Some WZ news I'm sure all of you will love...

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I officially submitted my two weeks notice to Wrestlezone yesterday, and will be wrapping up with the website on July 31st.

I won't be working Battleground this weekend as I'll be at SGC in Dallas, then I'm going to Arkansas to hang out with Chris Cash for a few weeks. In total I have 10 days of WZ still left on the schedule, and I would like to write one last editorial before I clock out.

I'm assuming the reaction to this will be somewhere between total apathy and mass excitement, but in all honestly, I really do love the WZ Forum community, and all the crap you guys have given me over the years (I deserved most of it).

I will probably make more of an attempt to hang around the Forums once I'm gone from the main page. I'm very much looking forward to taking a few weeks to not watch any wrestling, and eventually, to finally get to pick and choose what I actually want to support with my time and money.

Anyways, if you care at all - either in a positive or negative way - thanks for caring. It's been a really fun, crazy time. I'll never forget Dixie Carter calling Vince Russo in the middle of the night, to force him to fire me from a job I was doing for him as a favor. Good times, man. Good times.
You associated with Vince Russo. That's a wrong step in any direction.

At least you actually talk here. And don't do abysmal grammar errors like that moron, Paglino. So stick around.
Killam you were always one of the better writers on the main site. Hope you'll try and stick around for old times sake.
You associated with Vince Russo. That's a wrong step in any direction.

At least you actually talk here. And don't do abysmal grammar errors like that moron, Paglino. So stick around.

I think in a very real way Vince Russo is a genuinely good, kind-hearted individual. On a personal level I have nothing bad to say about him. He always treated me with a lot of respect and gratitude. I do think he's prone to overreacting and has become incredibly jaded and frustrated by what the internet has essentially transformed him into over the last decade. My opinions about him changed drastically when I actually got to work with him in a face-to-face capacity. He's a very smart, very creative dude.

That being said, you're not wrong.

You never plagiarized me that I know of so I don't mind you as much as some of the staff.

I never plagiarized anyone. Least of all you. Most of all you? I don't know. Not you.

Killam you were always one of the better writers on the main site. Hope you'll try and stick around for old times sake.

I got a pretty interesting offer this morning, so I may not be going as far as some people might think. It's too early to tell, but I may end up back in wrestling news sooner rather than later. Just hopefully more in a behind-the-scenes, editor/production kind of role. Even just dropping down to part-time with another website, I might be happy. I feel like I have too many contacts and friends in the business at this point to just walk away and never do anything with them again. It's easy money, and while I'm light-years away from being a Meltzer or an Avarez or a Johnson (even though he's a giant dick, no pun intended), I feel like I've got more to offer than most in the wrestling aggregation (aka "copy/paste") world. I definitely get much better feedback than my colleagues, in general.
I appreciate the interest and offers regarding the you know what possibly hooking up with the other you know what. Showed a lot of faith in me, and Im grateful for that.

All the best in your future endevours, sir.
I appreciate the interest and offers regarding the you know what possibly hooking up with the other you know what. Showed a lot of faith in me, and Im grateful for that.

All the best in your future endevours, sir.

Is this a sex thing? Yes, either way. Whatever it is, just yes.
Basically I want to know if the staff are aware how clickbaiting and shit the articles are. How annoying CSR is and how there seems to be no communication between each other (if I see Palingo post an article you've already posted again I may cry).
I never plagiarized anyone. Least of all you. Most of all you? I don't know. Not you.

Especially Lisa

But, Especially Bart
Was it " has released Killam from his contract. We wish him the best in his future endeavors."

Or was it "Wrestlezone and Killam have mutually agreed to part ways. We wish him the best in his future endeavors."

Or was it "fuck you Wrestlezone, I quit!"

Either way, best of luck in the future.
Was it " has released Killam from his contract. We wish him the best in his future endeavors."

Or was it "Wrestlezone and Killam have mutually agreed to part ways. We wish him the best in his future endeavors."

Or was it "fuck you Wrestlezone, I quit!"

Either way, best of luck in the future.

It's been a long time coming. I almost left after WrestleMania, but we worked out a new schedule to see if it would help, but it really didn't. No bad blood from anyone, I'm just ready to be gone.

Any chance that you change your mind and stay there?


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