Triple H Vs The Internet World

Let's take a good hard look in the earlier career of HHH

It was 1999, he was a bumbling midcarder who's finishing move, the pedigree was no-selled by a guy named Kane (ironically enough Kane would fall for the same move in the future) in a house show..

people have come and gone before him, the fact that he was there since 1995 and still hasn't won the big one yet. You see guys like The Rock, Kane, Steve Austin, and Mankind trade the belt against each other already, and then where was The Game? well, at that time The Game just showed the late Andrew Martin a video of his drugged girlfriend (Steph O Mac) getting married to him in Vegas..

What you haven't mentioned is that when Triple H and Stephanie first got together storyline wise in late 1999. He was already World Champion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not the biggest Triple H fan. I definitely believe that he wouldn't be a 13 times in 10 years World Champion if he hadn't married Steph.

But to say he would've NEVER become WWE champion without marrying Steph is disingenuous.
I think what everyone needs to keep in mind is triple h doesnt just go out and do things. There are writers for the show and vince who controls what goes on. And when you think about when the WHC was created and in what context it made it perfect for it to just be given to him. And like someone mentioned with 2 titles to compete for the titles just start to pile up. Triple h has 13 in 10 years but Edge has 8 in 3. It just depends on what works for the company at the time.
My problem with Triple H is that he doesn't seem very willing to put anyone over. I'm not saying that he should be jobbing to guys left and right, but with the exception of Batista, I can't think of one person that he's ever truly put over. A specific example is how he's always destroying Randy Orton and has been for almost four years now.

Triple H does not need to win any more world titles, he should be an occasional world title chaser like HBK and Taker. He also does not need to main event any more Wrestlemanias for a while or ever; I'm tired of seeing him in WM main events.

I respect Triple H as a performer and all he's given to the business. He's one of the most dedicated guys out there. He's proven that he deserves his spot, regardless of Stephanie. But he needs to start stepping down from the top a bit and help build up the other guys more.
Sorry for such a long post by the way.

Never apologize for a well thought-out post. The reason I didn't mention Cena is I believe he has fewer title reigns than Edge yet in a longer time span. If Edge continues at the rate he is going (I doubt he will), he'll be a 16 time champ. He will accomplish in 6 years what it would take Triple H over a decade and Flair over multiple decades to accomplish.
My problem with Triple H is that he doesn't seem very willing to put anyone over. I'm not saying that he should be jobbing to guys left and right, but with the exception of Batista, I can't think of one person that he's ever truly put over. A specific example is how he's always destroying Randy Orton and has been for almost four years now.

Triple H does not need to win any more world titles, he should be an occasional world title chaser like HBK and Taker. He also does not need to main event any more Wrestlemanias for a while or ever; I'm tired of seeing him in WM main events.

I respect Triple H as a performer and all he's given to the business. He's one of the most dedicated guys out there. He's proven that he deserves his spot, regardless of Stephanie. But he needs to start stepping down from the top a bit and help build up the other guys more.

Earlier post from me: when did the Age of Orton begin? Beating Triple H at No Mercy. He tried to get over Benjamin, solidified Cena as the next top star, solidified Jeff Hardy as a singles competitor, brought him up to main-event level, tapped out to hand Benoit the title.

I could be wrong but at the rate of his title reigns over the last 2-3 years, I think he could be winding down and could be looking at his last few title reigns. To stay credible as a title chaser you have to capture it (Taker). I want to see more people step up before he steps down. Part of him headlining WM is if the other guy beats him at this show, that guy is made and stands as his own worst enemy (see Benoit and Batista).
Triple H is a hard worker and no doubt is a big player on the roster. There is NO DOUBT he would be a main eventer without Steph, but at the same time to say he hasn’t benefited from sticking Steph’s vadge is bullshit. He would NOT be a 13 time world champ. He would not have main evented 7 Wrestlemania’s and he would have been made to put over people like Jericho and Hardy.

He is stubborn and egotistical. I myself still find him entertaining and am certainly not a hater of his. But it is obvious he gets things his way thanks to his wife. It’s just right there. He never let’s a younger guy beat him cleanly. When the WWE wanted Jeff to have the title Trips wouldn’t do it. Instead they had Edge win it by pinning Hardy (HHH looks like he was screwed) then had Edge drop it to Hardy. Trips needs to get over himself a bit and chill out, have a personal feud that doesn’t include the title, or go after the IC. Hell, even the tag division. I’m just getting sick of massive reigns and bullshit match’s that he has been giving lately.

So, to summarise he would most definitely be in the main event picture but he would be more like Batista or Undertaker. He wouldn’t constantly be in the title picture year in, year out.
I can understand people complaining about Triple H main eventing so many WrestleManias in a row simply because you don't care for him as a wrestler, but don't act like it is an injustice or that he's demanding it. WWE only has so many guys to put in that main event spot. I'm not trying to act like there have only been two or three top guys for the last few years but check it out. There have been two world titles in WWE for several years now. Undertaker can't always be in the title match because he's always going to win at WM, so WWE can't build him up every single year to win the belt. HBK seems to not want to be champion or have to work the schedule of a champion and would rather focus on building up other guys and putting on great matches and making more "history" (which has been great so far). Cena hasn't put on a good one-on-one match at WM that hasn't included a ring general like HBK or HHH, which is why they've put him in triple threat matches twice now. Anyway, there are a million reasons but when it comes to the two world titles at mania, WWE needs at least four, likely five guys for those matches. So sure HHH gets one of those spots.
Just a few points to address from previous posts. One person said HHH should be more like Batista and only sometimes be in the title chase? Really??? When in the last 3 years has Batista been in a feud that wasn't for the title? Don't give me the 1 Cena match that was rushed either. Big Dave is always in the hunt, just like Edge, just like HHH, just like Cena. It's just what they are booked to do. If there are feuds outside of the title to be had, they do them, but most of the time, you will find those 4 in main events.

Point 2: I loved HBK back in the day, and I still respect what he does and the fact that he turned his life around, but to say he's been "putting over talent who needs it" is ludicrous. His last 3 feuds have been with Chris Jericho, JBL and Undertaker. Yes, he made them all look good, but they were already good. In fact, I would argue that they all were already at a level on par or higher than Shawn.

I'm not going to get into the rest of the arguments because it's getting old and I made my points earlier, but please don't use other wrestlers as examples when they are poor ones at that.

PS: Watch live shows, HHH gets one of the best reactions from the crowd. He and big Dave (not Cena) get the biggest face pops of the night. If you are getting the desired reaction from the crowd, you are doing your job well. He has always done that as a heel and a face and that's why he's at the top of the heap. Argue any other point, but how the crowd feels about you and how much money you make the company by appearing and wrestling will always define who appears the most.
The one word I didn't see mentioned much if at all in this forum is passionate. Triple H is one of the most passionate wrestlers that's ever stepped into the squared circle. Sure, his ring work is deteriorating as he ages, but let's state some of the things that HHH has done in his career.

- Started his career in WCW as a Ric Flair look alike called Terra Ryzing. He jobbed to Honky Tonk Man on WCW Worldwide. That's right.

- His debut was as the arrogant Blue Blood from Greenwich, CT called Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Tell me HHH hasn't eaten some humble pie in his career now.

- As the Blue Blood, he jobbed for the Ultimate Warrior and after a year or so, he hit his stride as the Intercontinental Champioin, and eventual King of the Ring. This was all WAAAAY before he met Stephanie.

- With THE biggest name in the WWE at the time, Shawn Michaels, he formed D-X. One of the most influential factions in Pro Wrestling history. They basically brought their offbeat shenanigans from backstage into the forefront of their biggest TV show.

-Shawn retired and HHH took the reigns of D-X and managed to make it even BIGGER than it was with HBK.

-HHH goes on to break away from D-X and is eventually the World Champion. Around this time, he met Stephanie.

The rest of his body of work since then is already common knowledge. The point I'm making is that the reason he's married to Stephanie, the reason he's as big as he is, and the reason he's still at the top of the heap is because no one else in that locker room besides John Cena has more passion for the business. He eats, sleeps, breaths, and shits the WWE. He met his WIFE in wrestling. He was so obsessed with wrestling that he was in love with Vince McMahon's daughter. Sure, real love played a part into it, but you can't tell me he didn't think that 'wow, I'd love to fuck Vince's daughter' didn't run through his head when he first saw her.

I respect the hell out of HHH. The man wrestled through TWO surgeries on a torn quad muscle, an injury that's taken a lot of people in different sports out for good. He has put people over at the biggest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. He's a hybrid of most pro wrestlers from years past, which kills him on the originality department, but the old saying goes, 'We're not trying to reinvent the wheel, just make it better.' That's what HHH has done. He's made some old school moves, mixed in with originality and made himself into a viable superstar.

Diss HHH all you want for his relationships and for being on TV too much, but you have no choice but to deal with it. HHH IS the WWE.
triple h did not marry Stephanie until 2003 October he had 2 world heavyweight titles and 4 wwe titles so he was already major but it is true he doesn't put people over
is HHH the modern day Hogan?? he is in the title picture always, and no matter what he does, he gets tremendous pops from the crowd.
being that this was my first official post i absolutly love the heat and tension thats come from this thread......

HHH is a great worker people he simply is...

some great point i have seen since my last post...

HHH was already a 6 time world champ before marrying steph....

Ultimatly Vince is boss...he isnt stupid he knows HHH is aging and is developing the youngters to take over....

Keeping that in mind if HHH puts everyone over then it wouldnt be such a "monumental" moment when he looses...Hence HHH himself said it best to Orton before WM when they made the matchup for WM25 official..he said you need to beat me to establish your legacy...(something along those lines) and its true people he is 1 of the top guys in WWE and Orton does need to beat HHH and when he does its going to elevate Orton to the next level of his career.....

Lastly some asshole put something up that really pissed me do you know why HHH and Stephanie got married? Maybe your right but maybe you are wrong...BUT who the hell are you to speculate? grow up and get off the forums bc you are obviously not very intelligent....

PS-thanks to all who have replied besides that jerk...i guess waiting to make my first Thread was worth it!
All of the bashing that goes on when it comes to people like triple h is a little ridiculous. When you think about any company there are favorites, and most people get there by either working their ass off or having a family member own the company. With triple h you have a person that worked his ass off to be where he is and then married steph. Oh and as for him being in the title picture constantly lets look at this

Oct - Dec 05 Not in title picture
WM 22 gets shot loses
Backlash 06 gets shot loses
June 06 - Jan 07 not in title picture
August 07 - Oct 07 not in title picture
No Mercy 07 wins title but loses it later that night
WM 24 which was almost 6 months later is next title match and loses

Now lets look at John Cena
WM 21 - NYR 06 Champion
RR 2006 gets title back
ONS 2006 loses to RVD
Main events with Edge as champ from July - Sept
Unforgiven 2006 Wins title back
No Mercy 07 forfeits title due to injury
RR 08 comes back and wins it gets title shot at next 3 ppvs
May 08-August 08 not in title picture
SS 08 comes back from injury and wins WHC
NWO 09 loses title to Edge
WM 25 wins title

Basically it shows that you can do better than triple h without marrying the bosses daughter. This just shows that maybe theres another reason (like the fact that he is a great performer) that triple h is where he is

Great Points and i love it....very true he is not always in the title picture and i 100% agree Cena is shoved down our throats HHH is not.....he didnt have to marry steph to be as good as he is bc he already was great...
I agree. Triple h isn't where he is because he's married to Steph. He's constantly putting over other talent. So to say he's always winning matches and always has the belt is far from the truth. If anything, Triple H loses more matches than he should and he hasn't been the champ in a while b4 this. And if him being married to Steph was the case, don't u think he'd be champion 24/7, 365 days a yr? Like no1 else besides him would have the belt. B4 this, how many WM's did he lose? When he lost to Cena at WM a few years back, that was his idea. So he could put over Cena. When he lost to Randy at the Rumble, it was so he could put Randy over. So b4 u haters start bashing him, look at what he's done for other talent.

i think another good point is how HHH was 1 of the 2 last guys in the Rumble the last 2 years and was eliminated.....and yes he hasnt been chap b4 this run in a many times has Cena won or chased the world title in the last 3 years or so?....
Triple H's defining moment other than his WM 16 victory (which was justified coz he was the best at that time) will be his match with Orton at WM 25. That will go down along with WM 18 as the two most anticlimactic WM endings of all time. Is it a coincidence that they both had HHH in them? HHH should've let Rock & Hogan Mainevent WM 18 & he should've let Orton go over at WM 25!

No one denies that HHH is a legend, because he is. He was THE HEEL in the attitude era. But he's had his time..... What happened at WM 25 is as bad as if HBK had beaten Stone Cold at WM 14 or Hogan had beaten Warrior at WM 6.
Orton wouldn't been the man if he'd beaten HHH, regardless of how slow the match was, the ending would've been right. Watch the reaction of the fans in the front row at WM 25 when HHH gets the 3 count to see how wrong that ending was..... The problem is that if Orton was the man, then HHH wouldn't be..... That tells you EVERYTHING that you need to know about HHH.

His pops have gone down considerably since Wrestlemania 25. The fans are gonna turn on him very soon just like they turned on Cena at New Years Revolution 2006!
Okay. Im missing something. Here is what I am hearing from the haters:

-married to Steph.

Okay so you would be opposed to falling in love with a great looking millionaire heiress, becoming a key component in your company, making millions, and possibly having a future after you retire? I wouldn't. Everyone uses connections. That is why there is a reference section on job applications.

-in the main-event too much.

Could it be that when your big stars go from being Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, and Mankind to Triple H, Cena, Edge, and Orton, you might need a steady fixture who has been doing this a while? Especially when Orton was the first out of him, Orton, and Cena to win a title but didn't do so until two years after Stone Cold, Rock, and Mankind had already won all of their titles? How many PPVs did Hogan headline? How many did Flair? Angle for TNA? Stone Cold?

-always around/with title.

A little of the same for the title complaint. What about Cena, Edge, Hogan, Angle, Stone Cold, Batsta or maybe even Brock Lesnar?

-never puts anyone over.

Someone explain to me how he NEVER puts ANYONE over. The only two peole that I know of that has never gotten over and/or won against Triple H is Chris Jericho and Edge. No one else at at main event status. I have already explained Jeff Hardy TWICE. And why not let Jeff have feud with another main-eventer; especially one that he is familiar with (Edge)? Benoit, Batista, Cena, Age of Orton? Explain that one to me. Don't just state. Elaborate.

As for Triple H's match at WM18, Chris Jericho wasn't exactly putting on classics with Austin or Rock either. But I really think that had to do with booking. Maybe they didn't trust Jericho so they booked him to look like a pawn for Vince and Steph to try an get him over.

I think it is funny that everything the Triple H haters say about him now (with the exception of being married to Stephanie) is the same things wrestlers said about Hulk Hogan, Rick Flair, Goldberg, and Shawn Michaels. Even though they are fewer, I have even heard and read complaints about Stone Cold politicking.

Top guys do politic to keep there spots because that is where the money is. That is not just a fact in wrestling. It is a fact in ALL businesses.
When HHH loses, it should mean something.

Randy Orton is messing with Trips wife, they had a pretty bad match at mania, but Orton worked a TON of heat. Did anyone see this past Raw, Orton looked good, yeah Trips works his leg, wouldnt you if someone beat up your wife?

I repeat... when HHH loses it should mean something.

When Ric Flair was at the top did he put EVERYONE over? No.

Did Hulk Hogan ever put EVERYONE over?

Deal with it.

Trips will put over Orton in the end. It takes time.

Have patience.

Deal with it.
Hogan & Stone Cold may have hogged the top spot, but if you are for one second trying to indicate that HHH is on the same level as Hogan or Austin then there is no point in us even talking about wrestling because Triple H is not on the same tier as Hogan or Austin & NEVER will be (no i'm not saying that HHH isn't a legend either)..... So to headline more Wrestle Manias than Hogan & Austin isn't justified.

& the issue with the Jericho match if u actually read what I wrote is that, Rock vs Hogan should've been the mainevent. I didn't say anything about the outcome of the match, just that it shouldn't have been the mainevent. Everybody wanted Rock vs Hogan to mainevent WM 18 but HHH said no (Watch the Game DVD).

When Flair was at the top & refusing to put anyone over in the NWA, he was in his prime. The last time HHH was truly considered the best in the business was in 2001, yet since 2001 he's had a world title match at all but one Wrestlemania (the one he didn't was only because he tore his quad otherwise he would have headlined WM 23)
I agree with somethin someone said earlier, it doesnt matter about his win, loss rate at WM's because he is still in the ME. Its still is scripted so i don't see how a couple of kidd on losses are going to tarnish his reputation through the mud or anything.
I'm not a HHH basher, through I am not his biggist fan(netural). I respect the man as an induvidual and a truly greta perforer, I just think that he does sometimes use his backstage relashinships to take charge in the industry.

Hogan & Stone Cold may have hogged the top spot, but if you are for one second trying to indicate that HHH is on the same level as Hogan or Austin then there is no point in us even talking about wrestling because Triple H is not on the same tier as Hogan or Austin & NEVER will be (no i'm not saying that HHH isn't a legend either)..... So to headline more Wrestle Manias than Hogan & Austin isn't justified.

I don't think I ever said that. Nor did I imply it. Don't read to much into what I said. In fact I think I stated he was not the type of guy that was going to break into mainstream popularity but a dependable guy. I said I find it humorous that fans didn't really complaind about Hogan or Austin clinging to the top spot. But I did give other names that didn't want to job. How long did Austin or Rock last in the WWE? Triple H has been there. He is your staple. You play what you have. So is he all of a sudden supposed to just mid-card it and job to some guy who has no business beating a former champ? If he beats the guy at mid-card he is just "burying" them.

Yes it is justified to headline more Manias than Hogan or Austin. Austin's health cut him short. Hogan walked for money. So should Triple H stop being "The Game" just because Austin has health issues or Hogan wanted more money? That is stupid. That is bad for the business and bad for Triple H himself.

& the issue with the Jericho match if u actually read what I wrote is that, Rock vs Hogan should've been the mainevent. I didn't say anything about the outcome of the match, just that it shouldn't have been the mainevent. Everybody wanted Rock vs Hogan to mainevent WM 18 but HHH said no (Watch the Game DVD).

I agreed with Triple H. I felt that way before I saw the DVD. Your show should be about the belt. So your last match at the biggest show should be the belt. To be honest, if your champion can't headline a PPV, then you have the belt on the wrong guy. See CM Punk. (Obviously, this is only an opinion but so is just about everything you said.)

When Flair was at the top & refusing to put anyone over in the NWA, he was in his prime. The last time HHH was truly considered the best in the business was in 2001, yet since 2001 he's had a world title match at all but one Wrestlemania (the one he didn't was only because he tore his quad otherwise he would have headlined WM 23).

First, Flair was accused of this in WCW and politics ran wild until its end. Secondly, I don't think anyone considered Triple H the best on 01. You still had Austin, Rock and Taker. Until Evolution broke up, he was the biggest draw (save HBK) on RAW by far.

And who else should fight for the title? I have said it many times. Somemore people need to step up before Triple H steps down. People are worried about the future quality of the WWE because two of the best could be stepping down soon and it doesn't look like too much is stepping up. There is a reason to put him in the big match.

2002-The comeback. Who doesn't get a push when coming back from an injury? (Edge, Orton, Cena, Michaels, Taker).

2003- Booker T. Need to find out what this guy can do when put in the title picture. Solid but debateable booking. Booker T apparently didn't have the trust of anyone in the back. Why would Triple H even work with Booker if he was trying to bury him and hold him down? Things Hogan, Flair, Goldberg, Austin and others are accused of doing (not working with people).

2004- Benoit. Benoit had been close so many times. What better way to make him look legit than beat the man who seemingly couldn't lose?

2005- Batista. The culmination of Evolution. Batista proves he is among the elite (storyline wise). The future had become the present and Triple H was a victim of his own creation. (From my understanding, there were ideas of a Brock/Triple H match but that died right before WrestleMania XX in 2004.)

2006- Cena. Cena won the championship over JBL. But how many people took JBL seriously? Vince saw something in Cena. What better way to get Cena to the forefront of your company than beating "The Game?"

2007- injury.

2008- Orton and Cena. Cena (the comeback and the guy Orton didn't beat for the title) vs Triple H (The Game who was quickly becoming one of Orton's most hated rivals). This match had Orton beating the Face of the company and the standard of the company. Orton comes out looking smart.

2009- Orton. The hero gets some retribution. Now the villain must turn up the tensity and become more sadistic and more dangerous to get the title back and exact revenge on his former friend, mentor, and betrayer. Many people felt this was one of the better angles going in.

Triple H is your standard. He is the staple. He has a vested interest in the future of the company. Almost anyone who has been champion has benefitted from some kind of politics. Some kind of connection. Triple H was a victim long before he was the beneficiary.
I'm not going to go to hardcore into the actual subject of the thread other than to say that Triple H was already making a name for himself and working the Main Event matches before he and Stephanie got married. As someone pointed out, although the Vegas "marriage" happened in '01 (I think), it was purely kayfabe. They didn't really get married until '03.

As far as the whole questioning why they got married issue goes, I think a lot of people are forgetting that Triple H, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, or whatever you want to call him didn't marry Stephanie. Paul Levesque married her. (yes I know they are the same person) My point is that all any fans every really see of the guy is his character, Triple H. How many people can say they know what Paul is like as a person. In my opinion, only those people who know Paul would have any possible way to speculate on the reasons behind why they got married. All the rest of us just need to leave it alone.
lol the marks in this place are unbelievable.

Ok, first off, while I dont think we should be concerned with how & why Triple H & Stephanie got together, I have no doubt it was at the very least due to who she was. Why? Well, because (And I'm actually surprised no ones brought it up) at the time they both started screwing around, Hunter was in a relationship with Chyna. And of course, when she found out, she lost her shit, causing Vince to bury her and then fire her (look up the documentary 101 Reasons not to be a pro Wrestling where they have a shoot interview with her about it). So I have no doubt business was on his mind when he decided to "join the family".

Secondly, I hear all these pro-HHH marks (and that's what the most of them are, marks) give a little rap sheet of who he's put over e.g Cena, Batista, etc. I bet you anything he's done it with reservation. It would be something along the lines of this in a creative meeting:

Vince: "Hunter, I want you to put over Cena/Benoit/Edge/Other.
HHH: "Aww... But I don't wanna...
Vince: "Hunter...
HHH: " Oh...Fine... (mumble) stupid old hag...

Oh, and has anyone noticed after WM21, he hasn't lost the title cleanly. Let's have a look, shall we?
No Mercy 2007: Buries Orton by taking the title from him after only holding the strap for, what was it...10 minutes? Then, he further throws Randy under the bus by only dropping the belt after being assaulted by Umaga (who, btw he then goes on to bury for the next two months; Umaga has never been the same career wise) and going into a Last Man Standing match to lose: notice how there was no pin fall/submission?
Survivor Series 2008: Refuses to drop the strap to Hardy (who, despite his drug problems, can not be denied the fact that he is the hottest young gun in the company (who actually has the talent to back it up) so he allows Edge to take the strap...But wait a minute, that's ONLY after he goes through a match with Koslov (oh, and wasn't that one a SHOWSTEALER?!) that Edge runs into the match. Oh, that and Hardy nailing Hunter with a chair for Edge to pick up the win.

Oh, and guess what? I can predict the future. Why do you think they made the Backlash match a 6-man tag? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out? Orton RKO's Shane or even Batista to take the championship home, saving HHH from potential shame and gives him his "Oh, I didn't lose my championship" rematch.

I wouldn't be surprised if he lost to Orton last year to stick it to us smarks and make it look like he can put people over and then he can win the belt a few weeks later, basically keeping squeaky clean.

Next subject: Old Man River wont puff, puff, pass.
I heard someone say Edge doesn't put over any young talent.To that person, I say simply this: C.M Punk. OH I have no doubt that Triple H would definately do what's best for business, and JOB (and that's what it was, a JOB). Or Hardy for that matter. Why he seems to think it would damage his reputation if Jeff got a clean fall over HHH is beyond me.

I remember hearing an interview (can't remember who it was) where they were talking about how during a creative meeting in 2000 they were discussing Kurt Angle's title run at No Mercy, and Hunter, who wasn't even involved in that situation, sat up and said that he felt that Angle was too small to be champion. Michael Hayes then said that Angle would still kick his ass in a fight which got a laugh from most of the other wrestlers in the room. I can only imagine what it's like to work with the egotistical SOB in the locker room. Another interview was with Randy Orton last year talking about last year's draft. When Umaga was moved to SmackDown, Umaga said to Orton "At least I don't have to put up with Hunter no more." And then, as we all know, at the end of the night HHH was drafted to SmackDown, to which Orton said to Umaga "Bad luck, man."

Another thing, all these people are saying how he's a great pure wrestler, but his moveset leaves much to be desired. He has like, what....15 to 20 moves all together. Ask yourself this: When was the last time HHH did a move that he's never done in 3-4 years, or even at all? Exactly.

And finally, to all these 11-year old marks who say "How is Triple H a bad wrestler, he's a 13-time WWE Champion?!" know that I want to come to each and every one of your houses and shove Eddie Guerrero and Edge DVDs up your asses. Put it this way, if world titles were defined by actual in-ring talent then Chris Jericho would be a 15-time World title.

What really gets to me is this; What barriers and restrictions are there to prevent Triple H from bypassing Ric Flair as a 17-time World Champion?

If that happens, then I'll become a die-hard TNA fan, as hard as that will be.
Just so you know with how many titles there are a lot of ppl will pass flair. So if that makes you go to TNA then may as well just go there now

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