Otunga on RAW again?


NXT is supposed to be show about a bunch of young wrestlers that want to earn a RAW or Smackdown contract, isn´t it ?

These rookies are participating in various "challenges" like cutting promos about toothpaste or carrying heavy stuff around the ring. Then when the show is coming to an end there are going to be winners and losers, the winners get a contract so they can compete on RAW and the losers go back to FCW or whatever, so far it does make sense, but why is David Otunga already competing on RAW ? I know he lost to Cena very fast, but that is not the first time he´s been getting major publicity on WWE´s flagship show.

And I also understand that Otunga is engaged to a huge star, but if he´s already showing up on RAW, NXT doesn´t actually serve the porpuse it´s supposed to, maybe that´s why the ratings are going down.

But what do you think ? Is it okay that Otunga gets this much publicity just because he´s engaged to a star or is it a good thinh because that automatically means more publicity for the WWE ?
It seems to me like the WWE has already made their decision about Otunga. IMO, he'll definitely get a contract, and work as a heel. I think they are just "testing the water" on where to send him.
They're pushing three of the rookies, Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett and Otunga. Otunga won the battle royale so got to be guest host and then the issue between he and Cena was yet to be resolved so they're giving him exposure through the Raw stuff, they're giving Barrett support by having him interact with Chris Jericho on SmackDown (almost) every week and Bryan is getting exposure on the interenet and NXT itself is geared more towards him. Everyone else is getting some exposure on the other shows but these three are the ones that they are pushing and (IMHO) they should push for one reason or another.
I highly doubt that only one "rookie" from NXT is going to show up on SD or RAW. As funnykay said, they've invested alot of time into Barrett, Otunga, and Bryan, so it's unlikely they'll let it go to waste. I see Otunga going to RAW, Barrett to SD, and Bryan probably to RAW to feud with Miz. NXT as a whole is looking like a joke, but if there is only gonna be one winner, and only that one winner is featured on RAW or SD, then WWE has done a decent job of making the winner not so predictable, however watching the direction of NXT, I see Bryan walking out with the contract, as it should be.
NXT is supposed to be show about a bunch of young wrestlers that want to earn a RAW or Smackdown contract, isn´t it ?
It sure is. 8 men competing to earn their life long dream to compete under a WWE Contract.

These rookies are participating in various "challenges" like cutting promos about toothpaste or carrying heavy stuff around the ring. Then when the show is coming to an end there are going to be winners and losers, the winners get a contract so they can compete on RAW and the losers go back to FCW or whatever, so far it does make sense, but why is David Otunga already competing on RAW ? I know he lost to Cena very fast, but that is not the first time he´s been getting major publicity on WWE´s flagship show.
He has been on Raw twice now, I believe. Yes he was guest host, but do you know why? He won a battle royal with the other 7 competitors to earn it. It is not like it was handed to him. He was in a match with John Cena because he screwed Cena over last week by feeding him to ShowMiz. That was probably the last time while on NXT that you will see David Otunga on Raw unless he is promoting NXT with either his mentor or other NXT Rookies. Wait, he may be there for the draft with R-Truth. They are just testing him to see if they should put him on the flagship show yet or wait. If he draws here, then he will go to Raw, if not, he will go to Smackdown. Simple as that.

And I also understand that Otunga is engaged to a huge star, but if he´s already showing up on RAW, NXT doesn´t actually serve the porpuse it´s supposed to, maybe that´s why the ratings are going down.
No, the ratings are going down because the new is wearing off. It is kinda the same thing every week and stupid stuff like keg races and talking contests are what is dragging this show under.

But what do you think ? Is it okay that Otunga gets this much publicity just because he´s engaged to a star or is it a good thinh because that automatically means more publicity for the WWE ?
Once the new wears off of Otunga, the news channels are gonna stop talking about him, just like wrestling fans stopped watching NXT.
NXT is boring. It is just simply a waste of an hour. Why should we care about these guys? Most of them are as bland as a plank of wood and show no more potential than an episode of Secret Life of an American Teenager. Actually that's giving them too much credit, at least that shit will eventually be over.

WWE should just scrap this hour long Tough Enough while they still have a shred of dignity. Just hire people to Smackdown or RAW screw NXT it's just a waste of time.
You know, if NXT was just another RAW/SD, except it being entirely composed of new wrestlers, this would be a great show. Except, it's not, and it's a crappy reality show. It started off good, because it was a wrestling show, and it hinted at some pretty awesome storylines between the pros and the rookies. But now we see shit like carrying a barrel around a ring and cutting promos about stupid shit that no one cares about.

Seriously, the wrestling was fine, and showcasing brand new talent was awesome. Watching this new talent go completely to waste is not awesome.
I could see the purpose of NXT before they started the annoying CHALLENGES, now with the challenges, its almost become a male version of the Diva Search contest now. Where in the past about 90% of the divas, whether they were the last one left standing, got a WWE contract anyways. So you know that chances are more than good that the other WWE NXT rookies will probably end up on the rosters on Raw or SD anyway regardless of who is left as the last person standing. Its a joke really. Its already predetermined who is going to win, and the runners up will settle for other positions on shows. Why bother?

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