*New* WWE Title Design after Money in the Bank?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay, so here's the scenario: At the 'Money in the Bank' PPV, CM Punk defeats John Cena and becomes the new WWE Champion. As he stated, his contract is up at midnight and he's gone from WWE.

The next night on Raw, Vince McMahon's music plays and he walks down to the ring. He says that while CM Punk is in possession of the WWE Championship, he is not, in fact, the WWE Champion. To be the WWE Champion, you'd have to be currently employed by WWE. At that point, McMahon announces that the WWE Championship is vacated and a tournament will be held to determine the *new* WWE Champion (I know, cliche, but that's how it'll most likely go down).

After several qualifying matches over the following weeks, the final two are named (most likely John Cena and Alberto Del Rio) and the match is held at SummerSlam!

Now my question is this: If this, or a similiar situation, takes place, would/should WWE introduce a newly designed WWE Championship belt, thus finally doing away with the 'spinner' belt?
I'd love to see the spinner belt done away with, but because it is representative of John Cena and he is the face of the company for the foreseeable future, I don't see it going away anytime soon, plus they have such much investment in it with video games, toys, etc.

I think a more likely scenario of what will actually happen is Punk will win the belt to shock people, and then get cashed in on that same night by one of the MITB winners, this gives Punk his moment, and also loses him the belt the same way he won it the first time.
I agree to some point but I think punk likes working with the young guys and bring them along ! I think there planning some kinda KO with FCW and ROH to since WWE dont want to work with TNA ! CENA sould of lost last night to one of those guys so they can set up a something with the guy that pined him helping cm punk I still think it will be R-TRUTH costing cena the title! I think there going to run some type of NWO angle WITH PUNK saying he not with the company but is still there champ
I see this scenario happening and to further the speculation, from previous reports on Wrestlezone.com, the WWE has a new belt design and has been waiting to introduce it since late 2009. They're just waiting for the right moment to introduce it.

Rumor had it that they were going to let Miz "trash" the spinner belt and bring out a new belt during his reign.

I can also see a further scenario happening where he takes time off (whether it's 6 months or a year or whatever) and he returns with the the spinner belt and claims he was never beaten for the WWE Championship and is therefore the rightful champion. This would set up a match between whomever the current champion at that time would be and him to "unify" the championship and have a clear "undisputed" champion.

Or at least that's how I'd book it.
I agree to some point but I think punk likes working with the young guys and bring them along ! I think there planning some kinda KO with FCW and ROH to since WWE dont want to work with TNA ! CENA sould of lost last night to one of those guys so they can set up a something with the guy that pined him helping cm punk I still think it will be R-TRUTH costing cena the title! I think there going to run some type of NWO angle WITH PUNK saying he not with the company but is still there champ

This makes my head hurt......

Anyway, I think that Punk leaving could be a good way to introduce a new belt. But in all honesty, they don't need a storyline for a new belt. When the new WWE title was introduced after Steve Austin beat Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XIV, Vince just came out with a new title. Sure, Austin dropped it for the Smoking Skull belt, but for a few weeks he had it. And whenever he wasn't champion, like when Taker won it, they'd go back to the then, new version of the belt.
I don't see any connection. They won't change the belt anytime soon and certainly not because of Punk leaving. He won't win the match. It#s that simple. But I do share the wish that this would happen..
i like this scenario. like others have stated, the spinner belt revolves too much around one guy to be considered the title (even though it's been that way for years). to me, the spinner belt to Cena is like the smoking skull belt to Austin. it's never worked for any other guy besides Cena,

this scenario could also help Punk when he comes back (and surely Cena would be champion anyway), where they could get a new belt and when Punk returns, he could challenge Cena, saying he's the real champ (like HBK did to Razor in bringing the "fake IC" title and what Cena basically did to JBL when JBL took the WWE title from him).
The spinner belt, as ugly as people think it is, works. WWE is in an era of PG where their primary fanbase is children. That's who they're aiming to draw. The current WWE Championship is perfect because it looks like a toy. It's all shiny and what not. That appeals to children. Therefore, from a business point of view, it's perfect. There's no need to change it.

I'm personally not fussed about a new design. I don't particularly mind how it looks. Sure it's tailored to the look of Cena, but guess who holds it most? That's right, Cena.
More than likely not gonna happen however, if the WWE goes the unpredictable route and this is the most unpredictable match for a WWE PPV this year that I've seen, then that would mean a new design, the spinner belt is more synonymous with Cena. Cena did say that he wouldn't mind losing the belt to Punk, if I'm not mistaken.

In my opinion, it's not about the championship design change, it's about whether or not the WWE believes in Punk, recognizing him as a real talent is more important than speculating if the title will undergo a design transformation.
i dont give a damn what happens, someones ass has to get rid of that P.O.S belt 5 years ago. bring back the undisputed or a new design. hell the hardcore belt looks better. just get rid of the toy fad design. GOD DAMN!
The spinner belt has to be binned ASAP. Cena himself has said the belt is outdated... hell the thing doesn't even spin anymore. Personally if it was up to me I would unify the WWE and World Heavyweight titles and bring out a new belt that way as personally I'm not a fan of two separate champs but that is a different thread for a different day. Bin it, recycle it, I don't care just get rid of it.
it isn't really a spinner belt anymore. It hasn't been able to spin, in at least a year. New design wouldn't be bad, but it is not like when Cena just got it when it actually spun.
I think CM Punk will win at MiTB and will leave and go to TNA. McMahon comes out the next night and says that the championship is WWE property and he will be getting it back. He says he will send superstars to TNA to retrieve the championship. In doing this it will start a war between WWE and TNA. This storyline most likely wont happen but it would help ratings. Let me know what you think.
it isn't really a spinner belt anymore. It hasn't been able to spin, in at least a year. New design wouldn't be bad, but it is not like when Cena just got it when it actually spun.

I personally haven't seen the belt spin since Cena's 1st/2nd reign. Once Orton won it in 07, I never noticed it spin, and never saw anyone play with the centerpiece. While the physical shape is the same, it IS in fact a different belt.

While I preferred the older versions to the current one, after seeing the tag titles and the Diva's title, I shudder to think of what a new WWE Championship would look like. The so called Spinner Belt doesn't spin anymore is because it stopped being "Cena's belt" a long time ago.
Like most, I hate that belt, too. But I have kinda gotten used to it. It's like having a friend with an ugly mole on his nose. It bothers you at first, but eventually you get so used to it you don't see it anymore.
Except this particular mole has a bunch of growing ugly hairs on it, too, because the belt says "CHAMP" instead of "CHAMPION." That kinda makes it impossible to ever take that belt seriously.
The current design actually isn't one I hate. Originally it seemed like only Cena would have that title and that it would disappear once the championship went elsewhere, but it hasn't. It's remained with guys like Miz, Sheamus, Triple H and Randy Orton. All of those men have held this particular WWE Championship and to be honest, while it's never going to be my favourite championship design, I don't think it's terrible, in fact I believe it’s worked out reasonably well and looks pretty good on all the people I mentioned above. However, I do believe it's time for a change.

The WWE Championship changes designs every so often to keep things fresh, unique. It's been the same championship since 2005. That's six years which is longer than any other design of the WWE Championship in the modern age of wrestling, with the exception of the winged eagle. Personally I think it's time for the belt to change its appearance. Maybe not right now, but once Cena's finished with the Rock and ultimately loses his championship to whoever, I think the belt should change its design.
I don't know if many of you have noticed this or not, but the Championship hasn't actually spun in quite some time. As in years. The Championship, whether you love it or hate it, represents the Company almost perfectly.

The fricken logo is big, diamond filled, bold, shiny and out there for all to see. Furthermore, for anyone saying it's time for a Change - keep this in mind; the World Heavyweight Championship was not only the former WCW Heavyweight Championship, but has been around a lot longer than the former "spinner" belt. As well, while the (now) "Heavyweight Championship" has dropped its former WCW initials.. I doubt Mr. McMahon would want to replace his WWE logo'd title before replacing a former rivals Championship.

Now, as far as the title only benefitting John Cena, uhm no. The Miz flipped the WWE logo upside down during his latter reign, to format his "M" logo. Edge has actually replaced the WWE logo with a Rated R logo, and I'm sure anyone else could do something similar if they truly wanted. But the overall design of the title has pretty much remained the same and looked fine on anyone wearing it.

Finally - TNA has changed the look of their Heavyweight Championship roughly 3 times, once out of that to format Jeff Hardy specifically. WWE doesn't even want to acknowledge TNA, much less be compared to them. What does it say about your Company, to have to change the look of your Heavyweight title all the time in a short period of time? It says you're scared that you aren't staying relevant with the times. WWE isn't scared about staying relevant - it's showcasing that regardless of what people think - this IS their Heavyweight title, regardless of who has it, or if it spins.
I think CM Punk will win at MiTB and will leave and go to TNA. McMahon comes out the next night and says that the championship is WWE property and he will be getting it back. He says he will send superstars to TNA to retrieve the championship. In doing this it will start a war between WWE and TNA. This storyline most likely wont happen but it would help ratings. Let me know what you think.

sorry man. not gonna happen. its a cool idea but WWE doesnt even acknowledge TNA on tv. anyway thats not what this thrad is about. i dont agree that the WWE title needs to be changed. the look of the belt isnt as important as how prestigious the belt is. work on that before changing the look of the belt.
It's not really the spinner belt anymore, seeing as I'm pretty sure it hasn't span since late 2009-ish.

I've always liked this particular belt but I wouldn't mind a change.
I agree with some posters that we need to change the belt and introduce a new one because the Spinner Belt's too closely associated with Cena.Every time I see someone that's not Cena hold it,it feels like "Oh,he's holding Cena's belt." It sends the wrong message.

I'd love it if CM Punk wins the WWE Title and then trashes it for a new one.He seems like the perfect man to do it.He's the most anti-Cena (by that I mean he's the opposite of whatever Cena's gimmick stands for) out of all the other superstars in the company.
It is true, WWE do have a newly designed WWE Championship belt awaiting in the wings, for its eventual debut.

The original angle was that when Alex Riley carried around the briefcase after Miz cashed in his, was that Miz possesed the new WWE Championship belt, but WWE did away with that angle and now, there is still a yet to be commishioned WWE Championship belt. Joe Marshall who works with Reggie Parks who designed the yet to be shown belt confirmed it over a year ago on a radio show with Jim Cornette, but said he can't legally show a picture or give a description of the belt.

Personally, the Championship looks tacky. "The Big Gold" belt looks fitting, it looks like something which has a wow factor, the WWE Championship looks like a diamond incrusted toy. Really, the only reason they've kept it around is surely due to the fact that it sells. Still, I'm all for this new Championship belt to be brought in, doubt that'll happen the way the OP said, but I'm for it being brought in.
That's how I would book it as I'm pretty sure that would be awesome to see, however, it's 'MiTB' so here's how it will probably go down: CM Punk wins the belt, the winner of the 'MiTB Ladder Match' comes down and cashes it in, wins the WWE title and CM Punk leaves. CM Punk taking the belt and WWE introducing a new one would be an awesome storyline but it isn't going to happen :disappointed:.
I loath the spinner belt as much as the next guy (I liked Edge's Rated R version, better than the Cena version) most people know that since late 2009 there IS a silver belt been created and waiting to debut.

Now people can say Miz should debut it, or this or that NO, Miz changing the WWE logo around was good enough but the one guy I could see bringing in the new belt and saying the belt isn't silver it's platinum is Alberto Del Rio.

It would suit his gimmick too drop the spinner and debut this fine piece of art and would add to his persona and give him a hint of higher power that he could do such a thing.
I doubt punk will win at mitb... As much as I'd like to see it. Also, as much as I'd like to see a new belt design.

Like another guy mentioned, that belt design reflects cena.. I do not wanna see cena as the champ I know he's the big face, brings in good merch sales, blah blah blah but I think the wwe would be better off creating some buzz, mainly cena finally losing the title. I was hoping for an upset victory with r-truth (which in my opinion would have been a good move) wining at Capitol punishment but it wasn't gonna happen.

I think along with becoming alot more 'entertainment' based, in terms of wwe making movies and all that, wwe is going for the whole cliche 'good guy always wins' like in many movies... In which it ends happy and the good guy wins and the villain is made a fool of, case in point, cena vs truth, and to a lesser degree orton vs christian.

They need to let a heel win for once and let them have some fun with it, and yes, posibably change the design.
I would like to see a New WWE Championship, or I guess I should say an old WWE Championship brought back. I would really like to see the WWE bring back the Undisputed Belt that Cena won back at WM21. I really just think the belt is awesome.

The thing I think that really needs to get changed is the WWE logo. They never really changed it when the went from World Wrestling Federation to World Wrestling Entertainment, they basically "got the F out" and left the WW logo. Its time for WWE to re-logo itself.
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