Doug Williams is the *NEW* Television Champion

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

Douglas Williams became the new TNA Television Champion after beating AJ Styles with his own "Styles Clash" finishing move tonight at Final Resolution.

Styles previously held the title since July 22 when he beat the former champion Rob Terry for it on iMPACT!.

Why the fuck was this defended on PPV?

This title's a joke anyway. I forgot it existed, and now it's on a guy I forgot about months ago. I'm sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself, Shark Boy hasn't beaten Robbie E yet.

Hey, wasn't there this Williams guy a while back?
Just to shut everyone the fuck up who complains about the fucking TV title being defended on a PPV just look at WCW and ECW.

Both companies had very well known legends hold their companies TV titles. They also had wrestlers who had very good title reigns and both titles were seen as prestigious for their companies. Guess what? Both titles got defended on PPV's all the time. Look it up so you can see for yourself.

Anyways I am glad Williams won it. It was one of those things were I thought Styles would win, but I wanted Williams to win it. At least Williams will defend it all the time. IMO this could be setting up the process of Fortune and Immortal having their problems. I guess we will have to wait and see now. It was a great match and I suggest anyone who didn't see it to check it out.
If I'm not mistaken aren't PPV's on TV so Yea I have no problem with this title being defended on PPV and I don't see why we their is a reason to complain, these two Put on a Great Match and we are going to complain about it that makes ZERO sense to me. I'm Huge fan of AJ but I also Really like Doug Williams so I have no problem with him winning. I think that if he keeps putting on Great Matches like he did Tonight I think that he will have a Good run with the TV title.
Why the fuck was this defended on PPV?
Because PPV's are normally transmitted through your TV screen. Unless you watched a stream.

This title's a joke anyway.
Really now? Why?
I forgot it existed
Then you don't watch TNA.
, and now it's on a guy I forgot about months ago.
Wow, you just ooze ignorance and don't have a damned clue what you're uttering. Doug Williams has been featured heavily on Impact for over a month and having some very good matches with Kazarian.
I'm sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself, Shark Boy hasn't beaten Robbie E yet.
Watch it. You keep getting ahead of yourself like that, you may hit a poll and cause your head to work.

Hey, wasn't there this Williams guy a while back?
Wasn't there some ignorant goof with a really dumb, numbered name around here?

If you don't know what you are talking about, don't post and waste people's time.

As for the discussion, great. A spectatular match with a very nice ending. AJ didn't look weak in the least having taken that Chaos Theory on the ringside area. I'm glad Doug won, but I doubt the actual reign will last that long. The title may return to AJ or Kaz may win it at some point.
I'm proud that Doug Williams is getting a push and he deserves it but him having the TNA TV title I could give a shit about. The TV title means nothing to me. With all the name changes being TNA Legends/Global/TV title, it just ruins the belt that could've been = to the IC or the U.S Championship. Overall, good to see Doug Williams beating Aj Styles and would hope for him to continue his good work as a TNA wrestler.
I, too, don't get why people have an issue with the TV title being defended on PPV. After all PPV is on TV it's not like it's called the Impact or Spike TV only title. It is the companies secondary title it should be defended on all PPV's.

I am surprised Styles lost it to Doug Williams. I figured TNA had Styles win it to add prestige after the joke of reigns Rob Terry and Eric Young had when it was the Global title.

Williams is great wrestler, but I don't think he's on the same level as Styles. In my opinion the X Division went down hill when he held that title, and I don't think he's ready to hold the companies second biggest title. Hopefully I'm wrong because that title with all the name changes and weak former champions. Doesn't need another weak champion. In my opinion Styles should have a longer reign with more frequent title defenses.
I'm glad Williams won the title, but why didn't he win it using Chaos Theory? It seems like that would be a more compelling ending than beating AJ with his own move. I'd understand the reasoning if they are planning to have a rivalry where both men try to beat the other using the other's move, but... you know, they're not. 'Course, this is the same PPV where Jeff used four Twist of Fates to win instead of a good ol' Swanton, so maybe match finishes aren't TNA's cup of tea.
It wasn't a great match but it was one of the better matches of the night, which isn't saying much.

What I hope is the ultimate idea to this loss for AJ is him pursuing the TNA Title after this. Kaz and Doug Williams will be a good feud for the belt, with Kaz finally walking away at the end with the belt.

I could see AJ getting a rematch and being defeated again. But this time the match takes place on Impact in the next couple weeks. Maybe even this week.
To me, this title peaked when Eric Young was leading the World Elite. I thought it was a great way to get him over as a heel by being selective as to who he defended it against. I would have liked this title to remain the Global title but TNA had to go the route of switching the name of the title for the 3rd time when they named it the Television title. I'm going along with the general consensus that title basically means nothing... right now. Sure the likes of Booker T, AJ Styles, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley to name a few have held it, but they need to stop switching the name of this title and give it some kind of stability unless the gimmick of the title is the champion gets to set the rules of how he defends it and what it's name is. I thought that was the route they were going with Eric and then the monstrosity that is Rob Terry's title reign happened. Hopefully Douglas Williams can bring some stability to a title that needs it desperately in order for fans to take it seriously.
This is good. Douglas Williams can have a good run with the title, first winning a rematch with AJ Styles and then an extension of the Kazarian/Williams feud. AJ hopefully can take away the X-Division title, because that division needs some saving.
I'm decidedly ok with this win because I realised once somebody like A.J. is over, when the time comes for him to be the star of the show once again, he'll have no trouble. I don't think a loss like this to a good wrestler like Doug Williams will cost A.J. any real prestige thankfully. But I did find it a bit strange that his loss came now seen as beer money are once again number one tag title contenders and a clear sweep of titles was starting to look like an option once again for fortune. That said, as A.J. isn't going anywhere, Doug needed the win more than him because after not being selected guest referee in morgan's match, he could have just faded away once again.

I'd like to see a nice 2 PPV or so feud now between williams and A.J. as there is some bad blood giving it a headstart, and it really benefits doug and A.J. in the meantime. That's it, really just interested to see where doug goes from here..... As a side point, the backstage is realy high on williams aren't they, he's had tag team, X-division and now T.V. title gold in the space of about a year, thats almost a clean sweep. All he needs now is the world title and the knockouts belt.. COME ON DOUG!
im thinking this could be the start of AJ being kicked out of fourtune and going up against them. Seems to me like TNA may have let AJ drop the title to then be the man to take down Immortal/Fourtune and take the World Title from Hardy.

Miby this is a bit early, but if AJ and Williams fued for another PPV or 2, that wil buy off more time. Build this up by having Flair and Fourtune moan an AJ for loseing, have beer money win the Tag Titles and then further blame AJ that Fourtune/Immortal could have been holding all the gold ... this leads to AJ Being kicked out and then going up against them as "the man" to take them down.

As for the match itself, it was a pretty decent match, and i think the title switch is fine, as long as it doesnt hinger a push for AJ any further.
Nice to see Williams get it, he's sure going to defend it a lot more often than AJ. IF AJ did retain, though, I'd just want him to defend the title more often. I'm not a big fan of having a title belt and ONLY defending it every PPV or so.

Now the title is on Williams it allows Kazarian or even a member of Beer Money to fued with Williams for the title. I'm not implying that they should split Beer Money, I'm saying have both of them beat down Williams and then you could have another British Invasion with someone like Wolfe or Magnus? Then after this let the teams fued and had the title to Kazarian if he really needs to get a title...

The title also being taken off AJ lets him do other things, like maybe going for the X Division title and thus giving it a little more respect/prestige or even fueding with Samoa Joe? *or someone...*

EDIT LOL @ Alex's last comment xD
Miby this is a bit early, but if AJ and Williams fued for another PPV or 2, that wil buy off more time. Build this up by having Flair and Fourtune moan an AJ for loseing, have beer money win the Tag Titles and then further blame AJ that Fourtune/Immortal could have been holding all the gold ... this leads to AJ Being kicked out and then going up against them as "the man" to take them down.

I was thinking the same thing last night. There may not be a guy more ready (and deserving) of a major singles push than Robert Roode. While Beer Money is very strong and valuable as a tag team, I think TNA would be doing themselves a disservice by not using them in the singles division. With Roode leading the charge and Storm becoming the Arn Anderson of Fortune, they turn on AJ. I think AJ vs. Roode and Doug Williams vs. James Storm would be two really good singles feuds for the next PPV.
I think it was to soon for Williams to get the belt. If he and AJ had a solid fued for a month or two culminating in him winning the TV title it would've been better, this would've given the title more prestige as would have had a decent fued going on over it. However it still might be okay if Williams and AJ do fued and its done well.
I like it if for no other reason that there would have to be a rematch it would seem. However, there are other reasons. The main one being this match might have finally put this tormented shapeshifter of a title on the right track. It was a big match and it had good feel to it. Maybe the first time ever that the belt has had two deserving parties that can work at a solid level in a good story surrounding it. This is what a real feud around an upper mid card title looks like. If TNA can build on that going forward they might finally make something of the title.
I like it if for no other reason that there would have to be a rematch it would seem. However, there are other reasons. The main one being this match might have finally put this tormented shapeshifter of a title on the right track. It was a big match and it had good feel to it. Maybe the first time ever that the belt has had two deserving parties that can work at a solid level in a good story surrounding it. This is what a real feud around an upper mid card title looks like. If TNA can build on that going forward they might finally make something of the title.

IMO what they should do is have AJ Styles and Douglas Williams build a story to Genesis and have them main event the PPV for the TV title and give the match 30 minutes or so. I would save a Hardy/Morgan rematch and their final match at Lockdown, but keep both of them on Impact going after each other. In WCW Hogan took PPV's off. This could be TNA's version of Savage/Page when they main evented a PPV during Hogans run. IMO next months PPV card should look something like this if I was booking it.

AJ Styles vs. (c) Douglas Willimas
Beer Money vs. (c) Motor City Machine Guns
Mickie James vs. (c) Madison Rayne
Matt Morgan vs. Ken Anderson ( Morgan pissed because of the outcome )
Brother Ray vs. Brother D-Von
Kazarian vs. Jay Lethal ( Number One contenders match for X Division Title )
Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett ( Cage Match with Joe finally going over )
I heard the match up was pretty good. I'm glad someone like Douglas Williams is Television champion instead of AJ Styles. Hopefully the title will actually be defended more often and mean something more now. Styles is overqualified to be a television champion. This elevates Williams since he can lay claim to being a TNA tag team champion, X division champion, and now TV champion in a year time span.
So now Fourtune has no gold too bad, but its not like AJ was doing what he said and defending it each week like he said in his promo when he first got it. Maybe with Williams it will actually get defended every week but i wont hold my breath.
Only one word needs to be said about this title change:


That was exactly what the title needed around it. The best thing about this is the potential it has. Not only can the title be elevated, but so can Williams after being relegated to 6th man in Fourtune. After Williams lost the X-Div belt the division crumbled and Williams somewhat proved that he was capable of carrying belts and making them appear viable and that's just what the TV title needs at this moment. To appear important.

A few more good-great matches and it's on the right track now that Styles should be feuding with Williams for it in he coming weeks.

Also, that was an amazing match they had(I have it rated as a 8.25/10 and the finish set up the feud very well without hurting Styles at all. He got Chaos Theoried on the outside, that shit would hurt. He showed a lot by just getting back in the ring.
Williams getting the belt is easily explained, the European tour is in January. Having an English champion compete draws more to the arenas. This is similar to Amazing red winning the belt in his home town only to loose it a few days later. I'm a big fan of Williams, but don't look for him to hold the belt long after the European tour ends.

I'm proud that Doug Williams is getting a push and he deserves it but him having the TNA TV title I could give a shit about. The TV title means nothing to me. With all the name changes being TNA Legends/Global/TV title, it just ruins the belt that could've been = to the IC or the U.S Championship. Overall, good to see Doug Williams beating Aj Styles and would hope for him to continue his good work as a TNA wrestler.

You know everybody is saying that the belt means nothing. Maybe it doesn't right now but it doesn't mean it can't at some point. It's gotta be treated like an actual belt. Thus far we only have had AJ as the "TV" champ before they had Rob Terry with the stupid thing when it was referred to as the Global title.

That being said, I think putting it on Doug Williams is a good move. It's a step in the right direction. And I was impressed with his match with AJ. I admit that I underestimated him and I think that he's really a good technical wrestler and if there is another match with him and AJ, I'll gladly watch. It's one of few things keeping me interested in TNA right now because I'm bored of Bischoff, Hogan and the whole Immortal storyline. And why is Bischoff there anyway? Last I saw, him and Hogan got an injunction where Dixie told them they couldn't do a damn thing. And he's acting like nothing happened. If TNA is gonna deliver an angle, have the balls to follow through with it.

Set that aside, they want to add prestige to that belt, having Williams as TV champ is a good start.

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