VKM, Steph & HHH "dream" segment

Yes this is sports entertainment and not real life but its suppose to border between the two realms in some degree.

Off topic a hair, but since when is wrestling SUPPOSED to border between two realms in some degree? There is no rule that states that.
Do you think a man can take a beating from 8 guys and live to tell about it a week later full of energy and no sign of an asswhooping? No. But I bet you loved the segment, although not any sense of realism at all besides chaos

Only in wrestling can these things happen because it is a Kayfabe world, get over it man. Im not looking for something overly real when I watch Jersey Shore, because god knows no one acts like that everyday without a camera in front of them.

This skit was well done and pretty funny. It broke Kayfabe, but it was good. For those who hate it, get over it please. It was meant to make light of something and make a joke out of it. Nothing more, nothing less. No storyline, no political steam for Linda. Just a joke/skit/parody. THATS ALL
3. I really dont think this was just a way to get Linda votes. Is there more to it then that? Or do u really think this segment was all about Linda and votes?

This was the only reason this skit was done. Just Vince being able to use his gravy train to get schmucks who know nothing about politics out there because they loves their wrasslin'.

Still, it was pretty funny that Vince can poke fun at himself for spending so much money on something that may not even happen.
If there is no problem with people wearing WWE merchandise to the polling station, then the authorities are not going to come down on company for this late piece of vote grabbing. Yes, it was shameless, but it's politics - and a tight, nasty race at that.

While the only intended nod to wrestling marks was Trips in bed with the billion dollar baby machine (I can't remember another occasion the E officially acknowledged the McMahon-Levesque union), it doesn't mean creative won't write Trips into either the GM or Nexus angle if he decides to come back to the ring. Given his previous, I doubt he could resist being associated with turning Cena for the infamy involved.

Thankfully with the Oreo getting dunked in Tea today, we might not be subject to anymore cringe worth works, which like Trips, make me want to turn over too!
yea i think the OP may be on to asomething too/.I mean after all outside of the dream she ended by sayiong "Thank God" when HHH said he was brain dead too. Why else would she be saying Thank God to him being in a coma and brain dead?? I think there may be soemthing to this takeover thing...hmmmmmm....
i thought it was funny...it poked fun at both candidates and wasn't really trying to get votes just make fun of how wwe has gotten dragged into it. obviously freddie was preaching linda in a joking way. it wasn't suppose to sound sincere, and i'm glad freddie is on thestaff he's a great dude. its given people achance to see vkm n steph again, n hear from hhh...its not shallow on vince's behalf, it was a joke. but i doubt it has to do with the gm though.
It was sorta funny that Vince mentioned the bill of linda's campaign. Possibly it shows that Steph and Triple H are coming back. Here's to hoping. Anyway, keep poop jokes and politics off of RAW
Why did he have to go and do that? Why, seriously? It's bad enough that her opposition pretty much shit on Linda, BECAUSE of the shit Vince USED to do on TV, so decides to stick a campaign picture on his ass and air it on TV..... very sensible Vince, very sensible.

He'll spout his 'freedom of speech' bullshit when the media flock in, but it'll only allow them to take another shot at the McMahon family.

Might not harm Linda's chances at all, maybe it'll help even, but it only makes Vince look stupid overall as a public figure, and that doesn't reflect well on her does it?
People are reading WAY too much into this. Your hope of something good [ finally ] is blinding you. Have you not learned that quality wrestling and storylines are a dead art in the WWE since 2004-2005? No it's not a take over, not it was not funny, it was not entertaining, the wrestling fan did not need to see it. It was a last attempt of reminding people to vote for Linda McMahon. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Now people are reading into this too much, in a way it was a double edged sword. As you know Vince McMahon couldn't come out and tell people to vote for Linda. However his Mr McMahon character could imply it. It was a simple loophole in the rules. Saying that he poked fun at his own company and basically can set up something for the future from it. Mr McMahon is a character, the character is now back and this allowed a way to write him back into the program and at the same time mock the whole election rules. So whilst some bang on it wasn't fit for the wrestling world it did have some relevance.
It was a pure comedy skit nothing more. It had nothing to do with current storylines. It did have a little to do with politics and more of a stab at the media. I just thought it was funny I don't live in Connecticut so I don't care about the election. I'm just glad this is over and it looks like she has lost. Maybe WWE can get back to normal.
Some of you guys are reading way, way too much into last night's comedy skit. This was simply another one of Mcmahon's goofy comedy skits which meant nothing tangible whatsoever. Let's face it, the campaign is over, I cannot imagine anyone's vote was swayed one way or the other by that skit, if so, the person involved really needs to spend more time contemplating real political issues to determine who to vote for or not.

Typically, I'm not a big fan of these comedy skits, but I thought the one last night was actually pretty funny for the most part. Seeing Stephanie at the end )who I barely recognized) was nice. Hearing HHH reminded me that he's never too far away from the picture in terms of WWE television.

This skit had nothing to do with politics. Nothing to do with upcoming storylines. Nothing to do with anything. Just simple foolish fun.
if were reading too much into this then WHY throw in the part of steph and trips and mention the brain dead and coma and "thats good" part???

Maybe not a complete takeo over but im betting they have soemthing to do with it or it wouldnt have been mentioned...
if were reading too much into this then WHY throw in the part of steph and trips and mention the brain dead and coma and "thats good" part???

Maybe not a complete takeo over but im betting they have soemthing to do with it or it wouldnt have been mentioned...

It's called COMEDY slap nuts! Have you seen "Two and a Half Men"? How many times did you hear Charlie wish and pray that his brother moves out. A LOT. Did he? No. It was for comedy purposes, to make them say something. What else are they gonna say.

"I just had the weirdest dream. Hunny, dad is still in a coma right?"



Its a good point that HHH & Stephanie could be involved with the Nexus Invasion. Remember the night after Fatal 4 Way Nexus took out Vince at the end of RAW that night. So it could be a possibility but I guess we will wait and see what happens.
I agree that people are reading way too much into this.

It's not a second coming of the McMahon/Helmsly Era.

Nor is it a ploy to get votes for Linda. (How lame would someone have to be to vote based off a comedy skit?)

It was Vince's way of saying, "Hey I'm still here. The election's almost over. I'll be coming back soon...Oh! And Look! Steph and HHH are probably gonna be back too!"

I found it funny and I'm looking forward to seeing Vince and HHH back on TV soon.
What???? Man you're reading too much into this. This was a comic segment which actually made me laugh. Guess it was just a filler. And maybe Steph's not worried, she was happy to see her father out of coma. But one thing that is clear, is Vince is back to life. Meaning, he'll be back on T.V very soon.
i didnt like the segment at all..i thought it was poorly acted even by freddy prinze jr who is an accomplished actor,in fact i thought it was so bad that after the vince segment i fast forwarded the rest of it and missed the stephanie and triple h part..(btw b4 anyone ask me "how did u fast forward raw"..its called dvr..i usually record raw then watch it later)....the other thing that didnt make sense to me about the whole segment was that vince was supposedly to have been waking up from a coma due to the attack by nexus but yet if u go to wwe.com u can see pics from the wwe fan appreciation night of vince mcmahon giving a speech..so what did he wanna show his appreciation to the fans so much that he woke up long enough from his coma to make a speech and then he fell back into coma when he was done?..im just saying if they was going to play the coma angle out on raw then they never should of showed those pictures of him at the wwe fan appreciation night on wwe.com because now just like me anyone who sees those pictures and then sees the segment on raw is going to think the whole segment was stupid and pointless
I love the amount of views & responses im getting here. I really am suprised more people arent on my side tho. Or- at least think I possibly could be correct. I think in 4.5 pages, there are like 5-6 people that give it any kind of chance of happening.

Im not sure why name calling is really needed, by a few- but if thats what you need to do to feel good about yourself- then thats fine by me. Hey- if im wrong, im wrong...no big deal. I actually kinda enjoy that nobody really thinks its possible. Now theres a better chance of it actually happening!

Well- I must say: I really hope you are all proved wrong here! I'll sit back & take my props when it happens.

I'd like to see some of the mods... & more of the more veteran posters opinions on this subject. I know post count shouldnt matter- but it really does when it comes to respected opinions. Special thanks to: kenny powers, oliver grey, hatehabs & the mark for chiming in. Where you at: Doc, IDR, ferbian, jack hammer, slyfox, xfear, KB, bigwill, NorCal, unclesam, IC25, deathfromabove, d-man & lariat

OH BOY...I could pay for this edit- asking for the big dogs opinion. But im willing to take the risk
I think the segment was a bit poor i mean whos going to catch mr.mcmahon wake up from a coma wearing `merchandise` for his wifes senate race and then to make matters even worse is that you see stephanie mcmahon wake up and ask HHH if her fathers still in a coma.Again whos gonna catch that on camera are they frickin spies or sumthin lol i joke but for people who think wrestling isnt fake they will sure be curious.:banghead:
I think the OP might be onto something. If she were really alligned with her dad her reaction to him being out of a coma (even in a dream) would have been hope and relief and HHH wouldn't have flippingly said "I think he is brain dead too". It was obivously to poke fun at the political landscape as well, but I think there is more to it than just that.

HE HAS TO BE, if this was just for the election WHY involve, steph and HHH??? I dont get it...

But did anyone think it was ODD that HHH was never shown, being im patiently awaiting his return, now im thinking 11 instead of nov of dec... RR maybe???
Im hoping to see something more like this pop up tonight on the Old School RAW. Just to sell my hypothesis even more. Maybe another coma/dream segment. You know Vince will wanna make some kind of appearence tonight! Even if its "just a dream" or he's shown "in a coma" again. RAW is Vince's show/"baby" no questions asked- he has to make some kinda of appearence- doesnt he??

If we do end up seeing something like this segment happen again on RAW tonight- maybe it'll convince some people, that I may be onto something here. We'll see tonight. I expect it to be a good one!
I suppose it's possible that Steph and Trips are involved with the mystery GM angle. Like the threadstarter, I too have thought that Trips is the GM. Steph and Trips being up to something behind Vince's back would lead to something absolutely disastrous though.... Vince returning as a face. I don't want to see that happen. I could see something like that happen though, it's not like anyone else could really be the GM unless they are keeping it secret until they finally do decide on somebody. The takeover angle described in the first post does sound interesting and I wouldn't rule it out as a possibility because they have done things like that before. It would be just like WWE to do it that way. There is no way that the segment was all about getting votes for Linda. I doubt the majority of the people who were voting in that particular election even watch WWE.

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