

the Frog
I am bored, so I decided to take everyone that is located in the Current Roster thread in the WZCW Roster section and write a small note for each person. Feel free to do the same if you wish.


Action Saxton (Doc)
-You are one of those cool dudes inside and out of the federation. Your obsession with WWF No Mercy makes me think we would have a lot in common.
The Beard (Theo)
-You seem pretty cool outside of the federation, with your sexy beard and all. I have not really followed your character that much though.
Black Dragon (Gelgarin)
-I don't think a lot of people really get you around here, which is a shame. I have been here for little over a year now, and I have come to respect your writing and the humor in a lot of your sarcasm.
Celeste Crimson (Echelon)
-You are one of the most interesting members in the federation. I enjoyed our little arc in WZCW, but I can honestly say that I was turned off to the idea of working an angle with a girl character. Thanks for proving me wrong and being one of the biggest elements in my RP during my feud with Ty.
Chris K.O. (Kermit)
-I guess you are alright.
Connor Reese (Remix)
-Nice guy with great RPing skills. He is painting a masterpiece with his STA story.
Constantine (Dave)
-You have always seemed very nice, but I honestly have not had very much interaction with you. I hope that you cash-in successfully. :)
James Howard (Shotaro)
-Nice guy with a sexy voice. I think you would make a great addition to the creative team if you ever got the chance.
Josh Young (Awesome2000)
-I don't really know you. Your name reminds me of awesome_miz though. Cheers!
Krypto (Dynamite)
-Pretty cool dude who doesn't seem to back down whenever some of the guys give him crap. That is respectable I guess. :p I think you have a bright future here.
Le Gentleman Masqué (TBK)
-I have used your character quite a bit in my WZCW Sim Universe, but I surprisingly know little about you. You always seem like you are interested in being involved in WZCW related things though. Keep it up.
Matt Tastic (Killjoy)
-One of the biggest memories I had of you was reading your LL RP. I thought it was great, and I loved writing the spot with you and Baller. I was here before you were mod, and it is cool to see you grab the brass ring.
Mikey Stormrage (Yazoi)
-Another cool guy inside and out of the federation. I think you seriously have a genuine chance at ROTY. You would make another worthy candidate for creative.
Saboteur (JGlass)
-You befriended me quite early on during my forum stint and tried to pull me out of my WZCW bubble. I really appreciate that, and I apologize for not being as active as some of your other thread buddies. I love your personality and the way that you role. You have a genuine passion about you, and are easily one of my top five on the forum.
"Showtime" Cougar (Showtime)
-Cool guy who is very mature and wise. It was awesome to get a glimpse of the creative scene while I had it. It was nice to see some of the creative guys who always seemed so quiet talk fluidly with others. I hope you get another reign with the belt, no offense to Harthan, because you deserve it man. Also, you were dead on when we had that moment. Thanks for putting me in my place.
Steamboat Ricky (Steamboat Ricky)
-Sometimes it is hard to follow you because you are all over the place. Much like Dave, I have not had much interaction with you, but you seem like a fun guy.
Steven Kurtesy (FalKon)
-Thanks for making order out of my shotgun-mouth that spewed every idea that came to my mind while I was on creative. You do a ton of work that will always be highly overlooked. I very much enjoyed working on random things with you while on creative. I also consider you one of my rivals in WZCW.
Titus (Lee)
-You let me use you as a cameo in my contract battle royal RP. Even now I find myself trying to mimic that superhero aura that you carried throughout your career. You are a funny dude who I respect a lot.
Triple X (BK201)
-Great RPer and an overall nice guy. Had a stunning LL RP.
Ace Stevens (Sanka)
-I liked your stuff with Stan Rogers a lot. Ace Stevens has been a very unique addition to the roster.
Alex Bowen (Uncle Phatso)
-The most hardcore wrestler in WZCW history. I was enthralled by the matches you were in when I first joined. Ty vs. Alex still has to be one of my all time favorites. You have developed your character quite well since then.
Arashi (funnyhowfactswork)
-New guy with great potential.
Барбоса (Барбоса)
-An interesting character who is like Gelgarin, but a little nicer. I always enjoy reading your posts in any part of the forum.
Darren Bull (Awesome_miz)
-I don't talk to you a lot, but you are always active in my threads. Cheers for that! You have come a long way since your arrival.
Derek Jacobs (meeks)
-Listen to Thriller, he will help you a lot.
Drake Callahan (Harthan)
-I was really disappointed when you dropped your Asian character. I thought there was so much potential there. However, I have enjoyed Drake quite a bit since his return. So, kudos for that. I enjoy your random philosophy in the Bar Room from time to time, and you are a really chill guy.
Grand Mystique (Numbers)
-You are awesome man. You keep everything well structured and always approach me nicely. I am excited for your new character, because I can tell that you are excited.
Isabel Stone (Jessie Lynn)
-Some chick who everyone hits on in the WZCW Discussion Thread.
Jacoby Capone (Smizzy)
-You seem nice.
Justin Cooper (Prophet)
-The High Society stuff is great. You seem like a decent poster to me.
Logan Burnside (Brock Goldberg)
Mason Westhoff (Thriller)
-Your new character has great potential. I have always liked your insight into things. I have not talked to you very much, but I see you as someone easy to get along with.
Mick Overlast (Mick Overlast)
-Doesn't talk much, a great RPer, and a rising star. Sounds like a winning combination to me.
Mister Alhazred (Winston Wolf)
-While I can't say you were part of the original crew in the Apostles, you were there for most of it. I enjoyed working with you and mmsolider a lot. I have always enjoyed reading your character, and I can't wait until you get into the title scene.
Rush (Merkley)
-Nice guy who likes my WZCW Sim Universe. I love his RPs and I hope we can talk more. You seem pretty cool.
Sam Smith (Crock)
-I voted for Crock in the moderator election. I pledged in the beginning and remained loyal. You a great poster and a fun guy. I still remember your weekly forum news that you did in the Bar Room when I first joined. I wish you would do that again.
Scott Williams (Spear)
S.H.I.T. (Miko)
-Fun guy who is a great RPer. I use to get you and GD mixed up all the time, but you began to shine more after GD left. Must like Skull, I enjoyed working with you in the Apostles. Had I not been in there, I think you would of been the guy to end Ty Burna.
Steven Holmes (FunKay)
-A great visionary when it comes to creative. The guy can map out an amazing feud months ahead of time. Not only that, but he has become one of my favorite posters to read. I think we can all say that there are some people you will always stop to see what they wrote, and FunKay is one of them. I am glad we are getting a chance to work a feud together.
Vega (Infinity)
Chris K.O. (Kermit)

This guy does quite a lot to make the section as interesting as possible, whether it's his simulation, prediction league, rank you interest, or even the twitter accounts (that me and other rookies abused the hell out of, thank god that's over). Cheers for making the effort Kermit.
Action Saxton (Doc)
You're a cool guy. You know a whole lot of pretty much everything and you are one of the more kind mannered guys here. I love Action Saxton, keep up the good work.

The Beard (Theo)
You're universally loved here on these forums for a reason. You're just flat out one cool dude. Beard was such a fun character face at Kingdom Come.

Black Dragon (Gelgarin)
Though you may have a taste in wrestling that would make my great great great great grandfather blush. You have a brilliant character and you have a plethora of knowledge about wrestling.

Celeste Crimson (Echelon)
Crimson is such a cool character. I may not have been around when she was a heel but reading her since your return have been one of my favorite reads. I was more than happy to see you were elected to creative because frankly I couldn't name a better option.

Chris K.O. (Kermit)
Who, that Sam Masters guy, right? Kermit you are a kick ass dude. Hands down one of the most creative guys I know and you are always willing to do more to improve the fed as a whole. It is a damn shame you don't have the time to do creative anymore. Since we also joined at similar times I liked to think we both have grown greatly. More so you considering you've been main-eventing pay-per-views. You deserve the praise you get dude.

Connor Reese (Remix)
You're a tough guy to read, but Conner Reese is awesome. Keep up the good work. (I still want to give notice that you were big in my improvement as a writer with our tag team feud)

Constantine (Dave)
Just overall a great guy. Though my interest in your character has been slowly dying away you still got skills to pay the bills. You're a great guy and keep on keeping on brother.

James Howard (Shotaro)
Considering I talk to you and Yazloz on a daily basis anything you read here will be just like anything you'll hear from me anyway. You're an awesome guy and Strikeforce are hands down my favorite team in the division

Josh Young (Awesome2000)
I'm sure you're a great guy, and you're a decent writer. But the character needs some polishing and some tuning for him to be interesting. I wrote your match against Joe Mason so naturally you got put on my to read list.

Krypto (Dynamite)
You're an alright guy. My favorite thing about you is that you can take people's negative feedback in a positive light and try to improve on it. Krypto by far is miles and leagues better than Joe West and I'm hoping you keep on improving.

Le Gentleman Masqué (TBK)
You know at first I had my doubts about you. But you really proved me wrong lately as you quickly broke out of Aftershock onto the main set of shows. You seem like an alright guy though I never interacted with you.

Matt Tastic (Killjoy)
You're a cool guy who is never afraid to lend out a hand to new guys. Though my interest in Tastic has constantly swayed you've always seem to have an idea with what you want to do with him. You're a staple in WZCW for a reason.

Mikey Stormrage (Yazloz)
You might be fat, but you're a okay in my book. Absolutely one of my favorite guys to play Battlefield with. Friends and Gamers for lyfe.

Saboteur (JGlass)
Remember when I debuted and you wrote my half of our tag team RP for me because I had absolutely no clue how to write my own character let alone Saboteur? Good times. You're a cool dude though to be honest sometimes you come off as a blowhard. But you always know what you are talking about and Saboteur has been a fantastic character.

"Showtime" Cougar (Showtime)
You're a cool guy, hands down. It was fantastic to see you got gold for the first time and hopefully you can win it back. You don't get enough credit for keeping Showtime fresh throughout all these years.

Steamboat Ricky (Steamboat Ricky)
Ricky Runn is the true Ricky. >->
In all seriousness, I love the pirate gimmick and your current gimmick has been great to read. It is a shame your mentee left in a huff. He could have learned a lot about creating a character from reading your app alone.

Steven Kurtesy (FalKon)
I feel that more often than not you don't get enough credit for the work you do for the fed. The feedback you gave me back when I was starting was one of the factors why I stuck around in the first place. Keep up the good work man.

Titus (Lee)
I have to admit, the first time I got to work with you was really underwhelming. But that week we were all hit with a huge dose of real life business to tend to so I don't blame you for that. Titus is a great character and when you are on a hot streak he is one of the better characters here. Much respect man.

Triple X (BK201)
I remember seeing your app and giving you rep basically lending out a helping hand thinking you may need it. Considered me surprised when you fired out of the gates and won the Elite X title. You have been on the best up and comers in the fed. Keep up the good work.

Ace Stevens (Sanka)
I liked Stan Rogers much more than Ace Stevens. But that is not a rib at Stevens at all. You've honestly held onto the title for so long that you are bringing back prestige to a title that is basically made up of garbage. It gives a lot of the new guys to strive to write half as good as you do to win that title. Much respect man.

Alex Bowen (Uncle Phatso)
We never interacted much, but you were one of those nice veterans offering out tips back when I was new. So thank you for that man.

Arashi (funnyhowfactswork)
Keep improving and keep working at it man. Other than that I don't have much else to say.

Барбоса (Барбоса)
As Kermit put it, you are a lot like Gelg but you come off as a bit friendlier. You have a great character and your RP's are always fun to read.

Darren Bull (Awesome_miz)
Being perfectly honest here man, you have been one foot forward, two steps back in the fed. Off the top of my head I can't name another mentee in the Aftershock show that has been around as long as you have. You need to step up your game, because winning against guys Joe Mason and no-shows will not get people to like Darren Bull. You seem like an alright guy though, though we rarely communicate unless you are asking me for feedback.

Derek Jacobs (meeks)
You're my boy Meeks! Hell, one of my favorite reasons why I love yeah so damn much is that you took my feedback and you ran with it. You have been constantly improving and you are not afraid to ask for what you did wrong instead of asking for people to praise you for what you did right. Plus the fact you took my feedback and didn't use your Army training to hunt me down and kill me is a huge plus.

Drake Callahan (Harthan)
I miss chop soy steak sauce...Or whatever his name was. He was a great character and like I said to Remix, you played a huge hand in helping me improve. Plus you really know your sports and your wrestling. Just overall a cool dude. Congrats on the world title now hold onto that sucka.

Grand Mystique (Numbers)
You were my mentor when I just started. You've been my biggest supporter even though a lot of people were ready to count me out. Everything we've done from Runn Reynolds Runn to it's meltdown was just absolutely fantastic. Like I told you before, it's awesome that you are the head of the fed. I know for a fact you are going to be brilliant.

Isabel Stone (Jessie Lynn)
Hopefully you finally pass and get your driver's license. Lord knows you can only fail that test so many times before you are legally considered a carrot. Honestly though, you shocked a lot of people with how refined you made Jessie. Don't worry about the losses as long as you keep improving.

Also you are the third most hit on girl here in Wrestlezone. In second is Mustang Sally, and in first is my own Mother.

Jacoby Capone (Smizzy)
Can't say I've read your work. Though if I get an itch to read one of your RP's I'll give you rep saying how I feel about it.

Justin Cooper (Prophet)
You can form a small army with the vast amount of NPC's you have. The high society stuff is good, but for a while you were constantly treading between the Mayhem division and the mid-card. Hopefully I see an Elite X title run in your future.

Logan Burnside (Brock Goldberg)
Can't honestly say I'm a fan of Burnside, but you are a cool guy.

Mick Overlast (Mick Overlast)
Glad to see you have improved a lot since our Sons of Destiny / RRR feud. Seeing you as Elite X champion is a testament to your improvement.

I'll do the rest later. >_>
Action Saxton (Doc)
- Doc, my bro from Ohiooooo. Dude, looking back for a while I thought you were trying to take small shots at me. I thought you were angry over the small program we hand. But to be honest, I hope it was your way of trying to poke me along. I'm one of the old guard, I've been doing this for years. But it allways seems like I get in huge slumps, like I forget how to do anything right. Someday, Saxton and Bowen would make a bad ass tag team. Two tough dudes, just wrecking shit. But for now, I like you and J.

The Beard (Theo)
- My bearded bro! Theo, jesus I love you man. Outside of J, I want to sit down and drink a 30 case with you. When you came into the fed, I had no clue what you could do. Keep trying dude, and keep working. You are doing really good!

Black Dragon (Gelgarin)
- Alot of new posters seem to be scared of you for some reason. I came to you with a problem, and you helped me out Gleg. I still read that feedback you did for me. More often than not I don't follow it. But I try to dude, that was some heavy stuff you laid on me.

Celeste Crimson (Echelon)
- I know you like metal, but outside of that we've not had any interaction. I think that should change, I remember you were the first person to ever give me green rep.

Chris K.O. (Kermit)
- One of my biggest followers it seems, and one of the most hardworking people in Wzcw. I hope this year you could maybe do a thanksgiving and xmas thing again. You are a great roleplayer, and it's going to be a huge thing for me to face you this show.

Connor Reese (Remix) Josh Young (Awesome2000)
- I'm sorry guys, I don't know anything about either of you. I've not paid attention to the whole fed like I should. I hope more people try and help people like you guys. I know I allways stand up for new guys in the fed. Becuase I know what it's like to start out. People call me a vet, but in reality i've allways been in the low card or a tag team. Read old roleplays, talk to people, and work on shit when you have spare time. Don't give up!

James Howard (Shotaro)
Mikey Stormrage (Yazoi)
- To hell with you guys! You're getting lopped together. Now what one has the boobies :3 Ok here, Really I think both of you are hard working people. I liked the story you guys tried to tell, and I hope your loss to J and Doc didn't put you down any. Good stuff, and I think you both can make it here.

Krypto (Dynamite)
- You need to figure your stuff out broski. I like your guy! I really do, but it seems like you don't know what to do with him. MY advice would be to sit and open up word. Then write down what Krypto is, and what he does. All that jazz, and then over the next few roleplays conferm that.

Le Gentleman Masqué (TBK)

You remind me of a guy who I roleplayed in another fed with. You're a good roleplayer dude, alot of tallent in the rough.

Matt Tastic (Killjoy)
The guy who gave me my second goal in Wzcw. I started in 2007 and never won a match, untill I won the Mayhem title. I looked up your reign and wanted to beat it. That was my goal, I put out a shit roleplay aganst you, and that kind of still irks me a bit. But I'm sure we can make something happen soon.

Saboteur (JGlass)
My doodski, Crock, Theo, Dirty and you have allways had my back. I know we don't talk much anymore. I stay out of the regular forums for the most part, and my god damn comp wont run Msn anymore :shrug: But dude, you are a good guy, and a cool friend.

"Showtime" Cougar (Showtime)
- Showtime? More like Boretme:lmao:, has anyone walked past his dressing room after a match? Smells like old nuts and butt. Ya better get some deo, for that BO. Had to make a joke maynnne. One of the hardest workers ever in Wzcw. Worked his way up from nothing, to holding almost every title in Wzcw.

Steamboat Ricky (Steamboat Ricky)
I remember reading alot of your roleplays when I first came in here. I was reading through the shows the week before I posted my guy. I wanted to be a hardcore wrestler, and I had allways hoped to work with you. It was an honor, Rush and you have both sent me stuff for the future. Lets hope it happens.

Steven Kurtesy (FalKon)
-Don't really talk to you that much, I've allways went to Alex or Ty with all of my problems. Still a hardworking guy, Falk you get what you diserve. And your hard work paid off.

Titus (Lee)
- Last year I marked when I saw that we were tagging together. I've enjoyed some of your roleplays, and others I've not liked. But I do respect what you do, and would love to tag with you again.

Triple X (BK201)
-Hardass, and one of the guys I could see in the ME within 6 months to a year. You outclassed me with your last roleplay.

Ace Stevens (Sanka)
-This guy!? Who do you think you are? Don't make Bowen come back with a chair and clean things up. Keep shit up dude.

Alex Bowen (Uncle Phatso)
Who is this loser?

Arashi (funnyhowfactswork)
-Omg, I've wrote alot. I don't know anything about you. But I've read your roster page. Looking forward to what you can do.

Барбоса (Барбоса)
-Barbs, the one guy I want to face when I grow up. Nawww, if you wouldn't chew me up and spit me out I'd love to face you. You are on a whole diffrent level than most people here.

Darren Bull (Awesome_miz) Derek Jacobs (meeks)
- another case of me not paying alot of attention to the younger guys. Good luck dudes, keep going hard.

Drake Callahan (Harthan)
- I remember reading your rp for LL, and thinking it was killer. Cool dude outside of the fed.

Grand Mystique (Numbers)
- I have no clue where I would be without you right now. You've allways been in the fed to help me out, and talk to me. You are the nicest guy I've ever met online. Alex, I remember David telling me that I could write better matches than you in Ew. I said no, he's much better than me. But now I have something to work for. I was so happy to see that you won the big one in that other fed with the boys. But now I'm glad we are back home.

Isabel Stone (Jessie Lynn)
- Another chick? Note to self, Don't lose to chick.

Jacoby Capone (Smizzy)
- I like your name? That's all I have.

Justin Cooper (Prophet)
-Dude, I remember our first match together. Jesus, I've faced you alot. I like the praise you gave me a while back, saying I could be a X title holder some day. Hopefully that comes true, and we can face each other again. I was looking forward to facing you again, untill that one Puerto Rican beat me. Fuck me, I prolly spelled that wrong.

Logan Burnside (Brock Goldberg)
- I don't know you, but good luck.

Mason Westhoff (Thriller)
- A new rep? Sweet, gotta check this one out!

Mick Overlast (Mick Overlast)
- Oh lord, you! Just like Triple X I can see you being up higher in the card soon. Let me tell you a story, I tried and failed to write your very first match in Wzcw. The four way, I think Cooper was in it to. But I remember you won, and I knew then you would be a beast.

Mister Alhazred (Winston Wolf)
-One of my fave guys to read in the fed, you have alot of tallent.

Rush (Merkley)
- We said a few things to each other when I came back in 2010 through rep, that I wasn't proud of, and I'm glad we moved past it. It ment alot when you came to me and dropped it. Also I would love to work the idea you sent me into Kc. That would be epic. Drop that other title though lol.

Sam Smith (Crock)
- I know a bit of riff raff got stirred up when you came back with Sam. But I enjoyed the local tallent, and I know you have alot of tallent. Thanks for being there for me though. You along with J, and Theo have done alot for me in the forums.

S.H.I.T. (Miko)
- I loved working with you in AOC, you have one of the coolest characters I've ever read. Hopefully we can do something in the future.

Steven Holmes (FunKay)
I would have loved to work a program with you after I lost the Mayhem title. Alot of good stuff could have came out of it. You would have ran me over, but kind of a poor vs rich program could have worked.

To anyone else I missed, sorry. Good luck guys. Sorry for the spelling mistakes.
Why is everyone forgetting me!!!!

Doing things like this probably won't help.


Alex Bowen (Uncle Phatso)

I can't say I read your character on a regular basis, it's more of random thing, though judging from what I've read and heard I do believe you could potentially be an great upper mid-carder. That being said we don't speak regularly, you sometimes post in the JGlass thread but besides that you're a WZCW only guy. You seem like a pretty cool dude, keep on rolling.
Connor Reese (Remix) Josh Young (Awesome2000)
- I'm sorry guys, I don't know anything about either of you. I've not paid attention to the whole fed like I should. I hope more people try and help people like you guys. I know I allways stand up for new guys in the fed. Becuase I know what it's like to start out. People call me a vet, but in reality i've allways been in the low card or a tag team. Read old roleplays, talk to people, and work on shit when you have spare time. Don't give up!

You realise that I RPed here as Wilhelm Wunderbar (ya know, the guy you claimed would have prevented you from winning the mayhem belt) and Alexander Stark before, right?

Nu Sexier Noun = Kotre = Remix.
You realise that I RPed here as Wilhelm Wunderbar (ya know, the guy you claimed would have prevented you from winning the mayhem belt) and Alexander Stark before, right?

Nu Sexier Noun = Kotre = Remix.

I hate my life.... I figured that I messed something up. But yeah, I think you are a good role player dude. Ioved WW, and I thought u had something cool there. I'm not sure how I like connor though. Also, stop changing your name lol.
I'm shocked I missed out on this thread. I think it's safe to say most of you will not get what I did with these. Crock will, Yaz should and a few of you might. No problem though, please enjoy as it took me a good ten minutes to decide on the correct thing for all of you. I'll rep anyone who discovers the theme.

James Carter
It was so silent it was like James Carter had walked in.

Brent Blaze
Try growing a spine and mastering something for a change, worm.

Sandy Deserts
Well-rounded just means that you suck at a lot of things all at once.

El Califa Dragón
I'll put Califa on his back faster than a pornstar with a mortgage.

Jimmy Flynn
I want an easy fight.

The Grand Mystique
I called him out publicly ... and he sat there, covered his mouth and hid behind Charles Barkley, which was a smart move. It saved him a trip to the hospital.

This guy walks around with a fake belt! That's insane! I would never do that!

Jacoby Capone
If I beat you, you leave the division. If you beat me, I'll leave the WZCW forever.

Mason Westhoff
One's a punching bag and the other is just irrelevant.

Connor Reese
I don’t care if you have a booboo or you don’t feel good. You told the world you’d do something, show up and do it.

The Angel
You know, these guys want to talk about God. 'Oh, I want to thank God. I want to thank God.' Listen, I'm a God-fearing man, go to church every Sunday and have since I was a boy. But if I ever found out that God cared one way or another about a borderline illegal fist-fight on Sunday night, I would be so greatly disappointed that it would make rethink my entire belief system.

I will go to the WZCW, I will sit in the front row, I will cheer for Krypto.

Le Gentleman Masqué
God never made a tougher man than me and my name hasn't come out of your mouth once.

Derek Jacobs
One's a punching bag and the other is just irrelevant.

The Beard
If he wants to bow and honour and respect and that’s how it was taught to him, then more power to him. But I’m a fighter, and my father told me to win.

Mikey Stormrage
I'm sore, tired, under-the-weather, over-trained, under-motivated, and still tough enough to beat this guy.

Triple X
The guy's a joke, he's always been a joke, and everyone fell for it ... except this guy.

This is going to be a one sided pounding and I'm swinging the hammer.

Ricky Runn
Well, basically, I couldn't understand a word he said without an interpreter, but from the tone of it I'd say he's got a problem with me, so, we can settle that.

If those blowhards with their blow darts want to come at me, they can send anybody they want, but don't send anybody you want back.

Chris K.O.
I've been the best for a long time and I didn't get my shot. I really don't give a damn if it hurt his feelings.

Mister Alhazred
I can't imagine how I could be demoted down to need to compete with him.

Action Saxton
One night, one moment, 12 pounds of gold.

Alex Bowen
I got no friends from 9 to 5.

I could write a dissertation on this experience: 'The Tragic Interplay of Delusion, Insecurity, and Incompetence: the Barbosa Brothers’ Story.

Sam Smith
In what parallel universe can you punch a man 300 times, he wraps his legs around your head for eight seconds and they declare him the winner?!

Justin Cooper
I am the People's champion. I am the lineal champion.

Why do we even talk about John Constantine? I saved that guy's career and he's yet to mail me a thank you card.

Steven Holmes
Our skills are not even close so go to your School of Excuse-Making because you're gonna need 'em.

Matt Tastic
Instead of fact or fiction, let me make it A or B. A: Will Matt Tastic go as a duck for Halloween this year or B: will he dress as a chicken? I'm gonna go B, I think he goes as chicken, he already has the costume.

You wanna see how quick Titus backs down? Take him a contract with my name on it.

Elite X is the toughest division in the company. That’s why I stay in it. I could go up to Eurasian and win the title there, but what would that mean? Nothin’.

Drake Callahan
I'm gonna be hosting the Drake Callahan retirement party on June 23rd … if you want that guy's autograph, you'd better get it soon, because on June 24th, that guy's yesterday's news.

"Showtime" Cougar
We call Showtime 'champ' like we call developmentally disabled animals 'champ.' Good boy, Showtime, good boy!

Celeste Crimson
Nike with Celeste Crimson is going to have to change their slogan to 'Just Do Nothing.

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