[OFFICIAL] Rattlesnake Mudhole

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend

The man who revolutionized the industry...the man who is the reason that many of us are on this board today...and perhaps the man who is responsible for some people getting fired in the worklplace...


Whenever there is discussion about who can be legitimately regarded as the biggest star in the history of professional wrestling, Steve Austin's name is always at or near the top of the list. A "switch-hitter", Stone Cold showed that his character was useful both as a babyface and a heel, a feat that can only be claimed by the very best in the business.

Thanks to Wikipedia's Steve Austin page for this list of accolades:

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated
o PWI Feud of the Year (1998, 1999)[56] vs. Vince McMahon
o PWI Match of the Year (1997)[57] vs. Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13 in a Submission match
o PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year (2001)[58]
o PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year (1998)[59]
o PWI Rookie of the Year (1990)[60]
o PWI Wrestler of the Year (1998, 1999, 2001)[61]
o PWI ranked # 1 of the Top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 (1998, 1999)[62][63]

* Texas Wrestling Federation
o TWF Tag Team Championship (1 time)[64] - with The California Stud

* World Championship Wrestling
o WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (2 times)[65]
o WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)[66] - with Brian Pillman
o WCW World Television Championship (2 times)[67]

* World Wrestling Federation/World Wrestling Entertainment
o Million Dollar Championship (1 time)[68]
o WWF World Heavyweight Championship (6 times)[69]
o WWF Intercontinental Championship (2 times)[70][71]
o WWF Tag Team Championship (4 times)[72] - with Shawn Michaels (1), Dude Love (1), The Undertaker (1), and Triple H (1)
o WWF King of the Ring (1996)[73]
o WWF Royal Rumble (1997, 1998, 2001)[74]
o Slammy Award for Freedom of Speech (1997)
o Fifth Triple Crown Champion

* Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards
o 5 Star Match (1992) with Rick Rude, Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, & Larry Zbyszko vs. Sting, Nikita Koloff, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, & Dustin Rhodes (May 17, WarGames match, WrestleWar)
o 5 Star Match (1997) vs. Bret Hart (March 23, Submission match, WrestleMania 13)
o Best Box Office Draw (1998, 1999)
o Best Gimmick (1997, 1998)
o Best Heel (1996)
o Best Interviews (1996-1998, 2001)
o Best Non-Wrestler (2003)
o Feud of the Year (1997) vs. The Hart Foundation
o Feud of the Year (1998, 1999) vs. Vince McMahon
o Match of the Year (1997) vs. Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13 in a Submission match
o Most Charismatic (1997, 1998, 2001)
o Rookie of the Year (1990)
o Tag Team of the Year (1993) with Brian Pillman as the Hollywood Blonds
o Worst Worked Match of the Year (1991) with Terrance Taylor vs. Bobby Eaton & P.N. News in a Scaffold match at The Great American Bash
o Wrestler of the Year (1998)

So, when you are thinking about voting in the WZ Wrestling Tournament...vote for the guy who personified the Attitude Era. Vote for the guy who still is amongst the most popular characters past or present in the business. Vote Stone Cold!!!

Discuss all things Rattlesnake here.
Hogan may be the biggest draw of all time, but Steve Austin will always be the more remarkable of the two. Here's a man who was a decent mid-carder in WCW, got fired, went to ECW for a bit, and then eventually saved WWE while us wrestling fans had the pleasure to watch him evolve into the second biggest wrestler of all time. Austin is my favorite wrestler, period, and thus he was number one on my list. Due to a bitch bet, if Austin should meet up with Liger before the Sweet 16, I will have to put my support behind Liger. But, otherwise, this is my man, and I will campaign for him with all my heart.
You can bet on one thing.....somebodies gonna get their ass whipped.

My all time favorite and i think depending on bracket he can go the distance and finally win this thing. He's overcame almost uncermountable odds time and time again in his career.

The Chairman, the corporation, and ministry, and even them two big dead bastards kane and the undertaker could. So why should one person be able to.

And thats the bottom line....Cause Stone Cold Said So.
From what I remember Stone Cold has had a really bad rep in this thing, people mistakenly highlight his brawling style for a "supposed lack of" skill in ring, when he was actually quite skilled and technical. It was going to WWE, changing to Stone Cold that made him the brawler and helped him become famous.

IMO SCSA is one of the biggest draws in wrestling history, one of the most decorated champions and one of the few to truly combine great in ring performances with great verbal delivery and connection with the audience.

He has to get into the last 8 this year at least.
From what I remember Stone Cold has had a really bad rep in this thing, people mistakenly highlight his brawling style for a "supposed lack of" skill in ring
Whoever thinks/thought that is a fool. If someone presents that argument come tournament time, they'll get laughed off of the forums.

I don't recall how well Austin did last year, but I'm hoping he at least makes the final 8. He's a solid performer who rarely, if ever had a bad match with anybody. He's good enough to win the tournament, and you wouldn't hear a complaint from me if he did.

My favourite non-WWE Austin match was with Anderson in Japan. It shows just how well he could work a different style to that in WWE.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/y6is8X14kd8&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/y6is8X14kd8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Saying that HBK or Bret Hart is a better wrestler than Austin is ridicolous, Austin pre-injury was as good as Hart and HBK in every way. As a brawler in the WWF is was a bigger draw, a better champion, a better mic worker, had bigger and better feuds, and wrestled better matches.
Ultimately when it comes down to who I actualy want to win, Austin is my choice. Despite my strong support for Sting, if the two meet I would be forced to vote for Austin.
Also, for those on the fence with backing SCSA in this whole ECW region... heres some proof....

Unsanctioned Match vs. Bret Hart from Raw
People the time is almost at hand for all to support "the man who REVOLUTIONIZED an industry"

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