RAW LD 8/17/2015

15 minutes past 1 AM right now and still wide awake bro :D

Taker can't take Brock out on his own... and the low blow will lose its element of surprise after the third time (max). He will need a back-up plan that would catch The Beast totally by surprise. But if it's an interference from someone like Kane or Big Show again, I'd be pissed. Watching him do traditional heel moves like poke in the eye and spitting on Brock's face will be fun though.
Nope.. Lesnar should not be built up as a sympathetic face who got screwed over, he should be booked as an unstoppable force which is what made him unique and got him over. So why change that? Also Taker had the upper hand the whole feud (beat Lesnar up twice, while Lesnar never got the upper hand), so for him to get the upper hand the entire feud AND beat Lesnar isn't a smart decision.

Also I Taker is not a heel, most people view the low blow as a "tactical" move rather than a cowardly move : http://www.wwe.com/inside/polls/how-would-you-describe-the-undertaker-ambush-on-brock-lesnar

In addition, the night after BG, Taker clearly explained to the crowd that the reason he attacked Lesnar was because Heyman kept taunting and bragging about it every single week. So there is no clear face or heel in this. If anything Lesnar might be the heel since Heyman is acting immoral by constantly bragging about his client breaking the streak

You may have missed it for some reason, but Lesnar continues to very much be an unstoppable force regardless of his "failures".
Taker has gotten the upper hand both at BG and last RAW through low blows(a Heel tactic if ever there was one) and him ending up 'on top' is clearly to show that he can still take on Lesnar on more equal footing than anyone else, whilst Brock has clearly established himself as the new benchmark(which was formerly Taker himself).
Until Brock is pinned cleanly in the middle of the ring by someone, then and only then will his "unstoppable aura" diminish. His booking outside of matches clearly shows that since the Streak was conquered.

Heyman and Lesnar were clear Heels until WrestleMania 31 and it was only normal they kept on bragging about conquering the streak. Taker was clearly lying about that stuff and only attacked Lesnar because of his having "sour grapes" more than anything. :shrug:

As I said in an earlier post on this thread; This is about 2 very over guys going at it in a huge rematch with no clear face/heel.
However, if pushed, it has been quite clear who is 'playing' as the heel in this feud and it isn't Brock Lesnar at all.

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