Is John Cena Better Than Ever?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
I may be a bit out of touch with the forums lately but I think we are at the point where most (certainly not all) people recognize John Cena as a great wrestler. He has been for years and with each passing year more and more people seem to acknowledge that. Cena has been involved in match of the year candidates pretty consistently over the past decade or so but a thought occurred to me while watching Raw last night. At age 38 and 16 years into his pro career John Cena may be better than ever.

You would think after all the years on the road and all the injuries John Cena would be starting to slow down as he reaches age 40. That has not been the case as he is regularly involved in the best match of the night on any given night he wrestles. He's even incorporated some new moves that you wouldn't expect from him. I'll admit the springboard stunner isn't always pretty but it looks good more often than not. That sunset flip power bomb thing can look a little awkward but at least Cena is trying new things and going outside his comfort zone in order to keep getting better.

Normally I would say the US title is a drastic step down for someone with Cena's resume, but those open challenges have been the highlight of Raw for the past three months now. Cena has faced a wide variety of opponents and gets the best out of all of them. Everyone has come out looking good after a match with Cena, win or lose. I know some people are still critical saying that certain people fall down the card after a loss to Cena. That's not Cena's fault. He always makes his opponents look good. He can't be responsible for what happens after. Take Kevin Owens for example. I don't think I've seen as good an example of a star putting someone over since Bret Hart put Steve Austin over years ago (without ever losing to him, by the way). Regardless of who wins the final match Cena has gotten Owens over as best he can. Cena would not be to blame if Owens doesn't keep that momentum rolling once their feud ends.

John Cena hasn't been world champion in almost a year. He hasn't been in the main event for most of the year. Despite that, is it reasonable to say that John Cena is better now than he's ever been?
I have to agree with you, Cena is a great wrestler and always has been. Yes his gimmick has gotten stale over the years, but it works for the people that support him the most, the kids. He consistently puts on awesome matches, and doesn't deserve the criticism that he's been hit with. Sometimes I think we forget that he carried this company on his back for a long time.

Just the fact that he's been on top for so long and still puts asses in the seats is a testament to what a hard worker he is. He's not the only one giving back, but he never seems to tire of it, and his charity work speaks for itself.

What I really like is what he's doing lately with the US title. It was a puzzle as to why they gave him the title to begin with, but his open challenges have been some of the best matches we've seen. Owens got a fantastic start, and there is a report on the main page showing a video from last nights RAW. Apparently after the show, Cena got on the mic and put Cesaro over big time. Getting the Cena stamp of approval will hopefully help him.

No idea what Cena will do when he does drop the title, but I've enjoyed this US run immensely.
I think with Cena he has always had the level of talent, its just now with the rise of the WWE developmental system and increase of indy guys such as the Shield, Cesaro, Owens, Neville, Balor and more he has been pressured into stepping up his game and he has responded. I think he was coasting as he wasn't under pressure for many years but now he is, the young guns are circling him wanting his spot and he has done what is necessary to keep it. I for one am very happy because if he is gonna be featured so heavily I am happy he is now entertaining in the ring, his promo material still sucks but atleast the wrestling is sorted. I like the Open challenge and hope it continues but I think Owens needs the title so WWE have a difficult decision at BG or SS as to who leaves with the title
Love him or hate him, John Cena garners the loudest response of anybody on the roster. Yes, his character is stale but you can't really blame him for it. That falls mostly on Vince and creative.

I never thought I'd say this though....John Cena has been one of the only entertaining things on Raw since Wrestlemania. For the last month, I have stopped watching the show after seeing the weekly Cena/KO segment.

Side note: I really wish he'd drop the springboard stunner. It just doesn't fit him IMO.
I guess I'll be the first to offer a differing opinion. Cena has always been good. He wouldn't have gotten to wear he is if that weren't the case. My main gripe with Cena has always been in the execution. Everything he does just looks sloppy. And now that he is adding more moves, moves which are much more involved it just looks even worse. I cringe every time he goes for that springboard stunner and the help he needs from Cesaro to pull off some of the new moves he is trying like the powerbomb flip makes those moves look bad as well.
I agree completely that cena is literally doing the best work of his career. I believe that ever since money in the bank 2011 till now cena has stepped up immensely.
Yes, no question. He's been putting on the match of the night almost every week on Raw for 3 months now. He's been a workhorse, and he's making others look great too.

And as an aside, Cesaro is so good. That match was awesome last night. I hope it leads to a big push for Cesaro. If he was considered "big" enough to take on Lesnar I just know that match would be incredible. I hope he reaches that level while Brock is still around.
Love him or hate him, John Cena garners the loudest response of anybody on the roster. Yes, his character is stale but you can't really blame him for it. That falls mostly on Vince and creative.

You can say he garners the loudest response of anybody on the roster, but that's only because he's also the most hated face of all time. I agree his character is extremely stale, but yes you can blame him for that. Cena has creative control. He could show some evolution, but no he has to do the same old stuff since he was drafted to Raw in 2005.
I was just recently thinking this because Cena has put on some kick ass matches this year. He is always given too much flack when it comes to his in ring work and this year John Cena has gone out of his way to prove that he is one of the better wrestlers today.
You can say he garners the loudest response of anybody on the roster, but that's only because he's also the most hated face of all time. I agree his character is extremely stale, but yes you can blame him for that. Cena has creative control. He could show some evolution, but no he has to do the same old stuff since he was drafted to Raw in 2005.

John Cena has creative control in his contract? I'd love to know how it is that you know that. Either post a copy of Cena's contract or leave the conjecture at home.

I'm sure he has more opportunity than most on the roster to speak his mind to the man that makes the FINAL DECISION (Vince McMahon), but in no way is he able to make the final decisions himself.

They were thinking about turning him heel during his feud with The Rock. Cena was excited about it and even spent money on all kinds of boots and tights so he could change up the character. The decision was made - by Vince McMahon - to keep Cena face.

The fact is that Cena draws the most money and sells the most merch. Even if he wanted to change his character, he would only be allowed to do it if Vince made the decision.
Cena is a great wrestler and always has been.

I agree with all of your post except for this. He wasn't always a great worker. Back in 2004/2005 before he started becoming the Cena we know today, he was sloppy as hell in the ring and lacked fluidity in pretty much everything he did. Over the years, he's worked on ironing out many of those flaws. Some moves are still sketchy, like that springboard stunner, but he's made a lot of strides in just being able to work well. He takes bumps like a champ and rarely gets injured.

I still wouldn't put him in the conversation for greatest pure wrestlers, but as far as the greatest superstars of all time? He's in the top three with Hogan and Rock.
Cena is one of the best big match wrestlers on the roster. The fans are always invested in his matches and they almost always have the big match feel to them. It wasn't always like that though....I recently watched one of Cenas earlier matches in his career and he was effing HORRIBLE. He was super awkward, he had zero ring chemistry and it was nothing short of a miracle why he was getting any kind of push back then.

The funny part is, even with a lot of the same moves he still uses today, he uses them with a lot better timing and technical ability. IMO he is in a perfect spot right now, bolstering the mid card with great matches and not sitting in the main event all the time. The fact that Cena has been in all or most of the MOTY candidates is no secret, he has honed his craft.
I certainly ought to agree with the OP. John Cena is in the best shape of his life both physically and in the fan base. He's getting really great crowd reaction than ever even when people try to cheer Kevin Owens that doesn't stop them from cheering for Cena. And of course he isn't fragile as many other wrestlers would get at his age. And one more thing I've to add is, his promos. I have to admit, after winning the US Championship at Wrestlemania, all his promos were really great. Don't you agree?

After his match with Cesaro, I honestly asked myself the same question.

While I'm burned out on Cena, like so many others, in the WWE Championship picture, that doesn't detract from the fact that the guy's one helluva wrestler. He throws one shitty dropkick but, aside from that, the guy's constantly entertaining to watch inside the ring. It also doesn't hurt that since becoming United States Champion, we've seen Cena "evolve" by adding a few more moves to his arsenal and the usual formula that's been a staple for Cena has been changed somewhat. Since becoming US Champion, Cena's had some genuine MOTY candidates and it's arguable that many of his matches on Raw are the best seen on WWE TV in 2015. Also, Cena feels much, much fresher in my eyes now that he's not in the WWE Championship picture; after all, his legacy is carved in stone at this point and he no longer even needs the title or to be chasing the title, as he's done for most of the past decade, to be seen as "the face that runs the place." Cena's always known how to tell a story inside the ring and when he has an opponent in the ring that's equally skilled in that area, there's all sorts of nigh unlimited potential.

This past Monday, I think we saw another example that the boos and dueling chants he gets aren't indicative that he's unpopular. Personally, I think the Cena boos are an example of "what people do" at WWE shows. After all, how many times has Cena gotten huge ovations from everyone in attendance after his matches or how many matches of Cena's have the "this is awesome" chants broken out from everyone from kids to grown men?
He's always been an above average worker and just now...after all this time....they have decided to use him properly. See how he gets young wrestlers over without losing matches? It's a win-win situation for literally everyone involved. Cena. The new guys. The Fans. EVERYONE.

It's just 6 years too late.
But even still I am enjoying it very much.
See how he gets young wrestlers over without losing matches? It's a win-win situation for literally everyone involved. Cena. The new guys. The Fans. EVERYONE.

The only thing I hate about this is, the next night after Cesaro Mainevented Raw He's back on WWE - MainEvent. I don't see how it's a win-win situation in this context. WWE just wants to use Cesaro, Cody Rhodes and Bad News Barrett to put on quite good matches for the US Open Championship but not giving them a legitimate push or storyline.
I'm not part of the cenation but this guy is putting on 4-5 star matches all the time lately example with cesaro n Owens even rusev plus I love the open challenge all those R excellent matches
The only thing I hate about this is, the next night after Cesaro Mainevented Raw He's back on WWE - MainEvent. I don't see how it's a win-win situation in this context. WWE just wants to use Cesaro, Cody Rhodes and Bad News Barrett to put on quite good matches for the US Open Championship but not giving them a legitimate push or storyline.

I agree with this. It's not a win-win situation. Wrestlers put on a fantastic match with John Cena and then are forgotten about. They're not given a chance.
I agree with this. It's not a win-win situation. Wrestlers put on a fantastic match with John Cena and then are forgotten about. They're not given a chance.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Dean Ambrose challenged Cena and then went on to challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship for several months. Cody's father just passed away and he hasn't been on tv. Neville debuted against Cena and went on to be in the finals of the KotR, has been featured on Raw consistently and had a match with a former world champion in Chris Jericho literally 3 days ago. Sami Zayn was injured so he hasn't been on tv. Cesaro had a great match with Cena and was then given another match in the MAIN EVENT of the flagship program the following week and Kevin Owens has - with John Cena - given us the best part of Raw every Monday night.
I agree completely. John Cena has become a must see act every single week, with every single match, promo and PPV. I think that since Cena has become the U.S. champion, the critics have decreased. In fact I've been reading more Cena critics stating that he "isn't that bad".

He definitely has amazing matches on regular base, and I'm totally sure one of his matches against Owen is MOTY.

Anyway, yes, I do think this is the best John Cena.
John Cena is incredibly talent, a workhorse, a company man and probably is the most endeared superstar to Vince McMahon as an employee ever! John Cena has all the talent in the world to pull out all the moves he wants and would work hard at improving it. He keeps his moveset bland I would imagine to stay healthy, it is safe, and the fans eat it up. People here will rip on him for being boring, cookie cutter, needing a heel turn, however, he can bring his game to the next level which was stated here. His work with the Make A Wish Foundation solidifies how valuable he is to the company. I don't recall there ever being a rumor of him leaving WWE for other endeavors, and he will do whatever is asked of to improve the company. I honestly believe he has brought added prestige to the US Title, and WWE needs to capitalize on that when his run is over.

The only thing I never want to see is him tying Ric Flair's World Title record. It may be the old school in me being 36, however, I see no one touching Ric Flair in the ring and I feel he deserves to be recognized as the great World Champion ever.
i've always known he was better than he was putting on that was what made me mad he does the same moves and still won over other people who deserved it for the first time i didn't see him as super cena on monday i just seen john cena and also am i the only one that noticed when he was going for the 5 knuckle shuffle the fans were booing and he had a smile on his face
i've always known he was better than he was putting on that was what made me mad he does the same moves and still won over other people who deserved it for the first time i didn't see him as super cena on monday i just seen john cena and also am i the only one that noticed when he was going for the 5 knuckle shuffle the fans were booing and he had a smile on his face

Lol, I noticed it too. I think it's more like a "FU, I'm never turning heel and will always have a boring gimmick" type smile. Just my thoughts on it.
Can I be the first to mention he can't wrestle and only has the 5 moves of doom?

Joking apart Cena showed he could hang with that match against HBK many moons ago on Raw. Seen him have some great matches with Bryan, Cesaro and Punk before too. Cena is a multi talented individual.
John Cena has a great mind for the direction of matches, and is certainly a workhorse. My only criticism with his ring work is he can be rather sloppy executing moves, and you can blatantly hear him calling spots. But overall, he's a great wrestler.

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