[OFFICIAL] NXT's Future Endeavored - Season 1 Eliminations Discussion

This will be planned, probably part of the Drew McIntyre stuff... Notice how two "can't miss" prospects have been "let go" in recent weeks? I am smelling that perhaps some kind of new faction could form, Danielson, McIntyre...
Come on guys. NXT is a taped show. As someone said, the fact that he mentioned Bryan Danielson CONFIRMS he is coming back as that persona. There is no way Vince would let him essentially spit on the character they gave him AND mention his other persona and THEN let that get aired if it wasn't the plan.

Danielson even hinted at it comparing the losing as Daniel Bryan to the way Danielson competed. I thought they handled it very well. Should be interesting.
But let us not forget that Vince DESPISES wrestlers who don't have that certain look....and BD has NO look. I believe it was Jericho that said he looked straight from a Star Wars convention. Vince doesn't care about technical skills, he doesn't care about talent. All he cares about is fan drawings and image. The IWC LOVES BD, but Vince hasn't really been a fan of us. Firing him and throwing him to TNA would be a big fuck you towards us, the IWC. I'm still on the fence about what his future holds
But let us not forget that Vince DESPISES wrestlers who don't have that certain look....and BD has NO look.

EXACTLY! Yes, he has the abilities, but I can NOT take the guy seriously, so frankly, I'm glad to see him go. Yes, he does have charisma, but it's quite apparent that he's trying too hard, so his lack of confidence shines through. I have no idea how this guy ever became ROH champ.
The guy will be back. Danielson is a hell of a talent and WWE won't drop him. He's already an accomplished star on the indy scene, like CM Punk was, so he doesn't need to win NXT. As far as next weeks, Raw, I don't see him being Bret's replacement. I see him being gone for maybe a month in FCW, but he will be back and it will be on Raw. If he comes back sooner, I'll have no complaints with that.
Last night on NXT, the WWE threw a nice swerve at us and eliminated not one, not two, but THREE rookies... including Bryan Danielson!

Tarver and just hasn't been making much of an impact on NXT since the beginning. He's extremely boring and appeared to have a failed strategy since day one. Most of us predicted that he would be the first to go, and we weren't disappointed.

Sheffield was a little bit more of a longshot than Tarver. But then again, we had no idea that multiple eliminations would happen on last night's show. It's a shame, really... I honestly feel that Sheffield has a great look and some pretty good skills in the ring. He's extremely agile for such a large human being and his finisher is very unique and interesting to me. However, the name of the game is winning the crowd over and Sheffield didn't appear to do that.

As we can plainly see by the posts in this thread, Danielson's elimination was the biggest shocker. I will admit that my jaw hit the floor when he was announced as the second elimination. But if we view things from a kayfabe perspective, it really does make sense. The guy hadn't won a real match since he began on the show. But that just makes me scratch my head as to where the WWE was going with him all of this time. The matches are obviously scripted, so that means he was written to lose since day one. But considering his animosity towards the Miz in the storylines, I highly doubt that he's gone for good. However, this was a great opportunity for the WWE to give him a litmus test on live television to see where his future lies. And with Danielson's dropping of the "Daniel Bryan" moniker, I'm very curious to see where he's going in the future.
I was shocked for mere seconds about Bryan. Obviously, its for him to move on to bigger and better things. The entire point of the whole NXT experience for him was to play up the fact that he should be doing more than being on this shitacular wrestling show, and to get the crowd behind him through a series of dire challeneges and good matches. I think we will all see the Daniel Bryan push take off and begin to come together soon.

I can easily see Tarver becoming someone's enforcer very soon. Intimidating, decent mic skills, fighting acumen. Perfect fit, and the fact they pushed him having a family to feed in recent weeks leads me to belive we will see him with Ted Dibiase soon enough.
Daniel Bryan Danielson's promo last night sent shivers down my spine. I don't if the camera shaking was just technical dificulties or the cameraman creaming himself, but it made it better. There's no way he delivers that good of a promo without us seeing him again soon. This is the Bryan Danielson those of us who are unfamiliar with him have been waiting to see. I'm wondering if the actual angle we're going to see draw out is that he was for some reason losing intentionally and is finally taking shit seriously. I don't really know what to think right now.
He doesn't need some stupid flashy gimmick. He is the American Dragon. He can wrestle circles around half of wwe's staff-and after all, i could swear that one of those Ws stod for wrestling.

Don't be naive. This may be the end of Daniel Bryan, but this is only the beginning of Bryan Danielson. At first i was shocked to see he was eliminated (NXT got too boring for me in week two-week one was great), but i checked out this promo, and i have to say, if Vince is letting him go, he's not burying him, as is common practice- IE: see Batista jobbing to duct tape, or Piggy James incident. If anything he has pushed Bryan to the moon on NXT, and despite having the pro's votes, and no wins, he was clearly the most over on NXT. However, Vince realized his talent, and his drawing power (He is the next Benoit/Hart IMO) and he realized that when he brought NXT talent to RAW, that everyone was like "Who the heck are these guys?", so he is calling Bryan up to the main show to beat Miz for the U.S. title. We've seen this coming since the beginning of NXT-it's just coming alot sooner than we thought.

Also-how many tough enough winners are in WWE? One-Jo Mo. But how many castoffs ended up making it? Boogeyman, Miz, Chris Nowinski, Josh MAtthews, Melina, Matt Morgan, Nick "Mitch" Mitchell, etc.

Maybe being castoff is not such a bad thing.
I was shock to see that Daniel Bryan was eliminated from NXT in the first round of elimnations since i thought i would be winning the whole thing. But them i went to WWE.com and watch Daniel Bryan Exclusive interview about his elimination and i understood why he got eliminated so early. I seem from what i got from the interview that this was daniel bryan last apparence on wwe t.v but that they when he returns, it will be as Bryan danielson. So my guess is that they wanted him to get some exposure on t.v. and talk about his background before bringing him under his real name.

If that what'S going to happen, am happy for him because that interview was one of the best one i heard out of him ever and it really help establish himself as the great wrestler he truly is. So let just say the Daniel Bryan got future endeavor and they hired a guy to take is place and his name is Bryan Danielson.
I can easily see Tarver becoming someone's enforcer very soon. Intimidating, decent mic skills, fighting acumen. Perfect fit, and the fact they pushed him having a family to feed in recent weeks leads me to belive we will see him with Ted Dibiase soon enough.

This is a brilliant idea and with Diabiase's trust fund storyline this could turn into a new age Virgil/MDM or HBK/JBL type deal.

As for Brian Danielsen .. Yes he can wrestle, so he will definitely be back. However, the guy is still boring as shit personality wise. He will come back, win a couple IC or US titles, spend 2 to 3 years in the mid card and then be released. The WWE is not going to super push a guy who cant sell T shirts and action figures. What would a Brian Danielsen T shirt look like? You can get a 3 pack of plain white Ts at Walmart for like 4 bucks. If you think the E would never get rid of such a talented WRESTLER ..... didn't they just release another internet darling in Shelton Benjamin?
That loud clicking sound you heard was the LAST of NXT's viewers changing the channel, because without Daniel Bryan, there is NO reason to watch NXT. If I wanted to see a bunch of green wrestlers, I could catch the FCW tapings, but I don't.

Barrett and Otunga are more than enough to watch even with Bryan gone. Barrett has more polish on the mic than anyone on that show and has an awesome style in the ring. Justin Gabriel out pops Bryan every week so the WWE fans won't abandon this show just because Bryan is gone.

I was suprised at first that he was eliminated. After his interview though, Im sure they'll wait until NXT is over and bring him back as Bryan Danielson. The Ultimate Fighter brings back more than just the winner because they have already invested so much TV time in them. NXT will probably be the same way. It'd be a waste to invest 11 weeks into Skip, Bryan, and Tarver to just send them packing. Tarver gave his interview about making it for his family. He can reappear after a year and they can talk about how he crawled his way back up.

I'm thinking Barrett wins the show, Bryan goes on to be solid on either show, Tarver comes back after some time in FCW, and Sheffield does nothing.
THere's a difference between Shelton and Bryan though. Bryan doesn;t seem to be content with just halfassing it and getting a pay cheque. if he did, he wouldnt have toured the world in the indies and would have remained a blip on the radar.

As for the emiminations, Tarver was no shock. At all. He's done nothing and wasn't justifiable to keep. If WWE hadn't thrown a curve ball, he'd have been gone anyway.

Skip, like Tarver was going going gone from the beginning. Recently he'd started shifting from 'goofball' to a slightly more serious character and turning over a new leaf, evidenced by him starting to win matches. It's a pity because he's probably better than Young. It's a pity but he'll be back soon enough. Possibly dropping the Skip Sheffield gimmick, and coming back as 'Ryan Reeves' or some variation thereof.

Bryan was a knockout blow. I've had him pegged from week one to win NXT, he was number one in the polls and he had a storyline seemingly custom made for him in winning the show, and getting retribution on The Miz winning the US Title on PPV whilst every ROH fan has a spontaneous orgasm. I guess not. This is a VERY good thing for Wade Barrett, because now that Bryan's out of the way, there's nobody else in his league to stop him from winning NXT. Otunga's as green as a photosynthetic martian, Young's shit, Gabriel seems to be a one move wonder and has slightly less charisma than a neutered dragon. His only real opposition lies in Heath Slater, who is outshined in every area by Barrett.
Thank you Jesus.... we finally say goodbye to "Daniel Bryan" and the absolutely horrendous things he had to endure on NXT. His interview after being eliminated filled my heart with hope as he referred to himself not as Daniel Bryan, but as Bryan Danielson. He also reminded us that he is the best in the world and he that he kicks people in the head. I would also like to point out that a nice little reaction from the crowd could actually be heard during this interview. That's promising for Danielson's WWE future.

We can only hope that the WWE has something planned for Danielson. They did a very good job setting the groundwork for a Miz/Danielson fued so hopefully they follow through with it. There has been very little focus on the US title over the past couple of months so I see this as a pefect opportunity to put the spotlight on that title.
If anything, that interview signaled the death of Daniel Bryan and the rebirth of Bryan Danielson. I'm guessing that Danielson will be sent back to FCW for some seasoning until the end of NXT. I'd love to see a feud between him and Miz which would culminate in Danielson becoming US champion. I can't see him not coming back to WWE especially since he was arguably one of the only reasons many people watched NXT.
What's next for the 3? Maybe.....
1. Brian Danielson (thank god his name is back) goes to RAW to fued with Miz...possibly costing Miz the US title this Monday to Bret Hart or the Tag Title opp at the next PPV?
2. Skip Sheffield gave the "I'll be back" line.....he'll resort to his Ryback (terminator ripoff) gimmick and probably debut on Smackdown in a month or so.
3. Michael Tarver will be involved with Ted Dibiase. Didn't think that would happen but he made comments about doing whatever it takes to get money for his family.
Its going to be interesting to see where they go with this. I mean at first I thought D. Bryan was going to win no contest. Now that he's out its going to be hard to tell. However somebody mention that maybe B. Danielson will take Bret Harts spot this Monday and take on the Miz.
I have to admit I think WWE made the right choices of who was eliminated this time.

Daniel Bryan, while he's awesome on the independent scene, he was made out to be a nobody on WWE, and I have to admit I was hyped for his appearance in WWE, but ultimately it flunked hard due to some bad booking, and if he's ever to resurface WWE (which he most likely will) I hope they book him properly.

I also marked out for his post-elimination interview, I really liked it, and I have to admit my first thought when the camera started shaking was whether the camera man was holding back the booker or Vince who was trying to kill him or shut him up.

Michael Tarver, again like Daniel Bryan, good post-elimination interview, I think he had potential to do things in WWE really, he was pretty decent on the mic, and I think he should have at least done something more.

Skip Sheffield, again, the right choice, I didn't care for his post-elimination interview, but I liked him as a character, he was decent, but ultimately, the other people remaining are just superior, I think Skip might resurface WWE eventually, but not for a while.
Wow! What a shock, and an awesome one. Daniel Bryan is dead, but long live Bryan Danielson. I can only see good things in his future. Hopefully he'll replace Bret in the match between him and The Miz or maybe he'll interfere and cause Bret to win via DQ. Or Danielson could show up on Smackdown. I don't know what will happen but i'm excited to see. The sky is the limit for Bryan Danielson.

Michael Tarver
Also known as Virgil, which is totally fine with me. Tarver was pretty awesome on the mic, and he totally got handed a bum rap. But now I see him joining Ted DiBiase. He would be a great Virgil, and he sort of fits with The Fortunate Sons stable, considering his "dad" was sparring partners with Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson (Can't remember which). I don't see huge things in his future, but he'll do well for himself.

Skip Sheffield
Really should have been Darren Young. I liked Skip. He was loveable and fun. However, he may return as Ryback, which is a gimmick that I've seen praised, so I'm excited for that.

After these eliminations, NXT has gotten interesting again. Wade Barrett looks to be the obvious victor, but Otunga or Slater could easily steal it. I'm very excited for the weeks to come, on all shows.
Wow! What a shock, and an awesome one. Daniel Bryan is dead, but long live Bryan Danielson. I can only see good things in his future. Hopefully he'll replace Bret in the match between him and The Miz or maybe he'll interfere and cause Bret to win via DQ. Or Danielson could show up on Smackdown. I don't know what will happen but i'm excited to see. The sky is the limit for Bryan Danielson.

Michael Tarver
Also known as Virgil, which is totally fine with me. Tarver was pretty awesome on the mic, and he totally got handed a bum rap. But now I see him joining Ted DiBiase. He would be a great Virgil, and he sort of fits with The Fortunate Sons stable, considering his "dad" was sparring partners with Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson (Can't remember which). I don't see huge things in his future, but he'll do well for himself.

Skip Sheffield
Really should have been Darren Young. I liked Skip. He was loveable and fun. However, he may return as Ryback, which is a gimmick that I've seen praised, so I'm excited for that.

After these eliminations, NXT has gotten interesting again. Wade Barrett looks to be the obvious victor, but Otunga or Slater could easily steal it. I'm very excited for the weeks to come, on all shows.

Yeah, I see Danielson getting involved with the Miz/Hart US title match. Although, I'd really like them to actually future endeavor Danielson just so he can go to TNA and wrestle Desmond Wolfe again... I see him helping hart win by DQ, which pisses the miz up so much that he gives him a title match which cements danielson on the raw roster.

Michael "Virgil" Tarver, yeah, we can see what they're going to do with him. I just wonder how long they're going to do the million dollar man gimmick. I mean if Bret Dibiase ever makes it to the big leagues, are they going to abandon it? And then what will happen with Tarver? he's a shitty wrestler just like Virgil was and as boring on the mic.

Skip sheffield I couldn't stand. I hated him in FCW and I hated him in NXT. It's really his YIP YIP YIP shit that irritated the piss out of me. I think they could actually repackage Skip with a Waylon Mercy type gimmick and he'd do well with it.
I just read on Wrestlezone and confirmed it by reading Bret Hart's Facebook page, that he didn't even know he had a match for the US Title. His son told him. To me this is another indication that perhaps Bryan Danielson will be getting that shot. He was just too much of a competitor and put on good matches with the Pros. He is a solid worker and just needs to work on his look a bit. NXT is totally scripted so they knew he would be cut from the beginning. Maybe they didn't know how early and were waiting to see the kind of matches he could put on. But now that he has been cut it is clear to me where he is going from here. Don't be surprised Monday if he comes out to face The Miz.
Bryan Danielson(feels good to say)-I see him doing something this Monday involving Miz. His promo after he got eliminated was awesome, and I saw something in him that finally showed some charisma. I hope he gets a shot on Raw or Smackdown, because he worked too hard to get to where he is just for it to all go to shit.

Virgil Tarver- That sums it up. His pro, Carlito, who now works for Dibiase, or at least appears to, will get him a job somehow. The poor guy has five kids, and was homeless. At least give this guy something, whether or not he's good. He's obviously good enough to make it to the WWE Roster, even if it is FCW.

Skip Sheffield- I think he could be a legit powerhouse guy, but I don't really know. He could end up anywhere, doing anything. I thought he was very likable and had one of the better finishers on the show. I hope all these guys make it, even if I can't stand them *cough, Heath Slater, cough*.
I can easily see Tarver becoming someone's enforcer very soon. Intimidating, decent mic skills, fighting acumen. Perfect fit, and the fact they pushed him having a family to feed in recent weeks leads me to belive we will see him with Ted Dibiase soon enough.

I have to admit that is one hell of a spot for him to land into. Tarver sure has that 'Virgil' look about him and I think that you may definitely be on to something here. I just wonder if he'll wear the sparkly sleeveless suit with the bow tie?!
Not surprised at all by his elimination and I honestly don't care if we ever see him again on WWE shows or not.

I found him to be incredibly annoying, so I won't miss him either. Although if he does come back under a different character.... then perhaps I wouldn't mind seeing him make it to Raw or Smackdown someday.

I was so shocked, like many others, by his elimination. I really hope this isn't the last we have seen of Danielson in WWE. I think he will just spend some more time in developmental because he had said he wanted to train until he was completely ready for the main brands. After that I definitely still think he will have a great run on either Raw or Smackdown in the future, but as Bryan Danielson and not Daniel Bryan!
Tarver - Would be great as Ted DiBiase's Virgil. Big, intimidating and from his post-elimination interview, it seems like they're setting him up for a money-centred storyline. Has a pretty good character which will hopefully be shown when he moves up to the main roster.

Sheffield - Probably the worst gimmick in NXT. He always came off as a simple Stone Cold Steve Austin. Will make it up to the main roster but it will not be immediately and probably with a different character.

Danielson - I really hope he is involved in Miz's title match on Raw whether it is to replace Bret Hart or run-in. Incredible wrestler and underrated on the mic in my opinion. I kinda saw his elimination coming, WWE wouldn't make NXT straightfoward. Has loads of potential and can go far.

I felt that these would be the first eliminations, I just didn't think they would be on the same night or that 'WWE management' would be involved. I think that all the rookies will eventually be on the main roster, eliminated or not.

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