of God. It's a very eclectic view on God in general. I like the overall point that in dire situations, we think of God in one way or another. She specifies that most, not all, think of God in dire situations. They may look to him for help, or curse him out, but I believe we all think of, consider, cuss out, or turn to God in dire situations, which is the point of this song.

This is another one of them songs that I use to pick me up when I am feeling down. I can see the hate in the eyes of people when I am out shopping, hell even bringing lunch to work gets people hating. I am not saying I go around making it rain, or spending hundreds of dollars on a pair of jeans, but just getting some Faygo(Rock n Rye) and Hennessy gets the demon faces to come around.

I used to love Triple 6 Mafia back in the day, but the more mainstream they went the less I listened to them. I heard this song on Mtv one day and I thought it was a catchy little jam. I loved the chorus that was sung by Akon, it sums up how I feel when people start judging me over some stupid shit.

I would normally say there is too much screaming in this song for me....but I absolutely love the tuneful singing in the chorus, a complete contrast to the hardcore vocals before and after. I think its cool how they totally switch between styles of singing in the same song, and "My Last Seranade" also has a really good intro.

I would be really interested to hear a full Killswitch Engage song where the singer just sings rather than screams, but I dunno if there are any out there?
Eet, another song by Regina Spektor.


I believe that this song is about losing something dear to you. This has happened to me recently, so I find myself identifying quite well with this song.

- It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song.
- You can't believe it; you were always singing along.
- It was so easy and the words so sweet.
- You can't remember; you try to feel the beat.'

The preceding lyrics seem to me close to a state of disbelief. The "I can't believe this is happening" feeling. And the last line ' You can't remember, you try to feel the beat' is in essence trying to regain what you lost.

- You spend half of your life trying to fall behind.
- You're using your headphones to drown out your mind.
- It was so easy and the words so sweet.
- You can't remember; you try to move your feet.

The first line regards all the energy and the time spent trying to regain what you've lost. "Falling behind" is like going back to when things were well, when you remembered the words to your favorite song. The next line is about attempting to rid yourself, or block out, your sorrow and your pain. And the next 2 lines are about trying to regain what you've lost by doing something familiar associated with it. (in this example, that would be moving your feet like you did while singing your favorite song)

- Someone's deciding whether or not to steal.
- He opens a window just to feel the chill.
- He hears that outside a small boy just started to cry
- 'Cause it's his turn, but his brother won't let him try.

This verse is one of the hardest to piece together. It's like Reginavto throw in a verse that's seemingly unrelateable from the rest of the song, but this verse does correlate in a sense. The person who is deciding whether or not to steal has lost his morals- his reason for not stealing. Morals isn't precisely the right word, because he may have lost a job and is desperate. In either event, he lost something and he wonders if stealing can replace or help him forget what he's lost. Trying to feel the chill corresponds to moving your feet to try and remember the rhythm of the song you've forgotten. The little boys outside have also lost something, the little boy has lost his turn, and the brother has lost his manners. It's a nice reminder of life beyond our world. The concept of different worlds out of windows is an old comparison, but it serves beautifully here to illustrate the lost all around us.

She definitely doesn't fall within my specific genre of music I generally listen to, but I really enjoy her music, because it is so objective. This song is one of those examples.
Lovely Day - Bill Withers

Can't go wrong with a bit of Bill. Withers is actually a personal favourite of mine with several hits including 'Ain't No Sunshine' and 'Stand by Me' but this my personal favourite. A song that has been sampled so many times it isn't funny and is damn fun to listen to. Withers also does something remarkable in this song as he manages to hold one note for a remarkable 18 seconds. That's an incredible amount of time.

This song, as I previously mentioned has been sampled multiple times and my personal favourite time it was sampled was by Twista in the song Sunshine:


This song in it's own right is a damn fine song to listen to.

The guys in Silverchair had just turned 15 at this point. Fucking insane. This is an awesome track, a proper grunge sounding record off a brilliant album.

Its a shame that they have changed their style now as this really suited Daniel Johns' voice.
The Dynospectrum - Anything Is Everything

I learned that Eminem sampled this song on "The Slim Shady EP" so I figured I'd give it a go. I was pleasantly I usually don't listen to underground rap but this is really good in my opinion.

Quick question-How do you get the youtube video to show up in the post?

Above & Beyond - Alone Tonight

Here's something for SSC to listen to! Finally!

This is probably one of the songs I enjoy pulling out when I just need to chill. Need to get away from all the metal and hip hop. I'd like to describe this as 8.03 minutes of heaven. Awesome beat while still being incredibly chill. Something to truly relax to, truly let the thoughts flow, and let them free. It's one of the few electronic songs that I can truly listen to. Some easy listening is always great, even if this isn't as much easy listening as it is regular vocal trance, which at times is pretty great as well.
RED- Death of Me


I saw these guys in concert this past summer and they were amazing. The song, and video that goes along with it, describe the self-destructive nature we all have inside of us. I for one, know that Ive been a very self-destructive person in my life in the past, and the chorus itself defines what alot of my struggle has been like in the past between doing what I know is right, and what I want to do. Taking the easy way out, with long term consequences, if you will, or making the hard decision, but reaping longer term rewards.

You tear me down and then you pick me up
You take it all until it's not enough
You try and tell me you can heal me
But Im still bleeding, and you'll be the death of me

Ive found the longer I engaged in "insert here" self-destructive behavior, the easier it was to justify it. It became easier to find justifications for it, and the right and wrong wasn't so black and white anymore. I feel the bridge exemplifies this most.

You know I can never prove this solution.
You aren’t the one that I thought you were.
And so I learn to embrace this illusion.
The line that separates- it starts to blur

Not to mention this is just a kickass band, and Id personally recommend the whole album, Innocence and Instinct. They do a great cover of Duran Duran's Ordinary World.
My first post in here in a while.

Bitter - 12 Stones


A great song by the band behind the Nexus theme. A song that I like to listen to as I sit down and relax after a day of work and school. However, it's a perfect song to listen to if you have trouble in your life. I like the vocalist for the band.

Cool video, hot women and just a great chilled out summer song. I have never been a big FLC fan, but then a mate (who has a "Criminals" tattoo as he is that obsessed with them) showed me this tune.

Who would have thought Huey would end up presenting a TV clips show with Liza Tarbuck?!!!
Silverchair- Ana's song(Open Fire)


I love this song...It means something to anyone that has ever tried to give up an addiction, any kind of an addiction. The comfort of old habits are hard to give up and feel like they're a part of you. This song was really touching and the video only enhances it.

Lead singer Daniel Johns wrote this about his fight with the eating disorder Anorexia. Really brilliant stuff and its hard to believe a 15 year old wrote something this deep and paradoxical. "Ana" is a common nickname for anorexia, and the opening line of "Please die Ana" reinforces the lead singer's desire to kick the "habit" but the lines "Open fire on the needs designed, on my knees for you" describe how someone can become a slave to their addiction.

I'm pretty much obsessed with this song at the moment, specifically this live version with the whole band. Stripped back to the piano and getting rid of the guitar makes this song so much more intimate and personal, and you can see how much this song actually means to Damian, from about 3:20 until the end, you can see the emotion he puts into his words, and his fingers are shaking almost uncontrollably. Yeah this song makes me cry, and is such a beautiful song.
Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece of Heaven.

I am utterly obsessed with this song at the moment, I listen to it so much every day. It's my faveourite from Avenged too.

It's an 8 minute epic and M Shadows is great in it. It has an awesome music video too, which I cannot be bothered to find but I recommened that you YouTube it. It is worth it. It looks like something Tim Burton would come up with. The lyrics of the song are awesome too. "Cause I really always knew that my little crime would be cold, thats why I got a heater for your thighs" makes me laugh every time, despite it being about rape.

Definately a song you should check out.

I love The Enemy, I think they are (along with Kasabian) the only really good Indie band to come out of England in the last 5 or 6 years. I love how they speak about how shit working class life is, kinda like Oasis did in the 90s and The Jam did before them. Also, the singer has a Liam Gallagher/Ian Brown swagger and arrogance, and I love that confidence in a singer.

This is off their 2nd album and is a totally different style to their 1st, which was a lot more commerically praised. However, I like both styles and this is still a brilliant tune
Yu-Gi-Oh! Opening #4 - Warriors


This is the fourth opening song for the anime series Yu-Gi-Oh! and it's actually most likely my favourite. It really is a song that both musically and lyrically captures the feel of the series. There's just something very comforting in the music that reminds me of the series. This particular opening was used during the DOMA arc.

Lyrics wise the song is almost totally sung in Japanese but there are small portions in English (the word 'Warriors' is said in English as is the word 'baby'). The lyrics themselves truly capture the series' essence:

In the wavering image, our wish is eternally endless

Before I realized it, I abandoned happiness in order to live
By lying, I was clinging and dancing on a mere illusion

At the edge of my sight of having my eyes closed, I was searching for your smiling face

It sums up the character of Yami Yugi/Atem really well, especially in this arc and the final arc, as he finally attempts to learn why he's there and why he can't remember anything about his history.

Overall, an excellent listen.

Yeah I know most people think of Steel Panther as a joke, which they are. But they are actually really good musicians and this is a serious song, not one of their songs about fucking and cocks. Classic 80s style heavy metal, its a great song

Proper metal from the kings. Just a quality headbanging sing along rock anthem. I heard this riff on Kid Rocks "American Bad Ass" before hearing the original, and immediately went out and picked up the Black Album. I had it on in the car today, and literally every song is good. I had forgotton how great an album it is.
Tech N9ne - Show Me a God

A little while back I posted 'Blackened the Sun' from Tech N9ne's K.O.D, this is another song from that very album. Basically, as mentioned previously, Tech was going through a lot of personal problems during the making of this album, and he's incredibly angry at a lot of things, one of them being God. Tech questions his faith with this very song and also casts doubt over whether or not there is in fact a God. He also points out that so much pain occurs in this world and yet where is God? He also verbally mentions his deceased mother multiple times. The chorus sums this one up pretty well:

Show me a God
I'm kinda feelin' that it is a facade
Show me a God
...And if it is, why ain't He doin' His job
Show me a God
Even if it's a thing, a man, or a broad
Show me a God, please
Let me know something is listening when I'm down on my knees

Neil, fucking, Diamond!

This song is one of my favourite Neil Diamond songs because of the history it has. When I met one of my girlfriends, we were at a mutual friend's 16th birthday party. I had never heard this song but we had spent the whole night talking and getting to know one another. When this song came on, I looked her in the eyes and we had our first kiss to it... Ah! Good times!

The song become our song, in a typical fashion. Yes! It may be a song that not may people will call their song but for the longest time, it meant so much to me. To some extent, it really does a lot for me. It reminds me of one of the bets nights of my life and one of the first loves of my life. It may be silly but there is just so much magic in the lyrics and beyond. There is not many songs that can get such a sincere reaction from me than this one.

Beautiful song.
^^^One of my favorite Neil Diamond songs.


Love Sir Paul. One of the proofs that John wasn't the only driving force behind The Beatles. I love John but I think he was praised a bit too much for being the "lead song writer" in the band.

What a classic. This was Guns at their absolute peak, I would give almost anything to have been at that gig...it looks fucking great!

A truly great song from one of the best bands of all time, from one of the best albums ever made- Appetite For Destruction
The Veer Union- Breathing In


This is the same band that did the theme song for the NHL season in 09-10, ironically entitled Seasons. In a genre that's generally thrives on depresssion and lost opportunities, it's a refreshing change to hear a band sing about the more positive aspects of life. The chorus sums this up best.

Don't let it slip away
Breathing in the day
Healing once again
Breathing in you

At the office where I run my mental health agency out of, I only play certain types of music. I have a playlist set thats somewhat soothing and uplifting at the same time. Alot of the music is crap that I can't stand, but this song is certainly an exception. It fits into the genre of music I like, is uplifting, and a darn good song. I like the way it talks about healing, and allowing today to be the day for it. It sets the theme for my office, honestly, and I love the song. Not much more I could ask for.
As I Lay Dying-"Anodyne Sea"​


Now I'm a guy that likes metalcore, melodic death metal. Therefore I enjoin some of AILD early work, but I LOVED "An Ocean Between Us". Yet "The Powerless Rise" from the title of the record going to the artwork and obviously the songs and their structures thought was one hell of a record. Now this song right here imo captures not only the essence of AILD but also the essence of the record. Please, if you like melodic death you need to hear this one!

This is easily my favourite Pantera track. I love some of their stuff, but have not yet managed to fall in love with the band. I own the "Vulgar Display of Power" album and their best of collection, and have recently picked up Cowboys from Hell and am listening to that alot right now.

"Cemetary Gates" is quite simply epic. I would love to know if there are any other Pantera songs that are of a similar style, cos this is the only one I have heard that sounds like this. Anselmos voice is great, and it shows that he can sing well rather than shout like on most of Pantera's other stuff I've heard. Dime is awesome as ever and this song has one of the most powerful, emotional, fist clenching choruses I have ever heard. A truly magnificent track

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