Jeff Hardy: TNA's Saviour or Black Hole?

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I can do whatever I want
With talks of current WWE Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy leaving after Summerslam, the same thing keeps getting brought up.

Reportedly Hardy just wants a break and to focus on other interests. And we all know TNA has a lighter schedule then WWE has. So do you think Hardy will make the leap to TNA?

There's no denying TNA would sign him in an instant(even though there's reportedly bad blood between the company and him). And there's no denying the last 2 years Hardy has become one of the WWE's most popular superstars, and a merchandise selling machine.

But honestly do you think Hardy going to TNA would be a good thing, or a mistake? TNA would be getting a very big superstar who has a solid fan base, but would that mean another "original" would lose their spot?

And with Hardy's past "mistakes" and reckless behaviour do you think the pro's outweight the cons?
I don't see it being either a good thing or bad thing. He would most likely end up in the MEM seeing as he is a champ now, and the X division is in a slump.

I don't think Hardy would personally, I think he is going to settle with the E in the end, I just don't like his terms.

As far as his fanbase, that's up for grabs. I was a bigger fan of him when he left first then I am now, and it didn't make me want to watch TNA. I'm sure the same can't be said for everybody though.
I really doubt that Hardy will go back to TNA. I remember reading some where that he wasn't going to be going back to TNA. I think that he will take some time off and then come back around wrestlemania. Though with wwe putting the title on hardy I'm wondering if Hardy will actually leave right now. Because of what they are willing do for him right now. That and it's hardy's match at summerslam... so who knows.
I don’t see why TNA wouldn’t hire Jeff Hardy even though there was or might still be some bad blood between Hardy and TNA. Over the years Jeff has really tried hard to clean up his act and his image as a whole. Apparently, he doesn’t abuse drugs anymore and is off of them so I don’t think they would have any problems with him and his past drug abuse. Now, he can always relapse because of the fact that TNA doesn’t punish their wrestlers like the WWE does so he can always relapse.

But other than that, I see no reason why he shouldn’t join TNA. He has proven that he is a draw for the WWE and I don’t think it would be any different in TNA. Kids love buying his merchandise and people love watching him wrestle. He has a huge fan base and if he were to ever leave WWE they would probably follow him. He could attract new viewers to TNA therefore helping them grow as a company.

As far as the schedule, it would be great for him. He has made it pretty obvious the he feels like he is burnt out because of the WWE schedule and the TNA schedule would allow him to continue wrestling for a longer time in his career and he would get a lot of rest so he wouldn’t need to be taking time off. The TNA schedule is a reason why a lot of people prefer joining TNA over WWE and if Jeff really feels burnt out then the schedule would be great for him in TNA.

Jeff Hardy joining TNA is basically a win-win situation. With him joining then they will probably get some new fans. His fans would probably follow him over so that they can continue watching him. And the schedule would be great for him so he doesn’t feel like he is burnt out. I guess the only problem is that he could relapse in TNA and it’s probably something he wants to avoid. I don’t know if there are wrestlers who are on drugs currently in TNA but if there are then I don’t see him joining because he doesn’t want to get back on drugs.
I really don't see Jeff Hardy going to TNA if he leaves the WWE. Mainly because his problem isn't with the WWE. He doesn't want a break from the WWE, he wants a break from wrestling itself. Joining TNA wouldn't benefit Hardy in any shape, way, or form. The only reason I could imagine Jeff joining TNA for would be that their drug policy is a total joke and Jeff could probably shoot heroin into his eyeballs without repercussions if he wanted to there.
If he did join, it would mean he ruins his chances of ever working for the WWE again. TNA would gain a whole lot more fans, and maybe even more ratings. Storyine-wise, I could see Hardy as a Sting-type figure, saying that the MEM represents everything Hardy stands against. Hardy could be a rebel, while the MEM wants to take over and make everyone the same, controlling TNA. While it would be a change, Hardy wouldn't do it. Not only is it reported that he has bad blood with the company, his brother works in WWE, and who knows what Vince would do to get back at Jeff.
that would be A HUGE MISTAKE for jeff hes the champ and to go to a "b" show is the worst idea ever i hope he stays for him to work as hard as he has to achive his dreams and get there just to walk away?????? i think this is wwe trying to throw us a curve if he does go to tna then i think if they stick to there young homemade talent they could give wwe a run but knowing jarret he would squash hardy under the grandpa's in mem
If Jeff knows that he's probably spitting on whatever the E did for him in the end, he won't go back. Besides, he's going to take a break from wrestling in general to focus on other things.

Jeff in TNA isn't good for him. It won't be something that he will have complete interest in since he will be half-assing it. Again, he's going to be taking a break from wrestling, so that rules out TNA and WWE.
I think the message of my thread go lost in translation or something. I wasn't really asking "Will Jeff go back"...I was more asking "Is it a good idea for TNA to have him back".

Should TNA take the risk at bringing Jeff in? Not even the risk, but would Jeff being in TNA help the company? He's huge in the WWE atm, but will his fans come to TNA, or will they stay.

Personally I don't know if TNA "should" take him back(if he wants to). He's a huge star but will it be the smartest move? I guess he might increase ratings but for long term success with Jeff's need to do different things every few years, will it help make TNA a stronger product?
Jeff Hardy should not go to TNA.Plain and simple. it wouldn't be good for TNA or himself.

TNA doesn't need Jeff hardy. They already have enough spot monkeys who like to jump off high things.Except they do more impressive flips.Like 450s and shit. And I do like them. Hell,Awesome kong has done a senton atomico (swanton bomb) before.

Anyway,on a more serious note,TNA doesn't need him.When he was there he no showed a few events and he was very sloppy. And he still kind of is. TNA doesn't need that right now. Jeff hardy is popular in the WWE for a few reasons,but 2 are:

1)There are very few high flyers in the WWE. This made Jeff Hardy really stand out.

2)He was very popular with the kids.

Now,TNA has lots of high flyers,and better ones aswell,so he won't really stand out. And I'd assume a lot less kids watch TNA then WWE. But I'm not saying that's the only people who like him are kids,just that a lot do.So he won't really be as successful as he was in the WWE.

And it wouldn't be good for Jeff either.He is taking this time off to pursue other interests.If he goes to TNA,it would be a spit all over what WWE did for him.They gave him 3 titles. What if something happens to him in TNA and he leaves or is released. He's fucked. He needs to take this time off and do what he wants to do that is non wrestling orientated.

Plus,he once said in an interview once that he won't go back to TNA.So we can sort of rule that out.
Hardy won't go TNA because he wants to take a break from wrestling, not just WWE. Plus he has said that he will only return to WWE out of loyalty. I don't think TNA will want to bring him back after he no showed 2 events. But then again he has changed since then so who knows? TNA might try to offer him a contract but I'll bet he'll turn it down.
Jeff going back to TNA in the future is something I don't mind. Even though he's a WWE homegrown star, I see him in the same light as AJ Styles and the originals because he was one of the early young faces of TNA. In fact, I think TNA hslped develop him into what he has become today. TNA is part of Jeff's identity so I wouldn't mind so much. Would TNA take him back? I think TNA would take back Hardy. Hardy use to sell tons of merchandise in TNA and now he's doing the same in WWE and has added to his fanbase, so I think TNA wouldn't mind having him back. The only problem is that TNA is too full at the moment. When TNA reduces their roster or add another show, I wouldn't mind him.
Why do people keep making threads about this topic? Jeff Hardy may take a leave of absence and go away from WWE for a while, but he'll be back. It suits him perfectly to be able to take some time off to do his own things and come back to WWE when he pleases and has re-fueled himself, especially now that WWE accepts him as a top star and will put themselves out to make him happy. There's absolutely nothing TNA can offer Jeff Hardy and he won't be going there.
Why do people keep making threads about this topic? Jeff Hardy may take a leave of absence and go away from WWE for a while, but he'll be back. It suits him perfectly to be able to take some time off to do his own things and come back to WWE when he pleases and has re-fueled himself, especially now that WWE accepts him as a top star and will put themselves out to make him happy. There's absolutely nothing TNA can offer Jeff Hardy and he won't be going there.

First, you don't like a thread...don't bother coming in.

Second, I'm not asking or even saying Hardy should/would/could go to TNA. My question is, should TNA even try to get him? Is he even worth the hassle. He might not budge, but do you think it would be wise for TNA to try and court him?

"If" he decided to go, would he be an asset to the company and worth TNA pushing him, even though he's very reckless and he's always flip floping.

To me TNA shouldn't even see Jeff as a possibility. Yes he's huge right now, yes he sells merchandise but I just don't think TNA should invest in him(if he was to go). But maybe the gains would outweigh the loses, who knows.
Why debate something that has zero chance of happening? Even if TNA tried to court Jeff Hardy he wouldn't go there, they have nothing to offer him and so the topic is moot. He can have anything he wants with the WWE and for a hell of a lot more money then TNA can pay him, so what would ever motivate him to go to TNA? Absolutely nothing.

As for TNA.. why in the world would they not want Hardy? He's an actual draw. He has a fan base that would actually have a likihood of following and him having an Impact in TNA. If they want to keep Kurt Angle whose not a draw, or all the old names in the MEM, why would they not want a young star who has far more of a fan base and value in the wrestling world right now then really anyone else on the TNA roster?
i think jeff isnt goin anywhere he's prob already resighned and wwe is just tryin to swerve us i bet he wins at sumerslam
Jeff Hardy will never work in TNA again. He was fired once for doing drugs before getting to shows and no showing events. That was after he was fired from the WWE for drugs. I just don't see them ever trusting him again after giving him an immediate push the first time despite known drug problems and then abusing all of that. Besides, I heard somewhere Jeff wanted to do a reality show, or internet show, or something like that.
Don't ya just love, on one hand people moan about TNA brining in ex WWE wreslters, but soon as someone is written off TV in WWE or they are known to be taking time off,

Immediately the news spreads that they are heading to TNA and what a boom it would be.

He can do what he wants. if TNA is in his future again it won't be for several months which means end of the year at the earliest. and what would they do knowing he alreadt left them to go back to WWE because in his own words TNA was no good.

On the flipside though, it's odd that if he's stated he's leaving after SummerSlam to take time off why he is being pushed still. that either means they are sucking up knowing he may leave or he has no intention of leaving altogether

I really don't think WWE would care if he goes back to TNA, it would have little impact on there product, and Hardy has now screwed both promotions numerous times with drugs, losing interest when being pushed and taking regular time off in the past few yrs.

I say Good Riddance, props to what he has done from a physical standpoint over the decade but he's been given more than enough pushes and chances to shine and he is not interested it seems.
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