
Why? I've been asking what makes Kofi so damn unique for a while now.. And I only get the, "He's African American and he can jump real high" crap.

A lot of people can jump high, does that mean they should I try and get into the WWE and maybe they too, will get a push?
He's certainly more unique than Santino. There are a bunch of people that can get cheap heat and do roll ups. Guys that can jump high: Kofi, Shelton, RVD, Sting, I could go on. What do those people all have in common? They're upper midcard at worst. Why hasn't Santino been in the main event, or even an important storyline yet? Oh that's right. HIS CHARACTER SUCKS IN THE RING.
i'd rather see manu with the IC belt than marella

Wouldn't be surprised to see that happen within the next six months, after the Orton stable gets going, Rhodes & Dibiase have the tag belts, Orton will eventually get the WHC, so that leaves Manu to capture the IC title, so that the new stable can have all the gold
Why? I've been asking what makes Kofi so damn unique for a while now.. And I only get the, "He's African American and he can jump real high" crap.

A lot of people can jump high, does that mean they should I try and get into the WWE and maybe they too, will get a push?

It could be his athletic ability and being able to put on entertaining matches, also he's a new fresh face, overall he's fun to watch, he entertains me with his matches, which is the whole point of professional wrestling in the first place
If there is such a call to the SFAC, it is probably because he is over.

All the guys who watch it are supposed to hate him, making him a great worker. Thanks for proving my point

Yeah wow, he's over with a bunch of internet wrestling nerds who are in a fake fan club on a wrestling forum:rolleyes:, seriously do you not see how fucking ridiculous your arguments are, just casue he's got a few loyal hardcore fans here on WZ doesn't mean he's fucking over in the big picture, that's like saying HBK and Taker winning the WZ tournament is a huge accomplishment
Yeah wow, he's over with a bunch of internet wrestling nerds who are in a fake fan club on a wrestling forum:rolleyes:, seriously do you not see how fucking ridiculous your arguments are, just casue he's got a few loyal hardcore fans here on WZ doesn't mean he's fucking over in the big picture, that's like saying HBK and Taker winning the WZ tournament is a huge accomplishment

If I've used this once, I'll use it again. It ALWAYS holds true...


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