Should they retire?: Rey Mysterio

Should Rey Mysterio retire?

  • Yes

  • No

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Well, this is part 3.
He... is Rey Mysterio...


2 X World Heavyweight champion
2 X Intercontinental champion
4 X WWE Tag Team champion
3 X Cruiserweight champion
Royal Rumble (2006)

It doesn't seem like a lot, but you wouldn't expect bias towards a guy who is 5ft 6.

Rey Mysterio has had some AMAZING matches.

Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho - The Bash (2009)
This match has so much great athleticism, it used two of the best in the business and it showed.

Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero - Wrestlemania 21
This was Guerrero's last match, and had he had it his way, I think he'd want it like that. Athleticism. Amazement. Amazing.

But, Rey Mysterio has had many shoulder and leg surgeries, and you can tell in the ring. I think he'll be gone by WMania 28/29.

So, should Rey Mysterio retire?
As long as Mysterio is able to work well inside the ring, I have no problem with him staying around. It's true that he's becoming more suseptible to injuries, not surprising considering his style, but he's still able to put on great, entertaining matches.

Mysterio is also someone that has a good amount of star power in the WWE and can be used to elevate younger talent. For instance, Wade Barrett scored a big win over him this past Friday on SmackDown!. It was a win that bolstered the credibility of Barrett and for The Corre in and of itself. Mysterio's upcoming feud against Cody Rhodes has the potential to elevate Rhodes to another level in his career and he could probably do the same with others.

That being said, I don't expect Mysterio to be around for more than another few years. He's still a relatively young man for all intents and purposes, but he's already a 20+ year veteran that's wrestled a very high impact style his whole career. He's said to be working right now with an injury to his rotator cuff and these injuries are just going to keep piling on. So yeah, I give it another 2 years tops before he's gone.
Firstly, That was not Eddies last match. Eddies last match was on SD! vs Mr Kennedy.

OK Onto the topic, yes I do think Mysterio should retire. He is very injury prone and is forever working injured and still getting the nod over his opponents when injured. Think back to Punk they had the chance to sell the Mysterio injury by having him apart of the SES but they had Mysterio win anyway despite being injured.

Then again, recently with Del Rio.. still hurt but goes over his opponent.
I voted yes not because i don't like him in the ring, but because he is getting too injured for his own good. Yeah its not suprising considering is wrestling style as a poster said above, but still he should retire before he becomes too crippled to even walk with his kids.
Im going to agree with the consensus here, and say that, YES, he should retire soon.

If you watch his matches from his WCW/early WWF/E days, he is currently a shell of his former self due to all of his surgeries. I mean, the man has had both knees operated on 6 times, both shoulders a couple times each, elbow, and he is currently wrestling with a torn rotator cuff.

I think he needs to call it a career soon, before it's too late. I personally, give him a another 1.5-2 years at most.
I personally can't wait for Rey to retire. His matches are predictable, he's unwilling to put anyone else over, and him winning a match against ANYONE is unbelievable.

Add to that his hisory with injuries, and the fact that h was only kept around because he was the biggest (arguably only) hispanic draw in WWE (a role currently being taken over by Alberto Del Rio)and there is no reason to keep him, or for him to stay.
I think its time for him to hang it up. He was fun to watch when he was younger and when i hadnt seen his entire moveset before. But now, for me personally, im ready for a new high flyer to take his spot.
I personally can't wait for Rey to retire. His matches are predictable, he's unwilling to put anyone else over, and him winning a match against ANYONE is unbelievable.

Add to that his hisory with injuries, and the fact that h was only kept around because he was the biggest (arguably only) hispanic draw in WWE (a role currently being taken over by Alberto Del Rio)and there is no reason to keep him, or for him to stay.

u cudnt be more wrong. had mysterio retired after wcws collapse he wud probably be joining the hof soon. have u seen his matches frm wcw and early wwe. they were all great. and im probably gonna get a lot of heat for this but alberto del rio will NEVER reach the fame mysterio did. and he doesnt have the ability to either. he will be great but will never be like mysterio.

and the unwillingness to put anyone over isnt really his call now is it. thts up to the creative team

the man put the cruiserweight division on the map and has had wins against bigs like kevin nash lex luger etc. and made it look believable.

yea il give him another 3 yrs and then hes gonna call it quits. hes destroying himself by keeping on with all these injuries.

but dont think for even a second tht this man wasnt one of the absolute best the wrestling universe had to offer.
Rey Mysterio should probably hang up the mask soon. I loved him when he was younger, flying around in NJPW, ECW and WCW. Lateley though its been just not as entertaining watching his matches. Add to the fact that he is chronically injuried then yeah its just time. I just thought of a very oddball type of move but something for various reasons would never happen but it'd be interesting to see Rey go heel. I'm not 100% sure during the end of WCW's demise if Rey became heel or not but for almost all the time I've ever watched him, he is always a face. I would say turn him heel and partner with Del Rio but yeah that won't happen either. Just thinking out loud. He is entertaining but like one of the poster's said ealier, he is a shell of what he used to do when he was younger. Another cool idea but again doubtful it'd happen, if WWE decides/ever gets ahold of Mistico then pair them up. Again though thinking out loud.
He can't fly anymore, he got oto many injuries and he just doesnt entertain. its time to retire and let a new little guy take over.
2 X World Heavyweight champion
2 X Intercontinental champion
4 X WWE Tag Team champion
3 X Cruiserweight champion
Royal Rumble (2006)

It doesn't seem like a lot, but you wouldn't expect bias towards a guy who is 5ft 6.

Doesn't seem like a lot? There have been 24 Royal Rumbles, other victors include Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker and John Cena...winning the Royal Rumble (and being the longest to last in the match) is a HUGE deal. Mysterio will forever be etched in WWE history. And winning the World heavyweight Championship twice is a big deal too. Don't underestimate his accomplishments, and don't think WWE management has discriminated against him because of his height; he's accomplished more than most wrestlers could ever dream of, even the 7ft 2 ones.

Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero - Wrestlemania 21
This was Guerrero's last match, and had he had it his way, I think he'd want it like that. Athleticism. Amazement. Amazing.

No it wasn't...

But, Rey Mysterio has had many shoulder and leg surgeries, and you can tell in the ring. I think he'll be gone by WMania 28/29.

So, should Rey Mysterio retire?

With the increasing amount of injuries Mysterio is suffering and Mistico's debut imminent, I can't see Mysterio lasting much longer. Mysterio is a great talent, and he's EXTREMELY over, but I wouldn't be suprised if we see him begin to wind his illustrious career down, probably in time for a big final match at Wreslemania 28. It's sad, I like Mysterio.
Yeah, Mysterio time is about up. Ima hate to see him go, but u can't find so many great wrestlers in the Lucha Libre Style like him. Rey is a Mini Version of Undertaker. Always in Pain. He needs to stop trying to sell tickets to wrestling, and sell tickets to them Organ Recitals and Body recitals he be having.(Back, Knee, Rotator Cuff, elbow) Everything Hurts. Him, Edge, and Taker needs to get out before it's too late. Enjoy your latter days in the best health possible. So Rey, Thanks for the great matches, and the amazing moves of excitment. We Love u Rey.
I think Rey should be looking towards retirement now. While he isnt old compared to some others on the roster (he started really young), his high flying, high impact style is beginning to slow him down and he cannot really do anywhere near as much as he could in the past.

Severe knee injuries has slowed him down, and I hate seeing his modified 619 without the west-coast pop hurancanrana, it just points out what Rey used to be able to do. I would think within 2 or 3 years Mysterio will be gone.

WWE will keep him around as long as he wants to be there, and as long as he is still popular, he is so over with the kids who probably don't even know how good he was back in the day, and he is BIG MONEY in the Mexican market. Knowing Rey's limitations now and the fact he won't be around too much longer, WWE are pushing Del Rio as the new Mexican star, which hints to me that Rey is closing in on the end of his career.

I think he should retire while he can still put on a pretty decent match and then enjoy his retirement with his kids before his body gives out. I dont wanna see Rey limping to the ring at 45 and pulling off 1 poor attempt at a 619 in a vain attempt to cling on to his glory days. He is a rich guy and should call it a day while he isnt a shadow of his former self.
Not tomorrow. But this year? Yes. He's simply got too many miles on him. He had a great run, especially for his style and he was marketed incredibly well. However, his time is all but up.

He's somewhat of a shell of his former self. He isn't the most innovative any more, so he loses that aspect of himself. He isn't the quickest. He isn't stealing the show any more. He doesn't have the best smaller wrestlers to work with in the world. He simply isn't the same. IT... isn't the same.
No, he shouldn´t, he still has some left on the tank and is still the best highflyer in the WWE, in my opinion.
I don't think he should retire yet. I think he still has plenty of gas in the tank. I don't see much happening for him after he retires. He doesn't have the verbal capabilities to be an announcer or GM or something like that.

I think as long as he can "GO" in the ring, he will remain an active wrestler. I can see him slowing down considerably at some point, and though he isn't as active, he will still appear for occasional matches.
I'm not the biggest Mysterio fan, but time does take its toll. I have seen some amazing things from him on earlier footage. Even my friends remember seeing him at some live WCW events, and at our live SD show back in October when we were front row for him v ADR, we seemed to be more impressed with ADR. I understand time does do a number on you. I get that he's a fan fave with the kids, I am glad he never gives up. But to me, sometimes the little man beating the big man can only last so long after the umpteen surgeries he's had on his legs, and then he seemingly has a new injury every other week.

I know he's only like a few years older than me, not very much, but it would be hard to end up with the physical shape of a senior citizen by the time you are 40 years old. I know its part of the pro/con that comes with being a wrestler. But take into consideration how many times his schedule has been reduced, and how often it seems like someone who's performing at less than 100% can still beat someone who is twice their size and outweighs them by 3-4x as much? I get he's a fave for the youngsters, but at some point, maybe he'd want to consider his family over his pride. He will still be a legend anyways, and no matter how hard we try, there is NO way the universe will let him be forgotten.
Hell NO!

Yes, he is there for a long time, and is gimmick is over, he odnt really care who is beyind the mask, but Rey is a future Hall of Famer, and he is very marketable for Kids (Every Child in the World Loves Rey)...

I don like this threads... It's simple, if WWE was in our hands, we would destroy it..

Retire HHH? Retire Edge? Retire MYsterio?
They cant do that...
I mean HHH can, he is not there anymore, and his gimmick is also blown up...

But there are a lot of feuds i would love to see, like Mysterio vs John Cena (SUMMERSLAM)

And Mysterio is needed to give heat to some new heel superstars...
Alberto Del Rio is his fist match beat Rey, and now we all know who he is...

So NO, definetly!! :disappointed:
I don't think he should retire just yet, the WWE would be screwed without him at the moment. but He should retire in the next few years while he still can. anymore injuries and the guy is going to have to travel to the ring in a wheel chair. He is starting to slow down in his age and I would like to see him retire while he can still do it on his own accord so he can come back and wrestle a few matches every now and then.
I agree that he should retire in a few years. He should help the younger guys get over and then when the time is right announce that final match. I appreciate everything that he has done for the business and it is time that we as fans did the right thing and let him go. He can spend the rest of the time with his family and focus and being apart of their lives more.
Ive never been a HUGE rey mysterio fan, but ive ALWAYS been a fan of his matches. Talk about athletic and gifted in the ring, and combing lucha libre with modern techniques, a real innovator in my eyes.
Some of my favorite rey matches include:
Early cruiserweight divison stuff
vs Randy Orton before mania 22
all ecounters with Jericho
Elimination Chamber 2009(Last 5 min w/Edge was GOLD)
vs Morrsion for the IC title
vs Ziggler for IC title at Summerslam

.....But, he's getting on in years and has had several surgeries and accomplished ALOT for a little guy, I could see maybe one more short world title or mid title reign and he will be gone in a couple years after HHH, Taker, prob around the time Edge goes. itll be curious to see with all the Veterans leaving who will get big send-offs.

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