WrestleMania XXIV: 24 Man Battle Royal / ECW Championship


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24-Man Battle Royal - Winner meets ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero that night

On tonight's ECW, Armando Estrada announced that twenty-four men that have nothing to do so far on all three brands will be placed in a battle royal to determine who is the #1 contender for the ECW title. Thusly, they will have a championship match with Chavo afterwards.

Just looking through the roster and eliminating people that have no shot (like Drew McIntyre and Hacksaw), here's 33 names that haven't been scheduled so far for WrestleMania - just to help everyone get a picture of what we're looking at: Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, Elijah Burke, Cody Rhodes, Jamie Noble, Santino Marella, Hardcore Holly, Val Venis, Trevor Murdoch, Charlie Haas, Super Crazy, Kane, The Miz, Jesse, Festus, Paul Burchill, London, Kendrick, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Kofi Kingston, Lance Cade, Snitsky, Tommy Dreamer, Chuck Palumbo, Stevie Richards, Deuce, Domino, Colin Delaney, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, Khali, Mike Knox

My personal thought is that this is the way they're giving it to Kane. Khali will be the last one Kane eliminates to get the title shot, as they just tried building him up a little. I mean, who else is going to win this besides Kane, that could challenge Chavo for the title? Some are too new (Kofi, Cody, Burchill)...some have no reason to win or are involved in other angles (Noble, Marella, Holly, Miz, Edge-Heads, Dreamer, Palumbo, Delaney)...some have no shot whatsoever (Venis, Murdoch, Super Crazy, Jesse, Cade, Richards, Deuce, Domino, Knox)...so that leaves us with Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, Kane, Festus, London, Kendrick, Snitsky, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, and Khali. You tell me who's winning out of that haha.

Your thoughts?
I think wwe giving kane any major strap is about time due. The dudes been in wee for a long time and got a 1 day major title run. I think this is a good idea from wwe to try to intregrate(sp) Tallent that is under used in smackdown and raw. Because the newer wrestlers are what wwe is going to rely on in the future years to get money and carry wwe as the top wrestiling promotion in the world. Personally i didn't watch ecw this week because I slept through most of it but this is deff! a good idea.
I think this is a really good idea.

It was looking like Punk vs. Chavo (AGAIN) for the title at 'Mania...but I"m really happy to hera that they went this route.

Not only does this give a lot of guys the chance to compete at WrestleMania, but it also gives us, the fans, a bit of unpredictability. There are 24 guys in that ring, including Kane (probably, unless in the MITB, which I doubt), Jamie Noble, maybe Elijiah Burke or Kofi Kingston...just, a lot of options.

And the ECW Title gets defended as well.

All in all, I think it was a good move by WWE to go this route.
I'm not sure I understand this.....

24 people is quite a lot.

Unless they are going to fill it up almost entirely of low mid carders I don't see how this will work, unless they put people who already have big matches into this one as well....

Which does them more harm then good.
I really think this a pretty good idea. And I really hope they give this to Kane. He deserves a nice push and he could carry the ECW Championship until someone like Benjamin wins it from him.
It is going to be basically filled with low mid carders, with a few exceptions. Guys like Kane, Khali, Big Daddy V, will probably clean house, it will most likely come down to Kane and Khali or V or Henry. I would hope that Kane will win, but then he would probably get screwed out of the title, by getting his attacked by whoever he eliminates last. I hope he wins the title, but I am not sure if it will happen. I could see Elijah or somebody winning it, but Chavo is a bad guy, so it wouldn't make sense to have a heel go vs. a heel, you would expect a monster to win, so that would be Kane, a face monster, again I dont see him winning the title though. For the match, it will be sloppy, probably not too long, well for a 24 man battle royal anyways.
75% Kane, 5% Kofi, 5% Dreamer, 5% Burke, 5% Henry and 5% someone no one is thinking about because they aren't yet on a major roster or coming off injury, i.e. Shane Helms, Matt Hardy, Chris Harris, or this is another possibility but if they open the show with MITB then someone like Punk or Benjamin wopuld have to be put into this discussion
I can definitely see Kane winning this one, and then facing Chavo and beating him for the title. It would be great for Kane to finally have a run with a major title(that 1 day title holding was a joke and they should not even refer to him as a former world champion). This will give hopefully the ecw title some credibility as well, as looking at it now, it seems more and more like a midcard title, like the ic or us title. Since Lashley held the title(and even he as a main eventer was questionable) you have had Morrison(give me a break), Punk(he's good, but he is still not close to the level of the other champions) and the Chavo(I don't even know how or why he is still champion). Giving Kane the title, at WM on top of it, would be the best thing for the wwe to do. If its not Kane, then I see it being some sort of shocking return. I can totally see Matt Hardy make his return and take the title. Or possibly Killings or Harris(but more unlikely). It could be even something more out of left field and RVD makes an appearance, wins the battle royal, wins the title, but then loses it the next ecw. I know this is probably unlikely too, but with the wwe you never know.
Kane wins this, unless they decide too put him in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

I think it will be.. The Great Khali vs. Mark Henry vs. Big Daddy V vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Lance Cade vs. Paul Birchill vs. Santino Marella vs. Snitksy vs. Super Crazy vs. Trevor Murdoch vs. Chuck Palumbo vs. Curt Hawkins vs. Jamie Noble vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Kenny Dykestra vs. Zack Ryder vs. Elijah Burke vs. Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Festus vs. Jesse vs. possibly Kane.
I actually absolutely LOVE this idea. The ECW title isnt over enough to stand on its own, and this also gets pretty much all the guys on the card, and gives them a TON of options on were to with ECW after this. They could have someone half decent win this, and beat Chavo, and legitimize this belt a little more. This thing could end up being HUGE for ECW as a brand. I guess Kane would be a servicable winner, but I dont think it really takes this belt anywere. But I could see it happening, especially with the jobbing he has been doing lately. Jobbing hard= rewards, im tellin you guys. Love this idea, itll probaably open mania.

Justa pipe dream here but....what would the pop register on the richter scale if Raven made a suprise return in this thing and took the strap off of Chavo??? an 8? 9?...also, id say watch out for possible debuts from Ron Killings, and chris Harris. Why Not?? so many ways that this can go, and thats what makes it good. Its fairly unpredictable, which is something that cant be said for the vast majority of the WM card this year.
I think this is a great idea. I thought we were going to get another Punk vs Chavo match. Now we don't even know what the match is. Kane is most likely going to win this one IMO. He has been with WWE for a long, long time and has done much more than just pay his dues. He deserves some kind of last big title run before he retires and this would also add some more prestige to the title.

Even though I picked Kane to win, I hope Burke does. He is one of the most talented people not only on ECW, but in the entire WWE. Him winning the belt would do wonders for him. But they wouldn't do a heel vs heel match at Wrestlemania, so this is just a dream.
Okay, so I love this simply because its allowing all the Superstars not currently involved in a match, to get some air time. Most likely, it'll be all the midcard jobbers, with a couple Heavyweight names thrown in. So, the odds on favorite to win, are as follows. (to me)

The Great Khali: Name wise, hes already been announced, and hes the only one to my knowledge to be announced. I doubt very seriously he'll win. In fact, I see him being the first guy eliminated simply because everyone else will gang up on him. However, if Khali does win, E.C.W. is the place for him. If you want to give this walking no-talent piece of crap a World Championship.. give him the one noone cares about.

Mark Henry: Another top named Superstar, not currently involved with anything. Does he have a chance at winning? To me, not really, simply because noone would care to see Chavo Guerrero v. another heel. If Mark Henry does win, what are the odds he'd become World Champion? Pretty good, actually. Henry is another Superstar they'd really like to push as something great.. yet they don't have an actual brand for him to be great on, since he lacks in a lot of talent. E.C.W. is perfect.

Big Daddy V: I think if any heel wins, it'd be Big Daddy V. I have no idea why, maybe its the boobs, (since theres been a lot of that going around lately) but hes kinda growing on me like a bad disease you just can't get rid of. I'd actually like to see Big V become the E.C.W. World Champion. Maybe its the sickness talking, but I think he'd make a decent Extreme Champion. Who knows. Odds are he'll be one of the last names in the battle royal, but doubtful to win it.

Kane: The first top face on my list, and to be honest, the guy I'd bank on winning the entire thing. Why? Because this is Kane's (in my view) final opportunity to become something great. He HAS the talent, he HAS the skill, he HAS the look. The man deserves a Championship run.. maybe that'll ignite the fire inside him, to bring back the Kane of old. I hope, I wish, anyways. Kane becoming the E.C.W. Champion would be a great thing for that brand. Kane has the leadership ability to carry the brand. Especially since right now, Chavo is technically the one doing it. Kane is far better than Chavo.

Kofi Kingston: This could be the kid's first big break. Seriously, hes the newest, "fastest rising star" on that brand.. hes undefeated, and to be honest.. if he wins, I can see Chavo Guerrero beating him, however only because he'd be fresh over a guy who just went through 23 other men to get that shot. I think this could be what Kofi needs, especially to showcase talent on a Mania sized stage.

Elijah Burke: A year or two ago, he was hand picked to be the face of Extreme Championship Wrestling as the top heel. Now, hes nothing. A victory here, could help push him back to the Main Event status of that division. The question is, would they want to.. or is Burke no longer cared for?

Steven Richards: He'll show you, you'll see! hahaha Sorry, couldn't resist. The fact is, they've been pushing Stevie pretty hard lately.. and I can honestly see him becoming the next Champion. Face it, the brand sucks. Placing the Championship on anyone, is as much a possibility as it is for John Cena to win the W.W.E. Championship before the end of the year. Richards might be the right guy for a push.. just not the right guy to push the brand.

Tommy Dreamer: The last remaining Original. I think. (not counting Balls, I suppose) Dreamer doubtfully would win because Dreamer has only been around for the previous.. well, ever, to help push everyone else. However, giving him the Championship on the Mania stage, only to have him drop it back to Chavo or someone else that following Tuesday.. face it, winning a Championship, no matter how big or small.. on the Wrestlemania stage, is the greatest feeling in the world.. and Tommy Dreamer, deserves that type of feeling.

Overall: I think Kane is the solid bread winner here. Furthermore, I think you can almost honestly say Kane will become the next E.C.W. Champion come Wrestlemania. Hopefully, as I said, this will help relight the fire inside of him.
Tommy Dreamer: The last remaining Original. I think. (not counting Balls, I suppose) Dreamer doubtfully would win because Dreamer has only been around for the previous.. well, ever, to help push everyone else. However, giving him the Championship on the Mania stage, only to have him drop it back to Chavo or someone else that following Tuesday.. face it, winning a Championship, no matter how big or small.. on the Wrestlemania stage, is the greatest feeling in the world.. and Tommy Dreamer, deserves that type of feeling.

As much as I agree that Tommy should win this and really hope he does there is another original who you mentioned yet overlooked as an original...

Stevie Richards, dude he fought in the very first & very last ECW match yet never got the gold even with a number of shots against the likes of Terry Funk. He deserves it as much as Dreamer though i'm not sure if hes ready to be accepted as champion yet.

Nunzio is also an original, thoguh I don't think anyone expects or wants him to get the gold.

Anyway, I think it's nearly a guaranteed win for Kane here and rightly so, he more than deserves a 'world title' and if their not gonna even consider him for mid-card titles on the other brands anymore then give him this. Not only will it give Kane a well deserved title it'll bring a great deal of prestige to the belt which is needed for hardcore WWE fans (personnally, I see the ECW title not as what it was but as a kind of Junior heavyweight title like in the Japanesse promotions)
I think that Kane should win the Battle Royal, however in his match with Chavo he somehow fails to win the title possibily after Chavo does a runner or he gets screwed out of it by the edgeheads faction. Later that The Undertaker will find himself in a four on one agaist Chavo, The Edgeheads and Edge then Kane will make the save in the nic of time and Taker gors 16-0
Well, we know it'll be a face, so we can easily rule out Elijah Burke, The Great Khali, The Miz, Mark Henry and Big Daddy V. Here's my list for the faces that should win, and ALL but one are overdue:

5. Tommy Dreamer - Any chance he and Colin Delaney are the last two guys and Dreamer throws him out on his ass? Yet another ECW original long overdue. I think it's been documented that he doesn't want to be champion, so if he does win it I could see Money in the Bank being used here to give it to Benjamin or Punk.

4. Stevie Richards - In his long career, he's only won two tag team titles, and a lot of bogus Hardcore title reign. It's amazing that a wrestler can be around for 15 years and have not one major singles title. What a great moment it would be an ECW original to win the ECW title at Wrestlemania.

3. Kane - Another overdue wrestler who has lost a lot of dominance with the way he's been jobbing out. He should be the odds-on favorite to win since he has the established record of throwing out a lot of guys at the Royal Rumble. Somehow, though, I don't see the WWE doing it.

2. Matt Hardy - WWE loves surprises, and with Matt supposedly slated to win the U.S. title, why not let him run ECW instead? Matt has been in line for a major title for some time, and although most feel that ECW is a lesser title than the others, it would be a long overdue title for Hardy.

1. Kofi Kingston - I would put it on the newcomer. I think he's very over with the crowd, plus he has the ability and the undefeated streak going for him in terms of credibility. Wrestlemania should offer some surprises, and Kofi Kingston winning would be a pleasant one.
I wuz hoping they would make the ecw title match a steel cage match. I wouldve expected extreme rulez but since they already hv a belfast brawl i doubt that. I am not sayin it has 2 be a stip im just saying if u hv kane vs chave in a normal match that would be kinda borin since it is WM24
Great Idea by the WWE...Only if they play it right and I think they WONT. Have Kane win this Battle Royal wich will filled with Mid-carders. Let his match with chavo be just right before Takers and Edge's match. Have kane with the ECW and have Taker win the WHC. Have them both celebrate their wins after the match and give us that Mania Feeling. BOD Wopping Edges Gang out of Mania. How great would that be.
I really do like this idea and I'm glad the ECW title will be defended at wrestlemania for the first time in history. I think it would be really cool if Tommy Dreamer won the battle royal and then beat Chavo for the title. Tommy Dreamer deserves a run with the title. If he doesn't win maybe they can have Colin Delaney perform a double miracle by having him win the battle royal and then upsetting Chavo. That way he'll definitely be the Mikey Whipwreck of the new ecw!
I believe that we will see all ECW superstars come into this match, even including Delaney, Nunzio and Balls Mahoney, with the exception of Punk, Benjamin and Morrison. So that will bring us to 10 competitors. But as for the remaining 14, we'll most likely see 7 smackdown superstars and 7 raw superstars, but the question is who?
I think it might look like this:
Hardcore Holly,
Cody Rhodes,
Paul Burchill,
Charlie Hass (in mask),
Trevor Murdoch

Mark Henry,
Chuck Palumbo (if in match vs. noble, then ryder),
Jamie Noble (if in match vs. palumbo, then hawkins),
Jimmy Wang Yang

Kofi Kingston,
Tommy Dreamer,
Colin Delaney,
The Miz,
Elijah Burke,
Big Daddy V,
Balls Mahoney,
Mike Knox,
Stevie Richards

Who do I want to win: Elijah Burke
Who will probably win: Kane
I see this one ending as a monster mash battle royal rematch between kane, khali, henry and big daddy v
I'm very happy that the WWE decided to take this path. It would be such a bore to see Chavo VS. Punk, again. That feud got boring during their first match. Even though this match will be filled will jobbers, and outcasts I am still excited to see it. This could give a lot of deserving wrestlers get a shot at the ECW title at a WrestleMania. Hopefully it will not go to a monster heel (like Big Daddy V, Snitsky, Mark Henry, or The Great Khali).

This match greatly favours Kane. Which is a really good thing. Kane is more than deserving of a decent world title run. But then again, WWE could have a monster heel win, because that would be the easiest way out. If a monster heel were to win it looks like it could be Big Daddy V. As he is from ECW. WWE could also take a completely different path, and give it to a young, fresh star such as Kofi Kingston. Kofi is over with the fans, and can wrestle a decent match, so it wouldn't be bad for him to win. I would love to see Elijah Burke win, but I don't even have to explain why that won't happen.

So, it looks like it's down to three men; Kane, Big Daddy V, and Kofi Kingston. Out of the three I would most like to see Kane win, as he is overdue for a title run. I would also like to see Kofi win, but in my opinion, he is still a bit to green.
I'm still not ruling out that WWE were lying about the length of time Rey Misterio was going to be out, and he wins the Battle Royal to go on to face Chavo. Failing that it WOULD be good to see Kane win the title.
I'm still not ruling out that WWE were lying about the length of time Rey Misterio was going to be out, and he wins the Battle Royal to go on to face Chavo. Failing that it WOULD be good to see Kane win the title.

Wwe wont do another thing like they did at the rr for a long time. Simply because wwe fans dont like to see the same thing over and over (unless your a cena fan). And besides how many times have we seen ray vs. chavo? its getting quite stale.

I say give some of the new undercarders the time to shine in this match and it could push ecw into a better brand. But still give it to kane
I believe that matt hardy or kane will win this thing and the title. wwe will estbalish one of these 2 by giving them a title reign. I think one of those 2 will end up as the final money in the bank competitor. kane deserves a push and it also seems that wwe is getting ready to push matt.
Is this just an excuse for WWE to have a Battle Royal?
Or is this just a reason to let all the WWE midcarders experience the lights so bright!?
Or is it a desperate attempt to give Chavo a match at Mania?

What do you think of this idea? Good/Bad?!

Personally I LOVE IT, under one condition and that is they let some young up and comer win, have a shot and even lose, will balance out the face wins later in the night and give a rookie some cred. Plus it'll be nice to see some of the less used guys (London and Kendrick) finally get to 'Mania!
more than likely, they added this match for all the reasons you gave. honestly, i like the idea. granted, this will probably mean that one of the younger guys from another brand (probably a face) will win it and beat chavo that night. or it could end up being one of the ecw originals (dreamer and richards) a chance to shine with the lights on bright.

personally, i like this and the fact that 3 ecw guys are in the MITB. it gives ecw the exposure that it needs. there's a lot of good young talent that performs there and, even though it is a brand of wwe, it's still an alternative option to raw and smackdown because it focuses on wrestling, not wrestling and promos. the ecw representation at WM 24 will be good for the brand and the wwe as a whole.

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