Jeff Hardy Broken Neck?

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After this match, I dont think he would be able to wrestle and do they things he did if his neck was broken. I think he is probably injured(neck injury, elbow, ect) I really wasn't expecting him to lose so maybe this is a way to take him off television for a while, but I hope he just gets better.
I didn't think there was such thing as a minor neck break, and as I say, he was moving well in the ring for someone who is injured, no matter what the injury is.

If there is some kind of injury then hopefully it wont sideline him for long, I'm curious about what this elbow injury is though, and how it was caused. Hopefully it will turn out to be nothing in time. said:
It appears that Jeff Hardy has NOT suffered any kind of neck injury and apparently that was just an excuse Best Buy employees were giving fans that were expecting to see him. He was having problems with an elbow infection, however, and missed the signing because it needed to be drained. He is now fine and of course will not be missing any ring time.

All I can say is: LOL. So they lied by saying that Jeff had a neck injury? WORST EXCUSE OF ALL TIME. It is kind of funny, though, that he competed on SD! and Summerslam without showing any symptoms of a broken neck and yet people bought it. What, Best Buy couldn't just simply say, "He has an elbow infection and is getting treated"? Lying just made it completely worse for the fans IMO.
Haha, was it WWE's or Best Buy's decision to say that? That's no excuse, seriously. He can't show up and you tell the fans that he's got a broken neck. Not only are they disappointed that he's not showing up, but they also become worried about his WWE future and wellbeing? That's a stupid thing to do, man.
what i heard was that they just made that excuse for some scheduled appearance at best buy or something like that.and i dont think jeff would be really sloppy in his matches if he's done these things his wholle life.even his wrestling careers just assuming this is what i read from wrestlezone.
If this is true then this will not help smackdown's chances of winning any rating wars. They already have 2 main eventers (or could be) out in umaga and kennedy. Jeff Hardy is 1 of their best superstars...THIS IS TERRIBLE FOR SD! Hardy was in contention for the WWE Championship. But, if he is out, he obviously can't wrestle which means no championship for Hardy, this will put the exclamation point on an already terrible year for Hardy.

He was on Smackdown and wrestled a fine match against Khali. I really don't t hink Vince is going to risk killing one of his most over Superstars for ratings. If his neck was actually broken we would have gotten proof by now and he wouldn't have wrestled since then. Jeff does not have a broken neck.
yeah .. if jeff had a broken neck then he is one tough son of a b***h. but yeah 99.9% sure he doesn't have it. would make him look tough. a bit to tough for any one else right now any ways. plus vince is a pussy doesn't let anything happen . so why would he change
the news im hearin is that jeff got suspended for drugs again. broken neck is a good cover but he already has 2 drug related suspentions, if he gets a third it manditory firing. thas only what i hearin though. could be a broken neck
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