The Springer Segment

Folks, you're dealing with WRESTLERS not Comedians. Get over it. Sure, some wrestlers are naturally funny when they want to be. Santino of course. I'm sure some of what was said in that ring was botched. I mean, Kelly Kelly couldn't keep a straight face from the start.

All in all, it just drug on too long. It was a funny segment, and a nice way to work Springer into the show. Just shorten it up a bit.

For all you haters, keep on hatin'. Apparently you're the minority most of the time anyways.

And for certain moderators, why don't you just turn OFF the tv when WWE is on? I mean, if you can't stand it, why do you continue to watch it? Or are you truly that miserable that the only thing that brings you joy is finding new ways to shit on everyone else's twinkie? Good god.
It was a classic example of a potentially funny idea, completely ruined by the application of that idea.

It was obvious the moment it started that it was just a bit, that there wasn't anything we needed to take seriously...the acting was horrendous! Maybe, if had just been Santino, interacting with Kelly Kelly, it might have worked...they just cluttered it up with way too many people in the ring. Even then, Kelly Kelly was not the right choice to be the pregnant diva. She just can't act.

Sometimes these bits work, sometimes they don't. This one clearly did not.
Incredibly unfunny to me. The only time I laughed is when Santino mentioned Lawler's son. It's not like it did any harm though. You knew the stupid segment with that cast of jobbers and the guest host was coming either way. Like someone said, better that then a match involving any of those people. So unfunny it was, harmful or detrimental to the show it was not.
On paper, this seemed like a good idea. But overall the whole skit was just terrible. It was executed poorly with the whole clusterfuck of people that are usually not used on television. The only real highlights were when Santino made the joke about Brian Christopher and hearing The Great Khali yell out "Jerry! Jerry!"

I wished that the Diva used would be someone who actually is in a relationship with another WWE Superstar. It would make the whole pregnancy thing a little bit more hairy.
It wasn't that bad of a segment. When Springer first came out and said they were going to reveal secrets about the wrestlers, I told my roommate "It's probably going to be who Kelly Kelly dated or something". We both laughed when she came out and said what she said.... At that point I started wondering if this is a little too controversial for a PG show or not, knowing how Springer's actual shows have gone in the past. Then when all the other people randomly began coming out it got more funny as well as more obvious that it wasn't an angle. Then Springer opened the note and I said "Watch it be Hornswoggle" as a joke, and when that ended up being who it was, my roomie and I laughed at my predictions being right once again. The best part was the end, where they revealed that it was all a joke on Springer himself. This segment wasn't that bad because we could have seen something far worse such as a pointless divas tag match or a Hornswoggle match.... besides, it was rather funny.
That segment had to be the worst thing I have seen on RAW since Little People's Court. If the WWE continue to do things like this when they go head to head with iMPACT! they may find they will lose viewers.
That segment had to be the worst thing I have seen on RAW since Little People's Court. If the WWE continue to do things like this when they go head to head with iMPACT! they may find they will lose viewers.

You haven't been watching RAW for very long if that is the worst thing you see. There was no problem with the segment other than it was too many people and it shows that WWE isn't great at comedy. Nonetheless, the segment didn't take up a lot of time and nobody was left off the card so they could have that segment. Unless you want to see Evan Bourne job with the time they could have used instead, I see no problem with the Springer segment and they are not going to lose viewers off of ten minutes.
I seem to be in the minority but i found most of it funny. . there were some good laughs in it, and i admit some terriable acting to but dont forget they did it live instead of pre-taping so you would expect it to be a bit ropeyer (sp).

I do think it went on too long and was a bit predictable (Kalhi and hornswaggle) and i personaly think Bret Hart getting 'run over' was worse.

My favorite bit tho was when Ranjin Singh said about Kalhi and the crowd wondering what a waste of time this was.

If you can laugh at your self others will join in
You haven't been watching RAW for very long if that is the worst thing you see. There was no problem with the segment other than it was too many people and it shows that WWE isn't great at comedy. Nonetheless, the segment didn't take up a lot of time and nobody was left off the card so they could have that segment. Unless you want to see Evan Bourne job with the time they could have used instead, I see no problem with the Springer segment and they are not going to lose viewers off of ten minutes.

I said it was the worst thing I have seen since Little People's Court. You should read people's posts more carefully before typing a response.

And I've been watching the WWE for nearly 19 years, so I have seen a lot during that time.

The segment was stupid, I mean what relevance does thet have to a wrestling show exactly?
I said it was the worst thing I have seen since Little People's Court. You should read people's posts more carefully before typing a response.

And I've been watching the WWE for nearly 19 years, so I have seen a lot during that time.

The segment was stupid, I mean what relevance does thet have to a wrestling show exactly?

There have been comedy segments in wrestling shows for a long time. It is there to give the fans a laugh between matches and there's nothing wrong with that. There was plenty of wrestling Monday night but if you want to watch Primo or Bourne get squashed with that time, then that is your prerogative. Jerry Springer was the guest host and he does do "The Jerry Springer Show" so the relevance is there just like when the Osbournes were guest hosting. I guess they should eliminate half-time performances in the Super Bowl because that has nothing to do with football.
There have been comedy segments in wrestling shows for a long time. It is there to give the fans a laugh between matches and there's nothing wrong with that. There was plenty of wrestling Monday night but if you want to watch Primo or Bourne get squashed with that time, then that is your prerogative. Jerry Springer was the guest host and he does do "The Jerry Springer Show" so the relevance is there just like when the Osbournes were guest hosting. I guess they should eliminate half-time performances in the Super Bowl because that has nothing to do with football.

Plenty of wrestling? There were 4 matches by my count.

I know there has been comedy segments on wrestling over the years, but these past 12 months the WWE's have gotten considerably worse. Most of them are poorly acted and very lame.
Plenty of wrestling? There were 4 matches by my count.

I know there has been comedy segments on wrestling over the years, but these past 12 months the WWE's have gotten considerably worse. Most of them are poorly acted and very lame.

RAW did what it was supposed to do Monday night. It advanced storylines leading up to the chamber and it was hinting towards an Orton face turn which could be good. Cena/HHH was decent as well as DiBiase/Kingston and Orton/Sheamus. They actually made the Hart angle somewhat interesting. RAW has been good the last month which shows that they can turn it on when they want to.
I thought this was one of the funniest things I've seen on RAW, from Khali to Mae Young. Oh god. But it surprised me because WWE is doing the whole PG thing. I didn't think they would've had a segment like this. But over recent times, the have been much more lenient on the PG rating. Ex: when Bret Hart kept saying "ass" (which I thought was pretty damn funny for the same exact reason). But I feel that Springer did a good job in that segment.
I liked the idea, but I didn't like how they ended up doing it. Had they done smaller, shorter segments up at the Titantron or backstage (for example, one with Kelly Kelly, one with Eve and Chris Masters, one with the Bellas, and so on), I think it could have been one of the better guest host appearances. Instead, it was one giant clusterfuck, and it was the only time Jerry appeared on the whole show.

And the way they ended it was the worst. They really could have advanced some stagnant storylines, instead it was all a big work that didn't really amount to anything, and then they did the standard Mae Young appearance, which is as tired as Big Dick Johnson. They fucked it up big time.

Good idea, could have worked, fumbled it the worst way, totally forgettable. And the matches to set up the Elimination Chamber to build interest in the PPV, well, they didn't.

Not one of WWE's better programs. Hopefully they're saving their best material for the setup to Wrestlemania.

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