Rey Mysterio Was Robbed!

Rey? Carrying the company?! Are you high on something??!!!

Maybe a reign as WWE champion. But carrying the company? I don't think so. No one would buy a 5 foot 6, 180 pound cruiserweight carrying a million dollar wrestling company filled with wrestlers half his size!

Rey was robbed? MAYBE. He might actually deserve a two month WWE title reign. But he can't carry the company, more than half the roster are half his size. Nuff said.
I don't think Rey was robbed in any way, shape, or form. He reaped the benefits of a storyline and got to add another title to his legacy. He agreed to the match (in kayfabe terms) and lost clean. Rey wasn't robbed, he was foolish to defend a title he won less then 90 minutes earlier.

Most importantly, he is a cruiserweight pretending to be a heavyweight wrestler. It is getting harder and harder to believe a man of his size could actually defeat half of the men he has been given wins over. Stop complaining for Rey. This is a guy who would be towered over by an average man, let alone a wrestler in WWE. Rey, in a real life situation, would be getting crushed by some of the guys he's beaten and would have been driven from the sport long ago.

There are not many guys in wrestling who can claim to be a 3 time world champion. Rey has carved himself a unique niche in wrestling. I can see his fans being disheartened. Still, he is competing in World Title matches (which seems laughable given his size/moveset and stretches all means of believability) and is constantly pushed as one of the top stars. I imagine a lot of other wrestlers wish they were being "robbed" like that.
He was clearly robbed, its not like the entire night was planned out on a marker board back stage or anything, clearly HHH forced him into a match he was not ready for, and having competed earlier, he was exhausted and lost to a fresh man. This must all be a giant conspiracy against Rey Mysterio by HHH and Cena.

Or just maybe Vince McMahon hates little guys and will never see them as world champ material as long as he is alive and owns the company.
i think what it does it gives rey one more time in the title hunt and rest assured he will win the title again - probably before the year is out. maybe at wrestlemania rey vs adr
Maybe he was "robbed" if you think he deserved to hold the championship longer. But in the past 2 raws, he had more screen time than anyone and put on not just 1 but 2 solid matches on 2 raws in a row. So while he may not have ended up with the belt he certainly did get to showcase and entertain a lot in the past few weeks.
Honestly, I really think that the little big man deserves more. His past two titles run seem to be in the transition phase with no significant impact or anything. Given how big his draw with all the little jimmy (kids), Vince needs to get him going a little more.

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It seems like they only give him these title reigns so they can make him seem like more then what they build him up to be. Now they can say he is a three time champion and try to sell a couple more dvds
My take on it is this, Rey was robbed in a sense, but I don't think he even needed to have the title in the first place. Punk resigned at MITB, WWE obviously knew they wanted to go in the direction of a Cena/Punk SummerSlam main event. So why even let Mysterio work his ass off and win the tournament? If it was to set up a Miz/Mysterio fued they could have did that within the tournament somehow. Or they could have made the tournament last week a one night tournament and at the end of the night have Triple H reinstate Cena and give him a title match on Raw the next week. I thought for the first time ever, the booking Monday made Cena look weak. He beat a man who had wrestled a hell of a match less than two hours earlier, who had already been softened from a sneak attack and he got punked (no pun intended) when the show went off the air. All I could think was Cena isn't the real champion, he just has a belt he won unfairly in my opinion. I think Rey will get exposure out of the deal though, so I won't say he got "screwed." He will probably end up in a fued with Miz or Del Rio leading into SummerSlam that will put him on the upper end of the mid- card and with Del Rio rumored to get a title run heading into the tour of Mexico, he will likely be in the main event picture for that as well.
Horrible, Lazy, Terrible WWE Booking at its best.

I don't really like Mysterio, but damn even I feel bad for him for what they did Monday. Sure the feud between CM Punk and Cena for the WWE Title needed to continue, but I mean damn couldn't we have had a Interim WWE Champion for a while.

Did Cena really need another title run added to his pro wrestling resume? Hell if the whole idea was to put the title back on Cena in the first place they could have had another 6 pack challenge for the title so everyone who one it during the match wouldn't have actually counted as a WWE Champion.

Sure we can see Punk vs Cena continue, and Miz vs Cena continue, but come on Mysterio could have had at least a a few weeks with the WWE Title as champ
Wow, just wow. The threadstarter really should stop complaining and either watch a different show or move on with life. Rey wasn't "robbed". He was rewarded. They could just as easily have given the title to The Miz. Cena was going to win it back anyway. He needs the belt for his feud with Punk. That short reign on monday was a way for WWE to reward Rey for his many years of hard work. Anyone who thinks he was "robbed" should be happy he's been able to become a 3 time world champion in WWE at all due to how they rarely push smaller guys.
Honestly I prefer a CM Punk vs. Cena II than a Rey title match, can't wait to see it at SS.

Anyways as for Rey Rey - he already has an awesome title resume and I think he's a better title chaser than a title holder. Just be glad he held the WWE title and that he has surpassed many other great wrestling careers.

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