I want you all to know

Whos the Jersey Triad? A bunch of Chinese Jersey Shore wannabes?

Oh heres one now

More along the lines of Norcal, IC and D-Man plus the mysterious J-Goose.

Hmm, well good thing Im a supporter of the 2nd amendment. Someone should film that shit, it would make Predator look like The Sound of Music, and I would be one of the few men in history to get a postmortem Oscar!
keep it up mother fucker, talk your shit about me, you'll end up getting fucking buried like the weak bitch you are.

Damn it boy, what have I told you about speaking like this? I feel like I should be hitting you in the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
Listen cunt, if I want spelling advice from anyone, I'll go talk to my 4th gr spelling bee teacher.


How about you ask your 4th grade spelling bee teacher what that spell

why dont you stick to what your good at, teaching people how to "flame on" like the gay fucking flamer *** it that you are.

Ok a.)for like 87th fucking time it's ******, not *** it, it you're gonna be a hateful homophobe, at least spell your homophobic slurs correctly jackass

and B.) I've been having far to much fun flaming your ass

you fucking disgust me pervert.

How the fuck does me correcting you're piss poor spelling make me a pervert?, do you even know what pervert means?:shrug:

go find some other guys ass to sniff you fucking pathetic loser.

LOL, I'm the pathetic loser, you're the hateful piece of shit hiding in the cage

you've been barking up my ass for far to long and now the fucking king of this world is telling you to take a fucking hike sicko.

:lmao::lmao::lol:king of this world?!?! please motherfucker you aren't even the king of the crapper, much less the world:rolleyes:

keep it up mother fucker, talk your shit about me,

That's kinda the plan monkey dick

you'll end up getting fucking buried like the weak bitch you are.

:rolleyes:please, I've been in wars with people on this forum that are far bigger than you will ever be, but I am have to admit I am curious as to how you plan on burying me, what you going to do unleash another barely readable idiotic verbal assault on full of mis-spelled insults?:rolleyes:
Ok a.)for like 87th fucking time it's ******, not *** it, it you're gonna be a hateful homophobe, at least spell your homophobic slurs correctly jackass
I'm not homophobic, I don't fear gays, they just sicken me. Secondly, you are definitely a homosexual. You don't like when I say *** it and the when you do something about you fling around words like "homophobe" like you are trying to make a case in court and accuse me of "bigotry" against gays.

Most of the people on the forum hate *** its, don't think anyone gives a fuck about you calling me a homophobe.

:rolleyes:please, I've been in wars with people on this forum that are far bigger than you will ever be,
Really, who were they?

I'm not here to play any fucking games with you. I just post and if people don't like what I say, fine, but when you stalk my entire life then it pisses me off and I put you in yur fucking place like the crying hard gay son of a bitch that you are.

No lyin.
I'm not homophobic, I don't fear gays, they just sicken me. Secondly, you are definitely a homosexual. You don't like when I say *** it and the when you do something about you fling around words like "homophobe" like you are trying to make a case in court and accuse me of "bigotry" against gays.
Most of the people on the forum hate *** its, don't think anyone gives a fuck about you calling me a homophobe.
Realy, who were they?
I'm not here to play any fucking games with you. I just post and if people don't like what I say, fine, but when you stalk my entire life then it pisses me off and I put you in yur fucking place like the crying hard gay son of a bitch that you are.
No lyin.

Sweet, been waiting for you to go there again. Haven't had a chance to really roast you like a pig since the name change.. You probably still have "JBPE" on your brain somewhere from the last time you decided you wanted to go at it. You don't have the verbal skills Jenks. You resort to pitiful insults, and borderline racist slang. Well that really isn't enough to derail me at all. justinsayne would murder you on here. You say you want respect, so, EARN some.
Sorry KB, am a little angry this morning. He seemed like the perfect punching bag. I'll let him go now.
I'm not homophobic, I don't fear gays, they just sicken me.

homophobia (ˌhəʊməʊˈfəʊbɪə)

— n
intense hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality

It's kinda funny how based on the definition of the word you in fact are a fucking homophobe isn't it

Secondly, you are definitely a homosexual. You don't like when I say *** it

LOL, I'm gay because I supposedly don't like that you keep saying "*** it"?:lmao:

A.)so by your logic the fact that I don't like the word "******" clearly must mean that I'm black, even though I'm clearly white

B.)I don't give a fuck that you say it, it's the fact that you keep mis-spelling it,

and the when you do something about you fling around words like "homophobe" like you are trying to make a case in court and accuse me of "bigotry" against gays.

I'm sorry I don't speak ******, can you please translate the part in bold to English please, thank you:)

Most of the people on the forum hate *** its

Yeah, I'd fucking love to see what proof you have of this:rolleyes:

Really, who were they?

Lady, I don't have the time or patience required to put that list together

I'm not here to play any fucking games with you. I just post and if people don't like what I say, fine,


but when you stalk my entire life then it pisses me off and I put you in yur fucking place like the crying hard gay son of a bitch that you are.

Yeah, clearly I've been stalking your entire life, how else could I possibly explain where I got a this picture of you

...good thing you put me in my place huh:rolleyes:

...but plenty of delusional bullshit

Yeah remember that whole don't feed the troll idea?

Meh, this was more fun
Ugh another good thread turned into an arguement with Jenks. I'm starting to think this guy has some kind of control over the cage
He's acting out. It's a cry for help I'm sure. I wish I could help him, but he's so deep in his woes that he'd just call me a "*** it" then prattle along with meaningless hate speech.

SAD Rox is SAD :(

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