Meltzer's Highest Rated 2012 WWE Matches


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
So now that the year is essentially over, I decided to compile all of the matches Dave Meltzer rated this year and arrange them in order from highest rated, starting at **** and up. Here's what I got:

1. The Undertaker vs. Triple H (WrestleMania 28) ****3/4
2. John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules) ****1/2
2. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (Over The Limit) ****1/2
2. Ryback, Kane, & Daniel Bryan vs. The Shield (TLC) ****1/2
5. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (Money In The Bank) ****1/4
5. John Cena vs. CM Punk (Night Of Champions) ****1/4
7. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (Extreme Rules) ****
7. World Heavyweight Championship Money In The Bank Ladder Match (Money In The Bank) ****
7. John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler (TLC) ****

Now people think Meltzer has a keener eye towards what makes a good match over a bad match, or a very good match over a great match. I believe that we fans as ourselves are our own judges, but when it comes to wrestling, Dave is the main critic.. #1 and #2 are the matches I have to be honest and say I enjoyed the most this year..
These were the *** 3/4 and *** 1/2 PPV matches:

*** 3/4:
CM Punk v Chris Jericho (WrestleMania)
The Rock v John Cena (WrestleMania)
Sheamus v Del Rio v Orton v Jericho (Over The Limit)
WWE Championship Money In The Bank Ladder Match (Money In The Bank)
Randy Orton v Dolph Ziggler (Night Of Champions)

*** 1/2:
World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match (Elimination Chamber)
CM Punk v Chris Jericho (Extreme Rules)
Chris Jericho v Dolph Ziggler (SummerSlam)
Brock Lesnar v Triple H (SummerSlam)
Sheamus v Big Show (Hell In A Cell)
Ziggler/Del Rio/Barrett/Sandow/Otunga v Orton/Miz/Kofi/Kane/Bryan (Survivor Series)

It just goes to show that, for the most part, the actual wrestling matches are high quality... the only problem being that hardly anyone cares..

How would you rate some of these matches if you where the critic?
I'm not going to argue with Meltzer, his ratings, his opinions or systems. Hes made a career from himself doing what we would probably all love to do and hes one of the most highly respected opinions in the business. Doesn't make him right or wrong, just how it is. Hes the measurement.

I will however say I disagree with his rating placing Jericho/Punk from Mania above their meeting from Extreme Rules. Anyone around the forum regularly during the run-up to Mania will back me up when I say nobody was more excited for their initial meeting than yours truly. I felt it lived up to the expectations of a great wrestling match but feel their Extreme Rules meeting told a much better story.
I'd put Taker vs. Trips at WM 28 at 5 stars. In my review for WM, I'm almost certain that I did.

Cena vs. Lesnar, Punk & Bryan at OTL and the TLC matches are ratings I agree with. All three were killer matches that frankly exceeded the expectations of people. I think the only things that really could've made them ranked higher would've been if they'd possibly gone longer. Cena vs. Lesnar was the only one of those three not to go well past the 20 minute mark. I think it just went about 17 minutes or so. Punk vs. Bryan went to about the 25 minute mark, maybe a bit more, and I think TLC went about 24 minutes.

Generally speaking, all of the 4 plus star matches on Meltzer's list were awesome. If someone as a fan thought they should've been a ranked a bit higher, I couldn't argue. Looking over the list in general, all the matches he put down are all really good.

I thought Punk vs. Jericho at WM was ranked a bit low on the list as was Cena vs. Rock & Sheamus vs. Big Show.

At the end of the day though, when it comes to the top ppv matches WWE has put on this year, the ones that generated a lot of buzz & were just really well wrestled especially, it looks like Meltzer picked the right ones. Whether you think a match is 3 star or 4 star of whatever is pretty subjective, but these probably are, all in all, the best WWE ppv matches of 2012.
I'll start by saying I respect Meltzer & I respect his list. There are a few things I would change...

1. The Shield vs. Ryback & Team Hell No (TLC) *****
1. The Undertaker vs. Triple H w/HBK as Special Referee (WrestleMania 28) *****
3. John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules) ****3/4
4. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (Wrestlemania 28) ****1/2
4. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (Over The Limit) ****1/2
4. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler (Summerslam) ****1/2
7. Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H (Summerslam) ****1/4
8. CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. The Big Show (Summerslam) ****
8. Chirs Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz (RAW) ****
8. WWE Title Elimination Chamber (EC) ****
8. World Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber (EC) ****
12. CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler (Royal Rumble) ***3/4
13. CM Punk vs. Ryback vs. John Cena (Survivor Series) ***1/2
13. Team Foley vs. Team Ziggler (Survivor Series) ***1/2
15. Daniel Bryan vs. The Big Show vs. Mark Henry (Royal Rumble) ***1/4
15. Royal Rumble Match (Royal Rumble) ***1/4
15. WWE Title MitB Ladder Match (MitB) ***1/4
15. World Title MitB Ladder Match (MitB) ***1/4

All in all I think 2012 has been an EXCELLENT year for WWE IMO. While some of my favorite matches like MitB or Elimination Chamber are a little lower than usual & Hell in a Cell isn't even on the list, I think there has been some AMAZING matches & feuds, not to mention rise of new talented young stars. I think since 2009/2010 WWE has been getting progressivly better & since the 'pipe bomb' I think things have been great. But if 2012, especially the last couple PPV's, have been any slight glimpse into the future for WWE, im on board!
Ok im gonna say it , why does everyone think the WHC Money in the bank ladder match was good? it really wasnt, it was a cluster bomb of a bunch of rookies, a couple good guys, and jobbers, the match was sloppy , botchfest and things didnt get good til the last 5 minutes, and everyone knew ziggler would win!
at least with the WWE title MITB match they had story telling good acting and great execution

Now, while Dave Meltzer may be ruggedly sexy, I have to disagree with his rating of the Sheamus/Big Show match at Hell in a Cell. I was a huge fan of that match and thought it definitely stole the show at that PPV. Granted, that PPV wasn't all that great, but I still think Meltzer underrated the match. It was well-paced, they told a good story, there were some very exciting false finishes and the crowd was really into it.

As for that list of matches that are rated 4 stars or better, it's pretty hard to argue with them. All of those matches were quite entertaining, and I won't get into nitpicking the specific star ratings (even though I just kind of nitpicked how the Sheamus/Big Show match was rated but whatever). Whether Dave Metlzer gave a match 4 1/4 stars or 4 1/2 stars is pretty irrelevant at the end of the day.

I agree with the OP in that the quality of the matches isn't the problem, it's that nobody cares. Wrestling is all about set-up and pay-off, and the set-up is the weak link.
I think its interesting with Meltzer how people are always up in arms when a match they like doesn't get five stars.

Number one, he is a single critic.

Number two, the five star match is reserved for the best of the best of the best...matches that will end up on "best of" lists for all time.

No match in years, apart from MAYBE Cena vs. Punk in Chicago, Taker vs. Shawn, would end up on that list of greatest of all time.
Good ratings im not gonna argue at all. But The Shield V Ryback and Team Hell No, I could watch that match over and over again and not get tired of it. and I think Dolph Ziggler V Sheamus at No Way Out was a great match too. The WHC MITB match was sloppy. I dont think it deserved 4 stars maybe just cuz Ziggler won it idk, Its funny that Undertaker was only in 1 match in 2012 and Triple H was only in like 2 and the Undertaker Vs Triple H match was the best of the year. That shows the young guys they really have to work harder cuz the "Old" guys are still the best in the biz.
I dont get why everybody loved the Cena vs Lesnar match so much, i really didnt rate it that highly. Definitely agree with the other three highly rated ones though. Th tlc match, the punk-bryan match and especially the end of an era match were all spectacular and worth watching time and time again, although i dont think you need dave meltzer to tell you that.
Is this only WWE? Because Meltzer actually gave at least one match in ROH 5 stars.

Anyways, just curious.

Just WWE match ratings listed here. Ring of Honor have a few four star plus matches, as do TNA.

And yes, Ring of Honor has a five star match from this year. Davey Richards versus Michael Elgin which for a lot of people who attended both Showdown in the Sun and Wrestlemania, say it truly did make their weekend. Some argue it doesn't deserve the nod because there was no angle leading into it, but their wrong, Ring of Honor built it as small guy versus big guy, future versus present and that is exactly how the match turned out. Great match, highly recommend it.
Who am I to say. The only thing is in my opinion anything with Lesner is overrated. I am sorry. I just cant stand that moron. Not saying the matches may not of been great but Lesner himself overrated. but I do agree with HHH and Undertaker that was a great match. But the Punk and Jericho were great aswell.
If you werent in the crowd for Taker HHH at mania I dont think you can truly appreciate it. The crowd was absolutely into the match. hanging on every moment, and it was easily match of the year and absolutely incredible.

I do have to agree with one opinion that Cena Lesnar was kind of too highly rated. it was awesome to see lesnar back but dont think it was over 4 stars.
We will never all meet eye to eye with every critic out there, but IMO Dave Meltzer is hands down the best. I actually kept track of my own list of 2012 matches but I have to admit I did not watch TLC, which had two very good matches from the ratings I've seen (not only from Meltzer). I do not have current access to the laptop that I recorded my ratings on, but I can remember most of them. I also agree with the few that say that Taker-HHH was a 5 star match. I know Meltzer is VERY picky with 5 star matches (as he should be) but I am also and still insist this match was 5 stars (I have about 7-8 WWE ***** matches from personal ratings; I believe Meltzer has 5). I'll make it a priority to watch the TLC matches and get back to this forum for my final top 10 list. I would also like to rewatch some matches because I only watched some of them when they were live and from experience, ratings on a match could definitely change after rewatching it (Maybe my opinion on Lesnar-Cena might change because I did not find it to be as great as Meltzer and others thought it was).

I'm leaving some matches out because I either haven't watched them or forget what I rated them. This is also in no specific order:

Triple H vs. Undertaker (WrestleMania) *****
CM Punk vs. John Cena (Night of Champions) ****1/2
CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (Over the Limit) ****1/2
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (Extreme Rules) ****1/4
CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (Extreme Rules) ****1/4
John Cena vs. The Rock (WrestleMania) ****
John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules) ****
CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (WrestleMania) ****
Raw Elimination Chamber ****
CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (Raw in January) ***3/4
CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (SD in February) ***3/4
SmackDown MITB Ladder Match ***3/4
SmackDown Elimination Chamber ***3/4
CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (MITB) ***3/4
Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler (SummerSlam) ***3/4
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar (SummerSlam) ***1/2
I have to congratulate the whole WrestleZone community (myself included) for not shitting on an opinion that may differ from our own. It's been a few days now, so I believe it's safe to say we may be turning face.

Meltzer has highlighted a few excellent matches and for all our complaining, 2012 had some great wrestling moments.
I'd say as always Meltzer isn't far off, I had the WWE PPV matches top ten as...

1)Punk v. Bryan @ OTL - 4.5 stars
2)HHH v. Taker @ WM - 4.5 stars
3)Hell No/Ryback v Shield @ TLC - 4.25 stars
4)Punk v. Cena @ NoC - 4.25 stars
5)Punk v. Bryan @ MITB - 4 stars
6)Cena v. Lesnar @ ExtR - 4 stars
7)Bryan v. Sheamus @ ExtR - 4 stars
8)Punk v. Jericho @ ExtR - 3.75 stars
9)Cena v. Ziggler @ TLC - 3.75 stars
10)Smackdown MITB Ladder Match - 3.75 stars

As for the other high profile Mania matches, I scored Cena/Rock and Punk/Jericho both at three and a half. I can't believe how high some people online are going on those two matches, both had greaat builds, but the matches didn't nearly live up to the hype.

I can't wait for the WON awards this year. It will be nice to see a set of awards picked by experts not fans, as the fan voted lists inevitably turn into a haven for the WWE fanboys. Meltzer and company generally gets things pretty close to correct.

I must say this was a very solid year for match quality across the wrestling world, WWE included. There are some great matches on these lists.
Alot of peeps here have their opinions on the Taker vs. HHH WM match. I for one, believe that match is clearly the match of the year. As I said in a different thread, that match wasn't completely perfect, but it was damn near close. I don't know if it was worthy of a 5-star match, but no doubt it's worth at least a 4 1/2 rating. To me, that match was the only good match at WM 28. HHH and Taker put on 1 hell of a show for the fans of the WWE universe. As for Dave Meltzer's rating, I don't really have an interest nor an opinion when it comes down to his system of rating matches. It's his business and not mine so w/e.
Its a great list. Obviously wrestling is very subjective so your not going to agree with all his match ratings, but I think those are the top 20 matches of the year.

I would of made HHH vs Taker a five star match. Lesnar/Cena match was awesome, but I think its rated a little too high. I would of rated it as a 4 star match.

Ziggler vs Jericho is rated too high. I dont think that should of been higher than a 3.

Their were a lot of good matches this year. Biggest issue right now with the WWE is the writing/storylines are just awful.
I just finished watching the TLC matches last night and comprised my final list. The only match I have not watched is Orton-Ziggler but I doubt it will break my top 10. Very possible add to my honorable mentions though.

1) The Undertaker vs. Triple H (WrestleMania) *****
2) CM Punk vs. John Cena (Night of Champions) ****1/2
3) The Shield vs. Ryback & Team Hell No (TLC) ****1/2
4) CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (Over the Limit) ****1/2
5) Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (Extreme Rules) ****1/4
6) CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (Extreme Rules) ****1/4
7) John Cena vs. The Rock (WrestleMania) ****
8) CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho (WrestleMania) ****
9) John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules) ****
10) John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler (TLC) ****


Raw Elimination Chamber ****
SmackDown MITB Ladder Match ***3/4
CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (MITB) ***3/4
Wow, looking at that list it really was a great year for wrestling matches. I usually agree with the way he rates the matches each year. The only thing I would have done is rank Big Show/Sheamus a bit higher as I believe it stole the show at HIAC. It wasn't the best show of the year but still. That match actually surprised me at how good it was. For as much slack as the PG era gets we were treated to some awesome matches this past year. Hope 2013 is more of the same.
I don't understand what gives this guy the nerve to sit there and rate wrestling matches. Like he's ever worked a match in his life and actually can get in there and perform. His rating matches is disrespectful to all the boys that put in work and bust their ass only to get a two star rating because he isn't one of Meltzer's favorites.

Now, I'm no worker myself. I've worked a few, but I'm no expert on it. I'm in the Kevin Nash category. I can look at a crappy match and say "Okay. I can't chain wrestle, but this blows." I can look at a great match and say "WOW! This match is amazing!".

But, you will NEVER see me rate matches like a dirt sheet writer who's never stepped inside of a wrestling ring and only got famous because a few of the boys decided to air their dirty laundry to him.

It's okay to say a match was good, bad, or fair. But, don't sit there and rate the matches, because at the end of the day, you are NOT a worker and you sure in the hell are not Siskel and Ebert.....
I strongly disagree with the two Bryan/Punk matches. Punk's best matches of 2012 by far were against Chris Jericho at Mania and against Sheamus on Main event.

When Punk works with someone who understands psychology he can put on good matches. Jericho is master of that stuff and Sheamus (I guess) is ok sometimes. Daniel Bryan can not even grasp the concept of doing anything other than hitting finishing moves and going for the pinfall 30 times in 25 minutes.

IMO the Bryan/Punk matches had no psychology, no good build. Actually the match that featured AJ and Kane were better because that match at least had some psychology. The other matches were just near fall, and kick out fests.
I won't argue with this list, it's pretty fair in my honest opinion, though I do think that Taker/HHH was 5-stars. It's not a huge problem however and like I said, it's a fair list... I agree for the most part.
I very much disagree with the WWE Championship Match rating at WrestleMania XXVIII. I'm big fans of both these guys, but even then, 3 and 3/4 stars isn't good enough in my opinion. The match for me was a good 4 star match, maybe a little more. Admittedly the build up wasn't too great, but it was good enough and I feel the match delivered. It was back and forth action that delivered. I also disagree with the 3 and 1/2 stars given to the rematch at Extreme Rules. I felt the match had some good action with the great Elbow Drop on Jericho. That match for me would be 4 stars.

Others, well I think that the Brock Lesnar vs John Cena match at Extreme Rules is overrated. Not just here, but generally. People seem to give it a lot of credit as a good match, but for me it just wasn't that good. Between two guys like Cena and Lesnar, I'd expect pure chaos. For me, there wasn't any. Also, Brock Lesnar vs Triple H at SummerSlam was a disappointment for me. It should have been bigger, better. Again, a little bit of a let down.

For me, it has to be:
1. Triple H vs The Undertaker (WrestleMania XXVIII)
2. CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan (Money in the Bank)
3. CM Punk vs Chris Jericho (Extreme Rules)
4. CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan (Over the Limit)
5. Daniel Bryan, Kane and Ryback vs The Shield (Tables, Ladders and Chairs)
6. Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan (Extreme Rules)
7. CM Punk vs John Cena (Night of Champions)
8. World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match (Money in the Bank)
9. CM Punk vs Chris Jericho (WrestleMania XXVIII)
10. Dolph Ziggler vs John Cena (Tables, Ladders and Chairs)

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