"Longnecks And Rednecks Are Mah Friends"


Lord And Master
Staff member

TNA has announced via press release that “Longnecks and Rednecks,” James Storm’s entrance theme, will be released to country radio this week.

The song is the first by the company’s Knockout Music label to get radio airplay. Storm will be featured in a new music video that is scheduled to shoot soon alongside country stars Cowboy Troy and Montgomery Gentry.

The song though, is performed by Dale Oliver and Dixie's husband, Serg. This is kinda neat and all, the song is awesome, but are folks really gonna get into TNA by hearing James Storms theme song?

I mean, Raw's "Across The Nation" played on radio and had it's music video featured but I really doubt it boosted viewership for WWE in any way, shape or form. But in all due respect, this is a cool move to keep pushing James Storm as TNA's top face by giving him or in this case, something associated to him, publicity. Better keep an eye on radio charts to rate the success of this which I hope is high as the song great.

Shame I don't have country radio stations here. Hope I can get it on Pandora now, though.
Considering Curt Hennig & the West Texas Rednecks's Rap is Crap got air-time in the south back in the late 90s, I'd put a small amount of money that this song (which is much much better) doing reasonably well.
Thinking that TNA did this as a move to raise viewership is just us adding meaning to it. Clearly it won't raise any viewership, at best it might have a few people tune in and tune out. But I'm guessing any buys the song gets will go to TNA so hey - nice way to make some money. The song's not bad too.
Yup — seems much more like a money-maker to me than a ploy to gain viewership. That's a huge reach, anyway, as Storm himself doesn't even sing the song, so listeners who look up the song will see it was performed by Dale Oliver and Serg Salinas. Making the connection between them and TNA, and TNA and James Storm are steps non-fans are just not likely to make.

Glad to see it hit radio airwaves though, as it's a great country-rock track.
It'll surely help James Storm out. All the fellows out there who like longnecks and rednecks will love James Storm.

I know my cousin is a hick, I'm sure he'd love James Storm and that song. lol.

It's a good song, now they need to redo AJ Styles music because it sounds like a fucking trainwreck right now. Its just like... KA BLOW WHAM DA CHAM EVERY DAY IN MY LIFE... BAM CAH JOW I LET THE INSIDE SHOW FROM THE OUTSIDE BAH DA BAM BLAH BLAH I TRY TO DO MY BEST TO PASS THE TEST BUT THIS SONG SOUNDS LIKE A 5 YEAR OLD BANGING THE DRUMS.

TNA's songs seem to be improving slightly though over the years. Roode's and Storm's songs were both gold and really DEFINED their characters.
I love the song. It's very corny, but it's fun and really works for his character, especially considering most of TNA's music is woeful and generic (Roode's is perfect for him too).

When (not if) Storm is champion, I think he could potentially be hugely bankable for TNA. Not quite on Jeff Hardy's level, but close. Everything about him - the look, the in ring ability, the mic skills, the catchphrase and the music adds up to a consistent and rounded package. He's one of the most over acts on the roster as it is and I imagine he plays well with the old school rasslin' demographic - the total opposite of Hardy's market. I'd definately buy a "Sorry about your damn luck" shirt.

"Johnny Cash listennnnnnnnning..."

Love it.
Couldn't find a more relevant thread to talk about this in, so yeah, there 'ya go.
Anyone else not dig Storm as a face? Well, more specifically, anyone not dig how he was made a face?

IMO his look, persona and catchphrase are much better suited to a heel. The same way I think Roode's much better as a babyface.

It would've made more sense to me to have Beer Money split because both guys were going for the title, have some back and forth in interviews between the two, keep it kinda civil/friendly but have both guys put it out there that they believe they can beat the other.
Have both guys in the title hunt, keep them both on TV, winning matches and establish them as their own guy/persona. Coming up on a big PPV have the match announced, I'd probably make it a no.1 contenders match. "Roode vs Storm". Again, keep the interviews civil but have Storm start taking more offense to Roode's (largely innocent) comments. Sell the match as like "friend vs friend/brother vs brother..who is the better man? Who is the better wrestler? Who deserves a shot at the title? Who wants it more?..sunday night at *whatever PPV* we will find out."
Give the match a huge push going into the PPV, I'd probably sell it as a double main event, the title fight and Roode vs Storm. Give them 20-25 minutes, get it to the point where both guys have hit each other with everything they've got, total stalemate, I'd do the good-ol'-fashioned ref bump, Storm hits Roode with the beer bottle, pins him for the win, 1-2-3. Storm gets a shot at the champ. Roode gets screwed.
Now the heel and babyface are established, both have an angle, Storm just wants the belt and will cut down anyone in his way to get it, Roode wants the belt but also to avenge himself against his former friend for the shards of glass in his head.
I'm not gonna bore y'all by writing any more but you could run probably 6 months of feud out of that and it would (hopefully) make some pretty good TV.
Great song. When Storm comes out to this it just adds to his whole persona and all. One of those perfect fits to a character and all.

I think his and Roode's theme have been done very well. I find some of them better than the WWE themes and all.

Ye so good move with airplay. One should do their all to get it out there if its a great song for your top babyface. Can only help.

Country music stars Montgomery Gentry will join TNA star James Storm this week to shoot a music video for his entrance theme "Longnecks and Rednecks" in Columbia, Tennessee. The song, performed by Serg Salinas, is getting air play on country music radio this week as well. You can read a full report on the song at http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/07/2680208/montgomery-gentry-tnas-cowboy.html.


Along the same lines of what is already being discussed here, but it's news nonetheless.

I hope they use it to update his actual tron video, too. It's minor, but one of the things that's always irked me in TNA is how every wrestler has a generic tron video playing when they come out. 90% are just of generic text/logo stuff. No highlight packages of in-ring stuff or anything.
I was wondering who that other guy was that was with Storm and Cowboy Troy. I thought he was the singer but then I saw Serg singing. If all redneck country singers these days look all groomed like Montgomery Gentry, it seems to me Storm should have an overhaul on his look.
I really don't like that song haha!

It just sounds so cheesy, but I guess it fits with Storm's character well, and it has to be good news for TNA that the song has been picked up my country music radio stations. Any extra good publicity will only be beneficial for TNA and James Storm.

Storm is really impressing me at the moment, and has done for the last year or so. I never bought into him as a top level singles star, and would have banked on Roode having solo success and Storm going back to the tag ranks after the break up of Beer Money, so it is great to see both of them doing so well right now.
That is actually pretty cool but I will always be bias to Jeff Jarrett's with my baby tonight.
Remember when that guy was playing the solo on the guitar and Jarrett was fanning the guitar with his cowboy hat.... too cool.
If someone were to play this and said "this is a real country song" I'd believe it. It's really not that hard to write/sing a country song. Personally, I think country (at this moment) is probably the worst music. Well not really, some modern rock that has infused pop and country into it is horrendous. Bottom line is just sing about beer and either being sad or blissfully ignorant, throw in a twang and a drum beat and you have a country song.

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