A new era begins - SD LD

Matt Hardy gets the crap beat out of him and got a serious head injury. But he's OK enough to show up next week!

What happened to the days when someone took months off after getting a chairshot?
Look at Matt's gut hanging out as he was in position for the Future Shock. :lmao:

Drew McIntyre is now one of my favorite wrestlers.
I'm like 20 minutes behind. Christian just walked out while Edge was cutting a promo. My pants are literally just soiled with semen.
I happen to like Masters.

I'm not watching, so I don't know how he was used. I'm just saying the kid has potential.
Is Serena's hair ever going to grow back?

It was visibly growing back a while ago, but she's since shaved it back off. I personally don't mind. She's gorgeous either way.

On another note, they seriously better not be giving Ziggler the Chavo treatment in the future.
God I love Smackdown. Still the best wrestling show on air, without a doubt. Things should only get better once they move to SyFy.

I have not marked out like I did during that Edge-Christian segment like...in for-fucking-ever. Like I don't even remember the last time I was marking out like that. That was even more awesome than how hard I marked out when CM Punk first won the world title. I've been clamoring and hollering for months that I want Edge and Christian interaction and we finally got it and it delivered. Although it's kind of strange to turn Edge heel again, I prefer it a thousand times to turning Christian heel. Christian is a great face and Edge is a great heel and that's how they should meet up next time they have a match.

God, cannot fucking wait to see how this develops. If they play their cards right, Edge vs. Christian could easily headline a PPV and probably draw a great buyrate too. That's Wrestlemania kind of stuff, maybe Summerslam actually.
Why can't Swagger....swagger?


Yes, working for a homophobic backwards-thinking organization is very impressive.

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