Dave's Run-Down Of The Contenders (Thus Far)


Staff member
Over the last couple of hours, I have been looking around the parties and the contenders that have stuck their heads above the parapet to run for moderator in the WZ Election and so far, I have found myself a little underwhelmed. Maybe it is because all of the people who should be a mod (with the exception of Mitch) are already mods. But having tried to lay a few home truths on a couple of people from La Resistance, I have found myself being ignored. Maybe I'm not the most qualified person to talk about who deserves to be a mod but having been here for almost 3 years now and a moderator for a little under half of that, I would have thought that I might have had more success than merely falling uponb ignorant ears.

Anyway, wnough about me. I thought I would go ahead and give my honest opinion of all the candidates that have put their names forward thus far. Read or don't read, care or don't care, it really doesn't matter to me. I'm killing time more than anything.


Milenko - This was one of the guys that I legitimately tried to help along the path. God knows he has been here long enough to realise when someone is trying to help him. He has no strategy outside of "I'm going to promote Tech news a lot more". Sorry, dude, but that is not even nearly enough to get you through this election, to be honest. When you add that to the fact that you are pretty much universally hated by almost everyone, you should have been putting more effort into your ideas so that people might look past their aversion to everything you say. Time will tell if you should have listened to me.

The Crock - Crock reminds me a lot of myself in that I tried everything to be a moderator before it actually happened. I exhausted every single section and could not figure out what it was going to take to get me there. Luckily for him, this election looks past all of that and he finds himself in the mix by having a history of being a chill dude and working hard at the sections he has tried to make better. I wasn't able to find out what section he was looking to go after but VG&T seems to ring a bell. I also wasn't able to find his agenda, so I'm going to have very little to say unless someone can direct me towards that. I would say that this primary is his to lose because he seems to have a lot of support from the Bar, which the other candidates don't have. Like I said, I couldn't find his agenda but I suspect he will be one of the front-runners.

Harthan - Why you would want to be a moderator again is beyond me. Fool me once... You get the idea. That said, this is the candidate that looks to be the most solid choice to progress from this party. I'm saying that because I didn't manage to see an agenda from Crock and outside of that, Harthan's agenda seems to be pretty solid. I like that he is aiming for Potluck but I have no idea why. I think he could be the one to give that section a little boost but he is going to have to work hard at that. He is going to go up against some awesome candidates if he gets through and moderating experience is going to be key in his run at this. Whether people believe he should give it to someone else who hasn't been a mod or not, he is the only candidate who can legitimately say that he had a good run as a moderator. That said, I worked with him in my very early days on WZCW Creative and I found him to be a little obnoxious ana lazy. He was in charge for a while and did his best to further his own agenda. Whether that was due to his real life troubles, I have no idea. But of all the candidates in this party, he seems the most equipped.

Campeon - looking at your user-name would indicate to me that you are a complete idiot. Whether you are or not remains to be seen. But I really think that you need to look at yourself and your campaign over the next couple of days if you really want to stand a chance. Change your piss-awful name to something that people won't laugh at and you're onto a winner. You need to pick a better section too. It makes me angry that you're trying to take WZPC and it's probably because I ran it for a while. But mostly because you think that you're going to be running it if you win. Trust me, you won't. You'll be a spare part of an already functioning machine with Theo at the helm. Don't keep saying that you're going to change into an amazing poster and go out and do it. Put some great posts in elsewhere that make people realise that you're not a complete imbecile. That is if you are capable of that.

RVD - another guy running at VG&T? I'll say this again for everyone's benefit. You guys have been poking ridicule at Coco for going after the spam sections because it "doesn't need a mod" and you don't even realise that neither does the VG&T section. It has long since been a self-sufficient section that has it's group of core posters that will post what needs to be posted. The thing that burns most is that you are not even part of that group of posters! Sound of Madness, a guy who I know posts in there frequently, says that you don't post there at all and I tend to believe him. At least Coco is part of what makes the spam sections great. If you just wanted to be a mod, then you should have just joined his party instead of taking a steamy dump on this election and garnishing it with the idea that you want to mod a section you don't post in. That really pisses me off. You're just as bad as Milenko.


So that sums up that party. I'm going to get the rest of the parties done by the time the first primary rolls around. I did this on my phone, so please excuse any spelling mistakes you find. Then again, it won't be as bad as Milenko's.
Crock: Keep on rocking, my man. You'll make a good mod when the time comes.

Joe: Of course I will. What kind of man would I be if I were going give up right after the first one? Beare in mind that I had to write all of that out on my phone though. I'll get them done before the first primary at the very least. Tomorrow at the earliest.

Millie Vannilly: Dude! I tried to tell you what I thought needed to be done and you completely ignored it. Your agenda is flatter than a beer that's been open for a week. You need to make more of an effort to show people that you have concrete ideas for that section.
1) Drive discussion through making threads and posting in other threads

2) reward people for posting thereby giving an incentive to post in my section.

3) Help run the VG tourney when we do another one.

not as in depth as others and I am open to suggestions and help I know. I've always been more of a give me a chance and I'll show kind of guy as apposed to a talk about it before hand kind of guy
Dave you just made me realize a lot of things in my campaigning and I thank you for teaching me this.

P.S I am not giving you any bullshit at all.
Not really.

If something never happened to you and then it happened out of no where would you think that's what it was?
Not really.

If something never happened to you and then it happened out of no where would you think that's what it was?

I would notice the difference. It would be even more noticeable. You may feel disbelief or the like, but you still should recognize it. I wouldn't call it ignorance or paranoia, but you have the auto-defense mechanism up that no matter what someone says to you, they're being crass, rude, or sarcastic.

What I find funny is that when people do try to help, you pay less attention to them then you do to the people you shouldn't give a damn about, those who constantly are trying to mess with you. It's conditioning, that's understandable, but the best way to move past that conditioning is to look harder when people are trying to be nice or help you.

Staying out of the Bar would be a nice first step, by the way.

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