Gimmick battle royal at Wrestlemania 28?



i was just wondering if WWE has any plans for a battle royal this year and if so who you would want this match. i think we have waited too long for another gimmick battle royal as the last one was at WM 17. The members of my ideal WM28 gimmick battle royal are :
Eugene, The Boogyman, Gillberg, The Bushwackers, Hornswoggle, Golddust ,
The Godfather, Sgt slughter, Hacksaw jim duggen, donik the clown and Iron Sheik too name a few
there is one person who i would love too see in a gimmick battle royal at mania 28 and that is Mr America

come on guys u know this would be a fun match and too see the old skool stars once more !!!!
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There is certainly something fun about a gimmick battle royal and it's always good for a laugh so am certainly not against the idea. It's good for nostalgia reasons too

A lot of those guys were in the last gimmick battle royal so they'd need to find others to fill some of the places.
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There was a similar one on the Raw 15th anniversary show which had some of the competitors from WMX7's gimmick battle royal, plus some attitude era stars as well, which was pretty cool.

I think if they were to have another one (which I hope they do) they should include more superstars from the '90s and maybe early 2000's as a way of keeping the attitude era smarks entertained. Plus many of them will be in better shape than say Sgt. Slaughter and the Iron Sheik; as Bobby Heenan said at WMX7, "By the time the Iron Sheik gets to the ring it'll be Wrestlemania 38!"

So just running a few names off the top of my head now:
Marc Mero
The Godfather
D'Lo Brown
Steve Blackman
Hardcore Holly
Perry Saturn (with or without Moppy)
Al Snow
The Blue Meanie
Billy Gunn
Val Venis
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To put it short, I would hate to see a Gimmick Battle Royal at WM 28. Absolutely hate it.

Looking in advance, there already seems like there's too much happening for this to even go ahead. I could probably vision about 10 matches without this and it's at the stage where it might just be a waste of time.
As a ticket holder for this years Wrestlemania, I am most likely going to be held victim to one of these kind of matches before the show begins as a dark match. Currently their is a lot going on in the road to Wrestlemania to bother with putting in a cheesy, gimmick battle royal on Live T.V. You got Jericho vs Punk, Sheamus vs whoever leaves the Chamber, then you have Undertaker vs Triple H, then of course, Rock vs Cena. In a three hour Pay-Per-View 3 of those matches are going to have 30-40 minutes tops. So maybe they can add a goofy match to calm the tension in between matches.
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In a three hour Pay-Per-View 3 of those matches are going to have 30-40 minutes tops.

WrestleMania is four hours, as opposed to other pay-per views that last 3 hours.

Furthermore, your projection of 30-40 minutes for three of the main matches is way off.

Last year featured Triple H/Taker (29:25), Miz/Cena (16:10) and Edge/ADR (11:10). WrestleMania 26 featured 'Taker/HBK (24:04), Cena/Batista (13:32), and Jericho/Edge (15:48). WrestleMania 25 featured 'Taker/HBK (30:56), Trips/Orton (23:35) and Cena/Edge/Show (14:45).

Even the most comparable 'Mania (WrestleMania X8) featured Hogan/Rock (15:23), Jericho/Trips (18:41) and 'Taker/Flair (15:47)

The show typically features one match between 25-30 minutes with 2-3 other matches going between 15-20 minutes. In a four-hour time slot, there is more than enough time to figure in a gimmick battle royal ... especially considering:

WrestleMania 27 included Lawler/Cole (13:42). WrestleMania 26 included Hart/VKM (11:10). WrestleMania 25 included a 25 Diva battle royal (5:57). Now, I think the WWE is planning for a Shaq/Show match this year, which would work as the "non-active wrestler match" the WWE throws at us every year, but WrestleMania X7 gave us Shane vs Vince AND a gimmick battle royal, so there is a precedent set for giving us two matches featuring non-active wrestlers.

Just using a projected WrestleMania card with the WrestleMania X7 template (match times), I can make this work:

Ryder vs. Kane (7:46)
Shaq vs Big Show (9:18)
Swagger/Rhodes/ADR/Christian/Kingston/Ziggler - MITB (15:53)
Miz vs. R-Truth (4:53)
Barrett vs Orton (10:30)
Kharma vs Beth Phoenix (2:39)
Gimmick Battle Royal (5:05)
Undertaker vs Triple H (18:17)
Shaemus vs Daniel Bryan (14:02)
Chris Jericho vs CM Punk (15:53)
Rock vs Cena (33:06)

(Disclaimer) Those times are just correlated to match times from WrestleMania X7 and can be adjusted. I think Kharma/Phoenix will be given between 4-5 minutes while Kane/Ryder will probably be given closer to 6 minutes. Furthermore, I think Miz/Truth might turn into a squash match to "punish" Miz for his botch on Raw. I also think Rock/Cena will go between 28-30 minutes as opposed to 33:00 minutes, freeing up 3-5 minutes that can be used to extend the time of other matches on the card.
I think it'd be great to see the Gimmick Battle Royal back... Here's who I'd want to see:-

Dude Love - Best suited of Foley's gimmicks and last eliminated...
The Boogeyman
Paul Birchill (Pirate)
Ryback (Winner - A good way to debut/push him)
Simon Dean - Just to see the Seugeway again!
Sgt. Slaughter
Brooklyn Brawler
The Godfather - Great to see the Ho Train one more time...
Kevin Thorn/Mordacai Would prefer Mordacai...
The Bushwhackers - No Gimmick Battle Royal works without them...
Al Snow - With Head of course, though Avatar would also be interesting...
Finlay - Horny to be involved in mania.
Marcus Cor Von
Muhammed Hassan - Would love to see this, but doubt it would ever happen.
The Mountie - Would be a nice moment for Jacques, if he is well enough.
Dusty Rhodes - Polka Dots and all...

If only Randy Savage was still alive... it would have been a perfect match for him to "return" in...
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A bit of nostalgia is always good for Wrestlemania, and its always fun to see the old gimmicks that havent been on TV in a long time, so I wouldn't be against this. The gimmick battle royal at WM17 was definitely fun, so I wouldn't be against a return of the match for this year's Mania, to calm the crowd down and give everyone a laugh.

If it was to happen, I would like to see:

Road Dogg
Road Warrior Animal
Pirate Burchill
Psycho Sid- He is well enough for a battle royal, right?
Kevin Thorn- As long as the stunning Ariel comes out with him???
Steve Blackman
Rikishi or Grand Master Sexay
The Mean Street Posse

Foley, X-Pac or Animal to win....probably Foley
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The idea of a gimmick battle royal taking place at Wrestlemania could make an interesting addition to the card. It just depends on who is in it. The main problem is the fact that not particularly many guys on the current roster have gimmicks that stand out. It would be a great place to debut the Ryback character, but other than Ryback and Brodus Clay, no one worthy of winning really stands out. I think that a traditional battle royal would be a better idea because that way they can use guys on the roster who did not make it onto the card rather than bring back a bunch of annoying characters from the past. Very few of the guys listed in previous posts would have anything to gain from winning.

Perhaps they can do something similar to what they did at Wrestlemania 24. A pre-show battle royal to determine who gets a United States Championship match later on in the evening. Then they could have someone get a nice push to face Swgger (or whoever is champion by that point) in a match. Cody is likely defending his title, so this way we get everyone onto the card and a second midcard title defense as well. Or they could still go with the gimmick battle royal idea, but someone currently active like Brodus should win it due to having something to gain from the victory.
Speaking as someone who will be attending the event I can't really decide if I have a desire to see one or not, it's rather a pending issue for me.

On one hand you could have a gimmick battle royal with legends and old-timers in it. Considering the age of most of these guy I can safely say it would much shorter than the recent "throw away matches" like Cole/Lawler. I'd enjoy watching it but that's it, it wouldn't be classic of any sort but battle royals aren't supposed to. I have no idea who would be in it though. The other half of me says it would be a silly pathetic filler in which does nothing but kill time on the grandest stage of them all. Think about the time other matches could use that could be taken up by this hypothetical battle royal.

Half of me says it would be fun, the other screams silly time filler, but then again if you put 2 and 2 together I guess they go hand-in-hand with each other.
If theres a another gimmick battle royal, which the odds arent good, but ifm there is Gillberg has to be the winner! that wouls be the greatest moment in wrestkemania history! and also, i would love to see the coach back.

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