Are Styles and Owens about to be "Punked"?


Leading A Revolution
Haven't been on here in a while but randomly decided to dive back in today and wanted to here some other opinions on something.

My question is do you think both current world champs Kevin Owens, and AJ Styles are about to get "Punked" at the Royal Rumble? What I mean by punked is a horrible pun to reference when CM Punk held the WWE title for a 400 plus day title reign and then dropped the title to The Rock at the Royal Rumble to set up the WM29 John Cena Rematch.

Kevin Owens has held the Universal Title for exactly 5 months as of today. Meanwhile Roman Reigns was kept out of the world title picture for a few months possibly as an attempt to work on how he was getting over with the audience, or maybe as a small smack on the wrist for his wellness policy mix up. Either way the "Big Dog" as Michael Cole would say is back in the world title picture, and after dropping the US title it seems much more likely that he reclaims the top belt on Raw and will head into Wrestlemania to potentially headline the show for the third straight year. While i'm a big Kevin Owens fan I think they put the belt on him just to fill a void that was created by the Finn Balor injury and now are gonna go back to Reigns leading up to and through wrestlemania while Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho end up facing off for the US Title. Also it wouldn't surprise me if the continued ratings struggle would make Vince go back with Reigns thinking he'll be a better ratings draw.

Next we have the Phenomenal one. AJ styles is currently in the midst of a roughly four and a half month run as the WWE Champion and it will be the "Face that runs the place" vs "The Champ that Runs the Camp" when Styles defends his belt against Cena. With rumors running rampant of Cena vs Undertaker this year at Mania this could be when they put the strap back on Cena to set up what would be the hands down main event of WM 33. I have more hope here that AJ will some how go over Cena again. AJ Styles has had arguably one of the best single year runs in WWE history, has been the best thing on Smackdown to me, and just has too much momentum going right now not to go into WM33 as champ. Also, John Cena vs the Undertaker would be so big it wouldn't have to be for the belt. So why put the strap on Cena and possibly have Taker win the rumble when you can get to that match with out either of those things happening. However Styles is 2-0 in singles matches against Cena and I can't see him going to 3-0 with out some shenanigans .

The thing here is WWE has both world title belts on two guys who the hardcore fans, older fans,"IWC" or whatever the hell kind of label you want to put on the fans, me included, who are supporters of guys like Kevin Owens and AJ Styles during a time where there is arguably a low point in the year. The low is that septemebr to january stretch where post wrestlemania/ summerslam hype has died down and its too early to start the hype for next years wrestlmania. But with the Rumble kicking off the "Road to Wrestlemania" do you think WWE will have Owens and Styles drop their respective World Titles to Cena and Reigns who are considered more of the usual Vince McMahon/WWE top guys? Similar to how CM Punk dropped the belt to The Rock back in 2013.

So what do you guys think?
Owens is most definitely a place card, otherwise they would have had him win the title and not Balor. I wouldn't be surprised to see Reigns win the title, but I don't think Cena will win. As you said him vs. Taker does not need to be for the title. I do however, think WWE may try to do a double winner of the Rumble, so they have two guys to stake claim to title shots at WM, one obviously for Smackdown, and one for Raw. If that happens, I think Balor makes a surprise return and is one of those two, if not the ONE to win the Rumble.
I think Reigns is gonna win, and Goldberg will win the Rumble...and set Reigns v Goldberg at WM.

With AJ and Cena, im really clueless, because AJ has been amazing and is over as hell, Cena doesnt need a title to be relevant
To put it simply, no.

There are major differences between Styles/Owens and CM Punk.

1) They are not CM Punk. CM Punk was a big star during his run. He was the #1 guy to get so close to Cena's stardom in years and some could argue that he might even had surpassed it for some time. Styles and Owens are nowhere near there. Then you had the whole "Wrestlemania Main Event" in Punk's wish list. The fans knew that and they felt that Wrestlemania 29 was the right time for that, since Punk had been the hottest guy in pro wrestling for 2 years.

2) Owens and Styles aren't really bonafide Wrestlemania main event worthy. I'm not talking about their ring ability. This is by far superior when compared to many wrestlers out there. However Owens isn't that over, he's not mainstream over and Styles just closed a year with the WWE. They're more like the 2000 Kurt Angle. He too dropped the belt to The Rock, since Rock vs Austin was the biggest rematch at that time for Wrestlemania and nor for example, Austin vs Angle.

3) Let's look at the booking side of things.
RAW: If not Owens vs Jericho happens for the title at WM, then what's left? Rollins is locked with HHH. Lesnar is locked with Goldberg and I doubt Vince has in mind to make Lesnar the champ right now. Plus Lesnar himself requested this whole feud with Goldberg to continue so that Lesnar and Goldberg can work together at Wrestlemania. The other options are Reigns vs Balor or Reigns vs Strowman. They're not bigger draws than Owens vs Jericho.. But Reigns winning the title and Strowman the Rumble would be a big and bad troll for all of us.

Smackdown: There are more chances that Styles drops the belt to Cena than ever before. First of all, Styles is 2-0. Will he go 3-0? It'd be a nice story, but I don't think so. Then again, I really can't predict SD's title picture for Wrestlemania. Will it be Styles vs Wyatt? Cena vs Ambrose? Undertaker vs Cena? Styles vs Orton, Styles vs Orton vs Wyatt? Undertaker vs Styles? All of these matches could happen.

Unless WWE decides to move away from Lesnar vs Goldberg and give us Reigns vs Goldberg for the title, which is a bigger draw than Owens vs Y2J, then I don't see Owens dropping the title. However that would put Lesnar in a backseat, until he gets his win over Goldberg and from what I have understood over the years, Lesnar doesn't want to be in the backseat (see Lesnar vs Ambrose).
As far as Styles goes, I really don't know. I don't know if they're planning for someone to step us from SD like Wyatt and Ambrose or if the Undertaker will end up there fighting for the title.
But I feel like one of those guys will definately walk into WM as the champ.

PS: Even if they get punked, what does it matter? The card can shape like this:
Reigns(c) vs Goldberg
Cena(c) vs Undertaker
Owens vs Y2J
Styles vs Orton
Wyatt vs Lesnar (Interpromotional match)
Rollins vs Triple H
and the rest. That's still one awesome card for me.
To preface, I don't see either man walking into Mania as champion, but does that mean they're getting "Punked?" No.

Punk's situation was unique, it wasn't just a guy who had a great run dropping a belt. Despite Punk having a year plus long title reign and him being arguably the hottest guy in the company for the better part of two years, him dropping the belt was just business. It's not like they had some vendetta against him that said "thou shalt not main event WrestleMania!" They wanted to do Cena vs. Rock II... so they did it. What made it feel like more than that was the fact that Punk was so vocal about being against the idea and thinking that he should've been involved in that WrestleMania's main event in some way whether it be as challenger or champion. Those two things coupled together made it almost feel like a legitimate screwing.

That's not going to be the case this time. Not only because neither AJ nor Owens are close to the position Punk was in, but I think both are more level-headed than Punk was, and they'll understand that it's just business. Will there be disappointment? Sure. There always is. Will there be saltiness? Maybe some. Will they get over it? Yeah, eventually. Will they let it get out of hand? Absolutely not.
I don't think WWE places their wrestlers in WM main-events anymore depending on their box office appeal. This is the mid-card era and the company knows this, however I do feel that AJ Styles should be in the main event at WM because he is one of the best things to happen to wrestling post-MNW.
Who actually thought Punk would main event WM 29? Punk is pretty clueless if he feels he got Punked. The writing was most definitely on the wall that he was second class throughout most of his title reign. They had him turn heel at Raw 1000 on The Rock which was a pretty decent sign of things to come.

But here's the thing. Styles and Owens should want to kill for the spot Punk got at Mania 29. Punk got a better spot working with a white hot Streak intact UT at that Mania. It should have been far more important to him and the fans than the title and another match with Cena or facing a wrestler turned actor. Punk always tried to come off like some counter alternative to the traditional Cena. But he wasn't, he wanted to be Hulk Hogan like everyone else and not the Macho Man he worked the fans in to believing. He was just so ungrateful that he can't appreciate what he was granted.

I expect Styles will lose but still get a decent match up at Mania. Owens, not so much. But they both have known this for a while and will be professional about it. Any dismay will be them working the fans. Whether it be in a podcast today or an autobiography in 10 years.
I'll throw out a wild prediction and say Kevin Owens loses his Title because of something Chris Jericho does. A.J Styles retains his title with interference from ____ to get a feud with John Cena. I can't see both world champions going down on one show.
Punk didn't get "punked" as it was pretty obvious that he wasn't being booked with the sort of strength that we'd seen with guys like Edge, Batista or John Cena. Punk himself has stated that he wanted the "John Cena push" but Punk's biggest problem was that he was difficult to work with and continuously rubbed everyone the wrong way. If even half of what's been reported on Punk over the years turns out to be true, Punk was often confrontational simply for shits and giggles; he enjoyed conflict with people he didn't like, which included a lot of the top stars especially or management.

I can see Owens losing at the Royal Rumble, I don't know if it'll be due to Jericho turning on him or if it'll be some sort of miscalculation, but I can see it. For instance, even though Jericho is going to be above the ring, he can still sort of toss some sort of foreign object to Owens; if he comes out with the United States Championship belt, then I have little doubt that Jericho will drop the title down for Owens to use. I'd say Reigns had a strong 75% chance of walking out with the Universal Championship when he was US champ, but it went up to 95%+ after he dropped the US Title to Jericho and isn't going for a rematch.

As for AJ Styles, I think he has a better shot of retaining against Cena at the Rumble. My guess, and that's all it is 'cuz Vince may throw a curve ball, is that Vince wants Cena's historic 16th World Championship run to start at WrestleMania. WrestleMania is the biggest show of the year, the "Showcase of the Immortals" and all that, so Cena tying Ric Flair for having the most officially recognized World Title runs just seems like a WrestleMania moment.

Personally, I think both guys deserve to walk into WrestleMania as champions.
I think that's a little unfair to say both guys will get punked. How many people thought AJ Styles even a year ago now since his debut would have this kind of run in the WWE? I had hopes he would but i wasn't sure how far his ceiling would be. I am glad WWE took full advantage of the guy and he's knocked it out the park carrying Smackdown. Same goes for Kevin Owens because when his feud with John Cena ended everyone thought he was done for but i think he's done a good job helping to carry RAW.

Will either one lose at the Royal Rumble? I am having a hard time figuring out what will happen but i like that feeling of not knowing the outcome. Right now if I had to pick I think John Cena wins and Kevin Owens retains.
To put it simply, no.

There are major differences between Styles/Owens and CM Punk.

1) They are not CM Punk. CM Punk was a big star during his run. He was the #1 guy to get so close to Cena's stardom in years and some could argue that he might even had surpassed it for some time. Styles and Owens are nowhere near there. Then you had the whole "Wrestlemania Main Event" in Punk's wish list. The fans knew that and they felt that Wrestlemania 29 was the right time for that, since Punk had been the hottest guy in pro wrestling for 2 years.

2) Owens and Styles aren't really bonafide Wrestlemania main event worthy. I'm not talking about their ring ability. This is by far superior when compared to many wrestlers out there. However Owens isn't that over, he's not mainstream over and Styles just closed a year with the WWE. They're more like the 2000 Kurt Angle. He too dropped the belt to The Rock, since Rock vs Austin was the biggest rematch at that time for Wrestlemania and nor for example, Austin vs Angle.

3) Let's look at the booking side of things.
RAW: If not Owens vs Jericho happens for the title at WM, then what's left? Rollins is locked with HHH. Lesnar is locked with Goldberg and I doubt Vince has in mind to make Lesnar the champ right now. Plus Lesnar himself requested this whole feud with Goldberg to continue so that Lesnar and Goldberg can work together at Wrestlemania. The other options are Reigns vs Balor or Reigns vs Strowman. They're not bigger draws than Owens vs Jericho.. But Reigns winning the title and Strowman the Rumble would be a big and bad troll for all of us.

Smackdown: There are more chances that Styles drops the belt to Cena than ever before. First of all, Styles is 2-0. Will he go 3-0? It'd be a nice story, but I don't think so. Then again, I really can't predict SD's title picture for Wrestlemania. Will it be Styles vs Wyatt? Cena vs Ambrose? Undertaker vs Cena? Styles vs Orton, Styles vs Orton vs Wyatt? Undertaker vs Styles? All of these matches could happen.

Unless WWE decides to move away from Lesnar vs Goldberg and give us Reigns vs Goldberg for the title, which is a bigger draw than Owens vs Y2J, then I don't see Owens dropping the title. However that would put Lesnar in a backseat, until he gets his win over Goldberg and from what I have understood over the years, Lesnar doesn't want to be in the backseat (see Lesnar vs Ambrose).
As far as Styles goes, I really don't know. I don't know if they're planning for someone to step us from SD like Wyatt and Ambrose or if the Undertaker will end up there fighting for the title.
But I feel like one of those guys will definately walk into WM as the champ.

PS: Even if they get punked, what does it matter? The card can shape like this:
Reigns(c) vs Goldberg
Cena(c) vs Undertaker
Owens vs Y2J
Styles vs Orton
Wyatt vs Lesnar (Interpromotional match)
Rollins vs Triple H
and the rest. That's still one awesome card for me.

I really don t understand where you are getting your scoop! Wrestlezone here even reported that vince is not going for cena vs underflaker as he scrapped those plans! Now it's been said Braun Strowman vs Brock Lesner is happening! Orton is going against Bray Wyatt or they might tag team
Rollins vs HHH is not happening hopefully not I see Seth ROllins vs AJ Styles these 2 can blow the roof and we saw how well they went against each other at Survivor Series! Reigns will most likely clash with Owens or Y2Jerkiko
I would like to see a tag team Reigns and Rollins vs Kevin Steen and Y2Jerk
as that can help .
As has been already mentioned, Kevin Owens and AJ Styles ain't at the level of Punk as of now. AJ Styles is close but Owens is nowhere near it yet.

But I do have doubts about either champion retain his title at Royal Rumble. I would like to see both of them retain and go into Wrestlemania 33 as the defending Champions as I don't think that they should lose the titles yet. Roman Reigns needs to be away from main event scene for a while and thus shouldn't defeat Kevin Owens for the title at Royal Rumble. And I would like AJ Styles to retain against Cena as well.
I see them having more faith in Styles overall than they do in Owens, one reason being that Styles could just as easily be sold as a face. I can't imagine Vince sees KO vs Jericho as a big 'Mania title match and it's just as hard to imagine who KO would defend against if not Jericho. If Rollins gets Trips and Balor isn't ready to go there are really no options. The Universal title picture right now is so damn ugly, hardly any fresh match-ups available and the ones that are involve throwing in someone who is way too green at the moment like Braun. There just aren't as many flexible stars at the moment in comparison to Punk's reign.

I can see Styles either carrying or competing for the belt at WM. You can book him as a heel against Taker fresh off a Rumble win or do something ballsy like him defending against Cena and Joe in a triple threat. There just seems to be more options for him involving the belt at the moment and a lot of that has to do with simply being booked better throughout his reign. With rumors that Vince doesn't want to do Cena vs Taker I struggle to think who Cena would defend against if Styles isn't involved somehow.

Regardless of either Owens or Styles losing their belts at the Rumble, the WWE had a clear path they wanted to take with the Punk/Cena/Rock stuff and they knew where they wanted Punk's place in the company to be. I get the feeling they're having trouble booking this years Mania and the road to it.
With talk of Cena vs Taker being shot down, I could actually see Styles keeping the belt and extending his feud with Cena until Mania, which is where I think Cena should tie Flair's record anyway.

Owens is likely losing, but that's not certain anymore either. It's looking like we may get him against Jericho and Reigns/Strowman at Mania, and of the two it makes more sense to keep the belt on Owens.

Of course, things could go either way, and that's actually part of why I'm excited about Royal Rumble this year for more than just my love of the Rumble match. So many recent years have been obvious what we were getting going into Mania, and this year really isn't. There are five guys I could see winning the Rumble, and both titles are up in the air for me. Should be a lot of fun.
I don't believe the term Punk'ed is correct.
But I don't think Owens will go into Mania as champ. Reigns vs Strowman for the belt seems more likely.
Styles is an unknown mystery. I would like him to remain champ, but ultimately anythink could happen.
Owens is real posterboy transitional champion. He wasnt even suppose to be one if Balor wasnt injured. Then HHH screwed Rollins and gave Owens title. And now he just waits with that title until somebody more deserving gets it in Wrestlemania season and he has a fallout with Jericho. At his time as champion not only he is not maineventing RAWs and PPVs with title but before he feuded with Reigns he was not second, but third feud at RAW after Reigns/Rusev and Charlotte/Sasha. What I am trying to say is, that its a miracle that he even made it this far with title and wouldnt be suprise if Reigns gets it especially because dont think that WWE would book big title match at Wrestlemania as Owens vs Jericho.

Styles is another story. Eventhough he had his downs( khm, lost to Elsworth 3 times, khm), he really carried Smackdown. Was allowed to beat Cena clean, took title of Ambrose and really carried the brand while Cena was gone which is an accomplishment if you know that Cena is only one there with real starpower. Unfortunatly for him, they really want Cena 16th soon, so either it would be Rumble or Wrestlemania. My guess is Rumble because with constant mentioning of Shane Mcmahon rumors of AJ vs Shane at Mania are probably true.
Owens always was supposed to be a transitional champion that's not even a question in my book. The fact that they used him to start HHH'S storyline prove that he never was in the plans as universal champion plus his work since winning the belt screamed mid card title holder anyway, so losing it to somebody a little bit higher on the cards and that will have a higher profile match at mania anyway makes senses.

As for styles, again it kinda the damn if you do damn if you don'T type thing here. When the rock won the belt from Punk, the logic was there really, who do you want to headlines wrestlemania and get those PPV buy? A guy the alot of casual fans don'T really know like Punk or The Rock who probably is the biggest star on the planet. You needed to put the match that would attract the most buys back them because the WWE network didn'T exist and at the price they we'Re charging for the PPV, they really needed to get as much Fans to buy the PPV has possible and Cena vs Rock 2 for the WWE title was the biggest match you could do for mania.

Now it'S a different ball game because of the WWE network and the fact that the network is free for new subscribers, So you could make a case for Styles being in a title match at mania because enough casual fans knows who styles is, Sure Cena will always attract more fans to the network then AJ Styles will, that'S normal because Cena is pretty much becoming a big name outside of wrestling and will attract more casual fans to watch what he's doing in the ring. So if WWE wants casual fans to get the network comes mania times, no matter how popular Styles is with wrestling fans, they will probably have to forget about their existing fan bases during wrestlemania season and go with the long game of having cena as champion going into mania.

Plus if the rumor is true and Aj will get stuck with Shane Mcmahon at mania, which is still a big match even if it might not be a great one, i don'T see this match being a title match because it wouldn'T make sense but i wouldn'T be surprise if they pull a fast one on us and have aj somehow retain the title at the rumble and just lose it at elimination chamber.
Where are you guys getting this Styles vs Shane rumour? It's terrifying to say the least.

I read it a week or so ago, maybe longer on one of the dirtsheets. According to rumour they were going to put Shane against Lesnar but Goldberg returned. Apparently there has always been a plan for Shane to be on the card, just who he would be facing was the mystery factor.

For one I would be disappointed if it is Styles. While Shane can still go, he proved that last year against Taker and again at SS, Styles should be facing someone like Samoa Joe or Nakamura. That would be a MOTY candidate. I think we have too many part timers taking up room on the card as it is, let Shane run SD Live and leave it at that.

You know this is the problem with PPV's like Mania to begin with. A lot of people say we need these part timers to sell the show. Well shit if you put enough effort into your full time roster and not have them booked like crap for most of the year, you wouldn't need part timers to sell seats. Besides really how many people will spend thousands on going to Mania just to see a 20 minute segment with the Rock, and maybe a 5 minute drop in by Steve Austin.
I read it a week or so ago, maybe longer on one of the dirtsheets. According to rumour they were going to put Shane against Lesnar but Goldberg returned. Apparently there has always been a plan for Shane to be on the card, just who he would be facing was the mystery factor.

For one I would be disappointed if it is Styles. While Shane can still go, he proved that last year against Taker and again at SS, Styles should be facing someone like Samoa Joe or Nakamura. That would be a MOTY candidate. I think we have too many part timers taking up room on the card as it is, let Shane run SD Live and leave it at that.

You know this is the problem with PPV's like Mania to begin with. A lot of people say we need these part timers to sell the show. Well shit if you put enough effort into your full time roster and not have them booked like crap for most of the year, you wouldn't need part timers to sell seats. Besides really how many people will spend thousands on going to Mania just to see a 20 minute segment with the Rock, and maybe a 5 minute drop in by Steve Austin.

Just put Shane in a ladder match if you want him to wrestle so badly, let him have another big spot there. That's his role anyway.

I mean c'mon... Even if it's not Nakamura (I don't agree with Styles vs Joe), just give him Balor. There's nothing for Balor to do and I'm pretty sure Vince wants Balor badly on the Wrestlemania card. Gallows and Anderson can be the link that's needed to start a feud with these two superstars, even if they are on different brands. Styles vs Balor, that's a worldwide dream match.
I see Sunday playing out like this (and yes I know you all will think i'm crazy or stupid)

- AJ beats Cena clean. Cena has somewhat of a post match break down. Maybe even some depressing words in an interview.

- Owens/Reigns becoming No DQ is big. Braun Stroman costs Reigns the match.

- Royal Rumble time. #1 is Goldberg, #2 is Lesnar. We get a 90 second tease or them pounding each other. As they try to eliminate each other and both hanging over the top rope #3 is Samoa Joe who sprints to the ring and dumps them both. At some point a distraught John Cena comes out and costs The Undertaker his opportunity to win. Cena explains on SmackDown the last thing he needs to do is beat Taker at Mania. Final 4 are: Chris Jericho, Samoa Joe, Braun Stroman and Sami Zayn. Last 2 are Zayn and Stroman. Stroman is destroying Zayn when Reigns somehow costs Stroman the Rumble. Maybe Reigns music starts distracting Stroman and Zayn dropkicks him over top like MAven did to Undertaker or Stroman loses focus turns to clothsline Zayn over the top instead Zayn uses his momentum and eliminates Braun the same way Hacksaw jim Duggan did the One Man Gang. The ultimate moment in the Underdog Sami Zayn story hits it climax at the Rumble by finally conquering Stroman and sticking it to Stephanie McMahon.


Co-Main Events
Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg
John Cena vs The Undertaker
WWE Title- Styles vs Samoa Joe
Universal Title- Owens vs Zayn The Final Match in feud is at Mania. Does't need to be Main Event similar to Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan for title. Possibly add Balor if he's healthy.
Braun Stroman vs Roman Reigns
HHH vs Seth Rollins
IC Title LAdder MAtch- Ambrose vs Miz vs Ziggler vs Crews vs Corbin vs Kalisto
US Title Match - Jericho vs Big E or Kofi
RAW Women's Title - Charlotte vs Bayley
Orton vs Bray Wyatt
Big Show vs Shaq

Raw Tag Titles- Anderson/Gallows vs Enzo/Cass vs New Day vs Sheamus/CEsaro
SD Live Tag Titles- American Alpha vs The Revival
SD Live Womans title- ??? vs ???
Andre The Giant Battle Royal - Winner MoJo Rawley or Bobby Rude
Cruiserweight Title- Cedric Alexander vs Neville

I don't really buy that report.. So they will all of a sudden move Orton and Wyatt into a title match at Wrestlemania? Have Styles wrestle freaking Shane McMahon and Joe in such a big match, when he hasn't even debuted?

I don't hate that card though.. But Styles vs Shane sucks. Have Styles vs Orton vs Wyatt. Plus where's Ambrore?
Who actually thought Punk would main event WM 29? Punk is pretty clueless if he feels he got Punked. The writing was most definitely on the wall that he was second class throughout most of his title reign. They had him turn heel at Raw 1000 on The Rock which was a pretty decent sign of things to come.

But here's the thing. Styles and Owens should want to kill for the spot Punk got at Mania 29. Punk got a better spot working with a white hot Streak intact UT at that Mania. It should have been far more important to him and the fans than the title and another match with Cena or facing a wrestler turned actor. Punk always tried to come off like some counter alternative to the traditional Cena. But he wasn't, he wanted to be Hulk Hogan like everyone else and not the Macho Man he worked the fans in to believing. He was just so ungrateful that he can't appreciate what he was granted.

I expect Styles will lose but still get a decent match up at Mania. Owens, not so much. But they both have known this for a while and will be professional about it. Any dismay will be them working the fans. Whether it be in a podcast today or an autobiography in 10 years.

If Rock vs Cena II wasn't such a shit show, you'd have a good point. Punk absolutely belonged in the main event that year, and he's not wrong to be bitter about it. It was also in the middle of a pattern of semi-retired guys coming back for a short while just so they could beat him and then not being there the next night.

And even if all you see is him being the Macho Man alternative- even Macho Man got a good main event.

I think Styles will be fine as well. No matter who he faces at Mania, it's going to be a great match. Owens, I'm concerned about. I'm very worried that whatever he does will end up falling flat without the title, hell maybe with the title. A grudge match between him and Jericho will be warranted, but unless they drop the silliness and turn it cold blooded serious, it won't work for Mania. And that's going to be hard considering he and Jericho have been nothing short of comedy. I don't think this is the same situation. Styles can carry a main event whenever he damn well pleases, and it might be a good idea to let him go in as Champ. But I have no idea who should carry the Universal title. Not Roman. Unless they just want him booed.
Just put Shane in a ladder match if you want him to wrestle so badly, let him have another big spot there. That's his role anyway.

I mean c'mon... Even if it's not Nakamura (I don't agree with Styles vs Joe), just give him Balor. There's nothing for Balor to do and I'm pretty sure Vince wants Balor badly on the Wrestlemania card. Gallows and Anderson can be the link that's needed to start a feud with these two superstars, even if they are on different brands. Styles vs Balor, that's a worldwide dream match.

The only problem with putting styles against balor would be the brand split and the fact that they don't really want to do inter promotional matches on these big ppv unless they really need to. Their also the fact that it'S not even sure if Balor will be cleared in time for mania anyway but if he his, they would have to find a pretty good reason to make this match because just using gallows and anderson as a reason to do a raw vs smackdown match isn't a great reason.

Finally, if you believe the rumor card that dave meltzer as reported yesterday, Aj is already pencil in against shane mcmahon for mania and they did kinda start the build up on talking smack the last couple of weeks. The plan right now for both guys are to have owens faces jericho for the us title and aj face shane mcmahon. The wwe title is rumored to be randy orton vs bray wyatt and the universal title match will be roman reigns vs the undertaker. SO both guys seem to be already booked in other programs going into mania and both programs aren't with them as champions, so i know that they might change they're minds before mania and make changes but if this card is true, i doubt they would change it this close to mania. The one match that really intrigued me in that rumored card and that i hope it happens is Samoa Joe vs John Cena. It's something new for Cena and with the quality work he'S been doing lately i just want to see if he would match well with joe.

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