You All Just Lost The Game


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you fail. You Go I just lost the Game that makes people think about the game and then they too also lose the game.
stupidest game ever. Like shadow said if you announce you lost the game then obviously people are going to think about it and lose too.

on the flip side this is the easiest game to cheat on, therefore it being more stupid than it originally was.
I lasted just under 20 years. never thought about the game, until this thread was made. I never even knew about the game.
So, you don't start playing until you find out about the game, at which point you lose? Interesting. I lose.
Yeah, its a bit of a paradox. Its quite popular in Manchester, especially within the rock culture and all that's incorporated with it. Personally I prefer to make my friends lose since winning the game is difficult because of its rules.

However on another forum I have seen various theories of how to win the game.

1. Never think of the game again, which can be difficult if a lot of your friends play the game but isn't impossible.
2. This other theory was much more controversial. Someone suggested if somebody was in a coma/had a stroke/suffered brain damage/suffered a concussion if it resulted in memory loss technically you'd win the game if before the memory loss you were consciously playing the game.
3. This one is technically cheating, but if you constantly think about the game then you've never lose it because you didn't forget about it after your previous loss.

Shadowmancer, you're getting rep for lasting that song. I'm lucky if I can last 2 weeks given my social circle.
the Game ends when The British Prime Minister stands at a press conference on TV and says "the Game is up". and once you know the rules you start playing and you continue to play.
I despise this game more than words can say.
One day I refused to acknowledge that I had lost the game. Everyone around me was shocked to their very core.
This is the worst thread ever. Go back to making shit wrestling posts and leave this place to interesting people you stupid cunt.
This is the worst thread ever. Go back to making shit wrestling posts and leave this place to interesting people you stupid cunt.

What makes you the judge and jury of how good a thread or post is or what an interesting person is? I can see why PY used to call this site an internet Kliq which is quite sad considering its only a forum for debate. Personally I find you a bit too far right wing. Also define stupid. I'm academically gifted, specifically in English Literature, English Language and Political Theory; I've written and performed my own plays in a professional theatre in Manchester known for emerging artists, and I've got a poetry exhibition on 1st June. Not bad for a "stupid cunt" eh? Also I have social smarts that have come from my life experience. Oh, and you lost the game... AGAIN :p

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