IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.30.11

I chalk it up to todays combination of a fantastic HJ and perfect implants

but begrudgingly

say pretty damn good episode of Impact
-Not having a ton of commercials helped. Then again, it always does.

-I have a problem with D-Von pinning Samoa Joe. Yes, I'm going to be that guy.

-This Winter/Angelina thing bothers me. Winter drugs Angelina, for months, and she's fine with it? Whatever. Not like that story is important anyhow.

-Velvet cut a solid promo. Not too much, as I have come to expect from her. Basically, I didn't feel the need to choke her.

-The British Invasion could be my favorite tag team on the planet. Both guys are among my personal favorites. However, please, do not make Rob Terry the focus of that group. He's absolutely awful. Just needed to get that out.

-Scott Steiner can barely walk. He looks like throwing a punch causes him severe pain.

-Sting is freaking me out. In a good way. Then again, I'm a huge Sting mark, so I refuse to hate anything he does.

-Decent show. I wouldn't call it good, but, I rarely do.
It was a good show, but I'm not paying to see Gunner in the main event at Bound for Glory if that happens. Low Ki is back kicking ass, we get an awesome 4 way match next week, and Hernandez has to remind himself what is last name is by tattooing it and stitching it on his shorts. After Joe and AJ lost, I feel bad about Robert Roode's chances next week.
I don't have a problem with Devon pinning Joe as long as the story is all about Joe and not Devon, which it quite clearly was.

Joe cost himself the match as part of the story line they are telling with him; a storyline which is one hell of a lot more interesting that if they just had him have squash matches for five years... which is apparently what some people want given their tendency to pup up going "remember when Joe used to be dominant" every time he loses a match.

Rob Terry should, just as he used to, be featured exclusively in an enforcer role. I think the people backstage have got a handle on the idea that he's not going to improve in ring and will not keep him to throwing clotheslines and looking awesome.

I couldn't take Velvet's promo seriously though. I get that schizophrenic character changes are par for the course in wrestling, but having somebody who's gimmick for years was that she was a bully suddenly be complaining about being bullied... it's just silly.
Did they say if there's an X Division qualifier next week, and if it's new guys or old faces this time?
It was a good show, but I'm not paying to see Gunner in the main event at Bound for Glory if that happens. Low Ki is back kicking ass, we get an awesome 4 way match next week, and Hernandez has to remind himself what is last name is by tattooing it and stitching it on his shorts. After Joe and AJ lost, I feel bad about Robert Roode's chances next week.

The second they announced the match, I knew Roode was going down. I mean why push a guy who's busted his ass for the company and has actual talent when they can push a trainwreck green wrestler with nothing to him but a mean face right?
Bleugh, I hate new people. Given that I didn't recognize any of the free agents last week I think the odds of me having heard of anybody next week are slip. Still, we'll probably see more flips.
Bleugh, I hate new people. Given that I didn't recognize any of the free agents last week I think the odds of me having heard of anybody next week are slip. Still, we'll probably see more flips.

If I had to take a guess you most likely will know one of them.
Am I the only one that is glad they dropped the whole Angelina love zombie angle? I see a couple of people complaining that they just suddenly dropped the whole angle, but honestly this is one of the few situations that warrant it.

Granted, I would have been interested to see how ridiculous that storyline was gonna get(for fucks sake they were talking about being kindred spirits from century's ago), but im honestly happy they dropped it because that angle could have made the whole company look like a joke. That angle (had it ran its course and concluded) would have been a serious contender for the worst angle I've ever seen.
Am I the only one that is glad they dropped the whole Angelina love zombie angle? I see a couple of people complaining that they just suddenly dropped the whole angle, but honestly this is one of the few situations that warrant it.

Granted, I would have been interested to see how ridiculous that storyline was gonna get(for fucks sake they were talking about being kindred spirits from century's ago), but im honestly happy they dropped it because that angle could have made the whole company look like a joke. That angle (had it ran its course and concluded) would have been a serious contender for the worst angle I've ever seen.

I'm glad because given what they were saying, there were some very bad places that it could have gone.
As far as these BFG matches are going I really don't care much right now who wins. There is like 3 months left and everyone will have a bunch of wins and losses in the end. The only one who won't lose IMO will be Crimson until at least the very end.

All the wrestlers will fight each other multiple time. I mean Aj and Gunner have fought 3 times already. I wouldn't get your panties in a bunch over who is winning now.
Oh and also Impact Wrestling spoiler reports really suck they missed quite alot of the show this week including a match. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FORGET A MATCH? One with AJ Styles as well.
Yeah pretty good show tonight. I'm really looking forward to Destination X, but I don't have much faith that they can sustain my interest after Destination X if everything just goes back to reset mode after the PPV and it's just a one-off deal like last year's Hardcore Justice. I sincerely hope they keep some of these guys around, especially Austin Aries. I'd love to see Low Ki return full time as well, but I really don't see that happening.

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