ECW Region, Mexico Subregion, Second Round: (7) Roddy Piper vs. (10) Kane

Who Wins This Match?

  • Roddy Piper

  • Kane

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And, we have our official copy and paste from Wiki entry into the tourney. Maybe it's a wrestling database, I dunno. It's already been pointed out for how mediocre that looks for a fifteen year career, but let me point some more things out.

1. Don't you find it a little strange that most of the awards you're offering are tag team accolades? And, if I may point out, PWI's awards are purely based on kayfabe success. That's all well and good, but it never takes into account the most important aspect of wrestling that has yet to to go undeterred; how much money is drawn. Kane had kayfabe tag team success, but how much of that resulted in money

For that matter, has there been a time where Kane drew money? And in this match, are you really going to try and tell me that Kane drew more money than Piper? If you are, you'd be wrong. Piper was the heel during Hogan's era. If you're too stupid to realize the importance of that, imagine the Attitude Era, without having Vince McMahon to play off of Stone Cold.

That was what Piper was to Rock N Wrestling era, except he was actually a competent worker. There's a reason that of all the men Hogan faced at Wrestlemania 1, Piper was the only one to get a spot in this tournament. He was the consistent draw that people paid to see Hogan get his hands on. And as Piper pointed out, Piper was the guy Hogan couldn't beat.

2. Do you really want to sit here and tell me that Kane and Hardy was actually a good feud. Kindly, fuck off with that nonsense. I've got that as one of my six out of fifteen, which at the very least, implies not everyone was wetting their pants to watch this feud. If you want to tell me Kane had an accomplished career, fine, but don't try to piss on my leg, and tell me it's raining. It was a storyline that featured implied rape, a stillborn child, and had a shitty finish, that never got a payoff.

3. You have that Kane won a runner up award for being the best villain, that happened in 2003.

...... Ooooooooh.

Piper actually won that same award twice, Ghost. And, might I add, he won that in a year where WWE was making more money. 2003 was a horrendous year for WWE, both quality and business wise. Piper won his awards during a time WWE was becoming a burgeoning empire. I don't know about you, but I find what Piper did more impressive than Kane getting a runner up award, what, once?

Look, if you want to say you think Kane will win, fine. But don't sit here and try to tell me Kane's more accomplished than Piper was. Again, don't fucking piss on my leg, and call it rain.

For the record, i've also seen people argue that Piper can't beat Kane with a sleeper. I'm sorry, didn't Dolph fucking Ziggler beat Kane with a sleeper? I know for sure he's beaten Khali with it, and have a funny feeling I remember seeing him beat Kane with it.

And if Dolph Ziggler, a nobody in the business compared to Roddy Piper, can beat Kane with a sleeper, why shouldn't I believe Piper can't?

Ziggler faced Kane in a Beat The Clock match and he had the sleeper applied for 40 seconds but Kane didn't tap out.


Kane, simply put, is a jobber to the stars. Always has been and always will be. Piper was a star in his era and one of the most hated wrestlers maybe in history. Piper has had a bigger impact overall than Kane and will find a way to pick up the victory.
Everyone pays the PIPER! And Kane WILL PAY THE PIPER!

Kane has a sadistic side, but he's mostly smoke and mirrors with pyro. Roddy Piper?


Piper took a real beer bottle to his head. Smoke and mirrors? No. Just nuttier than bat turds.

Piper's craziness would transcend Kane and his ability to play with his opponents too much. Kane's bigger and can hurt you, but Piper's not dumb enough to get caught in Kane's grips for very long.

A sleeper hold and lots of random weapons help Piper actually kill Kane in the ring, making national headlines and condemning the wrestling business as a 'barbaric soap opera'.

I've got to be honest, the list of PWI accomplishments is rather unimpressive considering how long Kane has been around. He's won one award and that was for being part of a tag team that lasted a couple months. He's got a few runner up spots for other brief teams. The big feared psycho monster never even got most hated or feud of the year. I'm not neccisarily using PWI to vote against Kane but I think your attempt at showcasing him with these awards may backfire as it shows how mediocre Kane has been.

No it hasn't. How many people have come into the midcards over the years and are still remembered for SOMETHING? For fuck's sake if you wanna keep perspective, being voted the 2nd most hated wrestler even once for someone like Kane, who has been a mid-carder for life, is a feat. Among hundreds of wrestlers from around the world, who do all our precious flippy moves and northern light suplexes, Kane with his persona got over to be relevant and recognized. If there is a backfire Brain, it is your Big Show vs RVD contribution in the other tourney thread. Catch you there.

You mentioned that Piper has never gone against anyone the size of Kane. That may be true but who's to say he couldn't. Just because Piper's never faced someone Kane's size doesn't mean he couldn't beat someone Kane's size. Piper is known for being a tough street fighter. He never cared about rules when they were enforced and here there are no rules. Piper was as dirty as they came even when he was a face. That was pretty rare for his day. I think Piper can more than hold his own here and find a way to beat Kane.

Here's an analogy. Kane has gone up against people like Piper and beaten them. Piper has never gone against anyone like Kane one on one. Do you wanna go with experience? Kane knows what it takes to take down a smaller brawler like Piper. Whereas Piper knows nothing of the in-ring experience with the likes of Kane.

And, we have our official copy and paste from Wiki entry into the tourney. Maybe it's a wrestling database, I dunno. It's already been pointed out for how mediocre that looks for a fifteen year career, but let me point some more things out.

What do you want me to do then? You brought out the fucking PWI. Do you know them by heart? I'm sorry I had to wiki that shit. And no it isn't mediocre as I have explained above.

1. Don't you find it a little strange that most of the awards you're offering are tag team accolades? And, if I may point out, PWI's awards are purely based on kayfabe success. That's all well and good, but it never takes into account the most important aspect of wrestling that has yet to to go undeterred; how much money is drawn. Kane had kayfabe tag team success, but how much of that resulted in money

Oh Lord! Are we discussing gate revenue now? Hey KB, Sly! Shut down the tourney and just make it a fatal four way between Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock and Goldberg. Chile Cole Miner has spoken!

For that matter, has there been a time where Kane drew money? And in this match, are you really going to try and tell me that Kane drew more money than Piper? If you are, you'd be wrong. Piper was the heel during Hogan's era. If you're too stupid to realize the importance of that, imagine the Attitude Era, without having.......

Hey buddy, I'm gonna stop you right there. And let you know I <3 Piper. I have read about him, dug up matches, movies, documentaries about the guy. Love him and find him to be THE wittiest, funniest talker ever (after Bobby Heenan of course). But Kane will not lose to Piper in a hardcore environment. Man won a hardcore 3 way match at Mania with another monster and a grunge junkie. You bringing up Piper's drawing ability won't do him any justice here in ECW. For a dog collar match, Kane has a chain match. A much more realistic way to debate this no?

That was what Piper was to Rock N Wrestling era, except he was actually a competent worker. There's a reason that of all the men Hogan faced at Wrestlemania 1, Piper was the only one to get a spot in this tournament. He was the consistent draw that people paid to see Hogan get his hands on. And as Piper pointed out, Piper was the guy Hogan couldn't beat.

I'll say this for the last time THIS IS ECW!. I have no problem awarding this to Piper in WCW or WWF after much discussion. However Kane in his monsteric best is un-friggin-beatable in a hardcore environment.

2. Do you really want to sit here and tell me that Kane and Hardy was actually a good feud. Kindly, fuck off with that nonsense. I've got that as one of my six out of fifteen, which at the very least, implies not everyone was wetting their pants to watch this feud. If you want to tell me Kane had an accomplished career, fine, but don't try to piss on my leg, and tell me it's raining. It was a storyline that featured implied rape, a stillborn child, and had a shitty finish, that never got a payoff.

It was fun till SummerSlam. It was getting Hardy maddeningly over. Do you remember his pops? In my book, Kane should've never won at SSlam. I knew where they were trying to go with it, but it was a damn near storyline suicide executing a marriage between those two.

And hey buddy, if that was as crap as you say, why was it awarded? Why?

If it was as idiotic as you say and still managed to beat all the other storylines from other promotions around the world to get that award, then either the monkeys at PWI are daft or you.

3. You have that Kane won a runner up award for being the best villain, that happened in 2003.

...... Ooooooooh.

Piper actually won that same award twice, Ghost. And, might I add, he won that in a year where WWE was making more money. 2003 was a horrendous year for WWE, both quality and business wise. Piper won his awards during a time WWE was becoming a burgeoning empire. I don't know about you, but I find what Piper did more impressive than Kane getting a runner up award, what, once?

Think about it, Piper was a headliner, no doubt. How much do we cry, bitch and moan about how delusional VKM must've been never putting the strap on him? For all his talent, Piper deserves to win that twice.

And then there is Kane, a poor 'run of the mill' monster Kane, who gives you "shit television" yet he is still given an award among hundreds of wrestlers, as the most hated.

Look, if you want to say you think Kane will win, fine. But don't sit here and try to tell me Kane's more accomplished than Piper was. Again, don't fucking piss on my leg, and call it rain.

For the record, i've also seen people argue that Piper can't beat Kane with a sleeper. I'm sorry, didn't Dolph fucking Ziggler beat Kane with a sleeper? I know for sure he's beaten Khali with it, and have a funny feeling I remember seeing him beat Kane with it.

And if Dolph Ziggler, a nobody in the business compared to Roddy Piper, can beat Kane with a sleeper, why shouldn't I believe Piper can't?

I'm not saying he is more accomplished, so here for all the readers including my boy Chile I will sum up in one fucking sentence why Kane will win:

Roddy Piper has NEVER faced a man of Kane's size whereas Kane has beaten brawlers like Piper through out his career AND Kane is much more accomplished in a hardcore environment (Winning the Chain Match vs Triple H, Frying Shane McMahon's balls, Tombstoning RVD on the steel steps, Winning the hardcore championship at Mania X8) and Rowdy, has very little experience in said environment.

Well that concludes my big fonted rant for the post. Bottom line, Piper going up against a monster in a hardcore environment spells doom.

Oh and Dolph Ziggler is a nobody.
No it hasn't. How many people have come into the midcards over the years and are still remembered for SOMETHING? For fuck's sake if you wanna keep perspective, being voted the 2nd most hated wrestler even once for someone like Kane, who has been a mid-carder for life, is a feat. Among hundreds of wrestlers from around the world, who do all our precious flippy moves and northern light suplexes, Kane with his persona got over to be relevant and recognized. If there is a backfire Brain, it is your Big Show vs RVD contribution in the other tourney thread. Catch you there.

So you're saying Kane's mediocre accomplishments are admirable considering his midcard status? That's hardly a ringing endorsement. And I never once mentioned Big Show vs RVD in the other thread. Get your story straight.
So you're saying Kane's mediocre accomplishments are admirable considering his midcard status? That's hardly a ringing endorsement. And I never once mentioned Big Show vs RVD in the other thread. Get your story straight.

I would hardly call any of his accomplishments mediocre. He dethroned Stone Cold Steve Austin at the height of his popularity to win the WWE title, he had one of the longest World title reigns in recent history in 2010. He's won Money in the Bank despite being be a huge guy, and won just about every title that there is to win.

Not only that but the character has always, always, always been relevant. Kane could be jobbed out for months, and be built back up to be a credible force immediately with almost ZERO effort. There is NO ONE on the roster right now that could do that.
So you're saying Kane's mediocre accomplishments are admirable considering his midcard status? That's hardly a ringing endorsement. And I never once mentioned Big Show vs RVD in the other thread. Get your story straight.

Apologies for the RVD thing. You must realize I was trying to read a Ba-Bomb post in its entirety.

So yeah what's your question? Ah yes. Well yes. And why isn't that a ringing endorsement? Because his accomplishments are not mediocre.

Hey I'll let you in on a little secret.

Now don't tell nobody, k?

I really don't care about the PWI. Go back to the my first post, I was voting Piper. But how Pipa went on and on about Kane's "shitty TV" got me thinking..."hey I liked that segment'". Or 'what was wrong with Kane's performance in that angle'. And my personal best 'CHESTNUTS! ROASTED CHESTNUTS!!!'

You get what I'm saying, no? It's a matter of opinion. Me liking an angle and you not liking it, is a matter of opinion. There are a butt-load of superstars and angles that are never rewarded with a PWI medal. So fucking what! Last night I saw the SSlam match between RVD and Kane on DVD. Loved it. Most people might shit on it. Let'em. 'Twas a fantastic brawl and the angle made sense to me.

Also as I read more of Pipa's verbal dysentry against Kane, it got me wiking and researching. What I found about Piper swayed my vote.

I know most of us won't look at all the stats, because you all have lives. That's why I have taken it upon myself to do it for you here and put enough weight on the scale for both men.

As I've said, in a hardcore setting, and the lack of experience Piper has one on one with big men, he has to lose.

Vote Kane. Why not?
I get Piper was tough, but those of you jumping on the Piper bandwagon and discrediting Kane ask yourself, would you vote Piper over the Undertaker in a hardcore match? What about Mick Foley? Probably not either right?

Kane has beaten both of them in hardcore settings; he's beaten Undertaker in a Buried Alive and a Hell in a Cell, and he's beaten Foley in a Hell in a Cell as well. As its been stated several times, Piper would have no chance against Kane in kayfabe environment... 9 times out of 10 Kane would be booked to go over.

It's not rocket science; Kane wins.
I would hardly call any of his accomplishments mediocre. He dethroned Stone Cold Steve Austin at the height of his popularity to win the WWE title, he had one of the longest World title reigns in recent history in 2010. He's won Money in the Bank despite being be a huge guy, and won just about every title that there is to win.

Not only that but the character has always, always, always been relevant. Kane could be jobbed out for months, and be built back up to be a credible force immediately with almost ZERO effort. There is NO ONE on the roster right now that could do that.

I was referring to the PWI awards when I said mediocre accomplishments. Kane has done well for himself but as you said it is common for him to be jobbed out for months. Don't you think Piper is the kind of guy he would job to?

Apologies for the RVD thing. You must realize I was trying to read a Ba-Bomb post in its entirety.

So yeah what's your question? Ah yes. Well yes. And why isn't that a ringing endorsement? Because his accomplishments are not mediocre.

Hey I'll let you in on a little secret.

Now don't tell nobody, k?

I really don't care about the PWI. Go back to the my first post, I was voting Piper. But how Pipa went on and on about Kane's "shitty TV" got me thinking..."hey I liked that segment'". Or 'what was wrong with Kane's performance in that angle'. And my personal best 'CHESTNUTS! ROASTED CHESTNUTS!!!'

You get what I'm saying, no? It's a matter of opinion. Me liking an angle and you not liking it, is a matter of opinion. There are a butt-load of superstars and angles that are never rewarded with a PWI medal. So fucking what! Last night I saw the SSlam match between RVD and Kane on DVD. Loved it. Most people might shit on it. Let'em. 'Twas a fantastic brawl and the angle made sense to me.

Also as I read more of Pipa's verbal dysentry against Kane, it got me wiking and researching. What I found about Piper swayed my vote.

I know most of us won't look at all the stats, because you all have lives. That's why I have taken it upon myself to do it for you here and put enough weight on the scale for both men.

As I've said, in a hardcore setting, and the lack of experience Piper has one on one with big men, he has to lose.

Vote Kane. Why not?

I'll let you in on a secret to. The only reason I posted that last post was to clear my name about the RVD mistake. I still think it's true about the mediocre awards but there are other things to discuss besides PWI. I just am surprised Piper is being sold short by some in a streetfight. I always thought he was known as one of the all time best brawlers. Piper was someone who rarely lost, at least by pin. Kane is someone who frequently loses. I just don't see Kane pinning Piper here.

Oh and don't forget this classic streetfight.


Now before anyone says this video backfired I assure you it was cut off early. You better believe Piper got that motherfucker to wear the glasses in the end.
I was referring to the PWI awards when I said mediocre accomplishments. Kane has done well for himself but as you said it is common for him to be jobbed out for months. Don't you think Piper is the kind of guy he would job to?

I'll let you in on a secret to. The only reason I posted that last post was to clear my name about the RVD mistake. I still think it's true about the mediocre awards but there are other things to discuss besides PWI. I just am surprised Piper is being sold short by some in a streetfight. I always thought he was known as one of the all time best brawlers. Piper was someone who rarely lost, at least by pin. Kane is someone who frequently loses. I just don't see Kane pinning Piper here.

Oh and don't forget this classic streetfight.


Now before anyone says this video backfired I assure you it was cut off early. You better believe Piper got that motherfucker to wear the glasses in the end.

I think Echelon has given the example of how Kane has beaten the likes of Foley and Undertaker in hardcore settings. So I'm resting my case now. I have blared on and on about stats and environment and I believe people must've atleast given all that a thought.

Sadly I cannot load that video big man. Will see it soon though. A Piper segment makes my knees go weak.
No idea this would get so heated. In all honesty though, it should be this close. Whoever wins this match is going to go through hell to do it. I've read through all of this and I have to say, I think some of the Kane backers may have swayed me. I mean, it's a bit too late since I've already voted for Piper, but go ahead and count this as a write in for Kane if it comes down to it.

What it boils down to is this: Kane has beaten bigger and badder guys than Piper in hardcore matches, and I can't recall Piper ever handling someone like a Kane in his prime.
I'll say this for the last time THIS IS ECW!. I have no problem awarding this to Piper in WCW or WWF after much discussion. However Kane in his monsteric best is un-friggin-beatable in a hardcore environment.

Un-friggin-beatable you say?




Now, I fully expect you to run in here and say that people interfered on his opponents' behalf. Just save that argument and use it wisely somewhere else. It's ECW, ECW, ECW, ECW as you put it. People interfere. It's just what they do. Piper will have Bob Orton by his side and you may think that he isn't much but Kane's been duped by less before.
I voted for Roddy as I think he'd manage to avoid everything Kane has for him. If nothing else he would win my vote for trying to poke Kane in the eye and having Kane just stare at him. Roddy was most famous for finding a way to win and that's what he'll do here. He's not going to go toe to toe with Kane and he'd be crazy to, but he can hang in there long enough to find a way to get out alive, which is what he was best at. PIper but after a brutal beating.
Those videos prove nothing really for me. Kane simply won't lose because Piper has little to no experience how to hang with a big man, let alone in a hardcore setting. Oh and since everybody running in is mentioned...

Kane beat Stone Cold in a First Blood Match

The whole world interfered in that, and Taker busted Austin. But since we are opening the gates to interference...

Parting argument, I would vote Piper if he had EVER faced a big man like Kane one on one in his career. Hasn't.

Why? Because in a normal match Piper would stay away from Kane and get in his shots one at a time. He would try to wear him down for the sleeper. Then Kane would finally catch him and put a beating on Piper. Piper would cause a distraction and hit a low blow. By any means necessary. Sure Kane would kick the hell out of him, but Piper allways finds a way.

This is ECW rules and that only favors Piper more. Still he would choose to stay away for as long as possible. Kane keeps sitting up, etc. He catches Piper and beats on him bad. Piper escapes to the outside. A-ha! Weapons! He wouldnt choose a chair, trash can, kendo stick or even a coconut. He would grab a lead pipe or a freaking wrench. Piper is smart so he would go with what could cause the most damage short of hitting Kane with a truck. Plus Hot Rod is bat shit crazy. Sure, Kane is demented- but Piper put crazy on the map.

After a great beating by Kane, Piper gets smart and gets dirty. A few shots with a big red wrench puts down the Big Red Machine around the 15 minute mark.

Why? Because in a normal match Piper would stay away from Kane and get in his shots one at a time. He would try to wear him down for the sleeper. Then Kane would finally catch him and put a beating on Piper. Piper would cause a distraction and hit a low blow. By any means necessary. Sure Kane would kick the hell out of him, but Piper allways finds a way.

After a great beating by Kane, Piper gets smart and gets dirty. A few shots with a big red wrench puts down the Big Red Machine around the 15 minute mark.

I agree with this being how the match goes. Except the very end. When Kane was at his best he was sold as closer to machine then man. Piper does everything you stated. But it's still not enough. The monster doesn't go down. Piper does all this turns to the crowd, Kane gets up and then chokeslams and tombstones Piper. Kane wins.

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