Did ya'll ever think that maybe, just maybe .. that during the Orton vs Barret match that Cena with hit the AA on Barret giving Orton the Win and making Cena stay in Nexus. All for the reason to be the next night of Raw Cena Heel turn begins when they kick Barret out of the group because Cena wanted to stay in Nexus to take it over and he is revealed to be the mastermind of taking Undertaker out and that leads to there match at WM .. just a thought
As I read all the responses, it seems everyone is making good valid points. The one thing I think we all agree on is that Cena is definitely turning heel. It's not a question of if, but a question of when. The key to it though, is making sure that the turn is monumental. As some posters have said, the turn needs to be something special. I realize that today's wrestling world in now way compares to that of the Attitude Era, but we need a turn that is somehow as shocking as Hogan joining the NWO. In this day and age, I am just not sure that is possible. I really hope the payoff is worth the wait.
If Cena is to turn heel and the WWE wants to do it in a way that actually might make the smallest iota of sense, here's what they should do:

Logically (I know, that word and wrestling creative teams..) Cena could not be in on Nexus from the beginning. If he was, then he's taken too many chair shots to the head in his lifetime. Why do you call on a ruthless gang to beat you senseless week after week and cost you titles? You don't. So he's not the mysterious leader that was mentioned once and then never heard of again.

So since he isn't the Master of Puppets, he's just a part of the group. Next week on Raw, have him do something that causes him to be jumped by a gaggle of superstars (don't ask me what could be done to trigger this, they had their chance after Hell in a Cell PPV to set this angle in motion and they missed an opportunity). Cena is getting beat, and the Nexus comes out, clears the ring, don't even necessarily help Cena to his feet after. Leave him there, but not being beat up anymore.

Nexus could try to explain away their hostility towards previously him as hazing, and he's passed and a member now. No more humiliation. No more embarrassing situations. Hell, it could even be just them saying they were protecting an asset of the Nexus. He's a part of the pack...Throw Cena into an ethical dilemma. What's his slogan? Hustle Loyalty and Respect. While he disagrees with Nexus, they did just save him from being beat down by the Raw locker room and have stopped doing all the things to him that he can't stand. Let that stew for a couple weeks or a month see him struggle with his new reality.

Now we're at the PPV and Orton v. Barrett for the title with Cena as the referee. And what do you know? Cena makes his decision that is supported on logic, reason and story and helps Barrett win the title and fully joins the Nexus as a heel to go onto Wrestlemania to face off against the Undertaker.

There. I've turned Cena heel in the most effective storyline logical way possible without rewriting too much of the history already laid down and everyone gets what they want. IWC and Vince get the heel turn they desire, kids get a super heel to boo but more importantly: You get a free way out! If you hate Cena as a heel, have Nexus violate the same code of ethics that made him question himself in the first place and turn him back if you want to sell more t-shirts.

You're Welcome.
Did anyone catch the backstage segment when Cena yelled at Barrett about the tag title match and said "That was bush-league out there. WE never do that..."?

I don't think that was a slip. It implies that Cena helps run Nexus.

If that's true then you could link Cena to the "top secret" reasons for the elimination of the Undertaker, which would set up the WM 27 potential match.

Just a thought.
a gud heel turn for Cena at sseries by having Barett and Orton going at it for a long while and when Orton makes an RKO and have Cena and barett attacking Orton (the fans look shocked) the have triple h return during the match to a big ovation only to have him come to the ring and pedigree Orton. barett goes for the cover. Now we have a new wwe.c with hhh and Cena raising baretts hands with the rest of the nexus coming out (fans look ultra shocked). And i can see a good heel turn for Cena and maybe the game
How about this? Some people maybe expecting a Cean heel turn at Survivor Series, but how about this instead. Cena helps Barret win and reluctantly does the 3 count only to keep his job. He raises Barrets hand and gives him the title. He is now done with his duties in Nexus. So what does he do? He beats the shit out of Barret. Gives him an AA and slaps on the STF and maybe one more AA for good measure. His music hits and when he gets out of the ring all of a sudden we hear...........AWESOME!!!!!!!! Miz cashes in and Cena is relieved of his duties. WWE creative have done an amazing job with getting Miz and Money in the Bank off of our minds and they finally have a chance to wow and stun us all. What do you guys think?
Does anyone else see the slow rehash of Summerslam 1997?

Itll be a similar scenario that HBK had being the ref of Bret/Taker, probably become a heel based on the fact that it meant more to him to get out of nexus than it would to prevent him from being champ, I would be surprised if the storyline doesnt play out similarly.
@HardCore Frank - That makes sense. The Money in the Bank case has become more of a prop since The Miz has had it for so long... I started to forget that he hasn't cashed that in amidst this other championship storyline.
He is now done with his duties in Nexus. So what does he do? He beats the shit out of Barret. Gives him an AA and slaps on the STF and maybe one more AA for good measure. His music hits and when he gets out of the ring all of a sudden we hear...........AWESOME!!!!!!!! Miz cashes in and Cena is relieved of his duties. WWE creative have done an amazing job with getting Miz and Money in the Bank off of our minds and they finally have a chance to wow and stun us all. What do you guys think?

Miz works too well as a heel. If Barrett wins the title, Miz won't cash in. If he cashed in on Barrett it would lead to audience confusion as to who to cheer for. There would be cheers for Barrett losing the title, but that would give the Miz the title, so people would boo that. The confusion would lead to a muddy reaction.

Only way your specific scenario works is if creative plans to then change Miz or Barrett face.

That being said if Orton wins, I could see a possible cash in, but the aftermath of the match would probably be focused and dedicated to Barrett and Cena
I was thinking about this...If they want to fool us, they could try something really really odd & different. Simply put, have Cena call a fair match to the end, and both of them are down and he has to decide who to hit. He then grabs Orton and gives him an AA (or a chairshot). Barrett gets up and barks orders at him, Cena then does the same to Barrett. Then the Nexus comes down and starts yelling at Cena and circle him like they're going to beat him down.

Then, out of the blue they beat teh living **** out of Barrett (and Orton, too, if they like) with Cena having this evil smile on his face. Cut to the next night on Raw with Barrett going ballistic and calling for Cena's head...The lights dim in & out, the computer speaks and says "Barrett, the stipulation was that Cena is a member of Nexus. The Nexus used to follow your every command but now they are a group that is no longer led by you."

And have him become the new leader of the Nexus. Thoughts?
I, personally have been waiting for this for years. The only thing that concerns me is that Cena is such a cash cow as a face that a heel turn at this point in his popularity, I think, would be a bad business decision.
You are right but, what about when Swagger cashed in on Jericho?

True, both heels. However, if you listen to the reactions to that match: It's more negative than positive when Swagger calls for a ref. They chant for the title match to start (because it's a title match and everyone gets excited when they might get to see a title change hands). Then like the sheep we all are, they count out the 1-2-3 (which happens nearly every match regardless of heel or face), and then the mixed reaction I called for in your Miz/Barrett scenario takes hold. Sure, there are some cheers for Swagger right at the moment of victory but its a really mixed bag leaning towards negative.

It's not something Creative should strive towards. Moments need to be clear or else it requires backtracking or further air time to explain why you wrote what you did.

(I'm no good embedding into forums, so if it didn't embed here's the url for the Swagger/Jericho match
Cena will turn heel by helping Barrett win the titles but he won't be Nexus. Then, he could get into a fued with Randy Orton. I know this fued has been done over and over but every time its Cena = Face, Orton = Heel. This time it will be Orton = Face, Cena = Heel. Gr8 fued. Orton could walk away with the fued. And as far Nexus is concerened (sorry for the spelling) they will disband after each of them have a title. I created a thread stating this.
The way it looks a Cena heel turn is going to be very subtle. Cena will cost Orton the title, but not to join Nexus. Him willingly costing Orton will be the turning point. The fans will look to him as caving in and helping the Nexus. Cena will feel that the fans TURNED ON HIM, for not understanding why he did what he did. It will be his passion for the WWE, and his desire to be free from the Nexus that will lead to his downfall.
Cena will become dispirited with the fans not supporting him, and for this he will make it clear that he is no longer one of them; he is Nexus.
Why does everyone expect there to be a new leader of Nexus. Seriously? Whats wrong with Wade Barrett, I'd rather have him be leader of Nexus, bringing someone else in as "true" leader would just be stupid in my opinion.
Why does everyone expect there to be a new leader of Nexus. Seriously? Whats wrong with Wade Barrett, I'd rather have him be leader of Nexus, bringing someone else in as "true" leader would just be stupid in my opinion.

I know the only reason I think it is because it has been mentioned once (or twice at most) that there exists some higher power forcing the hand of Nexus. Can't give you the exact time it was said, I know it was on a Raw around the time Nexus formed.

I don't think anything is wrong with Barrett as a leader, but I'm going on the assumption that Creative will follow through on a tid bit of knowledge they dropped about there being someone else. And yes, bringing in the "true leader" would stink horribly of the Corporate Ministry.

Though the connection between the Anon. GM and a potential "True Leader" could be a route to go.
Cena may turn heel if he wants to not Vince and as far as the Taker match for this upcoming years Mania is currently not goin happen as it's been reported that he needs major shoulder surgery and will be out for a while past Mania as his body ain't like it was 20 yrs ago he a beatted down man now w/ major body issues. Now back to the OP Cena's heel turn will be a refresher to his image n if it doesn't work out they can easily turn him back face 'Cause Johnny boy will be ok either way. Just look at Stone Cold, The Rock, The Undertaker, Kane, Edge, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle The Dudleyz, Hogan or A.J. Styles as examples of the heel-face-heel-face thing as proof it would work for Cena as well. All the guys in that list know how to work the crowd as does Cena. So if a heel turn would help Cena from his "Staleness to Freshness" the so b it. I will always b part of the Cenation. So hate on this hatas.
I don't think the groundwork for a heel turn has been put in place just yet but I do think the groundwork for a fued between Barrett and Cena has been put in place because of the Undertakers injury there might not even be a heel turn like Vince wanted to do for Mania. I think that Barrett will win the title only to lose it minutes later to the Miz. This is my prediction for Survivor Series. Barrett wins the title clean and starts to celebrate and then Miz comes out and says he wants to cash in his money in the bank title match and Cena who is now free to do whatever the hell he wants gives Barrett an AA and Miz wins the title.
i agree with all the people saying cena vs undertaker at mania. so heres my thought. cenas real condition with nexus was to have them set up and attack taker at bragging rights and take him out. if you recall when we had rapper cena back in the day, he was pissy that undertaker was showing somebody else attention that was a young pup and needed guidance. cena was bitching that undertaker turned his back on him when he was a youngster jus starting out. it could give him enough of a reason to have nexus jump him and take him out without being blamed or tied to it. kane is not the leader nor is cena himself. cena set up undertaker and this will be his real induction into nexus...........or he made false promises and is really setting up nexus to be dismantled. cena cant take out nexus so he gets nexus to jump taker knowing that he will return looking for vengenge and bam nexus is hit. i know im probably way off, but what the hell, its a forum. thats what forums are for, crazy speculation
I think that if Cena and Nexus turn on Barrett they will be cheered. It would not work for them to turn Cena heel this way. The heat on Nexus is all through Barrett because he is the one in control. So if Nexus turns on him people will see them fighting back against the bad guy so they will be treated as good guys. Cena will not turn heal by joining Nexus because I feel that he is such a major face that the crowd would cheer the group joining him instead of them booing him joining the group
Honestly, everyone is talking about starting a cena/taker setup for wrestlemania. Say youre right, Cena turns heel and admits he called for the attack on the Undertaker. Would creative be able to expand that feud all the way until wrestlemania? Especially with Undertaker going under for surgery, it wouldnt work. No, I agree with everyone out there saying Barrett will win, then Cena will beat the shit out of him leading to Miz coming to cash in. Also this could be a part of turning Miz face?
Just think of how it played out at Bragging Rights, Cena found a loophole to keep Barrett away from the title. I think survivor series will play out the same way, with a returning Triple H (possibly) and John Cena leading a refreshed charge on the Nexus, specifically Wade Barrett.
I don't think Miz will turn face but he will capitalize on the fact that Cena had just laid Barrett out as revenge for all the crap Barrett put him through thus setting up a possible fatal fourway at the December Pay Per View with Cena regaining his title
The theory is pretty much blown out of the water when it comes to John Cena becoming a legitimate member of the Nexus, after everything has happened thus far. Making him lead the Nexus on the creative side of things doesn't make sense. Here, let's look at the facts:

1) Wade Barrett has belittled Cena like a slave. Why would Cena want to join the group after all the treatment he has received from them?

2) Husky Harris & Michael McGuillicutty have joined the Nexus, two men that Cena hates with an undenying passion as it was them that cost Cena the match at HIAC. He can't co-exist with them.

3) Barrett stripped Cena of the WWE Tag Team Championships after he won the match single-handedly. That was Cena's only thing that he had where he could be himself and not have to worry about Barrett's orders for once.

4) Attacks within the Nexus have occurred on both sides, with Cena eliminating the group members (i.e. Tarver) and/or the group members attacking Cena (i.e. Barrett's clothesline).​

That's more than enough evidence that suggests he won't be staying in the Nexus as their leader. If they do, they'd have a lot of explaining to do... maybe about half an hour's worth of talking on why the turn happened (TNA, anyone?) But, suffice to say, we can't fully disprove a Cena turn because of how he has acted in the past and what could potentially happen. This is the only way to logical book the turn:

The match at Survivor Series pretty much indicates a lot. Cena loves the WWE and hates the Nexus... the only way to stay in the E and leave Nexus is to cost Randy Orton the championship at the PPV via officiating. Barrett becomes WWE Champion, Cena gets his release and Orton becomes quite pissed. However, after all that he has done to help the Nexus, the crowd is definitely going to be very vocal and boo Cena for what he has done... not to mention the crowd backing Orton. Considering that Cena relies on the crowd to keep him going (as it is the explanation as to why he doesn't want to get fired), he'll try and turn to them for support, which they will definitely not give. Allow a few weeks for Cena to become depressed and be in a mentally-emotional state and viola... you can turn Cena, have him berate the crowd for how they have treated him and continue being the same character he was... except in it for himself and using the same moveset that "bored" the crowd, making people loathe him even more.

He doesn't need the Nexus to become a heel nor does Barrett need to step behind Cena in the ranks... the heel turn can take place without the Nexus, that's to say if the E management definitely want a heel Cena.

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