Define "Direction"

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
I see it every day in the General TNA Complaints thread, as well as through various threads elsewhere – most folks' biggest problem with TNA is their lack of a "direction". Now, I'm sorry, becuase perhaps it's because I'm the idiot so many of you perceive me to be, but then again, perhaps it's because the use of an arbitrary noun like "direction" means absolutely nothing when used in the context you all tend to use it in – that's to say, as a cop out argument to which you never actually explain your reason for? Yeah, I'm gonna go with the latter on this one.

Well, here's your chance at redemption. Your very own thread with which to actually describe to WrestleZone just what you mean by that.

You think TNA needs "direction"? Great! All I need from you now is for you to explain what the fuck "direction" actually means and we can all move forward.
It means simply that: direction, as in where the company is going and where they want to eventually get to. When Van Dam was just having random title matches and defenses, it felt like there was no endgame at all. In wrestling, you slowly build to a grand finale (this is of course in an ideal world and does not always happen). In WWE for instance, that goal is Wrestlemania. All roads lead to that show every year and all the major angles and all the battles are supposed to come to a head before them for the big final battle at Wrestlemania. The goal is to build up to that.

In TNA, it feels (not always mind you) that they're walking around in circles. There is no endgame in sight. Sometimes things are going to end at Lockdown, sometimes they're going to end at BFG and so on and so forth. Now as far as short term, that's fine. There's not a thing wrong with that. However, there's no bigger picture. It feels like TNA is on a road trip and while they know all the stops they want to make, they don't know what their ultimate destination is. Are they building to BFG? Is it to the arrival of THEY? Is it Sting vs. Hogan for ultimate supremacy of the company? Any of these are fine for a pick, but without one of them, everything seems random and lacking a purpose. At the moment in WWE, last night on Raw Cena had a match with Jericho. It was a decent match and it played a role in getting to Summerslam. Once that show ends, he'll begin a new angle or continue this one. Once that is finally over, it's time to begin the Road to Wrestlemania with the first real stop being the Royal Rumble. From then on everything is about getting to Mania and after that it's about the next guy challenging the champion afterwards, culminating at Summerslam and it starts all over again (again in an ideal world).
Well Jeff Jarrett say's they "Offer a little for everybody" . But considering the highest rated segments and demographic of this past week i think they should build there product around "Young and fresh stars" like Mr.Anderson,The Pope,Matt Morgan,AJ Styles,Jeff Hardy and Beer Money
I have always assumed by "direction" they meant "do exactly what I want and nothing less." So unless TNA books their product exactly to each individuals liking, then it is "not doing enough of the right things." Never mind how no such booking has ever existed in a wrestling company ever, never mind that it is impossibly contradictory to do that for even two people let alone over a million. Or maybe they mean "no long-term stories." How stupid do you have to be to claim TNA does not do that presently? Because neither of those things make much sense they (OMG WWE TROLLS ARE THEY, AAAHHH it is more horrible than I imagined) will likely just come in here and rant about "copying" the past which has someone become entirely owned by WWE. If TNA does not come up with entirely unique and original everything then apparently they lack direction. Does anyone realize just how ridiculous that is?
I see it every day in the General TNA Complaints thread, as well as through various threads elsewhere – most folks' biggest problem with TNA is their lack of a "direction". Now, I'm sorry, becuase perhaps it's because I'm the idiot so many of you perceive me to be, but then again, perhaps it's because the use of an arbitrary noun like "direction" means absolutely nothing when used in the context you all tend to use it in – that's to say, as a cop out argument to which you never actually explain your reason for? Yeah, I'm gonna go with the latter on this one.

Well, here's your chance at redemption. Your very own thread with which to actually describe to WrestleZone just what you mean by that.

You think TNA needs "direction"? Great! All I need from you now is for you to explain what the fuck "direction" actually means and we can all move forward.

I’d probably be going with the first, actually, by the looks of this thread.

I think it should be pretty obvious what people are saying when they reference “direction”. Most people that I know of claim TNA has NO direction. What does that mean in detail? It means planning out every aspect of your product and knowing what ‘direction’ you want to take with every division, every title, every storyline. It means having a vision of where you want to be say in a year and then following a ‘direction’ of just how to get there, step by step, for the duration of that year, at least.

In most cases TNA feels as if they have no clear vision or direction of where they’re going months from now, they’re just throwing ideas at a wall and seeing which ones stick. I can explain my own complaints with TNA having no ‘direction’ with the simple example that every major storyline TNA has done has never reached some sort of clear ending. Not even the Main Event Mafia angle they were building for months and months had what felt like a clear ending, it just kind of abruptly stopped and they jumped to a completely new direction. They drop storylines constantly, they swerve down a different direction all the time in angles (ones that most often don’t make any sense or contradict previous things).

Do they have a ‘direction’ they’re going with the Fourtune stable or are they just winging it week by week and allowing Flair a chance to have his spotlight? Do they have some direction they’re going with the X Division or are they just buying time with Doug Williams carrying the title until some idea jumps out at them? Do they know what they want out of Rob Van Dam’s title reign or are they just trotting along as it feels like with the show’s focus on other things a lot more then their main, major title? Or what about the failed Monday Night wars version 2, where they hyped things, made claims about things, and seemed so sure they had a set vision and were dedicated to where they were going despite the struggles clearly ahead.. but then when it started to flounder they changed directions quickly, tossing away whatever ‘direction’ they’d planned for the venture, instead of staying the course as if they had clear plans and clear goals that they weren’t going to give up on so easily just because things were rough to begin with.

The most clear and present example of TNA not having any ‘direction’ is the fact they’ve been building up storylines for some time now, including this whole “They” angle, and then out of nowhere they brush it all aside and overshadow it all with this ECW reunion tour. Does it feel like the whole ECW angle was planned far in advance? To me it feels like the direction their product has been going for months now suddenly took a huge swerve down another road and it may swerve back on path but who really knows? This whole “special” PPV for the rest of the roster doesn’t feel like it was always the plan but it feels as if they just threw it together last week because they thought “hey, we probably should do something with the rest of our roster and you know, all those storylines we’ve been developing..”

Actually, it feels a great deal like WCW, especially in its later years. WCW felt like it completely lacked any direction and they were just tossing out stuff hoping that something would work and be successful for them. In other companies, like the WWE or even Ring of Honor, you get a sense that they have long term plans with every level of their product. They seem to have ‘direction’ with where they’re going and what they want their product to be. That’s the difference, and that’s exactly what people are complaining about. If that doesn’t make anything clearer for you I guess you might as well just tune out those people because you’ll never understand.
Each storyline should be having an ultimate goal. Most of these storylines are just not really defined in an ultimate goal. Some have just too many implications that it just confuses us. Having the THEM storyline and Sting's Deception storyline going all at once can confuse a casual fan. And I don't always mean to get the championship, but it could be building up a star towards a certain goal. For example, Jay Lethal has really been getting to Ric Flair and the rest of Fortune. So his ultimate goal would be to best Ric Flair and Fortune, possibly on the biggest stage TNA has to offer, Bound For Glory. He's trying to live his dream and Fortune is the only thing standing in their way. Goals just need to be defined.

Speaking of Fortune, what is their ultimate goal? Is it to build a stable of the elite or is it something more? Is their ultimate goal to win all the gold in TNA? They should be revealing their ultimate goals so that it gives TNA fans something to look forward to. Maybe Fortune really can get all the gold, we'll have to wait and see.

On the KO's side, the Beautiful People have really been having a lot of tension within the group. A short term storyline like who's the mystery girl on the motorcycle won't really last too long, it's got to lead to something bigger. Perhaps this means the breakup of TBP. It just doesn't seem like this will mean too much in the long run.

I miss the old days where feuds lasted a year and all the big feuds always ended at the biggest pay per view.
Could someone explain to me why mystery GM, mystery vegetative undertaker and nexus stuff equals "direction" while mystery "they," mystery deception sting and former ecw stuff does not? Why Kurt Angle vs the top 10 story does not equal direction, especially when it seems likely to be building towards a culmination at BFG, the biggest TNA PPV of the year. One that they have been advertising for some time now. Just because Angle does not point at a sign in the rafters of it every 5 minutes like they do in WWE does not mean they are not building towards it. People slap TNA with this self-fulfilling prophecy bs argument: TNA will not carry this story through because they are TNA and WWE will make this story work in spite of any relevant flaws because they are WWE. Such logic is a joke at best, blind mark insanity is more like it.
completely agree with you misterRob. This guys are freakin crazy. Do they really think they have a good program going on? lol Its hilarious. I just read a Chris Jericho interview and he is saying the same things the fans are.. The bookin is HORRIBLE. The older "legends" are hogging the spotlight when the young wrestlers are the future. Dixie has seriously no idea about wrestling so she should just go in a hole and stay there. HEY DIXIE JUST BY THROWING MONEY AT SOMETHING DOESNT MAKE IT TOP NOTCH. Hogan doesnt care if TNA gets up there or not, he just cares that people can see that he still exists cuz he is on TV. Hogan, Please this time i will say it nicely. Please give people like Wolfe Aj motor city and the younger stars some more air time. Take some from yours and Ric flair. Even better just dont be on TV. im 100% sure that Hogan can't stay off from TV even if he wanted to because he is so goddamn selfish. DIE PRICK. TNA instead of having your heads up your ass just thinkin about making some quick money, put some passion into what you are doing. Sure you get 20,000 more PPV buys this time around because u have ECW coming in, but what about the next one? If Hardcore Justice is a success (and thats a long shot) im pretty sure they will keep it going and kill the story like they always do. This is basically a Jist of what Chris Jericho says. The difference is that he says it with respect, i dont. Giving any respect to people like Hogan just feed their fat heads and make them think they are the shit when they really aren't. Jericho can be considered a wrestling expert, and the fans are saying exactly what Jericho is sayin. Does it make us experts? NOOO it shows how stupid and ******ed TNA when a bunch of common people can point out the problem with program and still not listen. GET RID OF HOGAN AND ERIC. GET RID OF RIC. PUT SOME ACTUAL THOUGHT INTO YOUR STORIES. INSTEAD OF MONEY, FIRST SEE WHAT THE FANS WANT. DIXIE STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM THE IMPACT ZONE AS YOU CAN PUT A RESTRAINING ORDER ON HER IF U HAVE TO. BUILD YOUR COMPANY AROUND THE YOUNGER TALENTS. MAKE YOUR TITLE MEAN SOMETHING AND STOP GIVING IT EVERY GODDAMN WWE REJECTS. IF u do that, its basicalyl saying, "hey if WWE fires or not take you, come to our company and you can be champion. Because thatz how much our title is worth." ....FUckin morons....
Goals just need to be defined.
Goals need to be defined? What do you mean exactly? You brought up Abyss and THEY, what goal needs to be defined here? The general premise is simple someone is pulling Abyss' strings, at some point we'll find out who. How does it need to go further than that?

Speaking of Fortune, what is their ultimate goal? Is it to build a stable of the elite or is it something more? Is their ultimate goal to win all the gold in TNA? They should be revealing their ultimate goals so that it gives TNA fans something to look forward to. Maybe Fortune really can get all the gold, we'll have to wait and see.
This is just expecting too much at once, Fortune formed last week officially, with its confirmed 4 man group. You're expecting them to form immediately and just reveal the plans for the whole story, finding out bit by bit is much more exciting.

On the KO's side, the Beautiful People have really been having a lot of tension within the group. A short term storyline like who's the mystery girl on the motorcycle won't really last too long, it's got to lead to something bigger. Perhaps this means the breakup of TBP. It just doesn't seem like this will mean too much in the long run.
Wait a second, Madison Rayne employs a mystery partner to help her retain the title. The other BP's are pissed. It looks like they might break up. But to you it isn't going to mean much long term? How are you getting to that conclusion. If the BP's break up the most dominant female stable in TNA is done, how does that not mean anything in the long run?

I miss the old days where feuds lasted a year and all the big feuds always ended at the biggest pay per view.
You miss when the feuds lasted a year and ended at the biggest PPV? But you want to know the end result of each feud immediately? I don't get it. TNA did a year long feud last year, The MEM, it was great. It went from BFG 2008 to BFG 2009. The end saw the young guys in TNA lay waste to the MEM and eliminate the faction. This year the primary focus has been Ric Flair's faction and Abyss. Abyss has been the focus of attention for a year with the end result being him turning back into the monster heel he once was. Flair's group started as his own personal team to attack Hogan. That failed and now he's started a faction to recapture his glory days, he's also found himself being disrespected by a young upstart. I don't see how this needs to be further elaborated on. Just wait and watch.
To have direction, means that you are building torwards something, everything storyline and division have a plan, and an ultimate goal within the near future, or about 6 months/1 year. TNA lacks this. They have no sense of where they are going, what they are building up to, or what their plan for the future is.

Actually, I take that back. They may well in fact have a plan for it, but they sure aren't showing it.

Let's look at it this way. Does Rob Van Dam as World Champion have a set "direction"? Does TNA know what they're building to with the championship? What there goal is? What is going to happen with it in the long run? Is RVD set in stone for an even longer reign that is intricately planned out. Or are they just going to keep it on him until they find the next flavor of the month to drop it on?

Speaking of flavors of the month, how many times have we seen that so far? Everybody thought they had a direction with Desmond Wolfe. Everybody thought they had a direction with D'Angelo Dinero. Everybody thought they had a direction for Orlando Jordan. No matter about how I feel about Jordan, or how much I like the other two, it still doesn't change the fact that TNA was building them up and then had a, so to say, "change in direction" and dropped them.

And what about Rosie Lottalove. I hate that woman, but for heaven's sakes if you introduce her as this heavy hitting dominant new knockout who is going to take out The Beautiful People, follow up on your storyline. But they had no direction, so that was dropped too.

What about Bound for Glory? Two months away, TNA should arguably be building torwards their biggest event of the year. But instead, we are having an ECW Reunion show which basically makes all other bigger storylines take a backseat to it. I'm fine with the ECW Reunion show, I really am, but don't hold it in a pay-per-view slot where you should be starting your build-up to your biggest show of the year.

I could go on and on, but it is clear that TNA's most major aspects are lacking direction. Sure, there are some things that have direction. Kurt Angle vs. The Top Ten seems to have much direction, and may even be building up to Bound For Glory for a Career vs. Title match, against whoever is holding the title then. But that could be anybody sense the title itself seems to lack direction. But Angle's storyline does have direction itself, or so it seems.

Abyss seems to have long-term direction too. I don't know exactly where he is going or what is going to happen with "they", but it seems like TNA is confident in where they are going.

Other than that, I can't think of many other aspects of the show where TNA has continual direction. They don't seem to know where they are going, what they are building up to, what their ultimate goal is. They just seem to be floating around, and that is where TNA's lack of direction lies.
Actually, I take that back. They may well in fact have a plan for it, but they sure aren't showing it.

Everyone is still curious how you show you have a long-term plan without making it boring by revealing everything up front.

Let's look at it this way. Does Rob Van Dam as World Champion have a set "direction"? Does TNA know what they're building to with the championship? What there goal is? What is going to happen with it in the long run? Is RVD set in stone for an even longer reign that is intricately planned out. Or are they just going to keep it on him until they find the next flavor of the month to drop it on?

Flavor of the month TNA WHC reigns? What are you smoking? AJ held the title for 7 months and RVD has already held it for three. Meanwhile the wwe WHC has had 4 different champions in the last 5 months. But of course they are kings of direction. In fact since november 2008 to now (20 months) the WWE championship has changed hands 15 times with a MITB case looming. In TNA it changed hands 6 times over that time frame. So who exactly is flavor of the month again? If you do not know what the plan is with RVD, how do you know it lacks direction? That makes zero sense. It could have a whole fuckton of direction for all you know and pretending it is obviously otherwise is a joke.

Speaking of flavors of the month, how many times have we seen that so far? Everybody thought they had a direction with Desmond Wolfe. Everybody thought they had a direction with D'Angelo Dinero. Everybody thought they had a direction for Orlando Jordan. No matter about how I feel about Jordan, or how much I like the other two, it still doesn't change the fact that TNA was building them up and then had a, so to say, "change in direction" and dropped them.

Stuff changes in wrestling all the time. Attitude, injury, crowd reactions, contract situations can all cause creative to have to change direction. Dinero got hurt unfortunately and that derailed his push. Just like we have seen happen in WWE many times a certain Kennedy guy comes to mind among others. A company does not lack direction because of an unforeseen injury. I do not think anyone thought OJ was a major direction. He is just another in a string of many guys who cannot quite get their gimmick to work with the crowd the way management hoped so they have to re-evaluate the situation. Wolfe reportedly might have had some attitude issues. WWE stalls almost every young promising wrestler they have at some point for vague attitude issues. If all companys have these issues I fail to see how they specifically make TNA lack direction.

And what about Rosie Lottalove. I hate that woman, but for heaven's sakes if you introduce her as this heavy hitting dominant new knockout who is going to take out The Beautiful People, follow up on your storyline. But they had no direction, so that was dropped too.

And no other company had a random undercard gimmick that they quickly soured upon and re-evaluated? Give me a fuckin break.

What about Bound for Glory? Two months away, TNA should arguably be building torwards their biggest event of the year. But instead, we are having an ECW Reunion show which basically makes all other bigger storylines take a backseat to it. I'm fine with the ECW Reunion show, I really am, but don't hold it in a pay-per-view slot where you should be starting your build-up to your biggest show of the year.

Waiting a whole day to continue their stories where a lot more people will see them is so detrimental why exactly?
I have recently started watching TNA, and it seems like they are getting some "direction". It looks like RVD will be feuding with Abyss, and I think the "They" storyline will come to light soon. Either way, "They" catch my interest enough to make me start tuning in to Impact. I agree with some of the critics about in the past things seemed random, but I think they were just trying out different things.
i feel very much like a loner here. it seems to me that in many of these forums, there are only die hard WWE fans or die hard TNA fans. so for me to actually enjoy both makes me a bit of an outcast. is there a support group for people like me?

on to the thread: some previous posters have given some good definitions of "direction" and linked it to the idea of well-set and defined goals. i'd agree with that. and then again, other posters have countered that not all storylines and characters have to have clear-set long-term goals given away immediately.

obviously, direction is subject to change. there have been times when taking long road trips that my car started to run out of gas. so i had to change direction and get gas before i could continue on to my final destination. i've seen this happen in wrestling many times when an unexpected injury occurs. that will kill a storyline or an angle or anything else that could be planned because it was unforeseen.

there are other times on the road when, for no reason whatsoever, i just feel like eating. i wasn't necessarily hungry, but there was a sign for a restaurant that has food that i love and so i stopped there to eat. sometimes in wrestling, you just have to go with the flow. Anderson was a heel but was getting cheered. so he turned tweener. no reason really. but that's what the crowd was wanting and so they were obliged. same goes for Orton in WWE. the direction changed a bit because of what the audience was craving for no real foreseeable reason.

and then other times on the road, i've just simply gotten lost. i knew what state i was in and what highway i was on, but i wasn't sure which exit i'd just passed by and which one i was supposed to take. i'd liken this to the current product of both the WWE and TNA brands. i think both have good directions and good final destinations for their roster and fueds and storylines and angles. but for all of them? probably not. it's impossible. you have rosters of 70+ superstars. not all of them are gonna have well defined and set goals for an entire year or six months or whatever.

Abyss has a pretty good storyline going. i like Nash and Jarrett and Sting. i like Flair and Lethal. i love Angle and the Top Ten. i really enjoyed Hernandez and Morgan. i'm disappointed in Pope, but that got hurt due to injury, so i'm not gonna bash that. he's getting back on track with Anderson and that should be pretty good with Morgan in the mix also. i love Beer Money and MCMG. but i despise what's happening with Hardy and Orlando Jordan and Eric Young. but why complain about it and bash it? the year is not over and you never know what can happen in a short time. if someone gets injured, we may see Eric Young move up somewhere in a story that makes a difference. he got the short straw because of some issues beyond his control in Hall and Waltman. Hardy has outside issues with court trials and such and so can't be as involved as i'm sure he'd like to be.

WWE has a great thing going on with Nexus. i also like Sheamus and his build and very likely return feud with Triple H once his injury heals up. i like the idea of not having Cena as WHC and his angle with Jericho and Edge after this Nexus is over could be very good. i like Kane as WHC. i like Swagger. i love Punk and the whole SES. Miz is amazing. i really love Bourne's push and really dislike Khali. i dislike Santino. i dislike Chavo and Hornswaggle. some of these are just terrible ideas with terrible direction and writing. but i can't realistically expect every person on the roster to be flawless in story and direction. i can only hope that they do above average for the majority of their roster and storylines, which i think both companies are doing.

yes, there could be improvements made to both. very specific improvements to certain characters and storylines and very general improvements just to the writing and company as a whole. but i'm gonna remain positive, think happy thoughts and wait some time before i write either brand off as terrible and lacking anything good. what can i say? i'm just a fan of wrestling, no matter the brand.
I think a lot of people are focusing too much on smaller scale things, specific storylines, etc, when talking about TNA's lack of direction instead of focusing on the bigger picture. To me, my problem with TNA, is on a bigger scale I feel the company has no clear direction. When you look at WWE you know exactly what their company's based around, this PG era. You know exactly who the top stars are that WWE has and are building their brands around. You have a sense of who the WWE is looking towards in the future to be possible faces of the company when their current top stars time's are over, and they're constantly attempting to build and develop those talents for those roles. Even when you look at a company like Ring of Honor you can tell what their "identity" is, get a sense of the direction they're going with their talent roster, etc.

If people were to describe TNA's 'identity', what would it be? If people were to try to describe TNA as a whole, what would it be? What stands out? What vision are they reaching for? Even more so it's hard to even tell who TNA's top stars really are, and who they're really looking towards and developing as the next stars of the company.

Take AJ Styles. He was the face of TNA, right? He's built up and TNA seems to be developing him as their main guy to carry the company into the future. Then he loses the championship randomly to Rob Van Dam, he's pushed right out of the main event scene, and now he's lingering in a mid-card angle with a championship that means nothing and seems to have been entirely replaced in that role.

Years ago Samoa Joe looked like he was going to be a top star and one of the faces of the company, but over the course of the past year and more his booking has been so entirely eradic, his storylines have been dropped and changed, and he's been used sparringly to the point I don't even view him as on main event level anymore.

Is the Pope going to be one of the faces of the company in the future? He was pushed to the main event, only to lose and be all but forgotten about. He seems to now be lost in the shuffle along with Matt Morgan, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy and so on. Look at Desmond Wolfe! Kurt Angle's a top star and he's running through the other talent and not helping to build anyone with this current angle of his. Talents just seem to be lifted up and then dragged down, pushed in and then pulled out, the direction jumping from this and then to that.

I feel like TNA really needs to find their identity and stick with it. They need to define who they're building their company around and who they're going to build it around in the future and put all their efforts into those talents and building them as draws for TNA. They even need to define for themselves what they want out of their divisions and the championships in them.
I usually right long posts that are among 3-5 line posts, but it'll be the opposite in this thread. Lot of you have a lot to say about "direction" lol.
(^When I wrote this I didn't have anything to say bout direction, but I might of thought of something so might be a bit longer.)

I feel like the same people who say TNA is just ripping off and trying to be like WCW/WWE are the same ones saying TNA needs to have a big PPV like Wrestlemania and talking about how WWE has goals and direction.

Let's say WWE does everything textbook. They plan out feuds months in advance and know how each match storyline is going to go and have back up plans if there is an injury or something. Well I think it just so happens that the most popular idea WWE had this year seems to not have been planned in advance and is still probably up in the air in what "direction" it will take.

I'm of course talking about the Nexus. All reports say WWE just told Nexus to go out and show us something we haven't seen and Nexus did so. At that time they didn't know they would fire Brian Danielson, they probably didn't know Bret Hart would no longer be GM and there would be a mystery GM, they still aren't sure where this Nexus thing is going and who will join and what not.

What I know and hate, is that WWE is going to keep John Cena in the spotlight/mainevent no matter what the Nexus does. Same for Randy Orton.
It's like Mr Anderson said ... same 5 guys doing the same 5 things for the last 5 years. We know Triple H will come back. The only surprising thing WWE can do at this point is turn Cena heel.

But that's what I like about TNA, they have spontaneity! They don't know what the future holds, therefore, neither do we. TNA is willing to take risks and book a PPV on the fly(ECW). It is a curveball and that makes me more likely to watch. Sometimes things might not work out, but no risk, no reward.
WWE had to take risks back when it was 8 yrs old and so on ... how would you guys liked to have seen Bob Backlund be Champion for 6 years.
Or Hogan never wanting to work with the good workers of his time.
Or booking Bret Hart against Jerry Lawler and Bob Backlund in the mid 90's.

TNA will play a hot card if given to them, while WWE plays it safe(which is why you don't see a Cena turn.)

I just think TNA will never please some of you. The people talking about TNA just dropping storylines like MEM were probably the same ones saying these guys are all too old and need to get out of the spotlight, so TNA doesn't resign Booker T and Scott Steiner and now there stupid for just ending a storyline out of nowhere. Same with world elite, they weren't over so they scrapped the idea ... good for TNA. I did not need to see any "closure" in the World Elite storylne heh.

Sometimes it's better not to know where your going and just enjoy the ride.
AJ Styles and Samoa Joe are not suited to be the faces of a company that is trying to make money on the scale TNA is. May'be in ROH they could be, but not on a global scale.

A problem with TNA seems to be they have too much heart and loyalty. They have been shoving Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels(him being fired was obviously a Hogan/Bishoff call) down our throats for years, people just don't care. They see something in AJ and Joe that the majority of wrestling fans do not.

Do people realize WWE's ratings started to decrease when they had Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit main eventing? But how could that be, they're all great wrestlers, right?

The problem is your trying to fill the roles of Immortals with mortals.
What I mean by Immortals is if your talking about a FACE of the company Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin. You can include Triple H, Ric Flair, and Undertaker as Immortals, but as heels.

TNA sees the careers of Yokozuna, Rikishi, and Umaga and say "Joe's a big(I think one of the problems is he's not big enough) samoan who can wrestle better then all three of those guys." I think for TNA, Joe is too valuable to waste and so they want him to be like Goldberg(running through people), but it's just not in him for whatever reason.

And TNA desperately wants to see AJ, whose been with them since the beginning, take the throne of TNA and become that face like Sting was in WCW but his wrestling can only get him so far. They even put him with Flair to make him a top heel and while I think it's worked out ok ... Styles is just not a big enough draw for TNA.

I think with both guys there is just too much pretending. If your a tough guy by nature, you don't have to pretend to be one(like Austin.)

Take for example Lucky Cannon and Alex Riley of NXT. Say they're both the same in the ring(I'm not sure if they are but lets say), both have good size and physiques, but it just comes more naturally too Riley on the mic. I think Riley so far does a more convincing heel then the Miz. Both seem like legit ********s, but Riley seems the tougher of the two and is also bigger.

Like it or not, TNA has been carried this entire time by name recognition. It's what separates TNA from ROH.
If the Wilpon Wrestling group had a roster of Indy guys, vets like Booker, Steiner and Vader ... it might get some interest. Now how much more interest would it get if you add Steve Austin and Goldberg too the roster?

The best thing TNA could do is let Joe and Styles have their fun in the mid card and give the chance too guys in the indies or that TNA can develop elsewhere until they are ready to breakout and be an immediate star in TNA.
Until then, Angle, RVD, Hardy, Anderson are your main eventers for the most part and you hope to develop storylines.

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