[Official] Mr. McMahon's Child Thread

@ Unrated Superstar

A big shake-up would be Brock Lesnar. Imagine if they patched things up with him and offered him some big money deal, leading him away from MMA and/or TNA...I don't know how the "looking up" thing would come into play, but that would be pretty wild.

"The Next Big Thing" - ie Futures looking good... aka 'on the way up" (Things are Looking Up)?

Doubtful none the less, extremely Doubtful.

I still think its going to be Kennedy, there will be a few swerves before it comes out, IMO
right now it looks like to me its either gonna be snitsky or carlito, carlito because hes been involved in the story line and snitsky because may be trying to build him up, it could turn out to be someone unpredictable like charlie haas, but in my opinion i think it could be sandman, i heard vince is keen on his character because its similar to austin, and with the popularity austin had vince might be trying to replicate some of that stardom status, although the chances of this are slim seeing as though sandmans getting old and doesnt have much left in him, so il have to go with carlito, with the clue things are looking up = when carlito does his special the wrestler ussually has to look up, lol i know that clue doesnt really fit but thats all i got ;)
But imagine Chris Jericho comming back as Vinces son. I can picture his music going off and the crowd roar already!

It does seem awfully coincidental that WWE is offering Jericho such HUGE money the week before revealing the truth. I mean, it was all set to be Kennedy until the suspension. PERHAPS WWE is using the angle as a bargaining chip. "Chris, if you resign at this 7-figure deal, we will bring you right in and even make you the centerpeice of this MAJOR storyline, which we will use to elevate you into a feud with HHH and a world title shot."

Somebody else did point out that, when it was revealed that the son was a "WWE Superstar," Chris Jericho was neither a) a WWE Superstar or b) arounf the ring at that time. But between THAT Monday and this PAST Monday, the man who was supposed to take the reigns got suspended for a wellness violation. So, WWE conveniently presses the "reset" button. Like when you die in Legend of Zelda. RESET.
Man its going to be snitsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snitsky read that. SUCKS and SUCKS.I really hope thats just bull someone has added, If its snitsky then really it wasnt his fault!!! :p lool, Vince wasnt happy with the crowd reaction he recieved when snitsky was facing Cena, so i dont think he will take a big risk on involving him in the storyline. Things are looking up, i hope its jericho. Because jericho when he comes out in his entrance he looks up wuith arms out. Well just hope it isnt snitsky!. I just cant see snitsky fueding with shane, linda, steph , HHH, etc , cant see it. He is bad at mic, so couldnt possibly be him , jericho, well jericho is good at mic.

My Verdict (hoping wikipedia is wrong): Y2J, Chris Jericho.
My brother thinks that it will be either The Great Khali or Dave Batista, however it cant be The Great Khali as he is foriegn and as i read a couple of minutes ago, the mother will most likely be American - 2 american parents make 1 american kid

I myself think it could be :sabu2:
I don't get what you're saying, one part you'rew saying Carlito's going nowhere the next you're saying you would pick him, I think you need to make your mind up. Carlito would make a decent choice as he's just wrestled HHH and seems to have been up McMahons ass the past few weeks.

You misunderstood what I was saying. What it comes down to is that I would like for Carlito to be the guy, but I doubt it'll happen. I'm simply stating that it's my wish, but I'm being realistic about it at the same time.
I dont think it will be Chris Jericho even though I made the suggestion and that would blow my mind and probally make me actually jump out of my seat, I LOVE LONG DUE RETURNS! I dont think he is that close yet to striking a deal but they can always change the whole "being around the ring" whole deal, and for him not being a WWE superstar at the time they could just say they signed him prior to his actual signing. And im still laughing about the whole "Sabu looks up all the time" and so does Hornswoggle.

I dont think it should be Carlito. Just like Chris Masters, Carlito has been given a great opportunity and dropped the ball countless times. Just because Carlito cut his hair doesnt up his chances either. I just dont believe for it to be Carlito because I know Vince doesnt see that much in him.

Now dont get me started on this whole Snitsky thing. Sure I love Snitsky because he is from the same area I grew up in. But talk about killing a storyline. What is gona happen? Linda McMahon will be sleeping and wake up to Snitsky fondeling her feet or something. Snitsky is going to be a good monster heel but for him to be involved in a storyline of this calliaber. I dont think Vince is this dumb.

Even though they have confirmed Kennedy is not the child, there may still be a glimmer of hope. But it is very disappointing to see Ken blow another shot. This would have been a great storyline if Ken got the spot.

I dont see it being HHH, HBK, etc.

I always sepculate it could be Elijah Burke. He isnt involved in any storylines on ECW and has never lost his credibility in a storyline. Lets face it, he is going to be the future of WWE one day.

Well thats all about my perdections. If its anyone ill go with either

Elijah Burke or Chris Jericho
It's Shawn Michaels if you remember just before dx reformed and he had beaten vince in a ldder match he exclaimed Things are looking up vince. He will return and win wwe title then retire after wrstle mania
Vince should have rushed to try and get Bischoff back as his son! Imagine that. Bischoff finding out and becoming a real prick, sueing for part ownership of WWE, and maybe even leading to a WCW faction. Imagine Vince finding out his own son almost put him out of business. They could eventually reconsile, or Eric could do something really, REALLY horrible to Vince that causes him to be off TV for awhile. You'd have JR talking shit about carma and how the only one who could finally put Vince out was his own son, who was born because of Vince being a sexual pig.

I know this won't happen, but it could have worked.

Also, I like the way Eric McMahon sounds. :D
when triple h spits out the water in his entrance he looks up plus he swapped the stephanie video around. he could say he married his daughter for revenge.
One thing some of you are forgetting is a couple weeks ago they said it was someone on the roster currently.

Can't be Jericho (although it would be kinda neat...), can't be Bischoff, can't be Samoa Joe...

I think Triple H is a possibility; they also might use it to push Cody, since he's the dark-haired son of a blond fella who looks far less like his dad than Dustin; I hope not, since the kid's nowhere near ready for a push of that magnitude... hell, Randy Orton looked polished next to him!!!
This is what we got so far:

-"Things are looking up" clue

-Kennedy will more than likely be included in this storyline

-Triple H will more than likely be included in this storyline

-The son will be revealed Monday night on RAW

-Kennedy was said NOT to be the son due to the "test results"

-Kennedy "looks up" to get his microphone and also when he says his name

-HHH "looks up" when he spits out the water and "looks up" at his sledgehammer every time he takes it out.

With those points being made I now think it is going to be revealed that Triple H is Vince's son this Monday on RAW. The original plans of this story was to build up a HHH vs Kennedy feud for WM24 so I doubt there is anybody else involved in this storyline besides Kennedy, HHH, and the McMahons.

It will probably go like this:

-HHH is revealed to be Vince's son

-Vince will be pissed and give HHH all hell by giving him handicap and gauntlet matches throughout the weeks only for HHH to beat all of them.

-If Kennedy is suspended, when he returns will tell everyone that HHH tampered with the results and Kennedy is indeed the REAL bastard son of Vince.

-HHH admits to it and then goes on to tell Vince that he "secretly" married Steph again and says that he may not be his bioligical son, but he is Vince's son-in-law.

So then we have the Bastard Son vs the Son-In-Law feud started. HHH with Steph, Shane, and Linda will be the faces while Kennedy and Vince will be the heels. I wouldn't be surprised if Kennedy and Vince recruits Umaga sometime during this feud to try and destroy HHH for them. Kennedy will get the WWE title sometime during this feud and HHH will win the Royal Rumble so it would lead up to WM24 with Triple H finally winning his 11th World/WWE championship.
im still thinking cena he has been on top of the wwe for 2 years now and if someones on top the only way to see them is by looking up
HBK would be a perfect bet. With not long left , this would be an excellant fued to finish on. HBK vs HHH would be a brillaint fued to finish his career off with. I don't see Kennedy having alot to do with this fued. Just depends whether he wants to come back to do it.
Well, with the recent suspensions, it definately won't be Kennedy...although that was the plan all along. How about this scenario...Shane is the illegitimate son. Vince has falsely believed that Shane was his son but it turns out that Linda had an affair years ago when Vince spent so much time on the road. The father? Who else...Ric Flair!
Seriously if it's Snitsky do you think he'll get over? He won't. He has never been over and never will. He has a terrible look, terrible gimmick and terrible personality. At least years ago his "it wasn't my fault" thing could have been viewed as edgy and maybe funny to some. Do what you want, push him put all the titles on him, he WILL NOT get over.

Though I do have to say I don't know who it is. Punk would be my choice though since he's "clean"
Seriously if it's Snitsky do you think he'll get over? He won't. He has never been over and never will. He has a terrible look, terrible gimmick and terrible personality. At least years ago his "it wasn't my fault" thing could have been viewed as edgy and maybe funny to some. Do what you want, push him put all the titles on him, he WILL NOT get over.

Though I do have to say I don't know who it is. Punk would be my choice though since he's "clean"

Id rather have Cena champ for another 12 months rather than see Snitsky with the belt , or in more than one title match. He isn't over at all , he hasn't beaten anyone since the return and the slightly changed gimmick. Even someone like Henry , had some sort of momentum before his title match. I cannot tell you what bad writing it would be.
Its going to be HBK as a return of DX. if u see TRIPLE H has been taking on the whole DX character already.Why HBK because would u like to see the expression on vinces face when u see the green lights hit and there they are both triple H and HBK standing side by side. dont forget this will lead to the back back to Randy Orton making way for a HHH vs. Kennedy and Shawn Vs. Orton
if they are going by "who was standing around the ring" clearly it isnt HBK because i do believe he was out with a injury, it wont be shane because he wasnt around the ring. i hope to god it isnt snitsky, if he does end up being the son....well ill be looking for something else to watch
For those of you don't think it will be someone who isn't a current wwe superstar, and wasn't around the ring that night, think of this. Y2J and Pyscho Sid are both listed as WWE Alumni on the wwe website. So this could consider them WWE Superstars. Also, with technology they could go back and show that one of them was at ringside in the crowd with an edit of the tape or a new shot altogether from a closeup at a house show this weekend. There is always a way around things in the world of professional wrestling so don't count anyone out. There's also Rob Van Dam, who was still listed as a ECW superstar at the time of the announcement. Just a few guys to think about. But let's face it, no one has a clue who it will be and that probably includes Vince, who'll decided the day of probably.
no way Rob van Dam is totally done with wwe. but you never know. money talks and bullshit walks but i think its still gonna be HBK. HBK always uses that phrase that things are looking up.
1) HBK was injured when steph said "the wrestler is around the ring." same with HHH
2) if its snitsky, well ill be watching monday night football instead of raw
3) jericho wasnt around the ring unless they go "he was in the arena"
4) shane wasnt around the ring either
5) i didnt see many possible people around the ring that could be the son, most were no bodies or jobbers
6) carlito could be it.....maybe
no it aint carlito they could always say HBK was in the areana. hes in the active roster page. WWE can do whatever it has to do to make anything believable. HBK is the man. hes the only one that can stand up to a roll like this. and carlito and that good for something like this. he needs to go do something else maybe team up with another heel and win the TAG TITLE.
I was thinking about it possibly being CM Punk...things are looking up for him because he won the ECW title. But probably not because he doesn't really need it.

I doubt it'll be Michaels, last I heard he's not ready to return.

And actually, if it weren't for Elijah Burke being seemingly fully black, I would say it could very well be him. It still may be, but the black thing makes me unsure. But after all, there is potential in him, and they just gave him a nice win on ECW...plus this could be the push he needs.

As for the "looking up"...simple 4-UP, remember? 4 knuckles UPside your head. How about that?

If he were white he'd be the perfect choice. But since he's black this would be harder to swallow. But hey, you never know.
ECW wont be used for this stunt. no way Vince is smarter then that he wants it to be a RAW thing. i dont thing i have seen him on Smackdown or Ecw promoting it. its in the raw roster and shawn is ready he just doesnt want to come back at that point. the thing is that point was a while back and he could be ready now.

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