TNA: Booking Doug Williams to a World Title


Getting Noticed By Management
Ok guys, I stated earlier in a thread eventually locked in the TNA Forum what a Doug Williams fan I am and how bad I wanted to see him win the TNA World Title. This may or may not happen in real life. I said I had an idea on how to book Doug and this is part 1 from this Sunday at Genesis up until Against All Odds. I am taking my time with this because he will slowly be built up. I am not telling you when he wins the title but I am not just going to throw it on him. It may start off a little slow in Part 1 but it picks up steam later in the storyline. To the best of my knowledge this is no one else's work and I hope you enjoy. Feedback is encouraged and appreciated. Thank you for reading. And if you don't like it, well, you can't say I didn't try.

This Sunday at Genesis: Williams and A.J. have another outstanding match, just as expected. The match is about 10-15 minutes long. The usual chant by the fans of "This is awesome," within just halfway to the match. AJ was turning face in the middle of the match. Fans were cheering "Let's Go Doug!" "Let's Go A.J.!" The match ended after Doug countered the Pele Kick by grabbing AJ's leg, setting it down, and forcing him into the turnbuckle to hit the Rolling Chaos Theory. The three count fall and Williams retains. The fans are cheering for both of them once the music stops and they chant to keep going. AJ is distraught over the fact that he is no longer in Fortune; but accepts Doug's handshake over a good match, thus Styles is out of Fortune, becoming face again.

TNA Impact January 13th: After Genesis, the Immortal/Fortune regime looks stronger than ever. The faction is in the ring celebrating the opening of Impact with their gold: Kazarian is your new X Division Champion, for the fourth time Beer Money is the TNA Tag Team Champions, and Jeff Hardy still has the TNA World Title. "As you can see though- SOMETHING IS MISSING," Ric Flair said, who was filling in in charge of the show in place of Eric Bischoff, who could not be there due to a family emergency. "This is UNACCEPTABLE!" He turns around and smirks at the Freak Rob Terry, "We don't accept failure in Fortune. A.J. couldn't get it done; but Rob at Against All Odds I am expecting you to win the TV Title for Fortune." Rob Terry nods his head slowly and sternly, confident that he will regain what was once his when it was the TNA Global Title.
"As for tonight AJ- the New X Division Champion Kazarian will show you why he got it done at Genesis and you did not."
A.J. vs. Kazarian is the main event. The match is what you would expect between these two guys: lots of fast paced action and a very enjoyable for match for the time given. A.J. Styles won the match. Not due to pinfall or submission, but by disqualification as Beer Money jumped the rail and beat down A.J. As they were beginning to power up: "BEER....MONEY" out came Doug Williams who attacked Storm and then Roode clearing the ring of the Fortune guys with A.J. getting up and selling pain in the back of his neck. Flair comes out. "You two think you can get away with this? You think you can beat Fortune? Next week you will have your work cut out for you as you two will face Kazarian, Storm and Roode in a handicap match. The show ends with a very serious Ric Flair and a fuming Doug Williams in the ring signaling Fortune to get back in for a butt whooping.

TNA Impact 1/20/11
Williams is seen backstage lacing up his boots in the locker room when A.J. comes back to talk to him. The two men stare down at each other: "I usually work alone," Doug said. "Tonight though, you and I have a common goal. It's hard to believe both of us were part of Fortune but alas we were." A.J. added: "Tonight, we show Flair and Bischoff that were won't be pushed around by their little regime." A.J. and Williams by no means are friends but it is clear that they have their sights set on one thing: destroying Fortune.
This match was timed very well. Lots of time- about 20 minutes. With Beer Money being in the match they found some double team spots for both A.J. and Williams. They were wrestling with much more aggression as usual, especially towards Styles. Then all of a sudden Roode shoved Styles into the referee and then Williams and Kazarian began to brawl outside. Much similar to the spot at Final Resolution, Williams did a Rolling Chaos to Kazarian on the outside. Inside the ring though, it was looking grim for Styles. Roode was holding Styles hostage for Storm to bust Styles' head open with a beer bottle, but Styles got out of it and ducked and Storm hit Roode instead. Roode was a bloody mess and his side was turned over. The ref was getting up and could not see the blood on Roode. A.J. then hit the Styles Clash for the 1-2-3 and A.J. and Doug prevailed.

TNA Impact 1/27/11
The show starts off with A.J. Styles backstage and then from behind Rob Terry and Beer Money attack Styles, throwing him all over back stage. This time Storm hits A.J. with the beer bottle successfully and he is powerbombed through a table back stage by the Freak. It is unknown whether or not if A.J. will be able to compete against Abyss in tonight's Monster's Ball match.
Kazarian defeated Douglas Williams. Williams got about 60% of the offense in as opposed to 40%. However with Ric Flair at ringside, he got up on the apron to distract Earl Hebner. Looking on with disgust, it is unknown what Doug Williams said, but he had an "Oh WTF come on," look. Kazarian rolled him up for the schoolboy to get over.
The question has been asked, hyped all night. Can he do it? Is A.J. Styles fit to compete? Will this Monster's Ball take place? Mike Tenay has been asking in anticipation and Tazz and he have been searching for updates all night. A.J. was shown earlier getting fixed up by a trainer, who advised him not to compete. Styles refused to abide and said he was feeling fine and that nothing was going to stop him from competing tonight.
Nonetheless he competed. Abyss dominated most of the match, but A.J. showed heart and wrestled his ass off. It was extremely hard though as he was still selling from earlier. Blood was on AJ's back as he had brutally been beaten by a 2X4. The monster was loving every single minute of this. Thus, he was pulling an old trick- thumbtacks. He laid them square in the middle of the ring all scattered. Abyss was going for the Blackhole Slam, but A.J. elbowed out of it. He Irish Whipped Abyss against the ropes. Dropkick by Styles. He then climbed the turnbuckle and hit a tornado DDT. Yet he was on knee as the monster was down, holding onto the ropes. His fatigue was extremely low. Then, out they came: Storm and Roode, walking slowly but with that look on their face. A.J. was pissed as all hell staring into their eyes. Abyss got up, turned Styles around, Blackhole Slam onto the thumbtacks. 1-2-3 and the match was over. Beer Money got the distraction to help Abyss get the win. This was their night. What the next chapter would be next week on Impact was yet to be seen; but the tension was high, a volcano was about to erupt. All hell was going to break loose.

TNA Impact 2/3/11
The show started off with A.J. Styles, pissed as all hell still from last week. He entered the ring with a microphone. "Beer Money- Storm and Roode- you guys want a war? You sure as hell got it. Get your asses down here right now so you feel the wrath of Styles." The crowd is behind Styles 100%, popping, hoping the tag team champions will accept. Then all of a sudden Ric Flair's theme hit, with Kazarian, Big Rob, and Beer Money walking behind him. "Styles- you brought ALL OF THIS on yourself! All you had to do was win at Genesis and NONE OF THIS would be happening right now. You and your little butt buddy Douglas Williams are fighting us off, but you will NEVER beat Fortune. You and Doug leaving Fortune was the biggest mistake of both of your lives! But I am a forgiving man and I can make all of this go away. We can do this easy way- or we can do this hard way."
"Okay then Ric. What's the easy way? If the easy way is for Doug and I to rejoin Fortune, that is NEVER going to happen." Flair is shaking his head in disappointment: "You know, you really disappoint me A.J. You could've had everything, but you didn't have it in you to win us that TV Title that we are taking at Against All Odds. We want you back in Fortune and we will go to all lenghts to make sure that the two of you are back where you belong. We discussed before the show what it would take to get you guys back into Fortune and we reached an agreement. Storm and Roode will give you and Doug a shot at the tag team titles whenever you want. If you win- you win the belts and you remain out of Fortune. If Storm and Roode retain, we want you back!"
"I have never, ever backed down from a challenge. Doug and I are not friends, we sure as hell aren't butt buddies. However I do respect the hell out of the man and he respects the hell out of me. Him and I have common enemies in you guys. We would love nothing more than to take Fortune apart piece by piece and destroying your dreams of having all of the gold in the business. In two weeks time, I will become a tag team champion once again; and Doug will become a double champion."
Just then though, out come the Motor City Machine Guns. Alex Shelley is on the mic: "A.J., with all due respect Chris and I hate to rain on your parade but we have this thing called a rematch clause in our contracts. We are invoking them next Sunday against Storm and Roode. We'll be more than happy to give you and Doug a shot WHEN we win the tag team titles again; but we have some unfinished business."
Eric Bischoff comes out. "Hold on. Hold everything." Boos fill the arena. "Yes, Alex, you are entitled to a rematch and you will get it at Against All Odds. Since Doug Williams is scheduled to face Jeff Jarrett tonight and A.J. Styles is scheduled to face Desmond Wolfe, tonight next week we are going to have an eight man tag team match for our Impact Main Event. It's going to be Beer Money, the World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy, and the X Division Champion Kazrian against the Motor City Machine Guns, A.J. Styles, and Doug Williams."
Williams defeated Jarrett and Styles prevailed against Wolfe. Both prevailed via pinfall after hitting their respected finishers.

TNA Impact 2/10/11
Fortune entered with Rob Terry at ringside. A.J. and Doug are not a tag team. They still have their separate individual entrances. The Guns obviously still enter together. This match is about a half hour long. Excellent tag team action between the Guns and Beer Money. The psychology in this match between Styles and Beer Money is amazing. Whenever A.J. got tagged in, Storm would tag Roode and Roode would tag Kaz. They wanted no part of Styles and they knew it. Styles wanted Beer Money in the worst way possible. When Kaz was desparate needed to make a hot tag, Storm and Roode jumped off the apron and Hardy was tagged in. Styles made a hot tag to Doug, who had one eye on the match and the other on his opponent for this Sunday in Big Rob. Williams and Hardy have a good bout. Shortly after Beer Money jumped off and Styles tagged Doug, Styles stared down at Beer Money and the champs fled, similar to when RVD chased Hardy. Storm and Roode ran backstage and Styles chased them like a bat out of hell. Doug countered the Twist of Hate into a Rolling Chaos for the 1-2-3 and pinned the champion. The ref raised Sabin, Shelley, and Williams' hand in triumph. But Big Rob got into the ring. The show ended with a staredown between the two former British Invasion members with Doug raising the TV title in the air with his right hand.

A.J. Styles has no match tonight. Before the show he asked for one and got a handicap match against Generation Me. Good opening match here. Styles wound up winning although the Bucks did go over. Jeremy was the legal man but Max tried to do a springboard. Styles in mid air hit a Pele kick, knocking Max out cold. He then hit the Styles clash on Jeremy to get the victory. The Bucks did a nice job double teaming Styles throughout the match with their high flying tag team action, but sometimes a single mistake is all it takes for something to go wrong.
Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money was your typical MCMG/Beer Money match. The handicap match with Styles was outstanding but MCMG/Beer Money very well could've been match of the night. MCMG tried to both kick Storm in the middle on the ring with Storm on his knees, but Storm ducked and their boots hit each other. Storm got up and hit the Last Call on Sabin, while he concentrated on Shelley, the legal man. Some nice trading of offense until Roode was tagged in. He countered Shelley's punches and hit the Pay Off. Beer Money retains.
Just then Styles and Williams came out. Doug told them: "Hey, Storm, Roode, remember that title shot you gave us? A.J. and I have a different idea instead of this Thursday. You see, A.J. and I are former X Division champions. Next month just happens to be the Destination X Pay Per-View. We want our shot next month in an Ultimate X match." The Impact Zone erupted and Storm and Roode had no choice but to comply. Roode then said: "It doesn't matter if it is Ultimate X, normal match, no holds barred, whatever. You better enjoy your last moments as a TV Champion Doug, because when Rob wins it tonight and you guys lose next month, you will have no gold." "The Motor City Machine Guns prevailed against you in the Ultimate X. A.J. and I will have the same fate."
How did the T.V. Title match go? Well, Doug wasn't able to pick Terry up. He would kick out of a couple of pins. It looked like it was over when Terry hit the Freakbuster. Somehow, someway, Williams kicked out. They kept on going. Terry actually got carried to a good match here as he Irish Whipped Williams into the Turnbuckle and tried a superplex, but Doug battled back and shoved him off to hit the revolution DDT on the Freak. In an absolute upset, Doug retained after the DDT. "Holy crap! How on Earth did he do that?" Tazz asked. "I don't know Tazz but Douglas Williams is one of the finest TNA has to offer and he won't go down without a fight."

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