This is the End, Beautiful Friend

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
So, I started in WZCW in May 2010. In July 2011 I joined the creative team. At the time of writing, it is August 2013 and I am burnt out. There's no point in sugar coating it, I'm bloody knackered. WZCW has taken my blood, my sweat and my tears (well not quite, but let's go with that, sounds good) and while I love it, there is no way I can continue on as a member of the creative team. That is why I shall be standing down prior to the start of the Redemption cycle.

Steven Holmes will continue and I will remain a regular member of WZCW, but my position as moderator and my creative powers will be relinquished to another. That all said, I've got a few things I want to say to some of those who helped me along the way up to now and whose work I continue to admire:

Lee: Thanks for saving the fed. Simple as that. Without you there is no WZCW and we're all thankful to you for it.

Dave: Another one of my friends turned foes, it was pleasure to work with you for those six months across 2011/2012

Phoenix: (If you do get round to reading this) You were the best head WZCW had in my opinion and I'm pleased for all the happiness you've found outside the fed. I loved our feud and while it continues to bubble to this day, I would love nothing more than to see Dave vs. Holmes one last time.

Ty: Your tenure was overrun by great ideas and some tremendous stories. We all truly admire you as a legend and it was an honour to serve under you and work with you on the Lethal Lottery RP we did.

Numbers: There was no doubting how excited I was to work with you when you began as Head. I know you had busy time of things, but I congratulate you on all your happiness outside of WZCW(and in it too for that matter).

Showtime: Rat bastard...I jest (perhaps) but you’ve been good to me as both a creative member and a foe. It was you making concessions that made our feud go ahead in the direction I wanted and I loved facing you across the past few months. Congrats on the big win and I look forward to seeing you again down the road.

Crock: I told you I'd see you on the other side. A long term foe and one of the main guys I had feuded with back during the midcard period of Holmes' run. I loved what you gave me with your brother's storyline and it was a pleasure to beat your ass and become Elite Champion ;) I have no doubts Sam Smith will continue to rise to prominence, especially ahead of the tournament.

Triple X: We're at one and one brother man. Hurry back so we can have that rubber match. I'm looking forward to it.

Echelon: For better or worse, you're basically my RPing soul mate right now and I love it. Steven Holmes and Celeste Crimson seem like such an odd couple and a bizarre fit, but I think together we've done a great job. You're one of the main reasons that Steven Holmes thrives today and you continue to spur me on. Cheers mate.

Dr. Zeus: Or Haiku Hogan, brother. An odd choice perhaps, but seeing how well Dr. Zeus has done in the one cycle he's been featured has continued to inspire me to strive to do better. There is no doubting the success and brilliance of that character and it continues to make me want to achieve going forward. You’re honest and good at what you do.

Doc & Shotaro: You do a great job with the podcast and I look forward to continuing to listen each and every episode as it comes. I'd be honoured to be your guest anytime.

GD, Jose and Whoever Was Rodney McClain: The greatest contract battle royal ever. I have no idea how I've had the longest tenure of the three of us who made it (we all know Rodney was Robbed BTW) but we were quite the group of newbies. Thanks for all your work with and against me guys.

Current Creative: You've all received personal messages in the back, but thank you all for your help and for putting up with me for two years. You're all saints (when you want to be :p ) and I respect each and every one of you. Good luck guys.

Whoever Replaces Me: Best of luck ;)

Phew! Think that just about covers it. Thanks to everyone else who has ever faced me or interacted with me. I'm sure you've all contributed to Steven Holmes and myself as a member of the forum. I look forward to the future not knowing what it holds. That's the ego-trip over with, now to play us out; The Doors!

I had a feeling mate. I'm glad you've had the success and hope that continues for you. You were a fantastic and incredibly reliable member of the team for Ty & I
I knew you were stepping down after KC, still a shame to see man.

You've done good Funkay, we got your spot reserved in the Nursing Home for Retired Creative Members. One day we'll get Holmes vs. Ty when it's a legit equal match and we'll see who's the most diabolical.
Goodbye asshole, took you long enough. Now we are one step closer to an all pony fed.

Seriously, when you made the announcement to the rest of us in the back I was shocked. Whoever we pick to replace you will have big shoes to fill, you rarely had a bad idea(unlike myself) and you always produced quality matches and segments. Gonna miss you man.
Thanks for your contributions Funkay, few can say they've accomplished what you have. But fret not, as our reign of tyranny is only just beginning.

Wait, you're still sticking around? Well god damn glad you're not in the tourney
The reign of the Crashin Movement as the leaders of creative dies today, my friend. Someday, I'll hope to see you on the other side and we will once again PM creative every day about our characters. You will be missed.
DUDE! Well this sucks balls, gonna be a big loss to creative for sure. Though at least you're sticking around as Holmes, if you were leaving completely I may have cried several tears.

...and don't even think I've forgotten about that. Holmes/X 3 will happen, no question.
Ah man!

FunKay, you were the Creative member I went to most. I always knew I could approach you with any of my ideas and I'd be so bold as to suggest that the fed wouldn't be nearly as amazing as it is today without you as a driving force behind it. You had a great run and your creative influence will no doubt be sorely missed.

Glad that Holmes is sticking around. It'd be a crime to see him not get a second title run.
Phoenix: (If you do get round to reading this) You were the best head WZCW had in my opinion and I'm pleased for all the happiness you've found outside the fed. I loved our feud and while it continues to bubble to this day, I would love nothing more than to see Dave vs. Holmes one last time.

I'm honoured, and thank you. You had such great input and writing when you were on Creative, you definitely were a great addition to the team when you were elevated to the team. While Creative will miss your input and writing means, it's good to see Holmes is still going. I saw the twist at Redemption, which was fun and interesting to read, not to mention our rivalry is one of my personal favourites, it was glad to retire against you. Not to mention, it's been good that you and Creative kept that rivalry fresh, despite Big Dave being a NPC now. I hope you're having good times outside of Creative.

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