The League of Legends Thread

Things I like about the season 4 changes:

-Taking the warding pressure off the support champion. At any given time you can only have 3 wards on the map (and one pink ward), so if there isn't enough vision it's finally not my fault. The problem with this is, Riot intended to make other people buy wards by redistributing the wealth, and nobody else is buying them. So all around there is just less vision on the map.

-I love the new gold items. People have complained that the game is more restricted because you can only have one, but in reality those who bought Philo Stone, Kage's Pick and possibly even the AD gold item every game are wasting the income in a big way. Not only that, but they've gone and made a few of the jungler-specific items into gold income items, so the two roles that were behind all game before, are now much more even. This allows the supports to get full build, and actually try out AP or AD or full on tank items they couldn't afford in the past.

-The trinkets. It took me a long time to adjust to these babies, but I'm starting to come around. I love the blue trinket, and being able to basically ahve a short range CV up every few minutes. I love the red for taking out wards, making the vision game more competitive. The yellow ward is great for everyone else, and makes sure there are NO excuses when there isnt' vision on the map.

-Bushes now move when you move through them. Also, the fixed the stupid, broken vision bushes that made the jungle frustrating as hell before.

What I don't like about the season 4 changes:

-Nobody is effectively using their trinkets in lower ELO games.

-There's less vision on the map, because the support is still the only person buying wards, so people are getting caught out a lot more.

-I don't care about the extra jungle camp. 90% of the time I ignore that it exists. Then again, I don't jungle. So I really don't care.

As a guy who mains support, I have to say the pre-season for season four has really come a long way in making the 5th role a force to be reckoned with. It's getting to the point where you need somebody on your team who PLAYS SUPPORTS. You can't just stick person 5 with the role because you don't want to do it, or your ADC is going to get fucked up, hard. For instance, I main Nami most of time, and occasionally Taric, Leona, or Thresh. When I duo queue with my ADC, we win a huge percentage of the time. Because I know and understand the support role, and respect it as not "just the throwaway position nobody wants", as it has been in the past.

Long story short, season 4 makes the support relevant in the game for the first time.
Season 4 stopped a lot of the snowballing that used to occur, and I honestly think that was the absolute best thing that could have happened to league. Now if I dive in and steal dragon in a miraculous fashion with my all mighty Nocturne ultimate and die it's okay because my team benefits from it a great deal more if we're behind if they're ahead, I like how inhibitors now respawn faster, and I like the new jungle spot too.

The new camp in the jungle has to be my favorite change they've made. As Nocturne it's basically your job to power your way through the jungle until 6, and then cash in on your ridiculous ulti post 6 every couple of minutes. Now instead of falling behind via power jungle you can actually stay ahead, and you can actually snowball so so so so so much more than ever before out of jungle. This is good because passive junglers like me are now more relevant than ever.

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