Hardy Boyz Return!!!

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irishrennisance said:
I dont think the Hardys should reunite...Whats the point? Jeff isnt into wrestling like his brother, and Matt is having a good run on his own right now despite being buried here and there, hes still very over with the smackdown fans and gets some of the loudest pops at house shows....A Hardy reunion in WWE just doesnt make sense business wise, and it would only demote Hardy going from a single to tag action again
How could it be consided a demontion? How many fueds has he had since being on SD? Yes he was in the MITB match at Mania 22 but how many one on one matches has he been in on PPV's since moving to SD? He is currently going nowhere but Release-ville. If he is re united with Jeff and they go after the tag titles he will at least be in a fued and make a PPV apperence. It's not all about whats best for him anyway (although obvouisly I believe this would be best). WWE's tag team division needs a shot in the arm before it dies. Rumours of Shelton/Hass hooking up again along with the Hardy rumours make me think finally the tag team division will be re born. Are you telling me Matt would rather face Simon Dean on Velocity than take on the worlds greatest tag team at a PPV? The first option is the level he's at now/the second option is the level he could be at if the Hardys re unite. Which would be more attracrtive to you if you were Matt?:wwf:
Personally I could do without Jeff Hardy or a Hardy Boys reunion.

If WWE wants to bring in a spot monkey, they should consider someone like Jack Evans who has even better aerial offense and can actually wrestle if he's knocked loopy from missing a spot like say a Double Moonsault or a Phoenix 630.
jonn_15 said:
The WWE has contacted Jeff to do a Hardy Boyz reunion near the end of the Summer, also Matt is due to be getting a push on Smackdown! soon so i doubt he would join TNA

At this stage I really find it hard to believe that Matt Hardy would get a push. He is basically the # 2 face jobber after Scotty 2 Hotty on the SmackDown! brand. He made his bed when he signed a long-term deal, so now he has to lie in it.

The optimist's way of looking at it is that he can pay the bills and then some, and he's getting jiggy with Ashley Massaro, so being Matt Hardy isn't all that bad. However, if he enjoys being able to perform and the competitive aspect of the business, he may be disappointed. I really would be very surprised if he gets another push, even if Jeff Hardy comes back since tag teams are very low priority for WWE right now.
Jeff kicked matts ass back than and that was their last fued with each other
Jeff HArdys contract with Tna didnt expire cuz hes still on their roster and they dont want to loose him his products sell big time...They might want to use him...He has appeared on house shows so who knows....
yeah but he has also appeared at Smackdown! tapings and Raw house shows
I think that they should reuinte The Hardy Boyz and The Worlds Greatest Tag Team and also bring Kane to Smackdown and reunite the Brothers of Destruction
dude, the hardy's were cool back in the day...but them breaking up only made me realize that Matt is awesome and jeff sucks.. all jeff got is spots
If there is going to be a Hardy Boyz reunion it will most likely be under some type of storyline. At least I hope so. A Hardy Boyz reunion out of nowhere like that will make absolutely no sense, so my guess is that the WWE is cooking up a storyline involving Matt and having Jeff come to his aid or something. I hope it goes that way because I am looking foward to this reunion as long as they go to their Attitude "Team Extreme" days.
fatts said:
dude, the hardy's were cool back in the day...but them breaking up only made me realize that Matt is awesome and jeff sucks.. all jeff got is spots

Did matt ever get a shot at the Undisputed title? Did Matt risk his body more than Jeff did? Get someone to help and find out who the better Hardy is
^Just because he got a title shot for the WWE title doesn't mean anything, It's like saying just because John Cena's a two time WWE Champ makes him a good wrestler. Titles have nothing to do with talent
I have heard that if Jeff did come back they would have a Hardy Boyz reunion for a couple of months and then have Matt want to go back to singles wrestling and it would get a feud going and after a few months they would have a type of MITB match where the winner gets a shot at the WHC at the next PPV and the loser leaves Smackdown! As a result of this Matt will get a shot at the WHC and Jeff will become successful in ECW.

Again this is just a rumour, but personally i do like the sound of it.
jonn_15 said:
I have heard that if Jeff did come back they would have a Hardy Boyz reunion for a couple of months and then have Matt want to go back to singles wrestling and it would get a feud going and after a few months they would have a type of MITB match where the winner gets a shot at the WHC at the next PPV and the loser leaves Smackdown! As a result of this Matt will get a shot at the WHC and Jeff will become successful in ECW.

Again this is just a rumour, but personally i do like the sound of it.

sounds pretty cool
HighflyaTNA said:
Did matt ever get a shot at the Undisputed title? Did Matt risk his body more than Jeff did? Get someone to help and find out who the better Hardy is
yea, you really told me..
I personally would like to see Jeff on Raw instead of Smackdown! if he returns to WWE. But a reunion between both of them is preety anticipated in my part anyways.
I always liked Jeff and the Hardy Boyz, I still like Matt, don't know why they're not giving him the push he deserves. Remember at Taboo tuesday, they were pushing for people to vote for JBL but they ended voting for Mysterio and Matt... and Matt was the one who go the most votes. Wwe always seems to spit on what the fans think.
I think that the Hardy Boyz return will be pretty good, but I think it'll get dull after a while, and eventually they'll go one on one for some really great matches.
^^Yea MR>KENNADY...........KEN....ADY Undeafted streak has ENded
I think they could find use for Jeff Hardy. After a hardy reunion fun its course they could send him to ecw. Also a potential hardy vs hardy feud. Jeff Hardy can get it done in a extreme environment as seen in TNA.
I can't believe they had Matt Hardy defeat Mr. Kennedy! I hope this doesn't hurt Kennedy's push at all. At least it was a sneaky possum pin that Hardy used, so maybe Kennedy will be able to bounce back from this.
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