[OFFICIAL] NXT Future Endeavored - Season 2 Eliminations Discussion


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This thread is for all discussion about NXT's Season 2 eliminations. Please do not make new threads for each separate elimination. Instead, let's keep it all in here.

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OK, chaps! So as we know, next week we will have our first “public” vote of the season with someone dropping out of the competition. The idea of this thread is quite simple really. In here, we are going to examine who you think should stay and who you think will be going bye-bye’s before the real competition gets going.

Now, before I start, I would like to say that I am actually enjoying NXT lately. It could be that The Nexus are part of it in a very weird and twisted way, or it could be that it is not all about Daniel Bryan. Needless to say, it is not a huge weekly chore anymore and for some strange reason, I am actually enjoying tuning in every Wednesday morning at 3AM. That may be because of the fact that I am completely sad and wrestling is all I have to fill the void in my existence, or it could be that, for once, NXT actually has some decent characters outside of the main components of the show, something that NXT season 1 was definitely guilty of. I am going to side with the latter for the sake of my sanity.

With that being said, in this season, we have witnessed quite a few characters and it has actually been very appealing to watch. From the top to the bottom of the NXT roster, we have strengths and weaknesses and at this stage no one could really pick an overall winner. However, next week, 8 will become 7 and we will be one step closer to finding out who the “next breakout star” of the WWE will be. So, ladies and gentlemen of WrestleZone, I ask you:

Who is getting cut from NXT first

Personally, I hope it is that clown, Percy Watson. Dr Dolittle is really beginning to piss me off with his spewing sunshine mentality and although he is a tremendous character for the show, I cannot fucking stand him. It looks as though he is going into a stroke every time he takes a fucking step. Out with that, he hasn’t really done anything that has impressed me in the ring either. I know that I will be voting him off come next week but because of the public vote, I gather he will likely be staying.

I will settle for Pedo Cottonwood being voted off though.

But what do you think?
First I would like to point out Dave that it is not next week that the first cut is made, next week is the first poll, 3 weeks after that we will have our first elimination.

But from my personal preferences I would love to see Eli Cottonwood eliminated, the guy bores me like nothing else, and I would like him gone, he doesn't seem that great in the ring, he's boring at best on the microphone, and he's most likely only over due to John Morrison, and he's most likely only with WWE due to his size.

Who do I think will be eliminated? I really don't know, I would have to go with either Kaval, Titus O'Neil or Lucky Cannon due to their win-loss record, but on the other hand Kaval is most likely gonna stick around cause "he impress others" Bryan Danielson style.

Lucky Cannon won't be gone because he's over, has potential, he is the first to fight one on one with a pro, and well, he's lucky.

That brings me to Titus, who has potential just as well, he has decent to good microphone skills, he has in-ring skills as well, so the only one I could really still see as getting eliminated was Eli Cottonwood.

Or perhaps Husky Harris, because while he's interesting, at least to me, he has lost once, he hasn't done much on the microphone to impress, he took out Striker but who's really gonna brag about that? and ultimately, Cody Rhodes is a weak pro, perhaps the weakest of them all, and that influence could cause them to break, plus Cody would need to establish him as a singles star rather than a good pro.
im glad, for one, that we can vote for the NXT polls.

as far as eliminations, i would say either husky harris or eli cottonwood

eli isn't in anmyway entertaining. he kinda reminds me of the "festus" gimmick, because eli alway has a dumb look. plus who could he really feud with? the roster of wwe doesnt have a bunch of people around his height. plus his mic skills are boring.

husky also is one that is boring. i agree with ferbian about the matt striker and cody rhodes comment.
Like Ferbs said, NXT eliminations aren't NXT(I know I'm cool) week Dave, jeez get with the times :)

Anyway, I would have to agree with everyone else and say that the second coming of Kergen, the bore ****e himself, Eli Cottonwood should be eliminated. WWE has enough big men and they don't need another one, especially one as generic as Eli Cottonwood, he's big, he's mean, other than that he aint shit. He may not be eliminated first but he certainly won't win the show either.

Other than that I dont wanna see anyone eliminated, the rest of the guys are great and besides Percy Watson (he's comedic relief) I could see all of these guys getting big/half decent pushes.
I'd bet my money on Eli Cottonwood.

First off, this guy is boring on the mic. It's as he wants to think that he is the next Undertaker with his whole "darkness and shadows" gimmick. Quite frankly, it's an utter failure. Not only is he boring, but he isnt very good at talking either.

Another thing is he can't get over with the crowd. Like someone said, the only reason he is cheered is because he is with John Morrison. If he were to come out alone, by himself, there would be very little reaction.

Also his wrestling ability isnt that great. I like to describe him as "The Great Khali that knows some moves." Even if he does know how to wrestle more than Khali does, he still is pretty bad at it, and it definitely hurts his chances of staying in the competition.
I see Titus O'Neill being the one eliminated first when the first elimination occurs.

Titus has yet to win a match, and is average on the mic. He really isn't over with the crowd, and he doesn't have a good personality. Apparently you guys started to like Titus when he "made it a win", but he hasn't won, and its similar with Skip's slogan, and look how far that got him on the show.

Cottonwood will stay past the first elimination because he has dominated his competition so far, and since he is 2-0, as of right now, he will not get eliminated first in the competition.
I see either Eli Cottonwood or Husky Harris being the first one to go. Both of them just arent entertaing to me and i cant see either of them being more than mid carders on the main shows. I think Eli has a better chance of staying since he's 2-0 and Jo Mo is his pro so he might be saved by the fans vote simply from that.
Considering next week is going to be the first pro's poll, and not the first eliminations, we are probably going to see a "rough draft" of the order of elimination. I just wonder if they will the fan vote percentages and the pro votes, or just give us an order. But here is how I think the first standings will go....

1) Alex Riley - While I dont see the fan votes going his way, I do see the pros liking him. He's got a real douchebag jock gimmick going on, and lets face it, how many hardcore wrestling fans got picked on by jocks in school? He's got great presence, seems decent in the NXT matches I have seen so far. Having the Miz as his pro also gives him the rub as a heel you will love to hate. The fact that he is the FCW world champ is just the icing on the cake.

2) Michael McGillicutty - The crappy in-ring name aside, the former Joe Hennig is one of the more shining stars so far on NXT. Personally I would love to see him be more of a heel instead of the face-ish persona he is using now, would be more in tune with the Hennig name. His in-ring performance is pretty good, and his variation of a swinging neckbreaker is really nice. Honestly, there is a chance that Riley and McGillicutty could switch places, its all a matter of how the pros go I would imagine. McGillicutty will probably get more fan votes but the pros will lean toward the heels more since the fan voting favors faces.

3) Husky Harris - This guy is my dark horse to win NXT. At first I saw this guy and thought "man, this is a big fat guy surrounded by built guys, what can he do?" Then I saw him wrestle and was very impressed with how fast he is. For a guy his size, he can move and that back splash he does looks like it will knock the wind out of you. His ring presence to me is more of a shout-out to his grandfather than his dad, with a feeling that he is a mean SOB. With Cody Rhodes as his pro, Harris has a chance to the "Mean Heel" as opposed to the the "Cocky Heel" that Riley is.

4) Eli Cottonwood - Personally, this guy bores me, but I do see him ranking this high. His height is his biggest thing going for him (even if he looks really lanky to me). I see alot of Kevin Nash in Eli's style, and alot of fans will get behind it. He's not going to win but his win record and psychotic persona will keep him around longer.

5) Kaval - This season's internet darling, Kaval has some serious potential. While he has lost the matches he has been in, he has shown that he isnt a pushover. Some of his kicks really make me cringe (especially that springboard Warrior's Way to the back of Eli Cottonwood's neck), and can push that he could win but usually doesnt. The pairing with LayCool will garnish alot of sympathy votes from the fans, and wont have him following the exact plan of Danielson.

6) Percy Watson - The over-the-top character of Percy Watson isnt something I enjoy, but being 30yrs old, I am sure I am not the target demographic they are aiming for with him. I really need to see more out of him than some dancing and ridiculous glasses. Those things will get the kid's voting with is why he will place as high as he will.

7) Lucky Cannon - The only reason why he isnt gonna be eighth is because he is lucky (get it? lol). The match against Cody Rhodes did more to hurt him than help him. They could have had him "get lucky" and last the five minutes but instead he got beat with over a minute to spare. Cody Rhodes isnt exactly thought of as an impressive wrestler to most fans so that drives his stock down. With the other talent there, Lucky just doesnt have a chance.

8) Titus O'Neil - The proverbial "Michael Tarver" of season 2. Every season of NXT will need a fall guy to make the others look better and unfortunately Titus got the shaft in that regard. While he has a better pro than Tarver, Zack Ryder still is on the lower end of the rankings of the pros. The whole "struggle to survive" angle may get some sympathy votes from fans but the 0-2 record will go against him a bit. If it wasnt for the match against Rhodes, Lucky could have been here, but the increased exposure will be enough to stop him from being 8th. So Titus will suffer, like Tarver did when he was in the same position. On a side note with mentioning Tarver, his post-NXT showings have been worlds better. The bandit-style facemask really helps his gimmick as a ruthless loose cannon. Maybe Titus will have the same luck after season 2.

This is not what I think the end of the season will go, but the first set of rankings. This is just my opinion, but I could be wrong. Wouldnt be the first (or the last) time.
Ever since the first season of WWE NXT I've wondered who is the one who's responable for pairing up the NXT pro's & rookie's. I know common sence says the WWE creative team doe's. But what do they base the pairing upon?

Like this season season two, with the NXT pro's & rookie's having simalarity's to one another. Like the Miz & Alex Riley with cocky ego's, MVP & Percy Watson being from Miami, Florida, and Cody Rhodes & "Husky" Harris being next generation wrestlers. I don't know why or who paired up Kaval/Low Ki with LayCool?

Hopefully things will pick up next NXT season when the WWE introduce women into the competition. And maybe we can see main eventers as NXT pro's. Like someone like Edge could be a great NXT pro, or even Randy Orton.
Your mom...? You make a lot of threads, but it's probably better to ask than be a semi-mark.

But seriously, the bookers, maybe. Vince or Stephanie might give the green light, but that's it. I'd guess the bookers gang around a round table and discuss how the pairings would work and everything related to their specific show.
Your mom...? You make a lot of threads, but it's probably better to ask than be a semi-mark.

But seriously, the bookers, maybe. Vince or Stephanie might give the green light, but that's it. I'd guess the bookers gang around a round table and discuss how the pairings would work and everything related to their specific show.
First of all, don't bring up my moms up on these thread man! You don't know my moms!

Second, NXT will keep growing and growing. I think if who ever is in control of pairing up the NXT pro's & rookie's should pair them up based on in-ring skills, style, with very little simular intrest. This is WWE NXT, not the adopt a indy wrestler show.
the eliminations so far have gone the way i thought they would. out of the remaining rookies i have no idea who i would eliminate next.i can see them all sticking in the wwe.
wow this is tough, two eliminations next week. i really like all 5 rookies...but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say husky and watson go next, because riley is gonna be on RAW, which would raise him in the ranks, kaval is consistently on top and did well on nxt last night, and mcgilliicutty seems to be favored by WWE.
Fu** this.

I'm not really worried about Percy elimination, because well, he deserved it. I think he should be eliminated already, but meh.

But now, Husky Harris eliminated?! C'mon, the guy was awesome. His in ring ability was quite good, his mic skills were good too, and i just loved his gimmick/caracther.

I was really hoping Kaval would get eliminated, but hey, at least it's not like what they did to Danielson.

I just hope they keep Husky in the company, for now. That kind of talent should not be wasted.

Now that Husky is gone, I just hope Riley wins, at least.
:( :( :( :( :( :(

That was my face when Percy Watson was eliminated. Yeah, it was purple and all, and there were six of them.

I've said every week that Watson was one of the biggest reasons I watched NXT. He was so entertaining, so charismatic, and he brought a smile to my face every time he did anything. I felt that he needed NXT more than anyone, in order for people to look past the fact that he actually has some personality and can be more than just Generic Aggressive Black Guy #23.

Harris was another upsetting one. He had tons of potential, was athletic and charismatic, and I was sad to see him go.

My two favorite rookies, ones that made me tune in, have left. At least Laycool and Kaval are still around to keep me tuning in.
I think overall the top 3 are the best of the NXT class. I liked Percy and Husky, and either one could have easily been in the top 3. I don't think anyone can say that Kaval and Alex Riley don't belong in the top 3 or even top 2. Michael Henning (since it is easier to spell his real name then his mother's maiden name) is worthy of being in the top 3. He still has a lot of work to do, but he is getting better in the ring and on the mic. Alex Riley is the star of the show. Kaval is the fan favorite of the show.

These 2 are my favorite and I am hoping that one of them wins NXT. My money is on Kaval winning, but anything can happen. Alex Riley needs the win more than Kaval does though. These past 5 contenders were the cream of the crop in my opinion of Season 2. I didn't see anything special in Lucky Cannon, Eli Cottonwood, or Titus O'Neil. At least Titus is a role model with a good luck. Lucky and Eli need to go back to the drawing board.

Riley and Kaval will be the top 2 next week in my opinion. I think Kaval will get more votes from the fans, but will the pros vote for Riley or even Michael instead?
I think the only reason husky was eliminated was to keep a face in the final 3 with kaval. Kaval has also been given a push lately compared to earlier in the season so at least it makes a little sense. It seemed extremely unlikely that the creative team would be willing to get rid of riley now, and everyone knew mcgillicuddy wasn't going anywhere, so that meant husky had to be the sacrifice this week (although personally he is a lot more entertaining in and out of the ring than mcgillicuddy)
Having Husky Harris and Percy Watson being eliminated from this week's proceedings were tough choices, but the right call was made. Both of these guys are great workers as heels and faces respectively, but they are only playing second fiddle to two out of the three remaining guys on the "roster." Alex Riley is heads and shoulder better than Harris in every field, whilst Kaval has the better in-ring credentials over Watson (though their crowd connection is on the same level).

I'm sure the WWE will use these two in the future as both of them have been praised by management and have established themselves as credible wrestlers with the crowd. But for now, they were good choices to be given the boot.

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