**Merged** Any Miz & Morrison comparisons, correlation, speculations, or discussion

John Morrison has had a great past couple of weeks. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here gentlemen.

I like Morrison just as much as the next guy named Sean Valjean or Jack Hammer... but I'm still skeptical that his career is "back on track."

Another superstar scored a clean win over Jericho. Actually, he scored several clean wins over Jericho. You know where that got him? Losing to Edge in a bodyslam challenge on RAW last night. Evan Bourne seemed to be getting a good old fashioned Jericho rub a few months back, but nothing came of it. I'm skeptical to believe that beating Jericho cleanly will result in anything of major consequence for John Morrison.

That said, Morrison did have an extremely entertaining/high profile match last night with the WWE Champion, and it was of the Falls Count Anywhere variety. Morrison showed off his strengths and chutzpa in this match by hitting a crossbody from about 15 feet above the steel stage. Could this be a sign of Morrison's dedication to becoming a top competitor in the WWE? I hope so, because I never doubted that Morrison had the talent to become a top name in the company.
Please people stop saying John Morrison is the next HBK! Ok you just can not do it. Yea JoMo is good ok he is really really good but the next HBK? Not by a long shot. There is only one HBK and there will never be another HBK not now with JoMo not ever so just stop saying that John Morrison is the next Shawn Michaels.
People are saying this because there are so many similarities between them. They both started in great tag teams (The Rockers and MNM), they both went on to win midcard gold shortly after their teams broke up, both have great high flying/amazing movesets, the look is similar, everything!!!
Watch part 2 of this weeks CSR and you'll believe it yourself.
Until you see it, then keep on believing what you're believing my friend.
Thats weird.. Because in EVERY way, I see Morrison resembling a young Shawn Michaels. Morrison is young, about 4 years into the biz and that's not much. Give him time just like we gay HBK time when he was young and don't be so biased. Legacies are made to be surpassed and you have absolutely no say so against that.
He has been in WWE 6 years and has so many similarities. For instance they both started in midcard tag teams. And he just has the style of HBK. He has all it takes to be the next HBK and I think he will be.
He is watch CSR part 2 this week. they both were in succesful Tag teams The Rockers(HBK), MNM(JOMO) both went on to be the star of that tag team by winning Mid card Gold. HBK was 31 when he won his 1st World Title(The WWF Championship) JOMO is 30 and he's been getting alittle push and I see him winning the title in the next year which he'll be 31 WOW same age as HBK. Both have almost the same move-set. There Only thing different between the 2 HBK has better Mic Skills If JOMO works on the Mic-Skills(and Starts Useing the Super Kick) trust me you'll start seeing it to.
Yeah now that you mention it, I can see HBK in jomo...morrison is a little bit more high flying in my opinion but I can deffinitly see the resemblance....Like many people said the rockers and MNM are similar, and not really comparing the two but when he tagged with the miz they were kinda edgy for the pg type era so it was similar in that fact to DX, the Triple H and HBK version not when they got more people. Theres my two cents
I really do see some similarities between the two. He definitely has the in ring skills but i think his mic skills are not as good as HBK's. I really do think he is a future WHC. Though i must say, i dont really dig his whole guru/shaman character, i think he should have a little bit of a character change
The Miz and John Morrison remind me so much of a 26 year old Rocky Maivia and a 29 year old Triple H in 1998 respectively. Just like Rock and Hunter 12 years ago, Miz and Morrison are the best RAW has to offer in the young midcard scene. And coincidentally, the stage they are in their careers are a lot alike to The Great One and The Game.

HHH in 98'- Charismatic, over with the fans, mocks opponents, 3 midcard title reigns, cool taunt and entrance, strong woman by his side.

John Morrison- Charismatic, over with the fans, mocks opponents, 3 midcard title reigns, 4 Tag reigns, 1 Major title reign, cool taunt and entrance, Melina 'nuff said.

Now the other two.

The Rock in 98'- Disrespected by the fans, bad attitude, top notch mic skills, massive ego, thrives on attention, 2 midcard title reigns, cool catchphrase, fashionable, eye brow and sideburns.

The Miz- Disrespected by fans, marks and peers, bad attitude, top notch mic skills, massive ego, thrives on attention, 2 midcard title reigns, 3 Tag reigns, cool catchphrase, fashionable, faux-hawk.

As everyone knows HHH and The Rock would a classic ladder match at SummerSlam 98' and later the next PPV match would be on a higher stage for the WWF Championship.

My 2 Questions are
Do you agree with the similarities?
Do you think fate will run it's course and they will meet again and main event this time for the WWE Championship on a PPV and when?
I agree with many of the similarities except for the part about top notch mic skills. I'm not trying to be rude but could you explain to me how The Miz is top notch on the mic? To me he is just another Ken Kennedy.

But yes I do agree with the fact that they are very similar. It's like a watered down, present day, PG version of the old Triple H and Rock feud. However I just can't see either of them as main event material. I know it is inevitable with the way WWE writes things though.
Yeah, I agree with JohnJohnson, Miz is on the same level as Kennedy/Anderson, his "top-notch mic skills" are quite an exaggeration.

I do understand what you're saying, and to a point agree but we realle need to stop refering to "Wrestler A" as the new "Wrestler B." No one will ever live up to the shadow of a former great, but if you take off the mold we try and fit them in and let them grow into themselves, then we just might be surprised...
Sorry, but I have to say Miz's mic skills ARE top notch. He's one of the best talkers in the entire company, and one of the best we've seen in a long time.

Everyone says that, please defend it. I disagree for many reasons...

1. He's confident on the mic but he doesn't know how to use it to elevate an opponent, a story, or anything but himself
2. He's a heel, his job is not to make the crowd chant things with him (and by telling them not to, it's encouragement to do it more) his job is to make the crowd hate him.
3. He's nothing but a (simple and uncreative) catchphrase
I think the arugument for Miz not being "great" on the mic is his lack of realism. The ability to convince us that what he is saying is what he truly believes.

As a disclaimer, very few men are able to do this. Paul Heyman was a master of this.

Though it can be argued that Miz has not had the opportunity to get really deep into interviews / promos. He keeps it very superficial, and does a good job drawing cheap heat.

He is considered "good" because :

His enunciation is great
His inflexion is one of the best, going from soft to loud
He doesn't flub many lines
He is witty enough to adjust when things go off script
He does deliver speeches with charisma

But to go from good to great, a wrstler must create that "suspension of reality" while giving a promo. Example : Before WM when Austin said "I need this, Rock. I need this more than you'll ever know."- that's the kind of promo that gives chills.

Back to the topic of the comparison. I think the description you have given can apply to 80% of the roster. Mocking opponents a fundamental basic of wrestling. Who hasn't had a mid-card title??

But i would also welcome a Miz / Morrison career fued. But to add the the comparison you could also add CM Punk as Steve Austin.

Austin was fueding with the Rock before he was the first of the 3 to be elevated to the World Title. Morrison and Punk also fueded midcard (ECW Title) before Punk was elevated to Main Eventing.
HHH in 98'- Charismatic, over with the fans, mocks opponents, 3 midcard title reigns, cool taunt and entrance, strong woman by his side.

John Morrison- Charismatic, over with the fans, mocks opponents, 3 midcard title reigns, 4 Tag reigns, 1 Major title reign, cool taunt and entrance, Melina 'nuff said.

I have to disagree with this , for one jomo hasnt had 1 charismic interveiw since hes been on raw so i have to disagree with the charisma. i quite frankly find him boring on the mic but in his ecw days is a different story. mocks opponents really:suspic: i think youve been watching to many ecw replays of him.

B]The Rock in 98'[/B]- Disrespected by the fans, bad attitude, top notch mic skills, massive ego, thrives on attention, 2 midcard title reigns, cool catchphrase, fashionable, eye brow and sideburns.

The Miz- Disrespected by fans, marks and peers, bad attitude, top notch mic skills, massive ego, thrives on attention, 2 midcard title reigns, 3 Tag reigns, cool catchphrase, fashionable, faux-hawk.

miz i can see but the top notch is definitly exageratedwhile he is conforatable on the mic i give him that
I think that what most people forget is that The Rock was able to come across as better on the mic because he was not restrained by a PG rating. The Rock got over in an era that was aimed at a more mature audience, The Miz is attempting to get over in an era where he has to talk to children, because of the companies direction. I definitely see The Miz as being very very good on the mic, as good as there is on Raw right now, and gets away with the sing-along type chant because of the arrogance of it. Simple as that.

By saying that he does not sell a story or put over anybody else is a crazy criticism to make of him, as most of, if not all of what he says is scripted. He does very well with the limitations that are put upon him IMO.

As for the Triple H/Morrison comparisons, I see more of Triple H in Sheamus to be honest, from his look and build to the character to ringstyle. Not really sure where you got that one from dude....I see more of a HBK/Morrison similarity, but lets not get into that old chestnut for the ten millionth time.
Everyone says that, please defend it. I disagree for many reasons...

1. He's confident on the mic but he doesn't know how to use it to elevate an opponent, a story, or anything but himself
2. He's a heel, his job is not to make the crowd chant things with him (and by telling them not to, it's encouragement to do it more) his job is to make the crowd hate him.
3. He's nothing but a (simple and uncreative) catchphrase

The Miz's mic skills are top notch. Compared to other mid-carders along with him, Miz knows how to work the mic and the crowd. Guys like Morrison, Truth, DiBiase...they can talk and have a monotone voice. Having good mic skills is not just talking and berating your opponent or the crowd, its how you act too. Anyone can get up in front of Ochocinco, like Miz did a few weeks ago, and draw heat. Miz did it by using real life situations. He also changes his tone and acts/reacts when appropriate.

Getting back on topic, its hard to say Miz/Morrison are the NEW Rock/Triple H. Its a totally different era. What made those two so good back in the day was Rock was leading NOD (a heel group) and Triple H was leading DX (a face group). DX went out there and made fun of NOD, mainly for Triple H to do it to Rock. Both were in a long feud and had history well after that. Its not fair to compare Miz/Morrison to that because we are just starting to see what each of them is capable of doing. 2 or 3 years down the line, maybe we can make that comparison...but then someone else will compare 2 new superstars to Miz and Morrison.

If you want to compare these guys, compare them to Marty Jenetty and Shawn Michaels. Both were tag teams, both split and one went on to bigger and better things while the other was left behind. Granted Morrison is doing MUCH better now.
The Rock had energy on the mic and was funny as hell. Hell the show Smack Down originated from his catch phrases. And up til "Here Comes the Pain" included his phrases. He had funny jokes about his opponents. The Miz is just a guy who loves to hear himself talk. Listen to him talk, he's not really saying anything at all.

I agree with OutsiderDX. Who hasn't held the mid card title? It doesn't carry as much weight as it used to to be IC or US champ.
I agree with most the similarities but I just gotta point out a few things:
1) Morrison isn't that over with the fans as yet (maybe in the recent like two RAWs yeh but ... meh) *although I still would LOVE to see him "leap-frog" over The Miz... who IMO doesn't really have anything*.

2) The Miz DOES NOT HAVE TOP NOTCH MIC SKILLS... he could potentially have them but atm he just talks shit that usually has no revelance to anything.

3) The Miz weirdly gets cheered most the times and fans love his catch phrase the only way I see him getting over this is by screwing the main face of the company at the time *Orton dont count... lol...*.

P.S. Yurnewhero great sig (been willing to say that for a long time lol).
i think the comparison albeit weird and incomparable, does make sense on the level that these 2 are going to be asked to carry the company over the next 5 years much like rock and HHH were asked to in '99... well, i gotta say, if im a mark for anyone, its the MIZ, heres why... when he was on the real world on MTV, he unashamedly "came out" as a wrestling fan... that is kinda big considering how much its looked down on and considered not cool (especially at the time)... so he was proud to be a wrestling fan and that was the beginning of "the MIZ" character, as he would get drunk and do promos as the MIZ, that got my attention... he was on the RW/RR challenges still doing promos as the MIZ but then i found out he started going to wrestling school (yes, he actually trained and wrestled in the "minor leagues" just like daniel bryan)... now 2 years of training later he was asked to be on tough enough because they had already planned on signing him as a development, but they wanted to test the waters with him on television and see if he got over... so its been 31/2 years, the guys been wrestling for 6 years, hes proven himself to be an extremely loyal employee, he knows how to give an effective promo (whether you like it or not), hes been somewhat of a decent worker (just because he cant do a moonsault doesnt mean he cant wrestle), he brings in an outside audience (Mtv crowd), and hes willing to do any promotional thing that WWE asks him to do (BIG +), i think all that adds up to deserving a push... but what do i know?
I can see where your TRYIN to go with this- with The Rock V The Miz. While I do think Miz is one of the best things goin in WWE rightnow- he's nowhere near The Rocks level on the mic. Dont get me wrong- Miz in my opinion is a top 5 guy on the mic in WWE. But that still cant put him on the level of Rocky. I have 3 guys that I love/loved to hear on the mic & I cant pick one over the others. Rock, Flair, Savage. So- no...I cant put Miz on that level. Compairing someone to The Rock on the mic...well...it just isnt a good thing to compair anyone to Rocky on the mic. Its asking too much

Now- as for the Morrison compairison to Hunter: I think your fuckin crazy! Sorry- thats just how I feel. Morrison cant work a mic for the life of him. The only time he was ever "just OK" was when he was able to go back & forth with someone. Mostly the Miz, but also Mercury & Melina I guess. Charima does NOT equal: walking to the ring with a slow motion camera lense. Or growing a beard & doin parkour(sp) in the backstage area.

If anything: I would say that The Miz is more like a younger, up & coming HHH. You can see the skills are there & you know he's gotta great future in the company. If I had to compair Morrison to someone from around 1998- I would say its...hell, I dont know...Steve Blackman with gymnastic skills?? At first I was gonna say Marc Mero. But even Mero had better mic skills & more charisma then Nitro/Morrison!
i do not see them as hhh and rock at all. john isnt great on mic and miz is unnconvincing and corny. i see jomo like jeff hardy and the miz like simon dean. all around they r leagues behind rock and hhh.
John morrison reminds me more of HBK and MIZ reminds me more of MR.KENNEDY lets face it MIZ is no where near rock status and i have nothing against miz. but if you are going to call miz the second coming of the rock then GILBERG is the real GOLDBERG
Well for one thing, HHH and Rock weren't tag champs together when they started. So short answer, no.

There have been so many comparison threads involving Miz and Morrison it's unreal, "Is Miz the next Cena?" "Morrison = the new HBK" etc. I think what can hurt up and comers is the speed that they are compared to wrestlers from the past while they are trying to establish their own identities. For example, Morrison has started showing off his free-running skills, it's something that makes him stand out while keeping him away from the mic and going through a bunch of generic phrases that he never seems comfortable with. Whereas the Miz IS getting a lot of mic time, but I agree with those that do not say he has top-notch mic skills. He talks, but never leaves much of an impression. Plus it bugs me that when he says his awesome bit, it sounds like he's saying 'Hand I'm awesome'. Morrison is probably in a room saying 'Melina I'm awesome'

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