A Fond Farewell

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Well with Redemption officially coming to a close, I believe it's time to share something with you all. As of this moment, I am stepping down as the head of the Creative Team for WZCW. I am also stepping away from the fed altogether.

Why might you ask? Well to be perfectly honest I'm finding myself stressed out more and more by the fed. There is less time in my life for the fed, and honestly, I'm worn out from it. I've been part of the Creative team in WZCW almost from the get go, and I've rarely taken breaks from RPing even let alone taking a break from writing matches or even just working on the booking side of things. So it's been three years of doing this, and I'm very proud of the body of work WZCW has while I've been a part of it, but it's time for me to step away from it all. I don't want to leave the Creative team and just become a regular member, my character's story and journey stops at this moment, going down in a written literal blaze.

During the Kingdom Come weekend while we were preparing the show, it was a beautiful day outside and my daughter comes running into my office. "Daddy let's go outside". I replied back that dad was busy working. And honestly guys, my daughter is the absolute best with the sad puppy dog eyes and I'm sitting here thinking that rather then running outside with my daughter, I'm working on writing matches, stuffed away in my office downstairs every other weekend. I love you guys and all, but my daughter turns three next Monday. I don't want to be locked away in my office every other weekend anymore. I want to spend time with my wife and daughters on the weekend. The weekends that shows go up they don't see me most of the weekend unless I come up for food, drink, or to have a smoke. I've been doing that for over three years now, I'm ready to let it go. I love the Fed, I love the people in it, but my family time is more critical and important then all of that, WZCW doesn't even hold a candle to it. So that's my main reasons, burnout, my daughter's impeccable capability of turning me into putty, and stress.

The stress side of things I'm not going to lie, it's there, the other Creative members can attest to it, but I like to think I put more stress on myself because I am the one running everything. You're the one overlooking the whole operation, coming up with the storylines, making sure we get the boards up, make sure the cards are put together, everything. To my team's credit, they stepped up big last the year, putting even more effort and taking a lot of work off the head of the team and the second in command's shoulders unlike what Phoenix and I used to do. But even then I've grown stressed out by a lot of things with the fed. We try our best to make everyone happy, but in the end I've noticed and felt like more and more people just aren't satisfied with what we do here. If you feel that way, well then I'm sorry, I have nothing else for you. We put a lot of effort into everything we do, we give as much as we can to the fed and we do the best job we possibly can. I'm sorry if it's not good enough for you, but considering how far we've brought the fed and how hard we've worked to make it a more then worthwhile fed, I think we've done alright.

So in short, I'm leaving the fed. I'm not gone forever, I'll be back at some point and time just as a regular member the next go around. Some people in the fed may not like me and that's fine, I try to do the best I can for them as well. I'm not a real big force of personality contrary to some people's beliefs. I'm a quiet dude and so I don't want any drama on my way out. I had probably a lot more bitterness and stuff if you will to get off my chest then some of the negative stuff I've said here, but I'll take that with me, I don't want to start up a shit storm although some may focus on the negative things I've said and lambast me accordingly. That's fine, I won't be mad or anything.

Just know that I've had an awesome time being in WZCW for the past 3 years or so that I've been around here. I initially joined the fed thinking I wouldn't stick around long, or that my writing wouldn't be good enough to succeed but I was wrong on both counts. I still haven't seen my first match televised, but I'm assured I beat USA with The Final Seance. I've had so many awesome feuds and storylines throughout my time here. From the first encounter with Showtime, up to the very last, he's been my favorite opponent ever. I've always looked forward to our matches as it was always a battle between us. I know that when we faced at Kingdom Come III that it would be the toughest test yet and he forced me to write at my absolute best to beat him. I know a lot of people become motivated and try their best when they face me, Showtime was that type of person for me. The Dark Alliance with Vengeance was a storyline that I wanted for a long time. It took some odd twists and turns but to be the one to retire Vengeance and be passed the torch from someone like that was truly an honor. And of course the Apostles of Chaos and taking the ownership role. I am very fortunate that the rest of the creative team let me run wild with that idea and expand it as much as we could. While the core idea was there, they were the ones that really helped me blossom it out and make it even better. I had a blast coming up with ideas, and feuding with just about everyone. I think I'll owe Celeste, Black Dragon, and Kurtesy another match whenever I come back. Well, at least Black Dragon since we never did get a one on one match, but I'll let him take out his angry writing out on me at a later time.

I've enjoyed being part of the Creative team, I've worked with a lot of great guys over the years and they strive to get better and better as time goes on. I'm leaving WZCW in more then capable hands and I expect nothing but quality work coming from them just as always. Numbers has been an excellent second in command, and he'll be an even better leader. And yes you can get your jokes in about how corrupt I was or I held people down or whatever you wish to enter in here.

With all that said, there are some people I wanna thank before I wrap this up.

Lee - If it wasn't for you chatting with me that one night about WZCW, I would have never joined up, and likely wouldn't have stuck around the forums too much longer. Without you WZCW would be dead and buried, and you are truly the savior of WZCW. Your dedication and tireless work for the fed is something to be commended, and I thank you for giving me the chance to join the Creative team.

Phoenix - My dude, easily the nicest and most zen person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. The hours we spent discussing WZCW booking inbetween jokes is something I missed after you stepped down. I know life caught up and it did to me as well, but just know that you're still a brother to me, and you gave me the chance to be your second in command. It was an honor to be your right hand man.

Numbers - Thank you for being outstanding in your role as second in command. I'll say it now, Numbers has done his fair share of holding the place together when I wasn't available or busy with life. You're efficient, and you know how to be a great leader. I know you'll keep WZCW running well just like we always have.

Harthan - No more bitching about the Eurasian title! I kid of course, one day we'll have a proper rematch and I look forward to it. It was an honor to write your World Title winning match, and I'm extremely happy that you've finally achieved that goal. You and Showtime were my first real tests in the fed, and I'm thankful for you letting me go over for the Eurasian title. You were also the one that got me into ROH and had me buying up all the older DVD's whenever there was a sale. I miss our MSN convos, but I haven't been very good about getting on my MSN as I used to be so that's on me as well. was glad to see you return to the forums, now keep that title. Easier said then done with the talent we got around here.

Falkon - The hardest working man on the Creative Team. Dude you're a machine when you have a project to get done. I see your work on the Magazine, your work for Aftershock, and just all the extra work you put into shows. It's crazy to think about how bad your first character was, and the growth throughout your time here until finally capturing the World Title. I almost feel like a proud father watching his son grow up in front of his very eyes. And yes, now there is one less obstacle in your way to converting WZCW into a Pony Federation.

Funkay - You conniving evil bastard. That's what I think of when I hear the name Steven Holmes. Seriously though, man you're an outstanding writer and can be very poetic in nature with how you write matches. Whenever you took my match to write I knew it would be in good hands and would be an easy contender for MOTN. I'm sorry we never got to do any sort of real story or feud between each other, but working with you for your LL RP was a blast seeing how you used my character. You're on the rise man, and you'll reach the top very soon.

Dave - Dude, how long have we been doing this? Far too long in my opinion, but that's just me. We started out right around the same time on Creative, maybe you were a little ahead of me I don't remember. That being said we've been working on the creative side for quite some time now, and your work has always been outstanding. I know we had our minor misunderstanding last year, and for that I apologize. I was being stupid and not listening to you and ended up lashing out at you for no reason. That was on my end, so again I apologize man. Constantine is such a great character, I know you'll be champion one day as well. Thanks for all the time we've spent chatting on MSN dude.

Showtime - We're going to be feuding until we're old and decrepit. You've been my favorite opponent, my toughest challenge many times over, but most of all a great friend. One day I'll have to make the small trek up to Winnipeg and catch a hockey game with you. Thanks for everything you've done in the fed, I'm sorry I had to write your world title loss, but you'll be right back up there challenging for it again in no time. Thanks again man.

Kermit - Dude, thanks for being my final opponent and feud for the near future. That was a blast and I'm really appreciative of you working with me on this angle for so long. You've grown quite a bit since we first started the Apostles of Chaos, and now I'm hoping you're set up to continue your excellent work from here on out. Make me proud man, I already am but I want to be even prouder.

I got so many people I can thank here but I think that should cover some. If I didn't mention your name, I apologize I can write a thank you note in a PM and send it to you with a bow on top if you like. Just know that everyone that contributes to the fed is what makes it great, from the guy just starting out on Aftershock, all the way up to the Head of Creative. I just want you guys to remember that this is all in fun. This shouldn't be a serious activity, this is a hobby, this is something to do for fun. Try to keep that in mind at all times when working on something in WZCW. We have a unique environment here and that's what I want to see continue that way. Just remember, wins and losses aren't the end all be all. I've won 1 out of my last 7-8 matches, and that was because my tag partners kicked some serious ass.

So for now, I'm stepping away from it all. I hope y'all can understand why I am leaving. It's time for me to get the hell out of the way for everyone else. I'm still gonna be around the forums, just not around WZCW for awhile. I need a break, I have some other writing projects I look at possibly doing among other things to keep working on my writing skill. Have fun with this, thanks for reading, and see y'all around the forums.

I think I'll owe Celeste, Black Dragon, and Kurtesy another match whenever I come back. Well, at least Black Dragon since we never did get a one on one match, but I'll let him take out his angry writing out on me at a later time.

You fuckin' better. :p You any idea what kind of narrative dead end this sticks me in. When you stop and think about it, this is really all about me.

On a serious note; good show old man. From the infinity informed position of armchair pundit you seemed to do a pretty fuckin' good job managing this place, and I'm sorry to see you go.

Thanks for everything, keep on trucking.
Wow man, just...Just wow. It is a real bummer to me to see that you are leaving the fed. From the very start of my tenure here you were always a fantastic match writer and RP'er. For guys like me who never really had experience RP'ing it was reading your work during your time as an undefeated Champion that really made want to strive and improve my writing. You left your mark here in this fed and for the better. Best of luck with your future man, and I hope you can come back soon with less stress.
Thank you, Ty. Seriously, you've been one of the most helpful/chill people I've had the pleasure of encountering on WrestleZone. WZCW won't be the same without you, man.
Gonna miss you Ty. In my short time here I can say my interactions with you have been memorable. I think I sent you the longest PM I have ever sent, and you responded in kind and totally allowed me to vent. When I was new I made a joke about being a nobody in the fed and that was good because my evil boss didn't mess with me and you said you thought I was a janitor and ordered me to clean your office. A few of my fed friends still joke about that. I know I got on your nerves with ponies, I don't apologize that you hate fun :) I have lost four matches in my time here and you wrote two of them and each time you made still Stormrage look good. When I first got here I was intimidated by you, you had this almost mythical presence about you, and despite you only being two years older than I, you seemed to have much more life experience. Turned out you were a very down to Earth guy who really cared about the fed and its members. Take it easy man and keep reppin' the Midwest

Just this once for me, brohoof it? /)(\
Thank You, Ty!

You were always in my eyes the top guy to beat. It's a sad day seeing you live the fed. No matter what I hope that you do fine in your future. Maybe, you can come back one day or not. It's all up to you, man. It was nice being able to read all those wonderful matches you wrote. But, oh well every story comes to a end or not. I just hope you enjoy your new chapter in life outside the fed.

Remembe the most important rule in WZCW: Real Life > The Fed. So, spent time with the fam and enjoy life.

Hope to see you some time in the near future.
Well shit. There are so many things that could be said here. That you were a great champion and RPer is beyond doubt. That you have been an instrumental part of WZCW on and offscreen for so long is an accomplishment unto itself. Hell, in the time that I've joined the fed three times your constant presence has been holding this fed together.

Ty Burna, thank you for doing this job. This place isn't going to be the same without you.
When you first told us on creative that you were leaving, we were all floored. You let it sink in for us though and I can see this is a natural conclusion to this portion of the Ty Burna story. I hope we get to see the character make his grand return.

On a personal note, you were great to work with and to see the level of dedication you put in was truly an inspiration. I strive to be a better creative member because of you Ty. You were a mentor of sorts to me when I first joined creative, and you've been a great help in calming me down at times (and I you, though most of the time it failed miserably ;)) as well as helping me progress as an RPer. It was an honour to write the end of your undefeated streak, some of your Lethal Lottery win, your second KC main event and of course, the battle between Barbosa and yourself inside Hell in a Cell not so long ago. It's been an honour sir, and I wish you the best of luck.

P.S. I still prefer Tech N9ne over the Orchestra, but it has certainly grown on me over time :p
Numbers will indeed be a fine fed-head, but damned if it isn't sad to see you go. You ARE WZCW to me, especially with everything you've done this year. You're one of those names that if I'm asked for the best WZCW has to offer I immediately point to. I know we've had our differences regarding criticism but it's been nothing but an absolute blast to work with you, in the fed, on the mod team, or just hanging around the forums. The fed will miss you. That said, I completely understand why you're deciding to step away.

Thank you for everything, Ty. May we meet up in the ring some time down the line when Saxton is fifty-time world champ while still running the tag division with Sab. :p
Well we didn't talk a lot Ty, I messaged you a couple of times but I mostly PM'd Falk because for a while when I first joined you were pretty intimidating. But like others have said you are the Fed man. Hope you're enjoying real life and come back whenever you have the time and feel like it.
It is such a shame to see you go after so long as the head of the fed, and I just want to say thank you for all the work you've done, both with your character and backstage. Part of the reason why I returned was that I felt obligated to work a match with not only you, but several others that didn't get the opportunity to face Celeste in 2009. And I'd like to think that when we finally faced each other, we tore the house down.

Here's hoping you come back soon so that I can have my rematch. :)

Now go have some fun with your kids.
Ah man, I guessed this was coming with the end of Redemption :(, what a send off. And on your way out you've put over as many people as possible.

I guess I got nothing to gain from saying this, so I can say it now, but whenever I clicked on the shows it'd nearly always start me on the last post first, and I always smiled when I saw that you had written my characters match because I knew it wasnt going to dissapoint. Plus without the Apostles storyline I probably wouldnt even be RP'ing here anymore, or still floundering around, sorry if I made this post about me, but it's how I can best describe what you've done from my perspective. Plus I read your RP's every round without fail, which I have done for about 2 other people here, tops.

Like others have said, you are sort of synonimous with this place for me, you became head of creative not long after I joined, plus you were always cool with me, even before I was in the fed. Gonna be weird without you for a while. Have fun in your real life.
Clearly, I know the stresses of running the fed, picking up the ball when those who were in charge left it die. If only I would have seen to step down once I realized I was not in a place to be head of creative, perhaps we would have already had Kingdom Come V.

Ty, you came in just as I was leaving, so we never really got to work together upstairs. But you for damn sure have done a great job and have given quite a bit of yourself to something with not a lot of tangible reward. Thank you for continuing what I consider Lee to have started, followed by Phoenix and yourself. Thank you for keeping this place together so I would have a place to be creative when I would get that itch again. It never seems to go away.

I've probably said some disrespectful things to you along the way, likely because it's hard for me to see WZCW and have so little control over it...I'm sure you will understand the feeling very soon. But know that I always have and did respect you.

Also, in light of your resignation and departure, no need to reply to the PM I sent you. LOL.
I must admit that I had a sneaking suspicion that this was in the works and it kind of explains several of my 'complaints' regarding the rapidity of the AoC downfall. Makes me look a little silly - I hope you are happy, Ty!

On a more serious note, while it is difficult for me to comment on the work you did behind the scenes, in my dealings with you are as a Creative member, I always found you more than willing to my ideas, even when they were made on something of a whim and covering up disappointment in how a match had gone. On top of that, you are probably still my favourite match writer.

As a character RPer, there is little else that needs to be said other than the title run of title runs on top of the fed that even the most ardent critic could not disagree with, even Coco. The passing around of the World title since you lost it is a true testament to what you achieved in that calendar year. Your RP at Lethal Lottery III was a real wake up call to me as what could be achieved through the use of description and a good old-fashioned promo rather than an overly elaborate scene or 'day in the life' of the character. It is still my favourite ever.

While it took another 18 months of you ducking me, I am more than glad that Barbosa got his chance at a one-on-one match with the Harbinger of Chaos and the interactions between Ty and Barbosa with the combination of maniac and mystic were some of my favourites to write.

Needless to say, a massive hole will be left both creatively and storyline wise.

Enjoy your time away.

Oh, and the drinks are finally on you.
Boo! Hiss!

Just kidding. You done good Ty. It might be my bias, but I have no doubts that you were the best fed head ever. Everything has run smoothly since I've been a member of WZCW and there's never been a dull moment around here.

Oh, and I'm a career 1-0 against the Unholy One... until he returns at least.
Barbosa said:
Oh, and the drinks are finally on you.

Hell no I'm taking whatever is left of the alcohol fund as my severance package :).

Also special thank you to all the Apostles, MMSoldier, Red Skull, Kermit, Miko, GD, and of course Phatso. It was a hell of a ride with you guys and a blast working with you all.
What the fuck... Yes, for the first, and probably last, time on these forums, I say "fuck". You slipped this in under my nose and allowed me to unknowingly receive the opportunity of being your final opponent for the unforeseeable future. What can I say? Really; what can I possibly say to thank you for all that you have invested in me over the last year. You saw potential in me as a RPer and a member. You guided me on my short run in creative and literally have been associated with me since my beginning in WZCW. We stuck together in one of the best angles ever to grace WZCW and you gave me the biggest match of my career. You gave me so much. I hope my machine gun mind didn't annoy you with the amount of ideas that I presented.

Thank you. Thank you for everything. You gave me direction and have been a mentor to me in more ways than one. Thank you for using your wisdom in multiple ways to help me grow. Thank you for being understanding when I had to step down on creative because of personal issues. THANK YOU.

I will keep Serafina/Arianna safe for you and I promise that she will never forget you.

I hope that you have lovely weekends with your daughter and family. You deserve every single one. Cheers to the man who gave us everything he could, but asked so little in return. Cheers!
I don't really know anybody here that well on a personal basis, and when it comes to the fed, very few on a professional basis either. This is the second time round for me joining this fed and one thing I can tell you is that your ominous presence was something that could be relied upon. I've never felt anything less than that this fed was run on the most professional basis under your reign, and that is something very respectable in a place when everybody comes together merely for leisure purposes and there is so much potential unreliability to be had. You were a bastion that tied everyone together and kept everyone assured that things would be done right if your name was in that creative position.

You have undertaken a job that is so demanding and yet it wasn't something you ever had to do. You took upon yourself all of the responsibility and have consistently delivered. I think everybody that has benefited owes you nothing short of a debt of gratitude for making this whole place fun and well organized under your gaze. If Numbers can do half the job you did, this place will be just fine.
Thanks for everything you've done, Ty. It was an absolute pleasure working with you on the Creative team. Enjoy your extra free time, and get that girl ready to be the first 2nd generation WZCW star!
Барбоса;4039965 said:
As a character RPer, there is little else that needs to be said other than the title run of title runs on top of the fed that even the most ardent critic could not disagree with, even Coco.
Pretty much.

Always sad to see the back of one of the good ones. You'll be missed.
Also special thank you to all the Apostles, MMSoldier, Red Skull, Kermit, Miko, GD, and of course Phatso. It was a hell of a ride with you guys and a blast working with you all.

No, Ty. Thank you. You've been amazing over the past few months. You've also been a big influence.

The Dark Lord will live on!
Hell no I'm taking whatever is left of the alcohol fund as my severance package :).

Also special thank you to all the Apostles, MMSoldier, Red Skull, Kermit, Miko, GD, and of course Phatso. It was a hell of a ride with you guys and a blast working with you all.

I am on my phone, so sorry for spelling errors. But thank you Ty, how many times have I sent u pm`s asking for your help? It really is crazy dude, I've told u I think I suck as a roleplayer. But u allways tell me that u think I'm good enough to do anything. The last time we talked, u said u though I was good enough to hold my own. Really before aoc, I was done dude. You and numbers pushed me back into gear. Thank you, and I will tell you something. I know what I'm doing now, I'm going to have fun with it. Some day Ty, when u come back. Bowen and Burna, tag team dude... get that belt on you bro.
Get the fuck out of here and go spend time with your daughter. If I'd have known you turned her down and had the authority, I would've fired your ass. Go play with the girl. Here. 5 bucks. Buy her a... No, you hate ponies.

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