Rey Mysterio Was Robbed!

Loving the racially charged posts here. Always count on the IWC for maturity. :rolleyes:

And truth is Rey is extremely over with the WWE Universe, but hes injury prone and nearing the end of his career, so theres not much sense to put the strap on him when you have guys like Punk and Cena who are currently involved in one of WWE's hottest feuds around. Since you guys wanted to bring up Eddie Guerrero, then lets recap the whole situation with his last run on Smackdown. He was a shoe in to win the title in the fans eyes but instead WWE saw gold in a Batista/Orton (Evolution) rivalry, specially one with two growing stars. I think that once the whole Punk/Cena thing blows over Rey will get another shot at the title. I would love to see Rey vs Punk again, the match with Cena looked a bit sloppy tonight. I heard Rey is in for a major push so we'll see what happens.
Personally I never felt Rey deserved his first two runs as World Champion, so giving him the WWE was even a bigger smack in the face.

I understood the 1st time, Eddie dies, lets milk and piss on history in the process. Didn't like it but got it.

2nd run was more of a "well you sold a shitload of merch, we in the back like ya, here y'go...oh and pass that to Booker T when we're done". Didn't like it but I got it.

This time he was story fodder, a prop, a masked moving Mexican steel chair. He was literally the Spanish Announce Table! So since it was never meant for him to run with the ball, I may not like it...but I get it.

But for Rey Mysterio to be in the ranks of HBK, Rock, Bret, Austin, Savage, Hogan (begrudginly), Lesnar, and really insulting.
I think it made sense. Cena was given a chance to redeem himself by HHH without completely ignoring the tournament results. Adding Cena directly into the Miz/Mysterio match would've done just that and would've been unfair to the rest of the tournament contenders. In normal circumstances, he would've had the rematch for the title anyway. And Mysterio's not buried as he'd already wrestled and had to deal with Del Rio and it was still a fairly even match, despite Cena being completely rested beforehand.

It continues one of the most talked about feuds in recent history in a rather good way. While I think Mysterio/Punk would've been good, it wouldn't have had anywhere near the importance. Punk and Cena represent (in a very generalized sense) the hardcore set versus the mainstream. They're champions for both sides of a neverending debate amongst pro wrestling fans.

And while I understand Rey Mysterio's appeal to some people, I have never bought him as world championship material. He's the eternal underdog, and that schtick is old. In my opinion, his size and wrestling style don't work very well against the kind of opponents he's faced in championship matches. Thanks to his knee problems, he's slowed down, so speed isn't an advantage for him anymore either, which makes it even less believable. I think he's better off in the upper midcard where he can put over the next generation, but isn't completely buried and can be called upon when they need some filler in the main event tag matches or fatal four-ways.

I just saw the whole ordeal as unnecessary. I know it's all about the Punk/Cena feud(which I gladly look foward to and hope they don't screw it up), but tonight just left a bad taste in my mouth. What was the point of having Rey win & evade Del Rio, just to lose it to Cena the same night? Did he really have to win the belt last night? They could've waited a week or so. I know Summerslam is just two RAWs away, but if Cena had a rematch clause, why not just put him in the Rey v. Miz match(thus making it a triple threat match) as the main event and win it? Why give Rey the belt just to give it to Cena the same night(like I said, ready for the continuation of Punk v. Cena, but why not just give Cena the strap from the get-go and avoid the fuss?) To me, it was just one big blah.

Also, to the OP, if you think Rey Mysterio is the greatest wrestler in the world today and that he's the first good champion since Guerrero, you're delusional.
I will say that upon Rey winning the WWE Championship, a sense of joy came to me. Rey has worked hard for many years and deserves to be WWE Champion. However, as soon as HHH made the announcement of Cena's rematch, I was really pissed! I turned off Raw til the last 3-5 minutes, when Punk made his arrival (did anybody else have a slight thought that it was going to be Jericho? I didn't think so...). I honestly believe that they should have never gave Rey the title tonight, if he was going to lose it. And as much as I respect Cena, why in the MOTHER FUCKING HELL can we not keep him off tv. I truly like Cena, but he's so stale and flat nowadays and sadly he will have the championship till WrestleMania 28. Anyways, I felt Rey was somewhat mistreated tonight.
I'm not shocked that Cena won the title back and I completely understand why but this gives the title even less meaning. Yeah I know if wasnt that meaningful years ago but these days it gets tossed around so much. It used to mean something to be the WWE champ but now it's just a label that you are the current hot topic or the current "big push" wrestler instead of actually being the overall best. This is why i was so shocked that Daniel Bryan won the Money In the Bank match. He has the wrestling skills but i'm not so sure about his mic skills yet.

Cena is now a 12 time heavyweight champ at age 34 right? 9 time WWE champ according to Jim Ross but last time i checked he was overall a 11 time champ. By the end of his career he will blow Ric Flair outta the water!!!

I just wish the WWE had some type of realism to it instead of entertainment only. They aren't even allowed to call it the world wrestling entertainment anymore. When HHH takes over I hope he brings back the old style because that sure as hell worked best. So funny how they talk about the WWE being a global PHENOMENON!!!! When the ratings are LOWER than they were during the attitude era.
Upon CM Punk returning, WWE should nullify the title wins of both Rey Mysterio and John Cena. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to Rey to consider this his first title reign.
Its kinda sad Rey was used like that... i was even cheering for him so cena dosent win <_< Cena is a 9 TIME WWE CHAMPION!!! Thats insane! Now that punk came out it made perfect sense that rey was just a pawn. Cena vs punk is the must see fued right now and with punk early comming it clear it will continue to dispute who the real champion is, thats why cena beat mysterio, to set this up to further the story. Oh well rey, at least u had the tittle :/
As mucha as i like Rey Rey i knew somehow he was gonna be screwed happens all the time to him!! Cena is a money money machine!! Cena v punk at Summerfest!! Well seeing again as how no one reads what i type i have an awesome idea!! How about we let Cena break the record held by bruno sammartino!! Let him break the record of The fablous moolah!! 2011-2041 Cena can remain champion never once losing his title how about that one!! Of course i am being totally :rolleyes:
Oh please not more complaining, I really grow tired of this in IWC, it's just so old man. Look Fact is Rey got his third championship and his first taste of WWE gold. He'll more than likely taste it again in long term because the WWE likes him. However, they have a bigger agenda Cena/Punk storyline, you remember that, right? It's just their biggest storyline of 2011. Listen Rey is a great worker and a tough little-big guy in the WWE and he sellsmerchandise (Cena's fans were Rey fans first? What the kind of argument is that?) and he's one of the greatest Luchadors in the world. But he had a job to do he was a paper champion but you're missing one thing (or maybe not because I didn't finish reading your rant) Rey has a rematch clause, so settle down.
I'll start by saying that I am a Mysterio fan and have always been. I do believe he got robbed by having a so-called title reign that didn't even last the night. To be honest, it would have been better and probably more fitting to have The Miz win the title and then lose it to Cena. It would have made for a more fitting match-up. There was really no reason to include Mysterio in this whole thing in the first place except for the fact that Mysterio has the stamina to take on and put forward two excellent matches in one night.

That being said, I know the score and the moment I saw Rey get the title at the start of the show I knew he wasn't leaving with it. Let's face it, we know the WWE's prejudice against smaller wrestlers (especially if they're faces.) The only reason Rey has even had any reigns with main event championships is that his fan base is so massive. It's more than likely that if he wasn't as overwhelmingly popular as he is, the WWE would never have even allowed him to lay his hands on the strap. He's lucky to be able to place his name beside the WWE Championship regardless of how long it lasted. Just as soon as I knew he'd have to face Cena, the outcome was obvious. Rey (to my knowledge) has never beaten Cena, and he's unlikely to start doing so now. With the return of Punk, he's not going to get a rematch either. Again, predictable given the formula of WWE's booking.

Way I see it, Rey left everybody in the dust in terms of sheer performance. He may not have left with the strap, but he proved himself the greater performer. I get the feeling that backstage he gets the respect that he deserves, even if we as fans may not see it.

In short, in public he got robbed, but it's nothing new. As far as the company goes, he simply proved his loyalty again and I've no doubt he will be rewarded one way or another for it whether we see it or not.
I agree, Im sorry i dont hate john cena but this is ridiculous another reign? He just lost the dam title. I understand what they are trying to do but triple h should have made the miz vs rey vs cena. There was no need for rey to win the title and lose it in the same night. Rey deserves a good reign he has busted his ass for 20 years and wrestles through injuries every night.
WWE has been making Rey look pathetic for a while now, sad because he had two damn good matches on RAW but they will never fully invest in him, it's whack because WWE is going to completely lose the Latin demo.

I am sick and tired of seeing John Cena being champion, and get title shot after title shot, the fans are sick of it! that's why WWE's ratings will never significantly get better, twitter blew up, in a bad way when Cena won again. #SAMEOLDSHIT
A few things here...

1) I can see the argument that Rey got robbed of the title but things happen. I remember just a few months ago a lot of people here complaining about how Christian got robbed of the title just after winning it from "Super Orton". Fast forward a few months and look where Christian is now. Will that happen with Rey, maybe, maybe not, but...

2) As someone else mentioned earlier, there was an article on the main site a while back talking about how there were huge plans for Rey Mysterio at Summer Slam, which leads to wonder if this is somehow tied into a bigger storyline for him to get an extended push and rewarded for his years of loyalty and work for the company. Whether that means he gets the belt back we'll see...

3) I also wonder what type of push Mysterio will get now with Sin Cara (who was suppose to be the next big superstar for the Hispanic population) has been suspended and rumors about whether he'll be back on television or not. I mean, you watch Raw and you hear the pop Mysterio gets and all those masks in the crowd they are going to make sure he is present merely for the merchandise.

4) While unrelated, to the individual who said that Cena is going to blow Flair's title record out of the water, my personal opinion is that I don't think he will. There was a period of time that everyone thought Triple H would but I can't even the last time he held a title. I would guess at some point down the road Cena will be one of those guys that won't need or hold the title since it seems (seems being the key word) that Cena respects the business and will put guys over when his time begins to wind down. That and the fact another significant injury would put him out for a while and with his prior neck injury that may catch up to him at some point.
I frist want to say i love rey and want to say I could buy rey being wwe champion despite is size and love the fact it would piss off Josh Isenberg lol. But rey did not get screwed it and anybody that says it make rey look bad is an idiot he wrestled around the 15min mark angianst miz and won then did the same agianst cena and lost after giving him a hell of a match. Then the setup for cmpunk vs john cena two maybe even bigger than the first match im not 100% who going to go over this. Now bck to rey he has one the biggest careers that anybody could have he been world champ twice won a royal rumble and has been part of many great feuds with eddie , chavo, edge, jack swagger, chris jericho, cm punk, and others. So he does not need another title regin and plus he problay wants to start putting young guys over.
since wwe is scripted i wouldnt say robbed. id say disappointing. im a huge mysterio mark back from the wcw days. and his age and injuries havent made me any less of a mark because like the OP i believe that he and cm punk are currently the two best wrestlers in the wwe right now. with cm punk being the best. these two put on the most solid performances. last night was evidence that rey mysterio can make anyone look good in a match even 5 moves of doom supercena. and cm punks matches are just as good if not better. and two solid performances in a night.

i do think that mysterio will get a title run in the future but i can only hope its sooner rather than later

i think it would have been better if the cena/rey match took place a week later
I agree with you 100%! i was so :wtf: when H said cena was getting a shot, roight there i knew rey was going to get robbed. Is this the so called "new" hhh regime? it smells like vince 2.0 to me.
Okay, first off.. If you ACTUALLY believe that HHH is running the company for real, you are an idiot. Second, Rey can not be the face of RAW. Smackdown? sure, but not RAW. Yeah, Benoit and HBK were not huge guys, but they were bigger than Rey. And best WRESTLER in the WWE? No. that would be CM Punk, or Daniel Bryan. Rey is a shell of his former self really. He use to be able to do the shit Sin Cara does, but now his knees are so messed up he does his basic moves. did you not hear the amount of boo's he got when he beat miz? Cena get's heat because Men think it's the cool thing to do. Rey get's heat because he's not believable as the man who can carry the company.
Rey is not the top draw in the WWE, nor does he have the biggest fan base. That role belongs to Cena. We've seen Rey/Punk enough. Cena/Punk was left unfinished, so it is only logical to put the title on Cena. But, since you think Rey has been the best wrestler in the WWE since he joined, meaning he's better than Eddy, Benoit, Jericho, Angle, Lesnar, and many others.. Well, then Logic does not seem to be a strong point for you.
Okay, first off.. If you ACTUALLY believe that HHH is running the company for real, you are an idiot. Second, Rey can not be the face of RAW. Smackdown? sure, but not RAW. Yeah, Benoit and HBK were not huge guys, but they were bigger than Rey. And best WRESTLER in the WWE? No. that would be CM Punk, or Daniel Bryan. Rey is a shell of his former self really. He use to be able to do the shit Sin Cara does, but now his knees are so messed up he does his basic moves. did you not hear the amount of boo's he got when he beat miz? Cena get's heat because Men think it's the cool thing to do. Rey get's heat because he's not believable as the man who can carry the company.
Rey is not the top draw in the WWE, nor does he have the biggest fan base. That role belongs to Cena. We've seen Rey/Punk enough. Cena/Punk was left unfinished, so it is only logical to put the title on Cena. But, since you think Rey has been the best wrestler in the WWE since he joined, meaning he's better than Eddy, Benoit, Jericho, Angle, Lesnar, and many others.. Well, then Logic does not seem to be a strong point for you.

R U SERIOUS !!!!!! were u watching the same RAW i was. the roof went off when rey won. i suggest u watch the match and not read the spoilers on wrestlezone before commenting. and yes rey is better than most in the locker room. and hell if u dont think rey was/is better than angle, lesnar(who was in the wwe for barely 2 years which shouldnt really count for much) jericho. and hes probably on the same level as eddie and benoit. he wrestled with them in wcw and has been wrestling way before most of the guys in wwe even started. so it seems logic doesnt really come to you as it does to others. rey is one of the top draws and one of the biggest fan base. hell all the mexicans and latinos are behind him and del rio. him more because hes a veteran and a face which del rio isnt. guys like you who comment without knowing a lot really piss me off. yes i agree booing cena because its cool isnt the right reason to be him and booing mysterio (which frankly didnt happen when he won) because he isnt believable is an even lamer reason. hes booed because creative has turned him into a whiner. back in wcw it was mysterio vs the lwo and it took balls to do that. he beat the likes of lex luger and kevin nash. that sure as hell wasnt believable yet the fans loved it. in the wwe the worst thing mysterio had to do was rough up eddie in a ladder match and slam chavos knee repeatedly till he said i quit.

i suggest u skip to 5:28 to realize the stupidity of your statements.
Get over it, if it wasn't for the ongoing angle he wouldn' even have gotten anywhere near the title.

There was no way they were actually going to let him carry the title or the company. He's too small to carry the flag ship show, which is why his previous reigns were on smackdown..
In a sense, Rey did screwed. However, this was all done to further the Punk and Cena title unification match at Summerslam. The hottest wrestler today versus the face of the company, which I see Punk winning.
and yes rey is better than most in the locker room.
Do you know what real Wrestling is? When CM Punk says he's the "Best Wrestler In The World" he means in terms of amature style. Not Lucha Libre, which is what Mysterio is famous for. Besides the attempt at an STF tonight, when was the last time Rey did a submission? Or any other form of amateur wrestling? If you mean entertainer? Then not even close. The man should not touch a mic. I would rather hear Heath Slater talk for 20min, than Rey talk for 5. In the ring? I can think of 5 or 6 guys who I like to watch perform more. Orton/Christian at OTL was better than any match Rey has had all year.

and hell if u dont think rey was/is better than angle, lesnar(who was in the wwe for barely 2 years which shouldnt really count for much) jericho. and hes probably on the same level as eddie and benoit. he wrestled with them in wcw and has been wrestling way before most of the guys in wwe even started.
No, I say he's NOT better than Angle and Lesnar, because they were ACTUAL Amateur wrestlers. Benoit and Jericho know/knew more styles than just Lucha, which they did well also. they traveled the world learning different styles of wrestling/entertainment.

so it seems logic doesnt really come to you as it does to others. rey is one of the top draws and one of the biggest fan base.
Behind Cena, Orton, HHH, Undertaker, Rock, Austin..

hell all the mexicans and latinos are behind him and del rio. him more because hes a veteran and a face which del rio isnt.
Congratulations to him.. The Great Khali is a huge star in India, and they have more people than Mexico, so does that mean he's a mega star? Yoshi whatever his name is , is a big draw in Japan, does that mean much?

because he isnt believable is an even lamer reason. hes booed because creative has turned him into a whiner. back in wcw it was mysterio vs the lwo and it took balls to do that. he beat the likes of lex luger and kevin nash. that sure as hell wasnt believable yet the fans loved it. in the wwe the worst thing mysterio had to do was rough up eddie in a ladder match and slam chavos knee repeatedly till he said i quit.
No, saying he isnt believable is a damn GOOD reason as to why he isn't the WWE champion. As a WHC? Maybe for a month or 2. Not as the TOP title holder in the company. When you have Cena and Punk, who are involved in the biggest storyline of recent memory, why would you give Rey the title? Where is the logic in it? When Cena is the face of the company, why would you not have him going up against the (supposed to be) biggest Heel?
What Rey did in WCW doesn't mean anything in the WWE. Hell, they took away his mask in WCW, and by Lucha Libre rules, he's not supposed to be able to wear it again. The "Ultimate Underdog" thing was cool at first, but has gotten old now. Don't get me wrong, I like Rey. The Mysterio/Jericho feud for the IC title was one of my favorites of all time. But thats where it ends for me. Neither one of his WHC runs were that memorable, and he now beat Kane's record of shortest WWE title run as well.. Unless HHH still holds that one. Not too sure.
What a huge Rey fan that guy is.

First off, small guys aren't believeable as champion. It's not my thinking, it's the mainstream audience's thinking. It's why spotfests don't get over in the WWE. It's why my girlfriend went "goddamnit they're not gonna put the belt on the midget mexican are they? Makes no sense" when she saw the finals of the tournament. WWE exists in a universe of reality and you have to operate within those rules and be very careful how you do things or you take your audience out of that suspension of reality and it turns them off.

Second, Cena is a much bigger star than Rey ever was. In fact, eddie guerrero dying got Rey more over than Rey ever got himself over.
"After awaiting 16 yrs to see the unbelievable Rey Mysterio as WWE champion;just like that he would be robbed of his chance to carry the company!!! Rey has busted his ass for a long time in this business to recognized as the best wrestler in the world!!!! He may be only 5'7 175 pounds but he is the most amazing athlete in the entire WWE. Rey Mysterio is the reason why so many kids watch WWE he is the reason why Cena even has fans because I am 100 percent sure all his fans were Mysterio fans first. I thought HHH was suppose to bring the WWE to new heights but instead He is just like Vince feeding us crap and keeping us from the obvious. You lousy humanoids can bad mouth Rey all you want but he is the best wrestler in the WWE and has been that since his arrival in 2003. You lousy humanoids call him the worse world champion ever but he is not, because the man that holds the WWE title is and that's Cena. I have heard you guys complain Rey is too small and HBK wasn't or Chris Beniot wasn't!!!! I am so sick of seeing Rey get used over and over again and never given a chance to be the star he is and carry the company".

Ok, Unless your aged 10 or Under, I'd start to worry. I do agree with you that yes Rey has busted his arse trying to get to the top and the man deserves every accolade that he gets, However this wasn’t some plot to conspire against Rey (They’re too busy conspiring against R-Truth ;D) it was simply so that Cena could get the title back and everything would be back to normal however as you saw CM Punk returned and once again left on a Cliff-hanger to make you tune in next week, simple as that! “the most amazing athlete in the entire WWE” ? No. I’m not going to sit here and convince you that everyone on the roster is a better athlete than Mysterio because that would be a lie as Mysterio is a great athlete, just not the best in the WWE! “I am 100% sure all his fans were Mysterio fans first” , As Ron Simmons would say; DAMN! You know you can like more than 1 Wrestler at a time? And secondly, yes in today’s world Mysterio and Cena have the same gimmick (Both Face, Both Appeal to kids, Both do advertising etc.) but back when Cena first arrived he was a Heel with a gangster style gimmick while SURPRISE SURPRISE! Mysterio was a Face with the same Move-Set with kids adoring him and hating Cena because he was the Heel! That’s the reason why Mysterio’s not reached bigger heights, because once his fans reach the age of 10 they realise he’s been doing the same thing for 8 years!
“I thought HHH was suppose to bring the WWE to new heights but instead He is just like Vince feeding us crap and keeping us from the obvious” You do know that Vince is still the boss backstage right? And until Wrestlemania 28, he still has complete control over everything? HHH is just the On-Screen boss who takes orders from Vince so until Wrestlemania 28; Your precious Rey Mysterio may be doomed!!
“You lousy humanoids call him the worse world champion ever but he is not, because the man that holds the WWE title is and that's Cena”.Did you see Money In The Bank? Did you see how great Cena is, even when he lost? Now, forgive me if I seem bias as it’s known I’m a bit of a John Cena fan but John Cena is by no means the worst World Champion ever! Do you think he’d have 11 of them if he was? Granted I feel the same that Rey is not the worst World Champion ever but to be quite honest I found myself cheering for The Miz in the (First) Title match because I didn’t want to see Rey as champ because he brings nothing more to the company, look at Miz, Young, Talented both On the Mic and in the Ring, has a lot of potential, already had a successful title run. Why on earth would I and others not surge The Miz on when his opponent has been there, seen it, done it (Granted he’d never won the WWE title but he’s been in big World Heavyweight Championship matches)?

“He has the same amount plus more fans then Cena he puts on the best matches in the ring and is the best story teller in that ring then anyone else in the WWE. Rey is so underrated and tonight its proven once again when he only held the WWE championship for maybe 45 mins. This is a true travesty and the WWE needs to reconsider sure were back to this great storyline for CM PUNK and it will be only so long before Cena is named the undisputed WWE champion so what was the point for letting Rey last as WWE champion for 45 mins just to say oh he is a former WWE champion when he comes out when his reign wasn't even longer than 45 mins!!!!”

“He has the same amount plus more fans then Cena he puts on the best matches in the ring and is the best story teller in that ring then anyone else in the WWE”. In no way whatsoever does Mysterio have more fans than Cena, every Monday when I tune in to RAW all you can see is a sea of Red and hundreds of Cena signs, be those signs for or against Cena, he has fans, even if you hate Cena, you LOVE to hate him and that’s why he’s so popular, he gets cheers and boos every time his music hits, I don’t see the crowd go wild when Rey’s music hits? Only the screams of little children! STORY TELLER?! It’s called a Promo and Rey’s shit at them!

“We sat through such Bull shit champions like Cena, Orton, JBL, HBK, The Miz, Edge, their hasn't been a notable WWE champion since Eddie Guerrero!!!! Rey Mysterio deserves the championship why because he is the best wrestler in the world, the people are behind, he sells tickets, merchandise, and PPVs. He has the entire package just because he is not tall and not all sterioded out he doesn't get a chance. Rey in my eyes you are still WWE champion it took 2 men to take the title away from you!!!!”

“We sat through such Bull shit champions like Cena, Orton, JBL, HBK, The Miz, Edge, their hasn't been a notable WWE champion since Eddie Guerrero!!!!”Bull Shit Champions? Quite frankly I’m fuming that you would even DARE put HBK’s name on that list! NONE of those you have listed were “Bull Shit Champions”, Cena, HBK and Edge are 3 of the greatest champions of all time in my mind! 26 World Titles between those 3 by my counting (I may be wrong but you get the message!) and if we include JBL, Orton and Miz (I said I liked The Miz but he’s not in any way in the same league as these guys as of yet!) that’s 39 WORLD TITLES!! What in the Bluest of Blue hells are you talking about? All of these guys have brought something new and exciting to the table and guys like HBK and Cena led an Era in the WWE! Eddie Guerrero? I’m not going to disrespect the dead but I don’t feel Guerrero is top of the all-time great Champions list!
“He has the entire package just because he is not tall and not all sterioded out he doesn't get a chance.” Ok I know you’re talking about Cena when you talk about Steroids and believe me Cena hasn’t touched the stuff! Guys who take Steroids in the WWE are quickly proven so, just look at Sin Cara! And as for Rey’s “Chances”, he has so many more chances than you think, he’s been in God knows how many title matches so he nor you can complain that he hasn’t had enough chances!

“Congrats to Rey Mysterio for taking one more step to beyond greatness and to a great legacy for all wrestlers not just luchadors while the WWE's paper champion still tries to figure out what greatness and legacy are!!!!!”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I’m in Stitches, please stop! My favourite bit of that paragraph: “while the WWE's paper champion still tries to figure out what greatness and legacy are!!!!!” Made me laugh a lot because you are talking out of your arse! If John Cena retired tomorrow everyone would be upset, I think they’d actually move the HOF ceremony to next week if he did retire tomorrow because he has left a legacy, he has “figured out” what greatness is and he leads this Era which people just complain about Non-Stop but he is on the same page as HBK, Austin, ROCK! And Eddie Guerrero if you want me to explain this in your terms! Ok, I think I may be getting a bit bias now but the point is Cena is a great wrestler, sports entertainer, whatever you want to call him!

Anyway, I’ve enjoyed picking this apart and hopefully everyone whose viewed this page and red this will agree that Mysterio IS a great wrestler and HAS left a legacy and he WILL be a future HOFer, but be honest, the guys only won 3 World Titles! If he is as good as you think he is why only 3 World Titles and why no new gimmick and why no adult fans? PLEASE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS FOR ME!! Then maybe reconsider your choice of favourite wrestlers! Because as I said, if you’re not Under 10, Start worrying!
I had a feeling there was no way Mysterio was leaving Raw as WWE Champion last night. It's no secret that I'm not a huge (current day) Rey Mysterio fan. People talk about Rey like he's this great in-ring acrobat who does the most incredibly, never-before-seen feats every single week. Let's be honest, that hasn't been true for almost 10 years. Rey Mysterio used to be one of the top athletes in the business, but he's been tamed by the WWE machine. It's unfortunate that Mysterio may still be one of the best in-ring workers, but that's only because he's the least FCW'd out of most of the current WWE talent. Mysterio is talented, but he's a shell of what he USED to be in that ring. Give him talent like Benoit, Melenko, Guerrero (either one), Juve, or Jericho and the guy can tear the house down.

Now, I will admit that both of his title matches on Raw were fantastic, especially the bout with John Cena to close the show. I was not excited to see Mysterio win the belt, but he really put on more of a fight than I've seen from him in years! I'm not happy that they used a transitional champion, but Rey makes a lot more sense than sacrificing the Miz. Mysterio has been on top several times, and it's not likely they're going to keep him as the face of Raw while Cena is still around. It's even more unlikely now that CM Punk appears to be back...

If it makes you feel any better, his title win probably won't even count in a few days. I have a feeling CM Punk will reveal that he cut some sort of deal with Triple H before the PPV that not even Vince himself knew about. Or maybe he cut a deal with another McMahon... But if technically never left the WWE, than the title was never vacated, and still belongs to him. This will set up the Undisputed title match, and whether they keep Mysterio's win the record books or not, it technically doesn't even count.

Like I said, I'll give him credit for showing up to work tonight. But I've lost most of my excitement and a lot of my respect for Mysterio in the last few years. Especially after the rumors went around that he used his contract expiring to force the WWE into giving him his last World title run.

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