Chris Masters to TNA Soon?

I dont think Chris really is ready yet he could use a bit more "work on his wrestling" but if he does go to TNA I won't be surprised.
There is a lot of time before the 90-day clause ends and Masters is available. However, I wouldn't be surprised if he does look into signing with TNA.

I wouldn't be surprised if TNA hired him either. He's young, good-looking, a decent in-ring worker, and got a decent reaction from fans as both heel and face. I'm sure TNA could do something with him.

But only time will tell, I guess.
Austin wasn't a big name in WCW? lol
I beg to differ that he wasn't a relatively big name atleast in the upper mid card, He was one half of one of there most memorable tag teams and was a multi time US champ on the verge of breaking though to main event had Austin stayed in WCW and they given him the ball, he would have made a great WCW champ and WCW may well have peaked earlier.

WWF didn't just make Austin out of thin air. He already had main event talent and then in ECW he got over big time b4 WWF picked him up, WWF they just gave him the platform that Bichsoff wouldn't and the rest is history, Master's i don't see that same desire and character, i agree though that it is possible to make Masters or most people a main event player but it wouldn't be a long lasting one and certainly not a memorable one.

Sure (Khali is a world champion, would bring zero viewers to TNA), but when Austin went over to F/E', was he going to bring in that extra PPV buy and get that extra ticket of admission sold with the way his character was? No. That's what some people are basing their opinion on Masters, that he won't be able to draw. WWF turned Austin into a draw, a draw that the fans loved. He wasn't 'loved' when he was in WCW and was by no means guaranteed a success when the WWF signed him. They did though and TURNED him into something that fans could relate too. Those days in mainstream wrestling are over though and its very hard to have a character change and get over. IF Master's is willing to work and apply himself to reach a certain level, then by all means go for it.
No thank you. Masters epitomizes the "WWE reject" philosophy. He's a generic, rather boring character who just so happens to be a meat head, which meant he'd get over just fine with WWE's corporate brass.

TNA already has plenty of depth on their roster they could still utilize better. Adding Masters only means someone else loses a spot, again.

Hopefully that spot is Crimson's.

A lot of a wrestler's success is the way they are booked if they are a good in ring performer and deent on the mic, especially if they are booked successfully.

Look at John Cena for example, he has been this unbetaable force for over 7 years, is in every major storyline and gets heaps of mic time. Then let's look at Triple H before him, same deal plenty of mic time, plenty of Championships plenty of big time storylines.

Look at both men's physiques.. now look at Masters. What's stopping a company like TNA making Masters- SUPERMASTERS and making him the next big thing. The guy is amazing in the ring and his mic skills are pretty good considering he hasn't had much of an opportunity to show us what he has over the last 5 years. Triple H is a big guy with no real gimmick except he wins. He ddin't become "the Game" until after he won his first title.

Masters has the look, the in ring ability and probably the mic skills to be a top star. I see him and Cena being interchangeable to be honest.

What if Masters was given the Cena push? Exactly.

Masters is that 6'2'' powerhouse mould that most champions look like. WWE's oversight could be TNA's big time gain.
I'm torn on this one as It's Damn Real said bringing him in would mean someone else would lose their spot. Which in TNA that means someone that would benefit them in the next 30 yrs of their career vs the next 5 or 6 of Hogans.

However I think Chris would do well in TNA since he has gotten alot better as a wrestler, and does have a good charisma about him if utilized correctly. For all the WWE fires he's the one that totally deserves a chance unlike Orlando Jordan, or that guy that was good friends with Christian who got fat in TNA.
No. TNA has a lot of guys on their roster deserving a shot before bringing in another reject like Masters. He was terrible in WWE. I hated his Master Lock Challenges and am glad none of his pushes ever really amounted to anything. All that would happen if he came to TNA would be yet another guy losing a shot due to bringing in another reject. No one cares enough about Masters for him to make a significant difference. I would still watch if he came to TNA, but I swear, if I ever have to endure the torture of watching him making his muscles dance again, I will throw my tv out the window.
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changed my mind I hope not he adds nothing to the company he actually takes away from the company making it look bad I hope they don't sigh him

he did have a cool entrance theme though I'll give him that
I'd be all for it.

This guy deserves a chance and for once, I think he's a guy that is worth taking that chance on. He's big, he can wrestle, he's a real cool dude who can translate that personality to the screen. THIS is the type of guy you put your backing behind.

Problem with signing him. Any fan will have the ability to realize that the two muscular guys being pushed right now, Gunner and Crimson, are very mediocre in comparison to him. This is a guy that has been wrestling for a decade so the ring stuff isn't so close (closer with Gunner than Crimson to be sure) and his body is vastly superior to either guy. He's taller, bigger muscles, all that jazz. He's the type of guy that you can really push up the ladder. In a sense, he could be TNA's Batista. Save your anti-Batista comments because he made WWE a ton of money so that was meant as a compliment.

I'd love to see Masters back on TV. He's a talented cat and as long as he's given an opportunity, I think he'd take it. This could go down as the best former WWE signing since Angle. Yeah, that's right, I said it. Dude's 28 and has everything you need to be a successful wrestler. Why not take a chance on him?
Masters would fit pretty well in tba

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