Money in the Bank - RAW Money In The Bank

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Occasional Pre-Show
On Monday Night Raw they announced the participants for the Raw Money in the Bank Match at Money in the Bank.

Kofi Kingston

Rey Mysterio

Evan Bourne

Alberto Del Rio


Jack Swagger

Alex Riley

The Miz

Who is most likely to win the match? Anyone get left out you would like to see in? Any other thoughts?

For me there are a few directions this match could go and it all depends on who wins the WWE Championship Match (John Cena or CM Punk).

If CM Punk wins and is truly leaving WWE, I think Alberto Del Rio is an obvious choice. He can come out right after CM Punk beats Cena and can challenge him for his WWE Championship, obviously I think Del Rio would win so the title stays in the WWE. It would help establish Del Rio as the main and most over heel on Raw.

If John Cena wins I think The Miz or Alex Riley could win the match. They could continue their fued while Cena moves on to something new. Maybe have a 1 on 1 contest with the Brief Case on the line. If Riley wins it immediately moves him to upper mid card status (just like The Miz last year)


If Cena wins I could see Del Rio winning and challenging Cena at Summer Slam and having a long program with him. This would be two big achievements in the same year. Royal Rumble and MITB, the only thing left would be King of the Ring, if they bring that back again this year.

The only person I have a problem with being in this match is Evan Bourne, does anyone think he really has a chance of winning? He is clearly in there to perform a few high spots. I would have liked to have seen Drew McIntyre in this match. I have high expectations for him and I feel the WWE is dropping the ball, but I guess everyone needs to pay their dues.
I like that line-up. It's exactly what MITB is supposed to be about: a group of mostly mid-carders with potential trying to climb the ladder to success, with some veterans mixed in for good measure.

The one thing missing is a big man; they help mix things up and set up for some strength-based spots. I'm also surprised Ziggler's not in it, but I assume they'll have him defend the IC title at the event.

Still, should be a good one. At this point, I think Del Rio is the odds on favourite to win, but I wouldn't be surprised to see someone like Truth or Miz or Mysterio.
My original pick was Dolph Ziggler, but that was before I knew who would be in the match. I'm surprised hes not there.

My backup pick was Alex Riley, and seeing as how he's on the list, I'll go with him. I see a scenario where Miz becomes champion again between now and Wrestlemania and Riley attempts to cash in on his former mentor. Riley carried that briefcase around for a year when he was Miz's lackey, now he may get to do it again only this time the briefcase will be his. MITB has always been a match used to elevate a mid-card talent to main event status. I dont think Miz or Del Rio need it. And theres not much suspense in RTruth being a potential challenger seeing as how we just saw him in that exact scenario and he lost.

Del Rio's the obvious choice seeing as how he's going to meet Cena at SSlam and if Punk were to win they'd need someone to cash in on him right away, but I just don't want him to win. I don't like that quick cash in scenario on the night of the ppv. Kane did it last year and I didn't care for it. I'd prefer the guy to hold on to the briefcase for a little while and cash in when we least expect it. So I hope it's not Del Rio. I just don't think he needs it seeing as how he'll be in a feud with Cena anyway. The MITB should go to someone who can lurk in the shadows for the next few months. Riley has momentum right now. I think it would be smart to run with it. They seem to have captured lightning in a bottle with that guy and I think it would be wise to cash in on it. No pun intended.
Kofi Kingston - 3 MITB Matches - Multi Time IC/US Champion - Probs in here for popularity and high spots unlikely to win!

Rey Mysterio - 1st MITB - 2 Time World Champion - High spots and is the guy whos shown winning in the add, probs one of the top 4 choices here!

Evan Bourne - 2 MITB Matches - No titles as of yet - Just a spot monkey and on popularity much like Kingston, defo won't win!

Alberto Del Rio - 1st MITB - Royal Rumble Winner - Odds on favourite as talk of him main eventing summerslam, could get the case and cash in here!

R-Truth - 1st MITB - US Champion - One of the possible 4 to win as currently the best heel on Raw under CM Punk, im hoping Lil Jimmy dont get get Truth this time!

Jack Swagger - 2nd MITB Match - World Champion - Won the last MITB at Wrestlemania and allowed him to cash in for the World Title, the biggest guy in the match, expecting to see a few power moves!

Alex Riley - 1st MITB Match - No Titles - Coming of a face turn and really popular on Raw right now, if a Face is to win this match i say its A-Ry!

The Miz - 2nd MITB Match - WWE Champion - MITB Last year allowed Miz to become WWE Champion, doubt they will do it 2 years in a row as hes been on a kinda downslide since he lost the title! OFFICIAL PREVIEW

At WWE Money in the Bank, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Alex Riley, Evan Bourne, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, R-Truth and Jack Swagger have the chance to attain a contract granting them a World Championship opportunity at any time over the next year. The only catch? That contract is inside a briefcase hanging 20 feet above the ring. To get it, one of these Superstars will have to survive a Ladder Match as treacherous and brutal as any bout in sports-entertainment.

Since its introduction at WrestleMania 21 in 2005, the Money in the Bank Ladder Match has proven to be a star-maker. Top Superstars like Edge and CM Punk grabbed their first World Titles after winning the bout and announced themselves to the WWE Universe as champions that deserved to be watched. Over the past six years, every one of the six competitors like Punk and Edge who “cashed in” their title match contract walked away with the championship in their hands.

For competitors like Riley, Kingston, Bourne, Truth and Del Rio, winning this bout would put them in the perfect position to capture their first World Titles. Each of these men have an opening to make the same major breakthrough that The Rated-R Superstar did in 2005, so expect these warriors to pull out all the stops — by pure athleticism or sheer cunning, if need be — when they enter the Allstate Arena on July 17.

For Superstars like Mysterio, Miz and Swagger, the Money in the Bank Ladder Match presents an opportunity to get back on top of the mountain. All three competitors have held a World Title in the past and both The Awesome One and The All-American American won Money in the Bank Ladder Matches in 2010. These former winners will look to duplicate the shrewd success of Punk and Edge — both of whom triumphantly cashed in on two separate occasions. Meanwhile, The Master of the 619, competing for the first time in this dangerous environment, will attempt to overcome the odds — something he is better at than any other competitor in WWE.

On July 17, the dreams of one of these eight Superstars will come true — but it will be a nightmare for them to make it happen. They will strive for WWE’s apex, but will literally need to climb their way there. Witness all the grit and glory for yourself at WWE Money in the Bank, only on pay-per-view.
This years MITB PPV should be great because in all honesty i have no idea whose winning this one!

Last year i called Kane and The Miz and i was right both times but this year is different!

I guess you can say ADR but really he doesn't need the briefcase so im going with Riley!

Smackdowns match hasn't been announced yet but im gonna give the win to Rhodes no matter what
I would love to see A-Ry win this year, and hold onto the case for 6-7 months and cash in, but if I had to choose a 2nd it'd be Alberto.
It's a good lineup and likely to be a good match. There's a fair amount of variation among types of wrestlers here with Swagger as the token big man of the group and a couple of middleweights who could play the power game or take high spots.

Kofi, Rey, and Evan are unlikely to win the match. Kofi got his chance for a main event push before and...well for one reason or another it didn't work out and the WWE seems to be unwilling to use him for anything more than a mid-card transition champion. I really can't see Rey winning it given that, let's face it, he's winding down. I can't see them giving him any more big pushes. Besides, he's already shown he can win the occasional main event championship in a straight up match rather than by ambush. As for Evan...the WWE is willing to give him the occasional mini push, but I think that he's been injured too many times on the cusp of a big push for the WWE to want to take a chance on him.

Miz and Swagger have already had their MitB wins. I think it unlikely that the WWE will give either of them a two in a row.

Alex Riley, too early for a main event championship for him and he's not prominent enough a character for consideration. Forget him, at least for now.

So that leaves Del Rio and R-Truth. I think it pretty even between them given their current pushes and their current prominence in the WWE at this time. Personally, I'd enjoy seeing R-Truth get it and be a menacing force, holding that suitcase over Cena and stalking him for the championship. Del Rio wouldn't be bad in that role either...but it'd fit Truth better.
Well, what I really like is that a lot of the guys could win. The only ones I say definitely will not win are Swagger and Bourne, their recent push directions don't suggest to me that they will win, and Swag has fallen off the rails as of late, and doesn't seem to be heading back up any time soon. That said, he could also be the 'so unpredictable it's predictable' one, but I think Bourne actually falls into this category more.

Sure some seem more likely to win than others, but all the other guys seem at least to be presented as realistic contenders. So let's have a look, from least to most likely in my view.

8 & 7: Swagger & Bourne - Already discussed above.

6: Kofi Kingston
Yeah, Kofi could do it I reckon, but he's still got that issue of breaking the mid-card glass ceiling. He hasn't yet hit the kind of intensity or attitude an ME guy needs, and that's the one thing that Miz and Alberto have over him in my view. But, he's been the same character since debut, and Kofi is a weird one: started face, stayed face, all the way through. A Kofi heel turn is almost never discussed in the IWC either, if you haven't noticed (and why would anyone?). He's been the same since day 1 and I feel he's high in the mid-card because he's over, not because of his ring skills (although arguably the ring skills led to being over in Kofi's case). A significant change would have to come about for KK to truly main event.

5: Rey Mysterio
Rey falls in quite low for me this time. He's getting on, he's usually used in upper-card 'elevation' feuds these days, and he puts in an appearance as an over fan fave. I don't see him winning here, because he gains nothing from it. Everyone else has something to gain.

4: R-Truth
R-Truth's heel turn entertained me, and obviously as a member of this here IWC, I sure do love me some heel turns(!) but I don't see him as one of the strongest competitors for winning. Unfortunately for Truth something about him screams 'Filler ME' to me, because his repackage-turn came late in his career, he's quite old now, and in the extremely unlikely event that he were to become champion, it would be to transition the belt from one face to another.

3: The Miz
Yes, I think the Miz could do it again. The "twice in a row" shtick has been pulled before, and while it might strike you as boring, despite winning the ME of WrestleMania, the Miz is still played to some extent as a guy who 'fluked' it, even nearly failing his cash-in the first time. This is partially because his character became settled this way during the briefcase/cash-in period. The consecutive win could really cement him as a legit threat.

2: Alberto del Rio
He still hasn't got that title, and everyone thought he would get a Lesnar-speed push. This is very much needed by Alberto, more so than anyone else, I believe, because if he loses this match, he's had a Rumble given him yet he's lost to these 7 guys now, and I feel it would damage him. If Alberto doesn't make that final step up soon, he's going to become the new Barrett. It's a sink-or-swim time for AdR.

1: Alex Riley
This is my pick to win. He's the next up-and-coming face, it's a slap in the face to the Miz, which everyone wants to see, and it cements Riley's credibility. Riley would come out of this looking better than anyone else. Del Rio and Miz would look like lucky bastards, but Riley would come out as the shining new face. His character hasn't really changed since his turn either, which I feel benefits face Riley as he's still got some of that edge the Miz gave him. It's ironic, Miz taught Riley to be this way and now Riley turns those teachings against him. I think it's time for a face MiTB winner after Miz, Kane(?) and Swagger, not to mention del Rio winning the Rumble - the other big 'non-title that is more-or-less a title.'

I'd go so far as to predict the final spot/finish for a Riley win involves the Miz heavily, just because it seems obvious and makes sense.

That's my two (eight) cents anyways.
Most Likely to win:

Alex Riley: This is a perfect opportunity to push Riley to the max. This will ensure he is going to be a big star in the WWE.

Alberto Del Rio: We know he’ll feud with Cena and winning MITB will reestablish his character and make him the top heel on Raw. Easy way to start their feud.

Their the only 2 people I see winning.

Also where the fuck is Dolph Ziggler? He must be defending his title against… Zack Ryder! He might be though, or against Santino, Drew McIntyre or Percy Watson (expected to debut soon and feud with R Truth).
Alberto Del Rio: We know he’ll feud with Cena and winning MITB will reestablish his character and make him the top heel on Raw. Easy way to start their feud.

Actually, we don't know shit except what we read on Dirt Sheet sites and people pass off as "legit news".

As for the match, I think this would be a great way to get R-Truth over as a heel even more. Handing him the briefcase would give him the chance to say something like "Now I run the conspiracies!" or whatever and he could get over very well as a heel, I think. Who knows, maybe he could cash it in at like HIAC and hold it until TLC for a little test the waters reign.
Kofi Kingston needs to win it. The others have had/will get their shots. And it seems that all the heels win the MiTB. Bourne and A-Ry should feud for the US title. Hell, I don't see why people are stating that A-Ry is WWE title material when he's still green.

If you elevate Kofi, you'll elevate the rest of the roster by default. Truth is still feuding with Morrison. A-Ry can work the US title with Bourne (lest you want some more of Kofi vs. Ziggler). Rey doesn't need it. Del Rio will have his match at SS, and the Miz can win the Royal Rumble and make himself TRULY worthy of winning the WWE title.

Kofi Kingston will win Money in the Bank.
Hell, I don't see why people are stating that A-Ry is WWE title material when he's still green.

If you elevate Kofi, you'll elevate the rest of the roster by default. Truth is still feuding with Morrison. A-Ry can work the US title with Bourne (lest you want some more of Kofi vs. Ziggler). Rey doesn't need it. Del Rio will have his match at SS, and the Miz can win the Royal Rumble and make himself TRULY worthy of winning the WWE title.

Kofi Kingston will win Money in the Bank.

I agree to some extent, A-Ry still is slightly green - but even if he wins MITB he's still got a potentially full year's worth of work left to go before he makes a cash-in. That's time enough for improvement in my book. Look, they realised who they were overpushing after they sent Swagger up top. I don't think WWE are gonna mess up that badly again on MITB winners for a long time. Maybe if Swag had nearly a year of briefcase holding, he could have kept his momentum building and only just now be coming off the back of a first ME run, but if that had happened we probably wouldn't have got Miz's run.

Even so, A-Ry is more ready now than Swagger was then in my view. Alex has better mic skills than Swagger's ever had, and he's just more natural in terms of character. Ring skills, Swagger's clearly got the edge. But we know that ring skills like Swagger's are not even the bare necessities when it comes to being in the main event.

People in WWE are generally, with some exceptions of course, either pushed (more slowly or more quickly, depending on who it is), or floated around one area forever. Kofi falls into the latter in my view, unless he makes some substantial character changes. Otherwise he's the same Kofi he was in 2008.
There is no way I want to see a guy with his finisher being the "implant ddt", it doesn't look real...

My pick is going to be "The Miz", he is almost the only logical choice.
Evan and Kofi are just there for Spots, Rey Mysterio to be screwed by Miz and feud with him at SummerSlam, Alex Riley don't deserve to be a WWE Champion, c'mon he can be good at the mic section, but he looks to green for a WWE Championship, do you want another Champion "A-La Swagger"?

Alberto Del Rio is also a good pick, but he doesn't really need the briefcase to be WWE Champion...
R-Truth has actually good chances which pisses me of, he just won against John Cena again, oh man I don't want Truth as champion (yes, I'm a jimmy xD)
Jack Swagger is other guy that I can see winning, but I don't know :s
I will stick with The Miz :s

Where is Ziggler and McIntyre? I would easily take Riley and R-Truth for those guys.
I'll break it down by each competitor:

Kofi Kingston - A solid midcard mainstay, but he is in NO WAY a legitimate threat to win this match. He just lost his US Championship, he can't parlay that into a WWE Title shot. Not only that, but he's just not at that level, his mic work is far below what it needs to be and his character has gotten slightly stale over time. There are plenty of people in the match with him that deserve the victory over him. Hell, he's probably only in the match because he can offer a few exciting spots with the ladder, as he always does.

Rey Mysterio - He's a nice veteran to put in the match. He's one of the guys that would be believable to win, but won't. He's just in there as a filler. Like it or not, Mysterio's nearing the end of his career and he's not at the main event level anymore. There are better options for the Money in the Bank briefcase, younger guys who can use this to elevate themselves up the card. Giving it to Mysterio would just be a wasted push. He already gets a good reaction from the crowd and while he's not a main eventer RIGHT NOW, he could easily be turned into one, without the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Evan Bourne - Yet another filler. Much like Kofi Kingston, he's probably in this match for a few spots, just to add some excitement. He's barely floating along as a legitimate midcard threat and even though he does get some semblance of a good crowd reaction, he shouldn't even remotely be considered as a threat. Personally, I don't see Bourne ever rising above, maybe, a US Title reign.

Jack Swagger - A former winner and a former World Heavyweight Champion as a result, but he's not going to win it either. He had a bad reign, showing that he really wasn't ready for it yet and since then he's been floundering along in the midcard not doing much. Slowly but surely he's ascending back up the card, because he really does have a great skill-set, but this year's Money in the Bank briefcase won't go to him. He's in there to add another guy who could be seen as a threat, that's all.

R-Truth - He's a work in progress as a main eventer, so to speak, but I can see him winning it. He's one of the more likely guys in here, but still not my pick to win. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if he did, in fact, win, but I just don't see how it could happen. He's getting a solid heel reaction, but I don't know how long it will stick around for. He's been working with Cena, so he's been getting astounding heat, but what about in a few weeks when he's just working with someone else? Will the reaction still be there? In a smaller capacity, I'm sure, but I doubt it'll still be as strong. It's hard for a career midcarder to make a jump to the main even in such a short amount of time.

Alex Riley - He's been on a hell of a hot streak lately, but he won't win. He's too green to win. Like R-Truth, he's a guy whose reaction is fairly questionable. I'm sure the crowd's starting to like him, but again, will it be there when he stops working with Miz? He's probably in there as the "foil" type of character for Miz. I can see Miz being close to winning it, but Riley costing him it, but aside from that, he'll be a non-factor in the match.

The Miz - I wouldn't be surprised if he won, but he probably won't. I'm thinking he'll advance his program with Riley here. He's a Money in the Bank winner, a former WWE Champion, so he's adding some legitimacy to the match, but I'm pretty sure that's the only role he's playing. He's one of the top heels in the WWE and while it would be interesting to see how he would use the Money in the Bank briefcase, he doesn't need it. I wouldn't think twice if he beat Cena for the title without it, because in my eyes, he's a true main eventer.

Alberto Del Rio - My pick to win. He seems the most likely choice here. He's been getting good heat and he's shown that he can hang with the top guys, but he needs something else to put him over the top. Is there anything better to do that than winning Money in the Bank? Nope, he's the favorite and the likely winner. He's already won the Royal Rumble, had multiple World Title matches, and nearly won the title WITHOUT Money in the Bank, this just seems right.
Kofi Kingston will win

I have a way of determining who will win these multi man events that seems to work very well. I was able to predict last year's MITB winners using it and this years Rumble so hopefully I will get this right as well. Here is my method.

Who Needs It?

First thing, I look at is who needs the win in order to move on in their career. So this eliminates Mysterio from the start. Considering Mysterio is in the later part of his career I stongly feel that they will not be giving it to him. Everyone else on the list you could make a case for needing it.

Current Feuds

The next thing that eliminates people is the current feuds category. Anyone who is feuding in any manner right now automatically gets the No for winning it. This eliminates the Miz and Riley. They have never given it to someone who is feuding during the MITB match. Never. This also eliminates Swagger and Bourne this is because they had a match at the previous PPV which mkeans they still have some feuding ability with each other.

Most Recent Title Shot

The person who has had the most recent Title Shot wilol not be the winner of MITB. For whatever reason this is how it norally turns out for whatever reason. This now eliminates R-Truth because of his WWE Title Shot. This seems to be a trend and I will mstick with it.

Overall Feeling

Now here is where I eliminate Alberto Del Rio. He does not need MITB to get over more and I think Kofi mdoes so for that reason I eliminate Alberto Del Rio and say that Kofi Kingston will win.,
Possibly the most wide-open MITB ladder match I have ever seen. Let's look at them bit by bit, shall we? Yes. Yes we shall.

The Miz
The winner last year. He had the longest WWE Championship reign since 2008 as a result. I like The Miz, but I do not want to see him win again. I want a new guy. I want a surprise when I see the winner. I want to think "wow, he's going to be world champion". The Miz winning will not evoke those reactions from me. However, because of the apparently week line-up, he appears to be a favourite.

Alex Riley
Way, way, way too green. He may be world champion one day, but come on. He can't ride with the main event just yet. Even if they build him up right and make him somewhat convincing as a main eventer, he's just not ready. I don't want him to win, and I don't think he will win.

Kofi Kingston
I've always had a soft spot for Kofi. I do believe he can be in and around the main event someday. I've never seen it when he is not over with the fans. He's shown plenty of times that he can talk, and he can show personality when he's given the opportunity. Kofi is my dark horse of the match. Seriously, it's more likely than it seems.

Evan Bourne
I don't buy the whole "he can't be a world champion because of his height". If you suggest that, I will swiftly point you in the direction of Rey Mysterio. This guy is something special in the ring. But outside of the ring, he can't talk and doesn't have the charisma you'd expect of a world champion. He needs to sort that out before being taken seriously in matches like these. Maybe a heel tun is needed. I don't know. But anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do in the match, but he's a definite no.

Rey Mysterio
No and no. No I do not want him to win, and no I don't think he will win. Mysterio works where he is now. He's at that stage in his career where he is perfect for putting younger guys over before they main event. And as much as I like him, Mysterio as champion has never done anything for me. He's always better when he's chasing it. WWE are currently trying to push new guys, Mysterio winning is counter-productive to this initiative.

Almost three months after his heel turn, I still love R-Truth and this character he's doing. So damn entertaining. But I don't care if he becomes world champion. As long as he's relevant, I'm happy. He recently got a title shot and although he performed well in the feud, the match was really quite sub-standard. However, having beaten John Cena on Monday, his main event push doesn't look like it's slowing down. I'd like him to win, it would be something different. But I can't see it happening.

Jack Swagger
I think I've made my love for Jack Swagger abundantly clear. I think the guy is great. I think he actually did well in his World Heavywight Championship run. I just think he was screwed by booking and creative (I mean, who wants their first feud as world champion to be with The Big Show). He can wrestle damn well, talk fluently and he's charismatic. As much as I'd want him to win and then get a proper main event build before cashing-in, I can't help but feel that he won't.

Alberto del Rio
Not necessarily who I want to win, but who I think will win. Del Rio already looks like a main eventer. He could win the WWE Championship tomorrow and it would look right. Simply put, he doesn't need this. MITB should be about helping the younger midcarders. Del Rio won the Royal Rumble. If this match was at it's rightful home of WrestleMania, he wouldn't even be in it. I like del Rio, but I really don't want him to win.

Who I Want To Win
Jack Swagger

Who Will Win
Alberto del Rio
Kofi Kingston (seriously)
Kofi Kingston will win

I have a way of determining who will win these multi man events that seems to work very well. I was able to predict last year's MITB winners using it and this years Rumble so hopefully I will get this right as well. Here is my method.


Current Feuds

The next thing that eliminates people is the current feuds category. Anyone who is feuding in any manner right now automatically gets the No for winning it. This eliminates the Miz and Riley. They have never given it to someone who is feuding during the MITB match. Never. This also eliminates Swagger and Bourne this is because they had a match at the previous PPV which mkeans they still have some feuding ability with each other.

Actually, if you've been paying attention to Raw, you'd know that KK is feuding with Ziggler. I'm pretty sure that the guy won't be going much further than the US title and there's a good reason for that. Everyone says that people are being held back by WWE but I honestly don't see anything about KK that puts him at a World Champion. Even when he was rivaling Randy Orton, and had probably his biggest shine in WWE, I still saw a top mid-carder.

And also, by going with the "already in a rivalry" I find that to be wrong as well. Keep in mind CM Punk was in an ECW title rivalry for weeks leading up to his first MITB capture and he ended up winning. Jack Swagger was literally feuding with Santino and instantly went to being a world champion.
Actually, if you've been paying attention to Raw, you'd know that KK is feuding with Ziggler. I'm pretty sure that the guy won't be going much further than the US title and there's a good reason for that. Everyone says that people are being held back by WWE but I honestly don't see anything about KK that puts him at a World Champion. Even when he was rivaling Randy Orton, and had probably his biggest shine in WWE, I still saw a top mid-carder.

And also, by going with the "already in a rivalry" I find that to be wrong as well. Keep in mind CM Punk was in an ECW title rivalry for weeks leading up to his first MITB capture and he ended up winning. Jack Swagger was literally feuding with Santino and instantly went to being a world champion.

No what I meant by that was that the person they are feuding with are in the match as well. Ziggler is not in the match therefore Kofi is not feuding with anyone during this match. This is why he still remains in the category. The others that I have mentioned are clearly feuding with each other with the particiapnts actually inside the match.
Has the making to be a fun entertaining bump-heavy match. I'll be honest, I have no earthly clue as to who's going to win here. Will definitely be an interesting MITB match.
I am trying to wrap my head around why anyone would be consistently into this match:

- Kofi will lend himself to BIG spots, but he is only one dreadlock'd man.

- Rey Rey will bump his vertically challenged ass off, but since he is impossible to just finish off.. It could be tricky having him there. Too many splats will kill the crowd.

- Good for lil Evan.. But I don't think many thinks he has a snowball's chance in hell.

- Del Rio is my pick. Not because of some internetz rumor, but because he has been the go-to guy for title shots in big situations this year. That doesn't make him interesting enough to warrant the win. Add the fact that all of the big bumps will hinder the crowd and this guy is having trouble getting flies excited for trash (or bees for honey if you like the dude).. Risky choice tbh.

- R-Truth will be a heel Kofi me thinks.

- Swaggie?

- I think Riley is too green. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave him the McIntyre treatment and only let him take part in one HUGE bump only to be non-existent for literally the rest of the match.

- Having The Miz win it again would prolly be too soon. However, his entire character has been about being ass hurt that no one thought he would succeed at a high level. Now that he has done that, there's a very good chance he could fade into obvillion by simply not having a built-in dynamic with most of the roster.
the only person I see winning is Alberto Del Rio...

Kofi and Bourne have no chance of winning, Rey sure as hell doesn't need it, Miz should NOT win again to get over, Riley is too green, Swagger sucks now, and R-Truth could win, but I doubt it.

so Del Rio makes the most sense to win the RAW MITB.
Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, Alberto Del Rio, R-Truth, Jack Swagger, Alex Riley, The Miz
Ok, for the RAW money in the bank, let's eliminate first. Jack Swagger is out, he won the case before and isnt really a guy to push except for a US title. Evan Bourne is in this for the high flying moves, Kingston would be good for a win, but he wont win it. Mysterio also wont win this. The Miz won last year and i doubt he wins it again. Alex Riley is in a feud with the Miz and i dont see WWE pushing him to the main event scene that quickly, i think Riley faces Miz at SummerSlam LOSES, has another match, loses that then goes after the US title. R-Truth is in the main event scene, but something tells me he loses this and John Morrison is the reason he loses which sets up........Morrison vs. Truth at SummerSlam. i see Del Rio winning the case, either Punk wins then Del Rio cashes in by or not by orders of Mr. McMahon or Cena wins and he cashes in which sets up Del Rio vs. Cena at SummerSlam. Del Rio is my pick with R-Truth and Alex Riley as 2nd and 3rd choices, i would like to see Riley win it, but i dont see it, i am not a fan of Truth as the fans didnt really get into the match he had with Cena, but he would be a good choice to win it, but i think Del Rio wins this.
Alright, so I have to say that R-Truth is one of my top picks because of a bit of a crazy idea I had...

I would like to think that if he were not injured that Morrison would walking out with the briefcase this year. When he returns he has a guaranteed feud with Truth waiting. If Truth has the briefcase it could set up for a familiar scenario between the two in which Morrison talks Truth into a match where Truth puts something on the line. This time its the MitB contract. Perfect way to end the feud, Morrison gets the contract, Truth's conspiracy gimmick is at an all time high, and everyone is happy.

Maybe I'm thinking too much. If this doesn't happen I'll say Kofi just because I think it's time for him to finally step up and he needs this more than Del Rio does.
Apparently you can cash in on any show. If that's the case, I'd have Kofi cash in on Christian. Christian will have another title accolade and will have more of a reason to be pissed off as he's been screwed again. Smackdown finally gets a strong baby face and Christian becomes top heel on Smackdown. Since John Morrison is injured, Alberto Del Rio should cash in on either Punk or Cena. Obviously, if Punk wins, someone has to cash in on him as he really can't leave with the belt. I really thought it would make more sense if Evan Bourne cashed in on Punk as Punk was the one who put him on the shelf and made him miss Wrestlemania, but Evan may not be ready for a world title belt yet.
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