[Official] Mr. McMahon's Child Thread

I know we were supposed to think that it was definately a WWE performer, who was around the ring during Steph's speach, but they have apparently deviated from their original plan of Kennedy due to this drugs crap.

What if it's not a superstar but another employee or former employee?

"Things are looking up?" Similar to "Business is about to pick up!" It could be JR!

Or someone like Paul Heyman or Eric Bishoff would be controversial.

Back on the more likely performer front, how about Big Show? Could possibly be talked into coming back due to all the suspensions.

Or someone like Edge?

Or what if "Things are looking up?" literally means THINGS are looking up, for example worms! The BOOGEYMAN!

To be serious though, I think it will be someone who needs the push so probably not a former champion or someone who is way over, so my choice would be Shelton Benjamin, though ideally a returning Jericho would be fantastic.
Now.. i did think Mr. Kennedy would be his son but of course bc of the steriods he was using he had to get out of the storyline. Well now Mr. Mcmahon ended the show by having some guy say a clue to know who ur bastard son is "Thing are looking up" now the only thing i could think of is his son has to look up to Mcmahon! So he is short! Now there are only two short people in the WWE and those people are Rey Misterio and Hornswoggle. And i really gave it thought. I don't think Mcmahon would have Rey as his son bc he is too big right now and there is no point in putting him in it! Hornswoggle on the other hand could infact be his so called son. Now my back up is "What was Hornwoggles old name?" Thats right The Little Bastard! And I don't think he was called that for nothing he is a bastard and now we will find out he is Mr. Mcmahon's bastard! So my guess is Hornswoggle is Mcmahons Bastard son.

It could be either of those two performers. Hornswoggle due to HHH fixing the tests. Rey an outside chance because there was rumour that Vince would be having a match against him at Summerslam. Mysterio becomes the Champion at Unforgiven (apt title). Vince Mcmahon tries to embrace his son's victory and Rey wants nothing to do with his father. Eventually Rey drops his guard and accepts Vince as his dad. Kennedy returns and costs Rey the title at Survivor Series where it is revealed that he was the true son all along. This could set up matches between Vince vs Rey at the Royal Rumble, Rey getting fed to Kennedy around No Way Out. Then picking up his fued with Triple H a few months before Wrestlemania.

The more I think about it though. Wwe creative and especially Vince like to sow seeds for Wrestlemania way in advance. So with that said Im going with people's earlier thoughts about Triple H rigging the tests, turns out to be whoever until Kennedy returns. The REAL Dna results are then found and the Wrestlemania RAW Main Event is back on track.
"Things are looking up"... Didn't D'Lo Browns finisher have somthing to do with looking up? Haha just a shot in the dark...

But yeah, I can see Vince announcing that his son is "someone he can gain somthing from", and then in a little while, Kennedy could keep claiming to be his son with Vince always regecting him, and then at SSeries where Kennedy has a match against Shane (who is with Vince at the time again), Vince turns on Shane and joins Kennedy, and then says that there was never a secret kid out there, he wanted to see what his family would put up with, and he wishes Kennedy was his son, unlike Shane, and then pick it up from there.
Well one thing is for sure its certainly made everyone think again as we were all certain it was Kennedy. It still could well be of course.

I know its a long shot but i would love for it to either be the return of an ex superstar which WWE has managed to keep very very quiet and not even the internet had got hold of it. Someone like Y2J, Sid or even someone like Goldberg or Brock. That would be really exciting and be a genuine real surprise for everyone. Even Bret Hart would surprise the hell out of everyone.

I also read that many TNA superstars contracts are up this month or next month. Could this be building to maybe one of them jumping over to the WWE. Samoa Joe?

Whoever it is i just hope WWE dont fuck it up with someone like Snitsky. WWE has had loads of bad press etc recently but they have a story here now which the majority of people are interested and intrigued about.
What you've got to remember is that Kennedy screwed up , not the WWE. Kennedy was lined up for the storyline , and then he got done for the suspension, so its going to be someone else. Then who...?

As for the "Things are Looking Up". I think your'e all reading way too much into that. I suppose its a possible angle to use. Its a hint , perhaps , but I doubt it.

So who is it. Well to be honest I doubt that now the brand matters that much. Vince could say that he wanted his son on Raw. So I doubt thats a major factor. As for the giant , supposidly , I doubt it. For the main reason that this Angle one is going to be long , and its going to involve alot of promos and Mic Work. So (Thankfully) I think its not going to be the likes of Snitsky , Khali , Kane etc...

I personally would like to see it be Shelton , but I give it a very small chance of coming off , because hes practically a jobber. I can see it being someone whos in for a big push , but isn't up there yet. So I'd leave it to MVP , Carlito , CM Punk , Lashley (Although he is injured , so i Dont know) , Masters (Please no) , John Morrison , or my favorite Shelton Benjamin , but again I don't see it happening.

So out of

CM Punk
Bobby Lashley
Chris Masters
John Morrison (Although In saying that hes probably suspended aswell)
Shelton Benjamin.

I'd say its most likely to be MVP. Sure the move to Raw wouldn't be easy , as he has two Smackdown belts. But hes got the right sort of character that Vince would like. Triple H vs MVP , as much as Id like it to be Kennedy , still a very good alternative.
they could reveal that triple h is mr mcmahons son in law, because everyone had to look up at the big screen to see triple h after the clip of mr mcmahon beting his daughter.....it could be a high flyer, such as rey mysterio....it could be a tall person, such as great khali...it could be someone facing a tall person, such as batista or rey mysterio....could be someone at the peak of their career, such as randy orton, or recent title winners...could be mr kennedy because he gets his microphone from high up (but hes suspended)...could be someone whos getting a title shot soon, such as randy orton, batista, rey mysterio..
it really could be anyone
Well, well, well. My Dominick Guttierez McMahon idea is looking better and better...

I honestly feel it will be Cody Rhodes. Think about it - what would be more of a major storyline than the son of a WWE Hall of Famer being named the owner's son? Dusty Rhodes' own blood? Wouldn't that allow WWE to push this young start far better?
Y ll go for Cm Punk if they were to go with the idea of a son on a long term.Elswhere they could come up with someone,like sandam or jerrico,and say later on that triple h changed the results in order to help his wife.We could have then a match kennedy and vince vs Shane and triple H.
I think "things are looking up" is a legit hint, so I gathered up some information and here are the likely canidates in no particular order.

Big Daddy V - Dear god no.
The Great Khali - You have to look up to see his face, Please no.
Shelton Benjamin - He's a high flyer and it'll be the perfect start to a push for him.
Jeff Hardy - Unlikely, but he does have a title and a popularity factor.
Rey Mysterio - Doubt any smackdown superstar will be Vince's child, but he is a high flyer.

Let's hope it's someone exciting and not a total dud.
As i read earlier post some people made valiant points regarding this story line, I could agree with them saying that HHH is the son because he is the one that altered the test not Kennedy.After Kennedy serves his 30 day suspension he could come back and still try to get the love of Vince and the other Mcmahons. Kennedy could be the one that reveals that he has proof that HHH altered the test, which would start the HHH/Kennedy feud. HHH altering the video could be foreshadowing something, maybe the alteration of test?

I wouldn't be surprised if they reveal it later months from now that Kennedy is still the son because he fits the criteria far more better than anyone else. He has the name Kennedy, he had the stare down with Vince, he also had the talk with Vince backstage, he sorta walks with the huge built swagger that Vince walks with. I wouldn't be surprised if they threw a curveball and say it is HHH until they can get proof that he altered the test and later reveal that Kennedy is the actual Son in the storyline. Kennedy basically fits every criteria so i wouldnt be surprised if the son was still Kennedy because anyone else could make a decent storyline into an unbearable one to deal with. He fits the mold better than Snitsky also because Kennedy is over with the fans but not over like HHH, Snitsky gets no reaction so having Snitsky as the son would be a lot more work because he gets little to no reaction and i believe the WWE doesn't have enough time to try to force Snitsky on us.
When it happend on Monday night I immediately thought HHH will have to be the son, I mean just think about how many feuds they have had together and now HHH has returned it just all makes sense. But whats troubling me is... why at Kennedy's hometown???
i just need to say this
Vince Mcmahon = White
Lashley, Benjamin, Burke = Black

I mean, it wouldnt make any sense

Not bad mouthing, or flaming you.. but I am going to mock you.

Because never before in the history of human life, have a black & white human reproduced to give birth to a black or white baby. So sure, based on the shear fact of skin color.. your right, thats just stupid, huh.

Now - I'll agree that I doubt it'll be any of those guys.. NOT because of skin color, but more because I still honestly believe it'll reverse itself into being Mr. Kennedy.. I think the general group feeling is that Triple H. will be revealed as the "bastard son" & then it'll be revealed later, (after 30 days most likely or longer, to spread the storyline out) it'll be shown that it was a trick.

Think of it more along these lines.. D-X, never officially split back up. They just aren't together right now due to injury. And if you run that storyline later, the crowd will eat it up.. & noone would really give great thought to the "incest" storyline, because everyone will see it more as D-X ruining McMahon's life some more. Then, you bring Kennedy back, & not only will he run through Shane McMahon (which is the only McMahon family member he can truly wrestle) but then he'd have both Shawn Michaels AND Triple H. to feud with going into Mania.. (that way, we could see Triple H. get a Championship match at Mania, while Shawn Michaels fights Kennedy.)

(rumored past storylines for Mania, were: Randy Orton v. HBK, HHH v. Kennedy.. but I can see HHH & HBK reversing roles at Mania)
What they could easily do is make it so HHH rigged the tests, pawn the "bastard son" role off on anybody else (ie someone that needs a slight push but not a huge one), and start making a HHH vs Vince thing going on. We all know that Vince loves to be involved in at least one storyline at all times (DX, then Lashley for instance), and all they need is 30 days of stretching out HHH making fun of Vince's situation. Then, when Kennedy comes back, have him be the defense for Vince while HHH/Stephanie/Shane/Linda are all together (since it said before that they are thinking about "revealing" HHH and Stephanie's marriage). Kennedy is pissed that the whole thing was a sham created by Triple H just to mess with Vince's head (which he obviously accomplished) and that, since Kennedy looked up to Vince, he now knows that he isn't his father and he's upset about that. Vince and Kennedy team up as sort of the "son I never had/father I always wanted" team against HHH and Shane, the brother-in-law team, and you've got a big family feud where HHH is the son-in-law and Kennedy is the outsider wanting to come into the family. You keep this up for a while and it gives Vince something to do, Kennedy a big push because he's feuding with a top star, and HHH always has at least one person to go up against. You maximize your efforts by having two guys that are great on the mic as well.

That way, you accomplish many things:

1) Vince stays in the limelight, which he'll always want.
2) Kennedy gets the push without having to find a retcon of the story later down the line.
3) HHH and Kennedy are both given something to do that matches their talents.
4) You continue the soap opera storyline that Vince so desperately wants.
5) You leave HHH and Kennedy out of the title picture for a little while so that others like King Booker, who have no feuds, can fill in the gap, depending on who is champion (if Orton is, Lashley will most likely be a challenger at some point, for instance).
6) This method gives you a 30 day grace-period where HHH is just messing around with Vince so they can stall.

All in all I think that would be the best way to go. As for the pawn star in the 30 day period? I don't know...JR let it slip last night that it was a Raw star, then corrected himself and said WWE superstar, but we all knew it'd most likely be someone from Raw anyway. So out of the Raw roster, I would guess someone like Snitsky who has nothing to do yet. Though I'm not a fan of him, it gives you Snitsky vs HHH for something like Unforgiven while we wait for Kennedy.
Some of you are missing something-cena.We re talking about the wwe title but he s the current champion and he has to be kept in the center stage due to his fans.Y hate cena but we cannot get past him.Y hope that somehow kennedy is kept in this game.When s Hbk suposed to come back?Y miss Dx playing mind games with vince.What is shane suposed to do in this storyline?Which side is he expected to be?
It could be Rey Mysterio as e is so small and has to look up at everyone, also as he has just made a return to the wwe after an injury, that would mean 3 feuds for Rey
i think from the suspensions that will probably keep Kennedy of tv or appaerntly out of the angle. the clue made me think" things are looking up" it will be (just a guess) HBK. could be wrong but thats my guess.
Somebody mentioned Shelton Benjamin. That's interesting. It would be a great chance for WWE to reintroduce the hilarious "Mama Benjamin" character, saying that she had Vince years ago for that reason. She was also very manipulative in the ring, and when she comes out to introduce herself as the mother, to see Vince, nervous, grabbing his ear again.

I still vote Cody Rhodes.
I still think this will be a return... Sid is supposedly on the return trail, he used to be a Skyscraper...or Chris Jericho... they could bring Jericho's real dad (who has some name value as a former NHL star in for a part in it...
I just thought about something. What if there really is no illegitimate son. Linda, Shane, and Steph could have made it up to get back at Vince for faking his death.
I am not sure about this, I wish it somehow is still Kennedy he is a perfect roll, and if they inform the public (most of us know already) about HHH and Steph it could lead to a good feud with HHH and Kennedy. Hopefully Triple H will have done some joke on Vince like make it Hornswoggle or Khali, perhaps a returning Big Show :eek:. Still would prefer Kennedy over anyone though.
its The game triple H that would make this whole story line hilarious and it would make everyone laugh cause Vince claims to hate him
it was suppose to be kennedy but then he got in trouble for steroids and now the storyline has changed, hmm... who is a heel that needs a good push... well the clue is things are looking up and i dun rly get it. due to that clue, it might be a big wrestler
:robvandam: Its not Mr Kennedy i think that it will be someone unexpected as with all the recent suspensions don't be susprised if its someone we see every week on the telly definently not a girl as they have already pointed out its a boy could be triple h and the stephanie marriage angle resurfacing again who knows
i dont know?why would they say "THINGS"things cant "look"it might be the boogeyman,?his worms can look but would that be a thing?"thigs are looking up" could be an expression like "things are looking good" or "things are gonna be fine" in this case most likely meaning "things are lookin good,"things are lookin up"(not down as in bad)?it could be something someone said?its all so confusing..
Vince was shocked people don't like Snitsky so it might be his plan to boost him? Hope to god it isnt tho! Surprise return by Big Show? Unlikely. Great Khali OMG i hope not! Kane? Deserves a major push, everyone knows Raw is his show...

Someone said about Sandman being in the rafters... i didnt think of that, it would be funny to see him standing and looking at Vince, soaked in beer, cane in hand, arms open... but i think not.

Elijah Burke neeeeeds that kind of a push and has the in ring and microphone ability to run with it, but he is likely to stay on ECW.

They could quite easily still use Kennedy, have him run off and sulk whilst suspended and then return trying to force his way into the role, jealous that he ISN'T the son? Maybe? Could still work almost perfectly. That way if the idea bombs he wont be labelled as the son and if it works it will carry him to the level he deserves.

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