Live Discussion: Raw 5/4/09

I need to take some aggrivation out on something. I think some SvR09 is in order where I just have one extreme rules match where I beat the bejesus out of vince and pretend it's real.
I remember once when Lawler said those were "2 ton steps" hilliarious, well Orton missed with the 2 ton steps

Notice how they showed the replay from behind because he didn't actually hit is leg.

I mean, obviously he shouldn't really hit his leg with the stairs. But they could've made it look like he actually hit it.

Usually 1 or 2 chairshots between the stairs is enough.
So you totally disregard Miz, put MVP in program with Regal, Have Cena come out to confront Miz, only for Big Show to nearly kill him. THEN, the botch after botch during the Main Event.

Miz saved this from getting an F. That alone...lowers the grade TO an F.
Notice how they showed the replay from behind because he didn't actually hit is leg.

I mean, obviously he shouldn't really hit his leg with the stairs. But they could've made it look like he actually hit it.

Usually 1 or 2 chairshots between the stairs is enough.

They got so many cameras and they can't get an angle to make it look somewhat real, the camera man basically zoomed in. In ECW they had 2 cameras and they somehow would have made it look like he really got hit with the "two ton" stairs
Yeah this was bad. The whole show revolved around one damn storyline and Batista and Orton's confrontation was all of 10 words and made to look like a complete afterthought.
I really don't see the point of a Regal/MVP feud, a dibiase or rhodes/MVP feud wouldve made more sense. What i see is though is that MVP gets to work with Regal, who is a great technical wrestler.
I really don't see the point of a Regal/MVP feud, a dibiase or rhodes/MVP feud wouldve made more sense. What i see is though is that MVP gets to work with Regal, who is a great technical wrestler.

I think you just answered it, and they wanted to feed someone to him quick.

MVP should debut a submission finisher during one of their matches. The Playmaker is shit.
I would say ankle lock but i don't know.

Remember what Dan Severn used to do? I always loved that submission. Try that.
The best part of Raw was when they showed the Smackdown recap of the fatal 4 way. Smackdown pwns Raw at the moment.
That's why i wish MVP would've stayed on smackdown. I really like smackdown seeing the young superstars build themselves up, like ncaa football 09.
That was bad.

Cena-Show at JD will rock, but that can't save Raw at this point.

The whole show was dedicated to Legacy vs. Batista/Orton... Which sucks when the Legacites are never going to get a strong looking win... probably ever.

Batista-Ted was nothing compared to their SmackDown match, just like most things on Raw have trouble comparing to SmackDown.

Kofi-Matt and Carlito-Kendrick were fun while they lasted.

Sucks to see Regal heading towards getting fed to MVP, but Regal's enhancement talent for life. I'll get over it quick.

Maryse vs. Mickie = :)

Santino is awful. He needs to go away.

In short: Bad night when the best part of the show is the sweet sweet memories of the last SmackDown.

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