What song are you currently listening to?


I bought an N.W.A Greatest Hits CD when I was in London before Christmas and then put it down somewhere and couldn't find it. FINALLY came across it this weekend and have been playing it in the car all week.

I still can't really get into Eazy-E as a vocalist, I much prefer Dre, Ice Cube and the others, Eazy just sounds too "whiny" for me. Still, a fucking great compilation CD though.

My old head smoking buddy put this on a couple weeks ago now and told me this was one of his favorite songs lol. I had heard it before but i've been listening to it regularly now

I bought an N.W.A Greatest Hits CD when I was in London before Christmas and then put it down somewhere and couldn't find it. FINALLY came across it this weekend and have been playing it in the car all week.

I still can't really get into Eazy-E as a vocalist, I much prefer Dre, Ice Cube and the others, Eazy just sounds too "whiny" for me. Still, a fucking great compilation CD though.

I don't know why but Eazy-E sounds cool to me. His sort of high pitched tone just has some sort of appeal for some reason


A guy I sit near in the office has a brother who works at the Manchester Ritz concert venue and can get free tickets whenever he wants them, so he's managed to get me 2 free tickets for THE GAME tomorrow night! Get in!

I've seen the set list from a recent concert and it was 1/2 songs from The Documentary and Documentary 2 and the other 1/2 made up of tracks from his other albums. Obviously "Higher" was in the set...I've always wanted to see Game live, in my opinion he's one of the best rappers alive today, and even better that it's free!

Seeing Bury Tomorrow supporting Parkway Drive next Monday. So stoked. I bought Bury Tomorrow's new album Earthbound at the weekend an it's awesome. All of the songs are awesome but Last Light is one of the best. I love the way the vocals are done especially the layering during the chorus.

Jason Cameron the rhythm guitarist and clean vocalist is especially awesome.

If you're into your metalcore definitely check them out

Streets of Gold - NeedToBreathe

For anybody who was wondering, this is the song they used for the Daniel Bryan tribute videos on raw last night. Such an all around emotional night that was for many of us, myself included. I don't have much else to say about it other than that. Its a good song so listen and enjoy. Thank you Daniel Bryan.

Possibly THE most 80's video ever! Appalling haha!

Great song though! I heard it on a rock radio station and immediately pulled the car over to use Shazam to find out the artist- I knew I recognised the voice, so I wasn't surprised to discover it was Journey.

Great riffs, powerful chorus and good vocals. It's 80's rock all over, but I like it!

Some songs really "get you", in the sense that they are indicative of who you think of yourself to be. Jet Fighter is a deep track from legendary punk band Butthole Surfers that few fans of punk are aware of.

This song starts with an uplifting story that plays on jingoistic whims, only to be laced with the irony of an American General dutifully counting casualties of war while enjoying a Cuban cigar. The main character dies, meets Allah and realizes that he had been fighting for the wrong team. This song to me is something I can play in my head while people are trying to force feed me their recycled bullshit about how only true patriots are brainwashed drones of symbols that keep having their meanings rewritten.
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Some songs really "get you", in the sense that they are indicative of who you think of yourself to be. Jet Fighter is a deep track from legendary punk band Butthole Surfers that few fans of punk are aware of.

This song starts with an uplifting story that plays on jingoistic whims, only to be laced with the irony of an American General dutifully counting casualties of war while enjoying a Cuban cigar. The main character dies, meets Allah and realizes that he had been fighting for the wrong team. This song to me is something I can play in my head while people are trying to force feed me their recycled bullshit about how only true patriots are brainwashed drones of symbols that keep having their meanings rewritten.

Super cool that you mentioned them! They are from my home city and I am a huge fan of the entire Punk spectrum.

Currently trying:
blackbear x mod sun - etaient si elevé à paris

This is one of my favourite hip-hop collaborations of all time. You have two of the illest MC's in history rapping with incredible lyricism and flow on a dope smooth beat, you can't ask for much more. Nas must've had a blast working with Kool G Rap on this track as Kool G was one of his influences.

We Are The Ocean - The Road

This is a really cool song. Every time I listen to it I hear a very heavy influence from the Foo Fighters. Yeah, so I guess if you are a fan of the Foo then chances are you'll enjoy this.

I was at a nu-metal specific club night in Manchester this saturday night, called "Break Stuff", with nothing but nu-metal classics being blasted out til 3am. It was awesome! I've never been to a nightclub before with mosh pits on the dancefloor haha!

Everything from Linkin Park, Papa Roach, POD to Korn, Godsmack and Static-X was played, with an hour in the middle dedicated to nothing but Limp Bizkit and RATM...obviously the place went crazy when "Break Stuff" came on!!

My neck is still sore from all the headbanging haha!

Saw Parkway Drive and Bury Tomorrow yesterday at the O2 in Birmingham. It was awesome they played most of my favourite songs. Love Karma by Parkway Drive, especially the solo at 2:14


Bury Tomorrow was awesome as well. Love Of Glory as it's just awesome sounding metal and I just love the different changes in vocals going from melodic to screaming. I also managed to get a picture with the Bury Tomorrow singer and he signed my ticket so win win.

I was just browsing YouTube listening to various songs by The Game that I hadn't heard before, and came across this one featuring Yelawolf.

I instantly recognised that piano sample that runs though the song, after after a minute or so realised it was the piano from the ending of Pearl Jam's "Black", a fantastic record.

Game to me has the best voice in rap, he sounds so passionate and real in ever y song, and this is no exception. It's a great track.

Man, I've been on a huge Nas kick lately. I've downloaded and listened to all his LP's and The Lost Tapes album all in the last week. Nas is one of my top 5 rappers of all time and perhaps my favourite east coast rapper, it's between him and Big L. Here's another great collaboration with him and AZ off Illmatic. AZ is one of the most underrated rappers.

FINALLY, after 10 years the great Richard Ashcroft has returned! Apart from the unsuccessful album with RPA & The United Nations of Sound (which I bought and actually liked), he's announced his first fully solo album since 2006's "Keys To The World", and some initmate dates- I managed to get a ticket for the London show.

I really like this. I liked it on first listen but was sure it would be a grower, and sure enough the more I listen, the more I like it. There's no voice in music like Richard's, and being born in Wigan he's kind of a local hero.

I can't wait to hear more from the new album. Welcome back Dicky...This Is Music.

Italy was undergoing a disco revolution in the early 1980s, one-hit acts were springing up left and right to exploit this ever exploding fad. Some acts were a bit more eccentric than others and would experiment with completely random themes to accentuate the abuse of their synthesizers.

Hally & Kongo Band apparently only made this and one other song in their existence, which for all I can gather is a song about a dark skinned man from the Republic of Congo who children like to hang out with. Apparently the "Afrikan Man" has Hally very aroused by the story of his discovery and popularity.

I can't explain what sets this song apart from all the other 1980s Italian Disco songs out there, probably Hally's moves though.
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Just discovered Yung Lean yesterday.
I don't like much of his songs as I'm not a fan of his un enthusiastic lazy style of delivering but he writes some pretty dope lyrics although you can hardly hear them. This song is pretty dope though, great producing, great video editing and a dope hook.

Dope song, great producing and catchy as fuck.

I love 2 Chainz, great delivering, funny lyrics, catchy as fuck.
Great music video.

One of my favourite songs from a dope album.
Wasn't crazy about it when it first came out but now I'm really digging this.
Dope lyricism, really starting to love his sound.

Didn't really like his style much at first but now I'm really liking his ghost rap sound. Can't get this song out of my head.

Dope song, love the vibe, good song to drink to.
Really good music video to.

Not much of a fan of Drakes rapping voice but he is pretty good here.
Good video, Dope beat and Future is dope as all ways.

I remember this coming on shuffle on my iPod and being blown away with how good it was. I have one TOAD album, but this song isn't on that record so I have no idea how this ended up on the iPod. I have no memory of downloading it!

I first heard TOAD when they released "Nothing Could Come Between Us", and while their style has definitely become more "radio friendly" over the years- probably the Nickelback influence, I still think they're a good band and I am finally seeing them this weekend in Manchester which will be pretty good.

I'm not expecting them to play much of their earlier stuff, they'll probably stick to the songs that have been more successful in recent years, so I expect this will be in the playlist. So catchy, great chorus and certainly a song that wouldn't be out of place on any radio station.

Currently one of the songs I'm obsessed over. I love Demon Hunter because of what they stand for, and the fact that, even though the band is made of Christians, they don't force their faith down the throats of others- rather, they keep it subtle and leave their songs open to interpretation. To me as one of faith, it refers to the difficulty of walking in faith, but it might mean something different entirely to someone else.
Dope beat, 2 Chainz and Lil Wayne spit fire.
Pretty unique sound, haven't herd much like it.
Love the rap battle feel.
There are some songs, that absolutely terrify me in a good way. This is one of them:

The Wicker Man is a movie that has held onto my nightmares stronger than any other horror film. I highly recommend seeing it, for me it's a near-impossible combination of beauty and terror. It's a movie I love, and will always remind me of my fragility.

This song, masterfully sung by Paul Giovanni, recalls a scene in the movie where a young man is going through a rite of passage by having his first sexual encounter with a woman. It brings to mind the chaos that occurs in a young man's mind when such an opportunity presents itself, and that he must pace himself and be willing to submit his overwhelming urge to ravage a beautiful woman in order to better understand the spiritual aspect of sexual intercourse.

This song is insanely haunting when you have seen the movie, and know the basis for the traditions of those who exercise these customs. The entire soundtrack is a masterpiece to behold when recognized as part of such an amazing film, but this song is one of the few that can actually put me in a state of terrified inner peace.
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If you had told me a few years ago I'd be big into deathcore, I would've laughed in your face and gone on about how stupid and noisy it is and that it makes zero sense.
Enter Impending Doom's album Baptized in Filth. They take the phrase "scare the hell out of you" to a whole new level. Brook's vocals are great, and I think the band sounds better here than it did in previous years, as deathcore fits them better than goregrind or grindcore.

Hands Like Houses - I Am

I like music. I like music and I hope that you do too; Otherwise, why else would you be visiting this thread? So this is a bit of music titled I Am by an Australian group named Hands Like Houses. As I've said before, I like music. I like their music to be a bit more specific. Its a great song but a solid group. So I'm going to share in hopes that somebody will feel the same as I. So do you like music too??

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