If you could erase ONE title reign from each Championship in WWE....

*Fake Claps* Wow! What a great post.:rolleyes:

1. Your reason for Vince McMahon's exclusion is completely inappropriate. If old timers shouldn't be champs then you must exclude Ric Flair's and Fabulous Moolah's reign as well considering she was in her 50's or 60's when she won the belt.

2. Chyna was a powerful woman. She could thrash any normal wrestler and that is why she won the IC title. She fought against Jericho. She could wrestle and I don't think this was bad. Would you say the same thing if Kharma won a men's title?:disappointed:

3. If all the divas reign is erased, there would be no need for that title. What about Trish? What about Lita? What about Victoria? Missed them?

Sorry I dont mean to bust you out but Ric Flair's last WHC was during his 40's and to be exact 43. Excluding WCW for their lame bookings, Flair has never been a WWE world champion since then. Vince won the WWE championship when he was 54 in 1999 against HHH and he wasn't even a wrestler.

I have nothing against Chyna, so I agree with you.

But about the Divas, I think you didn't research or read it thoroughly *ahem* Fail. He didn't say DIVAS, he said DIVAS championship, which is different from the WOMEN'S Championship. The Divas championship has only been existing since 2008 and has been held only by Maryse, McCool, Eve, Kelly kelly, Mickie james, Natalya, Brie, Alicia, Jillian, and currently Beth Phoenix. Haha, sorry to bust you out like that but yea, do some more research.
*Fake Claps* Wow! What a great post.:rolleyes:

1. Your reason for Vince McMahon's exclusion is completely inappropriate. If old timers shouldn't be champs then you must exclude Ric Flair's and Fabulous Moolah's reign as well considering she was in her 50's or 60's when she won the belt.

2. Chyna was a powerful woman. She could thrash any normal wrestler and that is why she won the IC title. She fought against Jericho. She could wrestle and I don't think this was bad. Would you say the same thing if Kharma won a men's title?:disappointed:

3. If all the divas reign is erased, there would be no need for that title. What about Trish? What about Lita? What about Victoria? Missed them?
looj debunked you well above, so I'll just address number 2.

I don't think Chyna deserved to go over y2j. y2j is way better than her, she didn't deserve the strap. I'd've rather she have a Hogan-like reign of the women's title, chasing the IC and Euro titles while she squashily defends the women's title.

I don't know how you miscomprehended what I said about the Divas Title. This thread is about the titles, you shoulda understood what I meant.

I'll reiterate my indignation to the "divas title" replacing the prestigious women's title. How dare they do that to Lillian Ellison. By God. Fuck Vince McMahon.
HA easy Daniel Bryans current run i just dont like him its like after the elimination chamber its making everyone else look week that they are losing to daniel bryan ya hes a good wrestler but he will never be the biggest face or heel in my opinion. He cant ever be as popular as even santino and fans dont hate him even as much as say vicki guerrero or michael cole. Oh and shawn michaels when he beat bret hart montreal screw job .

Yea, I'm sure Daniel Bryan looked "WEEK", hard to see him look "STRUNG". Haha, but no, actually I think D Bry is the best Heel WHC we've seen in a long time next to Henry. I mean the last time we had a great Heel WHC was JBL, and don't say Batista because he was a face when he held it. D Bry's gimmick is freaken annoying but I love it how he puts that he can beat anyone. And most of all, he can actually wrestle and do promos.

And here for my thoughts,

World Heavy Weight Champion reigns
Jeff Hardy - Are you serious? SMH, I mean his build was so weak I didn't even know that he was in the main event picture and everybody knew he was leaving so he was basically having a pity reign, his title reign made me hated Smackdown. Even the face/heel unbuilt CM Punk gave the title some prestige. Hardy Destroyed the belt ever since until Henry.

Great Khali - I don't even have to say anything

Rey Mysterio - .....Are you serious bro? Pity reign again because of Eddie's death, Rey turned into a Cena type character and basically beat everybody to become WHC. I understand if he was a Heel or had help, but his reign was cartoony and cheesy. And most of all, wasn't he a "CRUISER WEIGHT" champion at one time? exactly....Destroyed the title right then and there.

Goldberg - I mean he fit the picture perfectly and coming from that he was a former WHC from WCW, he was perfect. But his short WWE career and his stupid ego made it crap. He wanted to be undefeated just like WCW but wasn't booked to and got mad and left. Horrible person with a stupid ego who should of never been a WWE world Champion, go back to WCW or what they call it now, TNA!

Jack Swagger - I actually liked it but his character was so boring as a champion, there was nothing accomplished for SD, for Us, and especially nothing for him.
WWE Champion

Rey Mysterio - Are you kidding me? Even though it was only for a week, it was a pity reign again. God please! Don't let him be champion again.

Cruiser Weight Champion

Hornswoggle - The reason why we don't have one right now....

Women's Championship

Batista - haha this is a joke, but when announcing his name at the end of a match, Lilian Garcia did announce him as the Women's Champion. So there you go, worst reign of all.
Sorry I dont mean to bust you out but Ric Flair's last WHC was during his 40's and to be exact 43. Excluding WCW for their lame bookings, Flair has never been a WWE world champion since then. Vince won the WWE championship when he was 54 in 1999 against HHH and he wasn't even a wrestler.

I have nothing against Chyna, so I agree with you.

But about the Divas, I think you didn't research or read it thoroughly *ahem* Fail. He didn't say DIVAS, he said DIVAS championship, which is different from the WOMEN'S Championship. The Divas championship has only been existing since 2008 and has been held only by Maryse, McCool, Eve, Kelly kelly, Mickie james, Natalya, Brie, Alicia, Jillian, and currently Beth Phoenix. Haha, sorry to bust you out like that but yea, do some more research.

Sorry to make you look like an idiot but I never said about the world title when I associated Ric Flair. I was talking about the tag titles and the IC Titles which he won when he was in the mid 50's. And sorry to bust you out even more, Ric Flair won 2 world titles alone in 2000. That is 11 years and some months ago and he was 50! What the hell is a lame booking? A title win is a win so you can't exclude that.

I know I misread about the Divas title so I have no beef with that... but you surely need to do more RESEARCH on Ric Flair.

Sorry if you bust out..
Sorry to make you look like an idiot but I never said about the world title when I associated Ric Flair. I was talking about the tag titles and the IC Titles which he won when he was in the mid 50's. And sorry to bust you out even more, Ric Flair won 2 world titles alone in 2000. That is 11 years and some months ago and he was 50! What the hell is a lame booking? A title win is a win so you can't exclude that.

I know I misread about the Divas title so I have no beef with that... but you surely need to do more RESEARCH on Ric Flair.

Sorry if you bust out..

Sorry about busting you out and making you do some little research, If its just tag team titles and IC titles that you're talking about then, hell there's nothing to complain. Guess we're just not on the same page, since youre talking about small titles then sure, anybody can be champion. Hell, Hogan can be US champion for all I care. But when we're talking about title reigns, we're mostly talking about WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, ones that are actually "Important" now days. Since he guy above mentioned "VINCE MCMAHON" as the WWF Champion, I thought you would be using Ric Flair as an example of a "World champion" at an old age. See where I'm coming from? You can't just talk about Hornswoggle as a Cruiser weight champion and then talk about The Rock as the WWF champion. See the connection? There's none, so sorry to bust you out but use better examples, and btw, Don't tell me to research about Flair when Flair didn't become Tag Team Champ until 2003-2004, not 2000 "alone". Haha. And what I meant by lame booking was that WCW basically gave almost any icon the WHC, even David Arquette for god sake! Now don't ask me what do I mean by "LAME". Haha. Do more research about Flair and do more research about WCW.

Do more research. Sorry to bust you out again.
I am going to take a slightly different route and decide based on how the Title harmed a wrestler rather than how a certain person harmed the title's prestige.

WWE: Kane. This ruined his appeal as a monster heel for me. Stone Cold won the title back one day after. Kane would have made a great heel champ if he held it for more than a month (his recent reign with the WHC was basically what should have happened back then) The recent reign had a great payoff for Edge who looked was cemented as a great baby face because of his win. Something that Edge had struggled to do before hand. Basically, Kane's first world championship reign was a waste in every sense. (Note: Undertaker's first reign was bad as well, but didn't stunt his character like Kane's reign did.)

WHC: Jack Swagger. Before then Swagger seemed like he could be built up to be a legitimate main event heel. After it I barely want to see him hold the US Title. Swagger's WHC reign put a massive roadblock in his career and his development that he still hasn't overcome.

Intercontinental: Wade Barrett. Wade was competing for the world title, he managed to get some dirty wins against Cena, (which is rare for any wrestler let alone a rookie) and he was performing well enough to be in the main event still. Then they gave him the Intercontinental title, which would have been fine if the title had the prestige it used to. At the time the title meant next to nothing and it just made Wade look like a midcarder. It was a long time before he even got another world title shot and a long time before he would compete against a main eventer after his Intercontinental reign.

US: Zack Ryder. I had no problem with him winning the Title, it was the right choice. But for some reason since winning the title they basically destroyed his character in every way, plus the US title forced Ryder to have to act out other emotions such as disappointment etc which he just can't do. I end up laughing every time Ryder shows up now, but I'm never laughing with him. Ryder was definitely someone who was better off chasing the title rather than holding it. That being said, it didn't have to go that way but WWE let it happen and the title reign basically took out one of their top merchandise movers.

Diva's Championship: This is the only title where I don't think any of the holders were harmed by their reign. It revealed things like Kelly and Brie not being able to wrestle but that was already assumed before hand. I guess the worst was Melina's second reign (the one that was ended in the title unification) it was a short reign and seemingly put an end to Melina's return push afterwards. After that her only major moment was challenging Natalya to the Diva Championship which Melina jobbed in quite fast.

I think that title reigns for undeserving champs has been quite well covered already in this topic so I decided to take a different approach.
WWE Title - Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 9 - Should have left well enough alone and kept Yoko as the champ. All the reign did was devalue Bret Hart. It took a year for Yoko AND sacrificing the Undertaker for a year to undo the damage.

World/WCW/NWA - They are the same belt as far as I am concerned Vince Russo... David Arquette at least was part of a marketing gimmick for the movie, there WAS (admittedly a flawed) point at the time. Russo's reign was pure ego booking, he could make himself champ so he did.

IC Title - Dean Douglas got the belt for 2 minutes when Shawn got the crap beat out of him by Marines for being an assclown. Only for Razor to come right in and take it off him. Classic Kliq in action and devalued the title terribly. At that time a tournament would have had some great upside, with Goldust, Bam Bam, Owen Hart and even Waylon Mercy (this was right before he got the injury).

US Title - Jim Duggan Just to know know what would have happened if Austin hadn't "slipped on Duggan" in 94, the injury that put him of Eric's radar...

Tag Team Titles - Billy & Chuck - Bloody awful as a team and annoying to boot... Billy and Rico I could have bought, but Palumbo was just beyond bad during that run.
I'm going to go with the majority and chose Dolph Ziggler.
He just wasnt quite ready for a reign last year, and to give him a 10 minute reign was pointless. Poor guy really should have his 1st title reign a memorable one instead of a cheap 10 minute victory where he was handed the belt. So technically.. to me he didn't even win it.

John Cena in September 2011
So Alberto finally wins his 1st WWE Championship. In my opinion, he didn't quite live up to the hype but WWE never really gave the guy a chance. They would rather give Cena a pointless two week reign. Why? Just so he can add another tally on how many times he's been WWE Champion? That swap really hurt Del Rio as a credible champion for which he wasn't considered a credible champion is his second reign

I Know there have been WORSE champion's (Albert, Dean Douglas, Chyna) But this totally devalued the title giving it to Big Zeke - Ezekial Jackson. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Jackson (When used correctly) But this guy should never have been Intercontinental champion.

It's a no brainer for me.. Didnt even need to think about this choice. Orlando Jordan.
The guy was given the title when JBL screwed Cena out of the belt. Sure, I didn't mind Jordan having the belt because Cena was going to go over JBL for the WWE title at Mania 21. But his reign should of lasted a few weeks. At best. He fueded with great's such a Heidenreich...:wtf: I would of popped him in a fued & dropped the title to Booker T when he had his mini fued with Christian going on.

I was going to pick Otunga & McGillicutty because that reign was useless. But I'm going to go with John Cena & The Miz.
Complete waste of a reign. What was it.. 15.. 10 minutes? The tired out story of two WrestleMania opponents becoming tag team champions. We saw it back in 2007 with Shawn Michaels and yes! John Cena. Just made The Corre and the belts look ridiculous.

Brie Bella
. Enough said
Sorry about busting you out and making you do some little research, If its just tag team titles and IC titles that you're talking about then, hell there's nothing to complain. Guess we're just not on the same page, since youre talking about small titles then sure, anybody can be champion. Hell, Hogan can be US champion for all I care. But when we're talking about title reigns, we're mostly talking about WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, ones that are actually "Important" now days. Since he guy above mentioned "VINCE MCMAHON" as the WWF Champion, I thought you would be using Ric Flair as an example of a "World champion" at an old age. See where I'm coming from? You can't just talk about Hornswoggle as a Cruiser weight champion and then talk about The Rock as the WWF champion. See the connection? There's none, so sorry to bust you out but use better examples, and btw,Don't tell me to research about Flair when Flair didn't become Tag Team Champ until 2003-2004, not 2000 "alone". Haha. And what I meant by lame booking was that WCW basically gave almost any icon the WHC, even David Arquette for god sake! Now don't ask me what do I mean by "LAME". Haha. Do more research about Flair and do more research about WCW.

Do more research. Sorry to bust you out again.

Sorry to make you look like an idiot again but I wrote Ric Flair had 2 reigns alone in 2000. It means he had 2 WORLD Championship reigns in the year 2000 alone. When did I say he won the tag titles on 2000? See how stupid you look now? Lol. Telling me to do something which you are not. Lol.

So you cannot tell me to research more because it seems you know more than me.:rolleyes:
WWE Championship
Everybody is dissing the storyline from Money in the Bank till S. Series... I don't think it's that bad... Sure, they could have done more with it but hey, There's a lot of worse ones! But yeah, it's bad that Cena got a lot of reigns from it... I think I'm gonna go with Kane's reign, as it really ruined his image for me for the first time of many...

World Heavyweight Championship
The Great Khali... Grumble Grumble Grumble, Jack Swagger Grumble Grumble Grumble... Just can't decide...

Intercontinental Championship
Ezikiel Jackson, just for the fact that his feud with Wade Barrett and his reign combined were almost a half year long and nobody remembers it.

United States Championship
Swagger is doing nothing... wasn't this supposed to be the thing that brings his relevance back? Yeaaaah, not so much...

Diva's Championship
Just anything by the Bella twins

WWE Tag Team Championship
The Hart Dynasty could come as a shock... I loved the tag team, I just feel that MAYBE, just MAYBE they were getting back on track with everything, but This was the start of another decline of these titles...
William Regal in 2008. It ended the Honkameter angle with Santino, which had enormous potential if they had let him break the record. Then what did Regal do with this reign? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea what you're talking about? The Honkameter angle had enormous potential but Regal's reign is the worst? Santino used his reign as comedy? That's good for a title? Regal brought importance to the title. He defended it in good matches. And he did something not many champs do. He actually made a tournament where only the winner of the tourney could face him. That made the title very important. When CM Punk won the tournament, he had three great matches with Punk. Seriously, dude.


WWE Title: Big Show's 2002 reign. Not only because I greatly dislike Big Show, but it was unnecessary to put the WWE Title on him just to turn Heyman on Lesner and turn Lesner face. They could have easily done it while keeping the title on Lesner. Show brought nothing to the title. I was relieved when Angle won it a month later.

World Title: The Great Khali's. Not only did the reign suck, but he's The Great Khali. The guy can't wrestle for his life. He can barely walk. Not a good choice for champion.

Intercontinental Title: Albert. Sure, he's great now in NJPW, but does anyone remember this reign? You're welcome guize. I just reminded you all that Albert was Intercontinental Champ. It was sooo irrelevant.

United States Title: Bret Hart. He won it from a rising star. It's not like it was the only thing they could do to reward Hart for everything he's done. It's only the US Title. He became GM the next week!

WWE Tag Team Titles: John Cena and David Otunga. Pointless, period.

Diva's Title: Brie Bella. No real reason. She was just a terrible champ.
WWE Title- Hard to choose really as there are so many rubbish and underserved title reigns. Any 24hr reign such as Kane springs to mind. I'm tempted to pick the reigns that lasted less than a day such as Triple H, Orton etc but I find it hard to recognise them as title reigns.

Therefore i will choose...

Bob Backlund (#2)- WWE actually did a good job of building up an irrelevant former champion nobody of my generation had ever heard of into a believable crazy heel. His title win was a true :wtf: moment... then he loses it 3 days later in a 7 second match to Diesel. He could have held the belt for a while and become a hated heel maybe losing the belt to Diesel a few months later but instead he gets a title run that nobody remembers.

(dis)honorable mentions- Edge (#1), Hulk Hogan (#3,4,5 & 6), Undertaker (#1), both of Alberto Del Rio's, Yokozuna (#1 although I am reluctant to recognise it) and at least half of John Cena's.

World Heavyweight- Dolph Zigglers "reign" springs to mind as well but I really cannot accept him as a "former world champion".

My choice therefore is...

Christian (#1)- Number 2 was nothing special either but his 1st title win was a huge let down. Sure WWE used it to turn him heel but his dropping the belt a few days after winning it was a huge anti climax.

(dis)honourable mentions- Both Undertaker title runs, CM punk (#1), Jeff Hardy (both), Rey Mysterio (both), Great Khali and Jack Swagger.

Intercontinental title-I could talk for ages about how undervalued the belt has become. However 1 man springs to mind when I think of horrible champions.....

Albert- Seriously what was the point? He beat Kane which was to me a big shock then falls back into lower card obscuitybefore losing the belt and never getting to that level again.

(dis)honourable mentions- Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Chyna, The run where Chris Jericho couldnt even be bothered wearing the belt (8 or 9 I forget which), Dean Douglas, Big Zeke, Jeff Hardy (#1), Kane (both), Booker T.

United States- Quite a list to choose from. I recall a footballer getting the belt in WCW but I didnt watch back then so wont choose that instead I will pick...

Finlay- In my opinion Finlay belonged nowhere near any championships in the WWE unless they bought back the Hardcore title. I dont remember much about his reign but I do remember wondering why he was chosen.

(dis)honourable mentions- R Truth, Chris Kanyon, Rhyno, Tajiri, Kurt Angle, Mr Kennedy, Jack Swagger (although could prove me wrong).

Tag Team- These titles should have been retired 10 years ago. There are so many terrible title reigns its hard for me to choose so I will go with...

Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie- Blink and you'll miss it!

(dis)honourable mentions- John Cena and The Miz, Shawn Michaels and Jean Cena, Shawn Michaels and Diesel (#2), Men on a mission, Rikishi and Rico, Ric Flair and Roddy Piper, The Hart Dynasty and many many more....

Diva's- Honestly I couldnt care less about this title and the belt is awaful. However at a push I choose...

Jillian Hall- Might have actually been the womens title she won I cant remember nor be bothered to look. Fact is she was disrespected with a short pointless reign.

(dis)honourable mentions- Alicia Fox, The Bella twin

(Incidentally can anyone imagine Karma carrying a butterfly belt?)

Retired championships

WCW- 2 words- David Arquette. Another 2 words- Vince Russo. Basically if they can be world champion so can I!

(dis)honorable mentions- Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner (I'm sorry Steiner fans but he was terrible!).

Hardcore- Pretty much every title reign but I will choose...

The Undertaker- Not sure why he won it and he clearly didnt want it.

ECW (wwe version)- Vince Mcmahon and Big Zeke share the spoils. Vince basically wiped his arse with the belt and Zeke had no reason to win it nor has it ever been mentioned since.

(dis)honourable mentions- Big Show (made it clear the ECW title was not an official world title when he said he hadnt been a world champion in 9 years), Lashley (#2)- what was the point?

All just my personal opinions people.
I am only going to focus on one and that is The Great Khali's World Heavyweight Title reign.

It was an insult to wrestling fans anywhere. To put the title on such a limited wrestler was a disgrace. The man had not had a single decent match at that point, and did not deserve to be in that position. The World Championship should be given to someone who can carry the company and can legitimately claim to be the best in the business at that time.

Khali as Champion was just an embarrasment for the company. These days it isnt enough just to be big, you have to have something more. Khali had no wrestling skill, no mic skill, no experience and no ability to cover to up his flaws. He was, and is, appalling.
World - Jack Swagger (4-2-10)

WWE - Sheamus (12-13-09)

Intercontinental - Chyna (10-17-99)

US - Steve McMichael (8-21-97)

Tag Team - Bull Buchanan and Godfather (11-6-00)

You guys are going to make me explain each one, really?

Swagger was in no position at that time to be holding any major title, let alone the World Heavyweight Championship. I know Vince is scared that he's running out of top stars but this was a desperate move on his part. This was very un-Vince like and I would remove this title reign in a heart beat.

The same thing goes for Sheamus for the WWE title. He just wasn't ready. He was a great heel and would have made an excellent US/IC champ....but putting the WWE title, the #1 wrestling title in the world, on Sheamus at this time was sickening. He is MUCH better suited now for a world title and I hope he gets it at Mania next month. Again, nothing against these wrestlers...but the timing was complete crap.

The rest are just ridiculous. Steve McMichael?? Sure he was a "4 Horseman" but who cares. He was crap in the ring and putting the title on him when there were 5 or 6 others that were much more qualified to carry the strap made me sick.

Chyna winning the IC title is right up there with David Arquette winning the WCW world title. I didn't put that one on there because I figured everyone would. It ruins the title legacy. Chyna was a WOMAN who should have been competing for the WOMENS championship but instead she was beating up dudes winning the prestigious Intercontinental title. Vince, again, had his head up his ass.

Bull Buchanan and Godfather should never have been a tag team...they sucked. So of course they became tag champs, it was common for this time in the World Wrestling Federation.
WWE Title - Mankind holds the belt for a day. Just irritating, especially considering that Mick deserved WAY more.

WHC - Big Slow holds the belt for :45.

IC Title - When Jericho and Chyna held the belt together.

US Title - Swagger

Tag Titles - Too many to name, I'll pick one of Kane's 9000 random runs with someone, you pick!

Women's Title - All of them. Ever. Women can't wrestle.

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